
第五篇 因素五:真正的同心合意

The Factor of the Genuine One Accord



壹 在召会里真正的同心合意,乃是实行基督身体的一,就是那灵的一─弗四3~6:

I. The genuine one accord in the church is the practice of the oneness of the Body, which is the oneness of the Spirit—Eph. 4:3-6:

一 从以弗所四章四至六节我们可以看见,我们一的实行,乃是基于召会一的属性:一位灵、一位主、一位神、一个身体、一信、一浸、一个盼望。─引用经文

A. From Ephesians 4:4-6 we can see that our practice of the oneness is based upon the attribute of the oneness of the church: one Spirit, one Lord, one God, one Body, one faith, one baptism, and one hope.

二 在召会里实行真正的同心合意,就是应用一─徒一14,二46。

B. The practice of the genuine one accord in the church is the application of the oneness—Acts 1:14; 2:46.

三 一的实行在于同心合意;当一得以实行时,这一就成为同心合意─十五25:

C. The practice of the oneness is with the one accord; when the oneness is practiced, it becomes the one accord—15:25:

1 在约翰福音里主强调一;但在使徒行传里所强调的是同心合意─约十30,十七11、21~23,徒一14,二46,四24,十五25。

1. In John the Lord emphasized oneness, but in Acts the one accord is emphasized—John 10:30; 17:11, 21-23; Acts 1:14; 2:46; 4:24; 15:25.

2 将福音书与使徒行传分开的界石,乃是那一百二十人中间的同心合意─一14:

2. The landmark that divides the Gospels and the Acts is the one accord among the one hundred and twenty—1:14:

a 他们已经在基督的身体里成为一,在那一里,他们同心合意,坚定持续地祷告─弗四3~6,徒一14。

a. They had become one in the Body, and in that oneness they continued steadfastly with one accord in prayer—Eph. 4:3-6; Acts 1:14.

b 当使徒们和信徒们实行召会生活时,他们乃是同心合意地实行─二46,四24,五12。

b. When the apostles and the believers practiced the church life, they practiced it in one accord—2:46; 4:24; 5:12.

四 同心合意乃是一的心脏,核仁,核心─弗四3,徒四24,罗十五6:

D. The one accord is the heart, the kernel, the nucleus, of the oneness—Eph. 4:3; Acts 4:24; Rom. 15:6:

1 一就像我们的身体,同心合意就像身体里的心脏。

1. Oneness is like the physical body, and one accord is like the heart within the body.

2 我们属灵的病乃像身体里面心脏的病;我们中间的病就是,我们不够同心合意;所以,我们只维持着一种“心”里有病的一。

2. Our spiritual sickness is like a sickness in the heart within the body; the sickness among us is that we do not have the one accord adequately, and thus we maintain oneness with a sick "heart."

贰 同心合意是指在我们内里的所是,我们的心思和意志里的和谐─徒一14:

II. The one accord refers to the harmony in our inner being, in our mind and will—Acts 1:14:

一 在行传一章十四节,希腊字homothumadon,何莫突玛顿,用来指同心合意:─引用经文

A. In Acts 1:14 the Greek word homothumadon is used to signify the one accord:

1 这字由homo,何莫,“相同”,和thumos,突莫斯,“心思、意志、目的(魂、心)”组成,指整个人内里感觉的和谐。

1. The word comes from homo, "same," and thumos, "mind, will, purpose (soul, heart)" and denotes a harmony of inward feeling in one's entire being.

2 我们应该有一样的心思和一样的意志,在魂里和心里有一样的目的;意即我们整个人都包括在内。

2. We should be in the same mind and the same will with the same purpose around and within our soul and heart; this means that our entire being is involved.

二 在马太十八章十九节,希腊字sumphoneo,舒封尼欧,用来表征同心合意:─引用经文

B. In Matthew 18:19 the Greek word sumphoneo is used to signify the one accord:

1 这字的意思是“和谐的,一致的”,指乐器或人发声所产生和谐的声调。

1. The word means "to be in harmony, or accord" and refers to the harmonious sound of musical instruments or voices.

2 信徒中间的同心合意,或内里感觉的和谐,就像一首和谐的乐曲一样。

2. The one accord, or the harmony of inward feeling among the believers, is like a harmonious melody.

3 当我们同心合意时,我们对神就成了一首乐曲;我们成了一篇诗章,不仅是文字的,更是有声音,有音调,有曲调的。

3. When we have the one accord, we become a melody to God; we become a poem not merely in writing but in sound, in voice, in melody.

叁 维持同心合意的因素乃是使徒的教训─徒二42、46:

III. The holding factor of the one accord is the apostles' teaching—Acts 2:42, 46:

一 一的实行─同心合意─是照着使徒的教训─42节。

A. The practice of the oneness—the one accord—is according to the apostles' teaching—v. 42.

二 使徒行传告诉我们,信徒中间有同心合意,并且所有同心合意的人都坚定持续在使徒的教训里。

B. Acts tells us that there was one accord among the believers and that all those who were in one accord continued steadfastly in the apostles' teaching.

