
第六篇 士师记的内在意义和以色列在敬拜神之事上的背道

The Intrinsic Significance of the Book of Judges and the Apostasy of Israel in the Worshipping of God



壹 我们需要认识士师记的内在意义:

I. We need to know the intrinsic significance of the book of Judges:

一 在士师记一章一至二十节,以色列人求问耶和华,这描绘以色列人信靠神的美丽光景;这幅与主是一的美妙图画,预表神与祂子民生机的联结,乃是接续约书亚记里以色列人最初进入美地时的一,如约书亚六章所描绘的─民二七21,撒上二二10,二三9~10,撒下二1。

A. Israel's inquiring of Jehovah in Judges 1:1-20 describes the beautiful scene of Israel's trusting in God; this marvelous picture of oneness with the Lord, prefiguring the organic union of God with His people, is a continuation of the oneness in the book of Joshua when the people of Israel first entered into the good land as described in Joshua 6—Num. 27:21; 1 Sam. 22:10; 23:9-10; 2 Sam. 2:1.

二 按照旧约全面的观点,神在西乃山娶了以色列为妻─出二十6注1:

B. According to the full scope of the Old Testament, at Mount Sinai God married Israel—Exo. 20:6, footnote 2:

1 在神的观念和愿望里,祂要作以色列的丈夫,也要以色列作祂的妻子,在这美妙的婚姻联结中,活在与祂最亲密的接触里。

1. In His concept and desire, God wanted to be a Husband to Israel, and He wanted Israel to be a wife to Him, living in the most intimate contact with Him in this marvelous marriage union.

2 撒母耳在写历史书时,将士师记放在约书亚记之后,给我们看见以色列对她的丈夫是过怎样的生活。

2. In writing the books of history, Samuel put Judges after Joshua to show us the kind of life Israel lived toward her Husband.

3 如士师记所揭示,以色列无心作耶和华的妻子;她离弃作她丈夫的神,与别神行了邪淫,向这些神跪拜─二11~13、17,三7,八33,十6,参耶十一13,结十六25~26,何一2,二2。

3. As unveiled in Judges, Israel did not have a heart to be the wife of Jehovah; rather, she forsook God as her Husband and went about as a harlot after other gods and worshipped them—2:11-13, 17; 3:7; 8:33; 10:6; cf. Jer. 11:13; Ezek. 16:25-26; Hosea 1:2; 2:2.

三 在士师记一章一至二十节犹大和迦勒的记事之后,本书所记载以色列的历史,满了淫妇的腐烂败坏:─引用经文

C. After the account of Judah and Caleb in Judges 1:1-20, Israel's history as recorded in this book is full of the rottenness and corruption of a harlot:

1 约书亚记是一卷满了以色列在耶和华面前奇妙地战胜迦南居民的历史书;士师记却是一卷满了以色列离弃耶和华,在仇敌手下悲惨失败的历史书。

1. Whereas Joshua is the book of Israel's history full of marvelous victories over the inhabitants of Canaan in the presence of Jehovah, Judges is the book of Israel's history full of miserable defeats under their enemies in the forsaking of Jehovah.

2 这就是士师记的内在意义。

2. This is the intrinsic significance of the book of Judges.

四 士师记的内容包括以色列人信靠神,离弃神,遭仇敌击败,在悲惨的情形中向神悔改,借着士师得蒙拯救,其后又渐渐败坏;这成为士师记里重复七次的循环─一1~2,二11~三11。

D. The content of Judges consists of the children of Israel trusting in God, forsaking God, being defeated by their enemies, repenting to God in their misery, being delivered through the judges, and again becoming corrupted; this became a cycle repeated seven times in Judges—1:1-2; 2:11—3:11.

贰 士师记二章一节说到耶和华的使者─五23,民二二22:

II. Judges 2:1 speaks of the Angel of Jehovah—5:23; Num. 22:22:

一 耶和华的使者就是神自己,在祂神圣的三一里作仆人服事祂的选民─参来一14。

A. The Angel of Jehovah is God Himself in His Divine Trinity serving His elect as a Servant—cf. Heb. 1:14.

二 三一神的具体化身是基督,基督就是耶和华的使者,作为旧约里行动的耶和华,照顾以色列人─出三2注1。

B. The embodiment of the Triune God is Christ, and Christ is the Angel of Jehovah, who took care of Israel as Jehovah in action in the Old Testament—Exo. 3:2, footnote 1.

三 基督是耶和华的使者,意思就是神在祂神圣的三一里指派并托付祂自己,采取行动照顾祂的子民。

C. For Christ to be the Angel of Jehovah means that God has appointed and commissioned Himself in His Divine Trinity to act in caring for His people.

四 因为以色列没有作正确的妻子,这位作以色列丈夫、元首和王的耶和华,就成了祂妻子的仆人:

D. Because Israel did not act as a proper wife, the very Jehovah who was the Husband, the Head, and the King of Israel became a Servant to His wife:

1 耶和华来到妻子这里,不是作丈夫、元首或王,乃是作耶和华的使者,就是耶和华所差遣者─亚二9~11。

1. Jehovah came to her not as a Husband, Head, or King but as the Angel of Jehovah, who was sent by Jehovah—Zech. 2:9-11.

