
第七篇 神兴起底波拉作以色列的士师并作以色列的母,她实行女人对男人的服从,以守住神的定命,并将全以色列带进正确的等次,服在神的作王和作头之下

God's Raising Up of Deborah as a Judge of Israel and as a Mother in Israel Who Practiced the Female Submission to the Man in Order to Keep God's Ordination and Bring All of Israel into a Proper Order under God's Kingship and Headship



壹 士师记表明,以色列人因着厌弃神作他们的王,而得罪了神;我们若厌弃神作我们的王、我们的主、我们的头和我们的丈夫,这在神眼中是大恶,极大的恶事─撒上八7,十二17、19,士二一25,十七6,路十九11~14,耶十一13,结十六24:

I. The book of Judges shows that Israel had offended God by rejecting Him as their King; it is a great wickedness, a great evil, in the sight of God if we reject Him as our King, our Lord, our Head, and our Husband—1 Sam. 8:7; 12:17, 19; Judg. 21:25; 17:6; Luke 19:11-14; Jer. 11:13; Ezek. 16:24:

一 我们该不断接受、经历并享受基督作我们的王、我们的主、我们的头和我们的丈夫,使祂成为我们的祝福,也使我们对众圣徒和众召会成为祝福的管道─太二2,约一49,来七2,赛三二1~2,三三22,腓二9~11,罗十四6~9,林后四5,西二19,弗一22~23,林后十一2~3,何二19~20,民六23~27,诗一二八5,四八2。

A. We should continually take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our King, our Lord, our Head, and our Husband so that He can be our blessing to make us a channel of blessing to the saints and all the churches—Matt. 2:2; John 1:49; Heb. 7:2; Isa. 32:1-2; 33:22; Phil. 2:9-11; Rom. 14:6-9; 2 Cor. 4:5; Col. 2:19; Eph. 1:22-23; 2 Cor. 11:2-3; Hosea 2:19-20; Num. 6:23-27; Psa. 128:5; 48:2.

二 马太一章一节说到基督是“大卫的子孙〔直译,儿子〕,亚伯拉罕〔的〕子孙〔直译,儿子〕”:

B. Matthew 1:1 speaks of Christ as "the son of David, the son of Abraham":

1 因着我们背叛,我们需要悔改,接受基督作为大卫的子孙,就是作我们的权柄,作我们的主宰者和君王,好使祂能在神的国里,在我们里面并在我们身上掌権。

1. Because we are rebels, we need to repent and receive Christ as the son of David, that is, as our authority, as our Sovereign and King, so that He may rule in us and over us in God's kingdom.

2 我们若有基督作大卫的子孙(儿子),更大的所罗门,也就会有祂作亚伯拉罕的子孙(儿子),真以撒;这就是说,我们越接受基督作我们的君王(大卫的子孙),我们就越在祂的掌权之下;我们越在祂的掌权之下,我们也就越享受祂作我们的祝福(亚伯拉罕的子孙);这就是经过过程、终极完成为包罗万有之灵的三一神之福─1节,加三14、16、29。

2. If we have Christ as the son of David, the greater Solomon, we will also have Him as the son of Abraham, the real Isaac; this means that the more we take Christ as our King (the son of David), the more we are under His ruling, and the more we are under His ruling, the more we enjoy Him as our blessing (the son of Abraham); this is the blessing of the processed Triune God consummated as the all-inclusive Spirit—v. 1; Gal. 3:14, 16, 29.

3 这会使我们对圣徒成为祝福的管道,使他们得到信仰上的进步(生命的长大)和喜乐(对基督的享受);我们已经蒙召要祝福别人,所以我们这些蒙福的人该一直祝福别人,好叫我们承受福分─腓一25,彼前三9。

3. This will cause us to become channels of blessing for the saints' progress (their growth in life) and for their joy of the faith (their enjoyment of Christ); we have been called to bless others, so we, as a blessed people, should always bless others that we may inherit blessing—Phil. 1:25; 1 Pet. 3:9.

贰 神兴起底波拉作以色列的士师,她实行女人对男人的服从,以守住神的定命,并将全以色列带进正确的等次,服在神的作王和作头之下─士四~五:

II. God raised up Deborah as a judge of Israel who practiced the female submission to the man in order to keep God's ordination and bring all of Israel into a proper order under God's kingship and headship—Judg. 4—5:

一 以笏死后,以色列人又行耶和华眼中看为恶的事(四1),所以耶和华把以色列人交付于迦南王耶宾手中,他的军长是西西拉;他有铁车九百辆,他大大欺压以色列人二十年之久─2~3节上。

A. The children of Israel again did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah after Ehud died (4:1), so Jehovah sold Israel into the hand of Jabin the king of Canaan, the captain of whose army was Sisera; he had nine hundred iron chariots, and he oppressed Israel severely for twenty years—vv. 2, 3b.