三 使徒们在各处,在各召会中,教导众圣徒同样的事─林前四17,七17,十一16,十四34:

C. The apostles taught the same thing to all the saints in all the places and in all the churches—1 Cor. 4:17; 7:17; 11:16; 14:33b-34:

1 我们也必须在全地各国的各召会中,教导同样的事─太二八19~20。

1. We must also teach the same thing in all the churches in every country throughout the earth—Matt. 28:19-20.

2 新约中没有这个思想:一个教训适合一处召会,却不适合其他处召会;反而,新约启示所有的召会在领受教训的事上是一样的─多一9。

2. There is no thought in the New Testament that a teaching is good for one church but not for the other churches; rather, the New Testament reveals that all the churches were the same in receiving the teachings—Titus 1:9.

肆 当我们实行同心合意时,必须学习在一个灵里,同有一个魂─腓一27:

IV. When we practice the one accord, we must learn to be in one spirit with one soul—Phil. 1:27:

一 我们需要转向我们的灵,然后同有一个灵而进到我们的魂里,使我们能同心合意─二2、5,四2。

A. We need to turn to our spirit and then enter into our soul with one spirit that we may be in one accord—2:2, 5; 4:2.

二 我们若要有真正同心合意的因素,就需要“在一样的心思和一样的意见里,彼此和谐”─林前一10,七25、40:

B. If we would have the factor of genuine one accord, we need to "be attuned in the same mind and in the same opinion"—1 Cor. 1:10; 7:25, 40:

1 在地方召会的生活中,使我们无法实现同心合意的难处,乃是我们的意见─太十六22~25,腓二2,四2。

1. The problem in the local church life that keeps us from realizing the one accord is our opinion—Matt. 16:22-25; Phil. 2:2; 4:2.

2 在主的工作里、在召会生活中以及在属灵的生命上,最大的破坏因素就是我们的意见─林前一10~13上。

2. In the Lord's work, in the church life, and in the spiritual life, the greatest damaging factor is our opinion—1 Cor. 1:10-13a.

3 意见乃是黑暗的表记(约十一9~10);每当我们发表和主旨意相反的意见时,那意见就表示我们是在黑暗里行。─引用经文

3. Opinions are a sign of darkness (John 11:9-10); whenever we express an opinion that is contrary to the Lord's will, that opinion signifies that we are walking in darkness.

4 主行事从不根据任何人的意见;祂行事总是照着祂自己的旨意,并且祂不会依照我们的意见(包括照着我们的意见而有的祷告)而被推动─约壹五14~15。

4. The Lord never acts on the basis of anyone's opinion; He always acts according to His own will, and He will never be moved according to our opinion, including a prayer according to our opinion—1 John 5:14-15.

三 同心合意乃是在我们全人里面是一,结果我们在外面的说话上也是一─罗十五5~6:

C. To be in one accord is to be one in our whole being, and this results in our being one in our outward speaking—Rom. 15:5-6:

1 有同一的心思和同一的口,意思是我们只有一个头─基督,因为只有头有心思和口;我们应该以基督的心思来思想,并以头的口来说话─西一18上,腓二2、5,四2。

1. To have one mind and one mouth means that we have only one Head— Christ—because only the Head has a mind and a mouth; we should think with the mind of Christ and speak with the mouth of the Head—Col. 1:18a; Phil. 2:2, 5; 4:2.

2 当我们同心合意时,我们都说一样的话;我们都用同一的口说话。

2. Whenever we are in one accord, we speak the same thing; we speak with one mouth.

3 要有同心合意并同一的口,唯一的路乃是让基督在我们的心里和口里有地位作一切,使神能得荣耀─弗三17上、21。

3. The only way to be with one accord and one mouth is to allow Christ the room to be everything in our heart and in our mouth that God may be glorified— Eph. 3:17a, 21.

伍 同心合意是开启新约中一切福分的万能钥匙─徒一14,弗一3,罗十五29:

V. The one accord is the master key to every blessing in the New Testament— Acts 1:14; Eph. 1:3; Rom. 15:29:

一 我们要宝贝神的祝福,并领悟在召会生活中,一切都在于神的祝福─弗一3。

A. We need to treasure God's blessing and realize that in the church life everything depends on God's blessing—Eph. 1:3.

二 我们都愿意看见众召会得着神所命定的福─诗一三三3。

B. We all want to see the churches receive God's commanded blessing—Psa. 133:3.

三 我们实行召会生活,需要认识使召会蒙受“基督之福的丰满”的路─罗十五29:

C. In our practice of the church life, we need to know the way for the church to be under "the fullness of the blessing of Christ"—Rom. 15:29:

1 我们要领悟神的福只能临到同心合意的光景上,这是很重要的;因为神只会祝福同心合意─徒二46。

1. It is crucial for us to realize that God's blessing can come only upon a situation of one accord, for God will bless only the one accord—Acts 2:46.

2 我们要领受神的祝福,就必须实行一,而实行一的路乃是凭着同心合意─四24,十五25,罗十五6。

2. In order to receive God's blessing, we must practice the oneness, and the way to practice the oneness is by the one accord—4:24; 15:25; Rom. 15:6.