2 既然以色列没有将耶和华当作元首,祂就作仆人服事以色列;祂在士师记二章一至三节里对以色列的话不是责备或命令,乃是一个仆人的劝戒。─引用经文

2. Since Israel did not regard Jehovah as the Head, He became a Servant to serve her; His word to Israel in Judges 2:1-3 was not a rebuke or a command but the admonition of a servant.

叁 士师记十七至十八章启示以色列在敬拜神之事上的背道:

III. Judges 17 and 18 reveal the apostasy of Israel in the worshipping of God:

一 背道的意思就是离开神的道路,而走别的道路,跟从神以外的事物;背道就是在耶稣基督的名下,在敬拜神的掩饰下,为自己作事─徒九2,十八26,彼后二2、15、21,犹11,士十八30~31。

A. Apostasy means to leave the way of God and to take another way to follow things other than God, and it is to do things for the self under the name of Jesus Christ and under the cloak of worshipping God—Acts 9:2; 18:26; 2 Pet. 2:2, 15, 21; Jude 11; Judg. 18:30-31.

二 “米迦这人有了神堂,又制造以弗得和家中的神像,叫他一个儿子承接圣职作他的祭司”─十七5:

B. "The man Micah had a house of gods; and he made an ephod and teraphim, and consecrated one of his sons to become his priest"—17:5:

1 米迦的家是神堂,有偶像(作基督的顶替品)、以弗得(代表神的权柄)以及雇用的祭司(代表圣品阶级与平信徒制度─7~13),这描绘今天基督徒中间在敬拜神的事上背道的情形。─引用经文

1. The house of Micah as a house of gods, with its idols (as replacements of Christ), its ephod (representing the authority of God), and its hired priest (representing the clergy-laity system, vv. 7-13), portrays the apostate situation related to the worship of God among Christians today.

2 米迦的母亲将东西献给神,但她献给神的东西搀杂着拜偶像的酵(1~4);基督教里也有同样的搀杂与背道的光景存在。─引用经文

2. Micah's mother offered something to God, but her offering was mixed with the leaven of idolatry (vv. 1-4); the same mixture and apostate situation exists in Christianity.

3 我们可将米迦的“神堂”这幅图画(5),应用于基督教的情形。─引用经文

3. We may apply the picture of Micah's "house of gods" (v. 5) to the situation of Christianity.

4 今天的基督教有许多米迦的“神堂”;罗马天主教、国教、各宗各派和许多独立团体都是米迦的“神堂”,满了偶像,作基督的顶替品。

4. Today's Christianity has many "houses of Micah"; the Roman Catholic Church, the state churches, the denominations, and many of the independent groups are "houses of Micah," full of idols as replacements of Christ.

三 “但人就为自己设立那雕像”,并且“神的殿在示罗多少日子,但人为自己设立米迦所制作的雕像也有多少日子”─十八30~31:

C. "The children of Dan erected for themselves the sculptured idol," and they "set up the sculptured idol that Micah had made the whole time that the house of God was in Shiloh"—18:30-31:

1 但的背道乃是设立分裂的敬拜中心─十七9~10,十八27~31,王上十二26~31。

1. The apostasy with Dan was the setting up of a divisive center of worship—17:9-10; 18:27-31; 1 Kings 12:26-31.

2 但作为小狮子,为得更多地土(表征基督)争战,但得胜成功之后,成了骄傲、单独并独立的─申三三22,书十九47,士十八27~31。

2. Dan fought as a young lion to gain more land (signifying Christ), but after being successful and victorious, he became proud, individualistic, and independent—Deut. 33:22; Josh. 19:47; Judg. 18:27-31.

3 这些但人所得着的,使他们骄傲并独立,不愿服从主所命定的─1~31节,申十二5、8:

3. What the Danites gained made them proud and independent, unwilling to submit to what the Lord had ordained—vv. 1-31; Deut. 12:5, 8:

a 但因着很成功,就变得骄傲并单独;他只关心自己,不关心别人─三三22,士十八27~31。

a. Because Dan was successful, he became proud and individualistic; he cared only for himself, not for others—33:22; Judg. 18:27-31.

b 但背道的源头乃是不关心别的支派;不关心基督身体其他的部分,乃是背道的源头。

b. The source of Dan's apostasy was in not caring for the other tribes; not caring for other parts of the Body is the source of apostasy.

4 在整个以色列历史中,没有一件事比但设立分裂的敬拜中心这个背道的事,更有罪、更损害神的百姓─创四九16~18,申三三22,士十八1、30~31。

4. Nothing throughout the history of Israel was more sinful or more damaging to God's people than Dan's apostasy in setting up a divisive center of worship—Gen. 49:16-18; Deut. 33:22; Judg. 18:1, 30-31.