二 在士师记四章的时候,以色列人在神命定的领头功用上失败了;这迫使神作不寻常、不平常的事,兴起一个女人底波拉作以色列的士师;这样一个女人的兴起,改变了整个以色列的光景─4~5节。

B. At the time of Judges 4, the men of Israel had failed in their God-ordained function of leadership; this forced God to do something extraordinary and unusual in raising up a female, Deborah, as a judge of Israel; the raising up of such a female changed the entire condition of Israel—vv. 4-5.

三 以色列人哀求耶和华(3下),女申言者底波拉就被兴起,作以色列的士师;她常坐在底波拉棕树下,以色列人都上她那里去听判断(4~5)。─引用经文

C. The children of Israel cried out to Jehovah (v. 3a), and Deborah, a prophetess, was raised up as a judge of Israel; she would sit under the palm of Deborah, and the children of Israel went up to her for judgment (vv. 4-5).

四 在圣经里,正确的女人指明服从神,守住神定命的人;这是以色列在作他们的王、他们的主、他们的头和他们的丈夫之神面前该采取的地位,但以色列违反神的定命,离开他们作神妻子的地位,离弃神,转向众多的偶像;这将以色列带到悲惨的情况和光景里:

D. In the Bible a proper female indicates one who is in submission to God, one who keeps God's ordination; this is the position that Israel should have taken before God as her King, her Lord, her Head, and her Husband, but Israel violated God's ordination, leaving her position as God's wife and forsaking Him for hundreds of idols; this brought Israel into a miserable situation and condition:

1 参孙从母腹里就作拿细耳人,共作一生之久;拿细耳人要任由发绺长长,表征他要一直服从主的作头,如此就有能力─民六5,士十六17,林前十一3~6、10、15。

1. Samson was a Nazarite from his mother's womb for the full course of his life; the Nazarite was to let his hair grow long, signifying that he was to remain in subjection to the Lord's headship, wherein is power—Num. 6:5; Judg. 16:17; 1 Cor. 11:3-6, 10, 15.

2 但大利拉天天用话催逼他,要他将能力的秘诀告诉她,甚至“他魂里烦得要死”(士十六16);因着撒但折磨的计谋,参孙就落在他的网罗里,他的头发被大利拉剃除,他就被非利士人捉住,失去拿细耳人的奉献,失去能力,失去分别为圣的见证,失去神的同在(但七25)。─引用经文

2. But Delilah pressed him with her words every day and urged him to tell her the secret of his power until "his soul was tired to death" (Judg. 16:16); because of Satan's wearing-out tactics, Samson fell into Satan's snare, his hair was shaved by Delilah, and he was captured by the Philistines, losing his Nazarite consecration, his power, his testimony of sanctification, and God's presence (Dan. 7:25).

3 那些接受不同且错谬的教训,认为信徒不该服从神所指派之代表权柄的人,就被这教训所破坏;我们(尤其是已婚的姊妹─弗五22~24)该有服从的灵、地位、气氛和意愿;你若是这样的人,这对你和你的将来都有很大的祝福。─引用经文

3. Those who accept the different and wrong teaching that the believers should not submit to deputy authorities appointed by God will be spoiled by this teaching; with us (especially with the married sisters—Eph. 5:22-24), there should be a submissive spirit, standing, atmosphere, and intention; if you are such a person, there will be a great blessing for you and for your future.

五 我们读士师记五章里底波拉所作的歌,就能看见她满了能力、才干、眼光和远见;但这样卓越、有才干的人非常服从;神使她作首领,但她守住正确的等次,以巴拉为她的遮盖─四6~9,参林前十一3~6、10。

E. By reading Deborah's song in Judges 5, we can see that she was full of ability, capacity, insight, and foresight, but such an excellent and capable person was very submissive; God made her the leader, yet she kept the proper order and took Barak as her covering—4:6-9; cf. 1 Cor. 11:3-6, 10.

六 底波拉领悟她需要一个男人作她的遮盖;正如保罗在林前十一章三节说到:“基督是各人的头,男人是女人的头,神是基督的头。”

F. Deborah realized that she needed a man to be her covering; as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:3: "Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ."

