
第一篇 认识真理,对真理绝对,维持真理的绝对,并在现今邪恶的世代给真理作见证

标 语

We need to know the truth and be absolute for the truth, for upholding the absoluteness of the truth, and for testifying to the truth in the present evil age.
When the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of reality, shines upon the spiritual facts recorded and contained in the Bible, we receive the truth, reality; every morning we can touch the living Word in the written Word and have the divine reality, the processed Triune God as the applied word, infused into our being.
For the consummation of the divine economy, we need to be constituted with the divine truth and be absolute for the way of the divine truth and for the propagation of the divine truth.
The Lord's recovery is the recovery of the light of the truth, and the most urgent need on the earth today is the truth of this age; the increase of the church depends on the spread of the truth, so we all should spend time to learn the truth and minister Christ to others for the multiplication and spread of the church.
