第二篇 活包罗万有、延展无限的基督,不活我们的文化

Living the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ instead of Our Culture



壹 圣经的中心思想乃是:神渴望我们为着召会作为基督的身体,一个新人,而活基督─腓一21上,弗二15~16:

I. The central thought of the Bible is that God desires us to live Christ for the church as the Body of Christ, the one new man—Phil. 1:21a; Eph. 2:15-16:

一 神的心意是要我们被基督所浸透、饱和、充满,并且穿上基督,好叫我们活基督─三17上,加二20,三27,四19。

A. God's intention is that we become saturated, permeated, filled, and clothed with Christ so that we may live Christ—3:17a; Gal. 2:20; 3:27; 4:19.

二 基督徒的生活是基督的信徒活基督并显大基督的生活─腓一20~21上。

B. The Christian life is the life in which the believers of Christ live Christ and magnify Him—Phil. 1:20-21a.

三 活基督乃是活一个人位,就是基督自己─西一27,罗八10:

C. To live Christ is to live a person, Christ Himself—Col. 1:27; Rom. 8:10:

1 我们若要活基督,就必须接受祂作我们的人位,并且与祂成为一个人位;祂与我们必须实际地成为一─林前六17。

1. If we would live Christ, we must take Him as our person and be one person with Him; He and we must be one in a practical way—1 Cor. 6:17.

2 我们若有光,看见基督如何在日常生活中被顶替,就会向主承认我们没有活基督,反而活许多其他的事物,并承认我们凭文化而活,过于凭基督而活─约壹一7。

2. If we have light concerning how Christ is replaced in our daily living, we will confess to the Lord that instead of living Him we live many other things, that we live more by culture than by Christ—1 John 1:7.

四 我们没有活基督,因为我们没有由基督构成;我们由什么构成,就活什么─西三4、10~11,弗三17上。

D. The reason we do not live Christ is that we are not constituted with Christ; what we are constituted with is what we live—Col. 3:4, 10-11; Eph. 3:17a.

贰 对于包罗万有、延展无限的基督与文化相对这件事,我们需要看见,照着圣经完全的启示,神的心意是要在基督里把祂自己作到祂所拣选、救赎并重生的人里面─加一15~16,二20,四19:

II. Concerning the matter of the all-inclusive, extensive Christ versus culture, we need to see that according to the full revelation in the Bible, God's intention is to work Himself in Christ into His chosen, redeemed, and regenerated people—Gal. 1:15-16; 2:20; 4:19:

一 神在宇宙中历世历代中心的工作,祂独一的工作,乃是要在基督里将祂自己作到祂所拣选的人里面,使祂自己与他们成为一─弗三17上,林前六17。

A. God's central work, His unique work, in the universe and throughout all the ages and generations is to work Himself in Christ into His chosen people, making Himself one with them—Eph. 3:17a; 1 Cor. 6:17.

二 神的心意是要将祂自己在基督里彻底地作到我们里面,使祂自己成为我们的内在元素─弗三11、16~19。

B. God's intention is to thoroughly work Himself in Christ into us, making Himself our inward elements—Eph. 3:11, 16-19.

三 为着成就神永远的经纶,神需要在基督里将祂自己建造到我们里面,作我们的生命、性情和构成,使我们在生命和性情上成为神,但无分于神格─撒下七12~14上,罗一3~4,弗三17上,约十四23,西三10~11:

C. For the fulfillment of God's eternal economy, God needs to build Himself in Christ into our being, building Himself in Christ into us as our life, our nature, and our constitution to make us God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead—2 Sam. 7:12-14a; Rom. 1:3-4; Eph. 3:17a; John 14:23; Col. 3:10-11:

1 我们需要神在基督里将祂自己建造到我们内在的构成里,好使我们全人被基督重新构成─弗三17上。

1. We need God to build Himself in Christ into our intrinsic constitution so that our entire being will be reconstituted with Christ—Eph. 3:17a.

2 基督建造召会乃是借着进到我们的灵里,并将祂自己从我们的灵扩展到我们的心思、情感和意志里,以占有我们的全魂─太十六18,弗三17上。

2. Christ builds the church by coming into our spirit and spreading Himself from our spirit into our mind, emotion, and will to occupy our entire soul—Matt. 16:18; Eph. 3:17a.

叁 说基督与文化相对,并不是说我们应该丢弃文化,不带着任何文化而活─西三10~11:

III. In saying that Christ is versus culture, we are not saying that we should drop our culture and live without any culture whatsoever—Col. 3:10-11:

一 没有基督的人,当然需要照着文化而活,因为文化保全、规正并改良人。

A. Those who do not have Christ certainly need to live according to culture, for culture preserves, regulates, and improves people.

二 每一个人在接受包罗万有、延展无限的基督之前,都需要文化。

B. Prior to receiving the all-inclusive, extensive Christ, everyone needs culture.

三 我们接受基督之后,就不该让文化限制基督或拦阻我们经历并享受基督;反之,我们该开始学习照着基督生活,而不照着文化生活─二6~7。

C. After we have received Christ, we should not allow culture to limit Christ or to frustrate us from experiencing and enjoying Christ; rather, we should begin to learn to live according to Christ, not according to culture—2:6-7.