七 当这卓越不凡的妇人领头实行女人对男人的服从,全国就进入绝佳、正确的等次;众首领统率,众百姓跟随,军队就形成了;每个人都回到他们在耶和华面前正确的地位上。

G. When this excellent, extraordinary woman took the lead to practice the female submission to the man, the entire country came into an excellent and proper order; all the leaders took the lead, all the people followed, and the army was formed; everyone returned to his or her proper position before Jehovah.

八 因此,底波拉在她的歌里能说,“以色列中有首领统率,百姓也甘心奉献自己,你们应当颂赞耶和华。……那时有余剩的贵胄下来;耶和华的百姓与我一同下来攻击勇士”─士五2、13。

H. Thus, Deborah could say in her song, "That the leaders took the lead in Israel, /That the people have willingly offered themselves, /Bless Jehovah… /Then a remnant of the nobles went down; /The people of Jehovah went down with me against the mighty"—Judg. 5:2, 13.

九 召会中的姊妹们第一且最大的功用,乃是服从;如果姊妹们能学习这个功课,召会就必刚强、丰富且得更新:

I. The first and greatest function of the sisters in the church is to be submissive; if the sisters can learn this lesson, the church will be strong, enriched, and renewed:

1 要服从就需要有生命的供应、恩典的享受、十字架的作工以及否认己。

1. To be submissive requires the supply of life, the enjoyment of grace, the working of the cross, and the denial of the self.

2 满有基督的人就满有服从;主一生都是服从的,祂给了我们服从和顺从的生命─腓二5~11,来五7~9。

2. Those who are filled with Christ are filled with submission; the Lord, who was submissive throughout His life, has given us His life of submission and obedience—Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 5:7-9.

3 一个姊妹肯嫁给一个弟兄,就是说她乐意把自己摆在这里说,“我肯服从”;如果一个姊妹心中没有打算要服从一个人,就别作他的妻子,别嫁给他─弗五22~23,彼前三1~6。

3. For a sister to marry a brother means that she is willing to offer herself up and say, "I am willing to submit"; if a sister has never intended in her heart to submit to the one whom she intends to marry, she should not be his wife and should not marry him—Eph. 5:22-23; 1 Pet. 3:1-6.

叁 底波拉不仅兴起作以色列的士师,也作以色列的母─士五7:

III. Deborah rose up not only as a judge of Israel but also as a mother in Israel—Judg. 5:7:

一 当召会生活在实行上达到顶峰时,每个召会都该有一些真实的母亲;在罗马十六章十三节保罗说,“问在主里蒙拣选的鲁孚和他母亲,也就是我的母亲安”:

A. When the church life in practicality reaches a peak, there should be some real mothers in every church; in Romans 16:13 Paul says, "Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother as well as mine":

1 使徒保罗需要一位母亲;没有一位姊妹作母亲来照顾那些背负事奉主担子的人,他们就很可悲了;我们都需要属灵的母亲来照顾,她们的照顾乃是我们真实的滋养和我们真实的保护。

1. The apostle Paul needed a mother; without a sister as a mother to take care of them, all of those who bear the burden for the Lord's service would be sorrowful; we all need the care of spiritual mothers, whose care is our real nourishment and our real protection.

2 保罗有属灵的母亲,指明在罗马的召会生活里的圣徒,借着基督的钉十字架与复活有了生命的转换;有生命的转换最好的路乃是跟随保罗的榜样,他定意不知道别的,只知道包罗万有的基督,并这位钉十字架的─林前二2。

2. Paul's having a spiritual mother indicates that the saints in the church life in Rome had a life transfer through the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ; the best way to have a life transfer is by following the pattern of Paul, who did not determine to know anything but the all-inclusive Christ, and this One crucified—1 Cor. 2:2.

二 约翰福音是一卷讲生命的书,不是讲天然的生命,而是讲转换并变化过的生命;本来约翰不是马利亚的儿子,马利亚也不是约翰的母亲,但凭着基督释放生命的死,凭着祂分赐生命的复活,并凭着祂与他们生命的联结,祂所爱的门徒就能与祂是一而成为祂母亲的儿子,祂母亲也能成为祂所爱之门徒的母亲─十九26~27。

B. The Gospel of John is a book on life, not on the natural life but on the transferred and transformed life; originally, John was not Mary's son, and Mary was not John's mother, but by Christ's lifereleasing death, by His life-dispensing resurrection, and by His life union with them, His beloved disciple could be one with Him and become the son of His mother, and she could become the mother of His beloved disciple—19:26-27.

