
第五篇 教训之风的内在因素,为着教训之风邪恶的目的

The Intrinsic Factor of the Winds of Teaching for Their Evil Purpose



壹 使徒的教训乃是神永远经纶唯一、健康的教训─徒二42,提前一3~4,六3,多一9,二1:

I. The teaching of the apostles is the unique and healthy teaching of God’s eternal economy—Acts 2:42; 1 Tim. 1:3-4; 6:3; Titus 1:9; 2:1:

一 使徒的教训乃是新约全部的教训,是神在子里向祂新约子民的说话─来一1~2。

A. The teaching of the apostles is the entire teaching of the New Testament as God’s speaking in the Son to His New Testament people—Heb. 1:1-2.

二 使徒的教训是神新约经纶的唯一神圣启示,从神的成为肉体到新耶路撒冷的终极完成─约一14,启二一2。

B. The teaching of the apostles is the unique, divine revelation of God’s New Testament economy from the incarnation of God to the consummation of the New Jerusalem—John 1:14; Rev. 21:2.

三 使徒的教训是维持同心合意的因素,使我们有一个心、一条路和一个目标─徒一14,二42上、46上,耶三二39。

C. The teaching of the apostles is the holding factor of the one accord, causing us to have one heart, one way, and one goal—Acts 1:14; 2:42a, 46a; Jer. 32:39.

四 我们必须是那些“坚守那按照使徒教训可信靠的话”的人─多一9:

D. We must be those who are “holding to the faithful word, which is according to the teaching of the apostles”—Titus 1:9:

1 众召会是按照使徒的教训建立的,并且遵守使徒的教训;召会的秩序,是凭着那按照使徒教训所教导可信靠的话,得以维持的。

1. The churches were established according to the apostles’ teaching and followed their teaching, and the order of the churches was maintained by the faithful word, which was given according to the apostles’ teaching.

2 我们必须讲使徒那合乎健康教训的话,就是神经纶的教训─二1、7~8,提前一4。

2. We must speak the things that are fitting to the healthy teaching of the apostles, the teaching of God’s economy—2:1, 7-8; 1 Tim. 1:4.

五 使徒们不容许任何与使徒的教训不同的教训;使徒禁止教导“不同的事”─徒二42,提前一3~4:

E. Any teaching that was different from the apostles’ teaching was not allowed by the apostles; teaching “different things” was prohibited—Acts 2:42; 1 Tim. 1:3-4:

1 不同的教训,是指与神经纶不一致的教训─六3。

1. Differing teachings refers to teachings that are not in line with the economy of God—6:3.

2 召会的混乱主要的是由于偏离使徒的教训─徒二42:

2. The disorder in the church is due mainly to deviation from the apostles’ teaching—Acts 2:42:

a 我们要对抗这事,就必须坚守众召会中,按照使徒教训所教导可信靠的话─多一9。

a. To counter this, we must hold to the faithful word taught in the churches according to the apostles’ teaching—Titus 1:9.

b 在黑暗混乱的局面中,我们必须坚守新约里光照并规正的话,就是使徒的教训─徒二42。

b. In a darkened and confused situation, we need to cleave to the enlightening and ordering word in the New Testament—the apostles’ teaching—Acts 2:42.

3 我们必须远避不同的教训,并专注于关于基督与召会之神的经纶─提前一3~4,弗三9,五32。

3. We must avoid differing teachings and concentrate on God’s economy concerning Christ and the church—1 Tim. 1:3-4; Eph. 3:9; 5:32.

六 使徒保罗在各召会中教导同样的事;我们也必须在全地各国的各召会中,教导同样的事─林前四17,七17,参西四16。

F. The apostle Paul taught the same thing in all the churches; we also must teach the same thing in all the churches in every country throughout the earth—1 Cor. 4:17; 7:17; cf. Col. 4:16.

七 使徒职事的健康教训,要点是关于三一神经过过程,将祂自己这包罗万有、赐生命的灵分赐到祂所拣选的人里面,使他们被带进生机的联结里,接受神圣的灌输,因此成为神的众子和基督的众肢体;结果,他们就成为基督的身体彰显基督,就是神的丰满居住在祂里面的那一位─林前十五45下,六17,十二12~13、27。

G. The crucial point of the healthy teaching of the apostolic ministry concerns the Triune God processed to dispense Himself as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit into His chosen ones so that they may be brought into an organic union to receive the divine transfusion and thereby become sons of God and members of Christ; as a result, they can become the Body of Christ to express Christ, the One in whom the fullness of God dwells—1 Cor. 15:45b; 6:17; 12:12-13, 27.

八 使徒们把一切与神新约经纶的独一启示不同的教训看作是教训之风─弗四14。

H. All teachings that are different from the unique revelation of God’s New Testament economy are considered by the apostles as winds of teaching—Eph. 4:14.

贰 我们是基督身体的肢体,不该再“作小孩子,为波浪漂来漂去,并为一切教训之风所摇荡,这教训是在于人的欺骗手法,在于将人引入错谬系统的诡诈作为”─14节:

II. As members of the Body, we should no longer be “little children tossed by waves and carried about by every wind of teaching in the sleight of men, in craftiness with a view to a system of error”—v. 14:

一 “小孩子”指在基督里幼稚、生命不成熟的信徒─林前三1,弗四13、15。

A. Little children refers to those believers who are young in Christ, lacking maturity in life—1 Cor. 3:1; Eph. 4:13, 15.