5 每一个分裂的中心,都是为着某个人的私利设立的;这样的作法不仅引起分裂,也引起争竞─1、13~31节,创四九16~18,申三三22:

5. Every divisive center is set up for someone's self-interest; such a practice causes not only division but also competition—vv. 1, 13-31; Gen. 49:16-18; Deut. 33:22:

a 帐幕在示罗,在但却有雕像─书十八1。

a. The tabernacle was in Shiloh, and the graven image was in Dan—Josh. 18:1.

b “神的殿在示罗多少日子,但人为自己设立……所制作的雕像也有多少日子”─士十八31,撒上一3。

b. "They set up the sculptured idol…the whole time that the house of God was in Shiloh"—Judg. 18:31; 1 Sam. 1:3.

6 在基督教的历史里,有过许多的“但人”,他们不愿意服在别人之下,反而设立了另外的敬拜中心─士十八1、13~31。

6. In the history of Christianity there have been many "Dans," who were not willing to submit to others but set up another center of worship—Judg. 18:1, 13-31.

7 防止落到背道中,最好的路是顾到整个身体,并且顾到主一个工作中独一的见证─林前十17,十二12、27。

7. The best way to be safeguarded from falling into apostasy is to care for the entire Body and the Lord's unique testimony in the Lord's one work—1 Cor. 10:17; 12:12, 27.

四 圣经很强的预言,主回来以前,在祂的子民中间有很重大背道的事─帖后二3:

D. There is a strong prophecy in the Bible that before the Lord's coming back there will be a great apostasy among His people—2 Thes. 2:3:

1 要先有背道的事,主来临的日子才会来临─2~3节。

1. The day of the Lord's coming will not come unless the apostasy comes first—vv. 2-3.

2 这背道的事,就是从圣经所启示神经纶的正路背离─提前一4,弗一10,三9。

2. This apostasy will be a falling away from the straight way of God's economy as revealed in the Scriptures—1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 1:10; 3:9.

3 甚至今天在一些基督徒中间,也有一种离开新约正路的倾向─彼后二15。

3. Even today there is a tendency among some Christians to leave the straight way of the New Testament—2 Pet. 2:15.

五 彼得后书的背景和负担是背道的事─就是偏离神真理的正路─二1:

E. The background and burden of 2 Peter is apostasy—a deviation from the right track of God's truth—2:1:

1 背道的事将信徒从神的经纶岔到那迷惑人的哲学,属人的逻辑里─西二8。

1. The apostasy distracted the believers from the economy of God by leading them into the human logic of puzzling philosophies—Col. 2:8.

2 背道者的教训不是引导信徒有分于赐人生命的生命树,乃是引导他们有分于带进死亡的知识树─创二9、16~17,林后十一2~3、12~15。

2. The teachings of the apostates did not lead the believers to partake of the tree of life, which gives life, but to participate in the tree of knowledge, which brings in death—Gen. 2:9, 16-17; 2 Cor. 11:2-3, 12-15.

3 彼得对付背道的事所用的抗毒剂,乃是生命的供备和真理的启示─彼后一3~21:

3. The antidotes used by Peter in dealing with apostasy are the provision of life and the revelation of truth—2 Pet. 1:3-21:

a 在三至十一节,彼得用那为着正当基督徒生活之神圣生命的供备,预防背道的事。─引用经文

a. In verses 3 through 11 Peter used the provision of the divine life for the proper Christian life to inoculate against the apostasy.

b 在十二至二十一节,他用神圣真理的启示,预防背道中的异端─二1注3。

b. In verses 12 through 21 he used the revelation of the divine truth to inoculate against the heresy in the apostasy—2:1, footnote 3.

4 因着今日的基督教满了背道,主需要一个恢复─恢复生命和真理─约一4,八12,十10下,十四6,启二4、15。

4. Because today's Christianity is filled with apostasy, the Lord needs a recovery—the recovery of life and truth—John 1:4; 8:12; 10:10b; 14:6; Rev. 2:4, 15.

六 今天,在背道的时候,我们需要见证神纯正话语完全的启示,并需要为着神的话里所启示更深的真理争战,这些真理包括:

F. Today, in a time of apostasy, we need to testify the full revelation of the pure Word of God and to fight for the deeper truths revealed in the Word of God, including:

1 关于神永远经纶的启示─弗一10,三9。

1. The revelation concerning the eternal economy of God—Eph. 1:10; 3:9.

2 关于神圣三一的启示─林后十三14,启一4~5。

2. The revelation concerning the Divine Trinity—2 Cor. 13:14; Rev. 1:4-5.

3 关于包罗万有之基督的身位与工作的启示─西二9、16~17,三11。

3. The revelation concerning the person and work of the all-inclusive Christ—Col. 2:9, 16-17; 3:11.

4 关于终极完成的赐生命之灵的启示─约七39,林前十五45下,启二二17。

4. The revelation concerning the consummated life-giving Spirit—John 7:39; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rev. 22:17.

5 关于神永远生命的启示─约三15~16。

5. The revelation concerning the eternal life of God—John 3:15-16.

6 关于基督的身体(就是神的召会)的启示─弗一22~23,林前十二12~13、27,十32。

6. The revelation concerning the Body of Christ, which is the church of God—Eph. 1:22-23; 1 Cor. 12:12-13, 27; 10:32.