三 我们的第一种关系是在肉身里面,但第二种是在灵里,就是在转换过的生命里面;因着我们有第二次出生(三6),我们定规有第二种关系,与真实的姊妹和真实的母亲有第二种家庭关系。─引用经文

C. Our first relationship is in the f lesh, but the second is in the spirit, that is, in the transferred life; because we have the second birth (3:6), surely we have the second relationship, the second family relationship with the real sisters and the real mothers.

四 姊妹们若操练祷告和信心的灵,作真实的母亲(林后四13),她们就会晓得自己是多么自私,多么在自己里面;有好的属灵儿女会暴露她们到极点;再者姊妹们会借着照顾一些属灵的儿女而在生命里长大成熟。─引用经文

D. If the sisters exercise their spirit of prayer and faith to be real mothers (2 Cor. 4:13), they will realize how selfish they are and how much they are in themselves; having good children in the spirit will expose them to the uttermost; furthermore, the sisters will grow and mature in life by taking care of some spiritual children.

五 如果姊妹们真爱主,并且在主的恢复里对召会生活认真,就必须看自己是服事的护士,召会的护士,在召会这真正的医院中护理看顾;所有的姊妹们都必须凭着祷告作服事的姊妹,并凭着爱这极超越的路作慈爱的母亲,好在属灵生活和召会生活上帮助有需要者和年幼者;这是得着祝福、长大、属灵并对主真正的享受最好的路─罗十六1~2、13,赛六六12~13,林前十二31下,十三4~7。

E. If the sisters love the Lord and mean business to be for the church life in the Lord's recovery, they need to consider themselves as serving nurses, as church nurses, who give nursing care in the church as a true hospital; all the sisters need to be serving sisters by prayer and loving mothers by the most excellent way of love in order to help the needy ones and the younger ones in their spiritual life and church life; this is the best way to receive the blessing, the growth, the spirituality, and the real enjoyment of the Lord—Rom. 16:1-2, 13; Isa. 66:12-13; 1 Cor. 12:31b; 13:4-7.

肆 圣经说,那时在神百姓中间,有“心中定大志的”,也有“心中设大谋的”─士五15~16:

IV. The Bible says that at that time among God's people, there were "great resolutions in heart," and there were "great searchings of heart"—Judg. 5:15-16:

一 定大志是作一个决断,设大谋是定一个计划,要向主活并活出主,为着祂现今的恢复,建造祂的身体,预备祂的新妇,并引进祂国度的实现─林后五14~15,罗十四7~9,启十九7~9。

A. To have a great resolve is to make a firm decision, and to have a great searching is to devise a plan to live to the Lord and to live out the Lord for His up-to-date recovery in the building up of His Body, the preparation of His bride, and the ushering in of His kingdom in its manifestation—2 Cor. 5:14-15; Rom. 14:7-9; Rev. 19:7-9.

二 当李弟兄于一九四三年受日本宪兵迫害期间,主给了他一个梦,梦里他看见天亮了,像清晨黎明一样,前面是一条康庄大道,非常明亮平直,并且宽广无限;这就是主恢复的康庄大道,旭日东升,并无限无量的前途─参箴四18。

B. As Brother Lee was in the process of being oppressed by the Japanese military police in 1943, the Lord gave him a dream in which he saw the day dawn, like the dawning in the morning, with a broad highway, very bright, very straight, and stretching on boundlessly; this is the broad highway, the rising sun, and the boundless future of the Lord's recovery—cf. Prov. 4:18.

三 我们需要渴望并祷告要像底波拉在她的歌末了所描述的那些人,这歌荣耀地结束于:“愿爱你的人如日头出现,光辉烈烈”─士五31:

C. We need to aspire and pray to be like those whom Deborah describes at the end of her song, which concludes in a glorious way: "May those who love Him be like the sun /When it rises in its might"—Judg. 5:31:

1 日头出现,光辉烈烈,意思就是日头明亮、灿烂、荣耀的照耀;众召会若经历定大志,设大谋,以及如日头出现而照耀,就必定享受主作他们的得胜。

1. For the sun to rise in its might means that it shines brightly, brilliantly, and gloriously; if all the churches would experience the resolutions, the searchings, and the rising up to shine like the sun, they surely would enjoy the Lord as their victory.

2 被医治的基督作为公义的日头重新构成的得胜者,要在他们父的国里,发光如同太阳─玛四2,路一78~79,太十三43。

2. The overcomers who are reconstituted with the healing Christ as the Sun of righteousness will shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their Father—Mal. 4:2; Luke 1:78-79; Matt. 13:43.