四 小孩在长大时,需要文化和律法─加三23~28:

D. As children are growing up, they need culture and the law—Gal. 3:23-28:

1 孩子在接受基督以前,必须照着文化并在律法之下接受训练─23~24节。

1. Before children receive Christ, they must be trained according to culture and under the law—vv. 23-24.

2 他们接受基督以后,我们可以逐渐地帮助他们从文化转向基督─约一12~13,六57。

2. After they have received Christ, gradually we can help them turn from culture to Christ—John 1:12-13; 6:57.

肆 我们既然接受了基督,就不该让文化成为祂的代替品─西二6,三10~11:

IV. Since we have received Christ, we should not allow culture to become a substitute for Him—Col. 2:6; 3:10-11:

一 每一种文化都与基督相对,基督也与每一种文化相对─11节:

A. Every kind of culture is versus Christ, and Christ is versus every kind of culture—v. 11:

1 任何文化,不论哪一种文化,都是与基督相对的。

1. Any culture, no matter what kind of culture it is, is versus Christ.

2 在基督以外,我们所有的一切,以及每一种人类的产品和发展,都是文化的一部分。

2. Apart from Christ, everything we have and every human product and development are part of culture.

二 那限制对基督的享受,使其无法扩大的因素,乃是文化;我们里面的文化,自然而然地使我们无法真正地经历基督─腓三3~9。

B. The factor that limits the expansion of the enjoyment of Christ is culture; spontaneously, the culture within us keeps us from the real experience of Christ—Phil. 3:3-9.

三 我们的文化拦阻我们经历、享受并活基督,为这缘故,主给我们很重的负担,要所有在主恢复里的圣徒,都实际地学习接受基督作他们的生命和人位,以顶替他们的文化─弗三17上,西三4。

C. Because our culture hinders us from experiencing Christ, enjoying Christ, and living Christ, we are heavily burdened by the Lord that all the saints in the Lord's recovery may learn in a practical way to take Christ as their life and person to replace their culture—Eph. 3:17a; Col. 3:4.

四 在基督里我们有自由将文化摆在一旁,好使我们享受主的度量能扩大;我们里面所有的地位都必须让给基督。

D. In Christ we have the liberty to set aside our culture in order to enlarge our capacity to enjoy the Lord; all the room within us must be given over to Christ.

五 我们里面全部的地位若都让给基督,在我们里面的文化自然而然地就被住在我们里面的基督顶替了─一27,三11。

E. If our entire inward capacity is made available to Christ, spontaneously the culture within us will be replaced by the Christ who dwells in us—1:27; 3:11.

伍 很重要的是,我们必须有异象,看见基督是包罗万有且延展无限的;我们对基督若没有这样的异象,就不该想要丢弃文化─徒二六19,弗一17~23:

V. It is crucial that we see a vision of the all-inclusiveness and extensiveness of Christ; we should not endeavor to drop our culture without such a vision of Christ—Acts 26:19; Eph. 1:17-23:

一 那住在我们里面的基督,不是小的、有限的基督;祂乃是那位不能看见之神的像、神丰满的具体化身以及神经纶的中心点─西一15、18,二2、9~10:

A. The Christ who indwells us is not a small, limited Christ; He is the One who is the image of the invisible God, the embodiment of the fullness of God, and the focal point of God's economy—Col. 1:15, 18; 2:2, 9-10:

1 这样一位基督,现今就住在我们里面,等候机会把祂自己扩展到我们全人里─一27。

1. Such a Christ now dwells in us and is waiting for the opportunity to spread Himself throughout our being—1:27.

2 在我们的日常生活中,这位基督该是一切,我们该活祂,在我们的生活里不给文化任何的地位─腓一21上,西三11。

2. This Christ should be everything in our daily living, and we should live Him, not giving any ground in our living to culture—Phil. 1:21a; Col. 3:11.

二 只要我们看见了包罗万有、延展无限之基督的异象,就该开始把我们的文化背景撇开,不让文化顶替或限制基督─徒九4~5,二六19,腓三7~10:

B. As soon as we see the vision of the all-inclusive, extensive Christ, we should begin to set aside our cultural background and not allow it to replace Christ or restrict Him—Acts 9:4-5; 26:19; Phil. 3:7-10:

1 在我们的生活里,我们不该给文化任何地位。

1. We should not give any ground in our living to culture.

2 反之,我们里面所有的地位都必须让给住在我们里面那包罗万有、延展无限的基督─西一27。

2. Instead, all the room within us should be given over to the all-inclusive, extensive Christ who dwells in us—Col. 1:27.

三 我们若看见这样一位内住、包罗万有、延展无限之基督的异象,就会自然而然地丢弃我们的文化─三10~11:

C. If we see such a vision of the indwelling, all-inclusive, extensive Christ, we will spontaneously drop our culture—3:10-11:

1 从前,基督是被文化顶替,然而一旦我们看见这异象,在我们里面的文化就要被基督顶替─11节。

1. Formerly, Christ was replaced by culture, but once we have seen this vision, the culture within us will be replaced by Christ—v. 11.

2 我们不要试着丢弃我们的文化,只该活基督,基督就要以祂自己顶替我们的文化─腓一21上。

2. Instead of trying to drop our culture, we should simply live Christ, and Christ will replace our culture with Himself—Phil. 1:21a.

四 我们活基督时,自然而然地就脱离了文化,并且我们所凭以活着的基督,就自动地顶替我们的文化;这乃是歌罗西书里的启示─一15、18、27,二2、9~10,三4、10~11。

D. When we live Christ, we are spontaneously delivered from culture, and automatically the Christ by whom we live replaces our culture; this is the revelation in the book of Colossians—1:15, 18, 27; 2:2, 9-10; 3:4, 10-11.