二 不同的教训、道理、观念和意见之风所吹起的波浪,都是从撒但差来的,要诱惑信徒,将他们从基督与召会带开─提前一3~4,弗四14:

B. The waves are stirred up by winds of different teaching, doctrines, concepts, and opinions sent by Satan to entice the believers in order to carry them away from Christ and the church—1 Tim. 1:3-4; Eph. 4:14:

1 这些是在基督里的小孩子所难以分辨的;要逃避这些教训之风所吹起的波浪,唯一的路就是在生命里长大,而生命长大的路,乃是留在正确的召会生活中,以基督和召会为保护─13~15节。

1. It is difficult for infants in Christ to discern these; the only way to escape from the waves that are stirred up by the winds of teaching is to grow in life, and the safe way to grow in life is to stay in the proper church life with Christ and the church as the safeguard—vv. 13-15.

2 任何使信徒受打岔离开基督与召会的教训,即使是合乎圣经的,都是将他们从神永远定旨带开的风─14节。

2. Any teaching, even a scriptural one, that distracts believers from Christ and the church is a wind that carries them away from God’s eternal purpose—v. 14.

三 我们需要看见教训之风内在的因素─14节:

C. We need to see the intrinsic factor of the winds of teaching—v. 14:

1 内在的因素是隐藏的因素,不是明显的因素。

1. An intrinsic factor is a hidden factor, a factor that is not apparent.

2 我们要看见这内在的因素,就需要正确而敏锐的领会,能透视整个局面。

2. To see this intrinsic factor, we need a proper and sharp understanding that can penetrate into the whole situation.

3 这些教训不同于新约的教训,就是关乎神为着建造基督身体之经纶的教训─提前一3~4,六3:

3. These teachings are different from the New Testament teaching concerning the economy of God for the building up of the Body of Christ—1 Tim. 1:3-4; 6:3:

a 每一种教训之风表面看都非常好;然而,就内在说,这些教训之风里面有些与使徒教训不同的东西,是不好的。

a. Apparently, every wind of teaching is good; however, within the winds of teaching, intrinsically, is something different from the apostles’ teaching and is not good.

b 教训之风倾覆信徒的信心并残害召会生活─提后二18。

b. The winds of teaching overthrow the believers’ faith and devastate the church life—2 Tim. 2:18.

四 成为风的教训把信徒吹离基督与召会这中心的路线,此乃撒但以其狡诈,利用人的欺骗手法所鼓动的骗言,为要阻挠神建造基督身体的永远经纶─弗一10,三9~11,四14、16:

D. The teachings that become winds, carrying the believers away from the central lane of Christ and the church, are deceptions instigated by Satan in his subtlety, with the sleight of men, in order to frustrate God’s eternal economy, which is to build up the Body of Christ—Eph. 1:10; 3:9-11; 4:14, 16:

1 分裂的教训为撒但所组织并系统化,造成严重的错谬,因而破坏基督身体生活实行的一─3节。

1. The dividing teachings are organized and systematized by Satan to cause serious error and thus damage the practical oneness of the Body life—v. 3.

2 欺骗手法是属人的,错谬系统是属撒但的,与那恶者所设计欺诈的教训有关,使圣徒从基督与召会生活岔开─14节,五32。

2. The sleight is of men, but the system of error is of Satan and is related to deceitful teachings that are designed by the evil one to distract the saints from Christ and the church life—v. 14; 5:32.

五 教训之风的目的─仇敌撒但邪恶的目的─是要拦阻基督生机身体的建造,并要分裂基督生机身体的肢体,造成无穷的分裂,却不以爱心和恩慈保守基督身体的一─林前一10~11,犹19。

E. The purpose of the winds of teaching—the evil purpose of the enemy Satan—is to frustrate the building up of the organic Body of Christ and to divide the members of the organic Body of Christ, causing endless divisions instead of keeping the oneness of the Body of Christ in love and kindness—1 Cor. 1:10-11; Jude 19.

六 有关地方召会绝对自治的错误教训已经偷偷进到主的恢复里:

F. The erroneous teaching concerning the absolute autonomy of a local church has crept into the Lord’s recovery:

1 教导地方召会是绝对自治的,乃是分裂基督的身体─罗十二5,十六17。

1. To teach that the local churches are absolutely autonomous is to divide the Body of Christ—Rom. 12:5; 16:17.

2 关于自治的教训已经败坏、误引并诱骗了基督徒,且造成了许多的分裂─犹19。

2. The teaching concerning autonomy has corrupted, misled, and deceived Christians and has created many divisions—Jude 19.

3 召会是基督的身体;既是基督的身体,召会就没有一部分能自治─林前一2,十二12~13。

3. The church is the Body of Christ, and as the Body of Christ, no part of the church can be autonomous—1 Cor. 1:2; 12:12-13.

4 地方召会乃是为着基督身体的出现,也就是基督的身体在一地一地的出现─一2,十二27。

4. The local churches are for the expression of the Body of Christ; they are the manifestation of the Body of Christ in various localities—1:2; 12:27.

5 在我们的考量里,基督的身体应当是第一,地方召会应当是第二─弗二21~22。

5. In our consideration the Body should be first, and the local churches should be second—Eph. 2:21-22.

6 我们若认识基督的身体并对这身体有感觉,就会领悟召会是基督生机的身体,与自治毫不相干。

6. If we know the Body and are conscious of the Body, we will realize that the church as the organic Body of Christ has nothing to do with autonomy.
