
第十篇 路得拣选她的目标,使用她的权利,寻找她的安息,并得着赏赐来为着神的经纶

Ruth's Choosing for Her Goal, Exercising Her Right, Seeking for Her Rest, and Receiving a Reward for God's Economy



壹 士师记是一卷以色列惨痛历史的书,黑暗而腐臭;路得记是士师记的附录,记载一对夫妇佳美的故事,明亮而芬芳;这故事里的主角─路得─犹如荆棘中长出的百合花,又如黑夜里明亮的星─得一~四。

I. Judges is a book of Israel's miserable history, dark and foul; Ruth, as an appendix to the book of Judges, is the record of a couple's excellent story, bright and aromatic; the main character in this story, Ruth, is like a lily growing out of brambles and a bright star in the dark night—Ruth 1—4.

贰 路得记一章说到以利米勒偏离神经纶中的安息(1~2),拿俄米归回神经纶中的安息(3~7、19~22),以及路得拣选她的目标(8~18):─引用经文

II. Chapter 1 of the book of Ruth speaks of Elimelech's swerving from the rest in God's economy (vv. 1-2), Naomi's returning to the rest in God's economy (vv. 3-7, 19-22), and Ruth's choosing for her goal (vv. 8-18):

一 路得记是一卷安息的书;安息日的安息,就是基督作我们的安息,由迦南美地所预表─申十二9,来四8~9:

A. Ruth is a book of rest; the Sabbath rest is Christ as our rest, typified by the good land of Canaan—Deut. 12:9; Heb. 4:8-9:

1 神在第七日安息了,因为祂达到了祂所愿望的;神的心愿是要在地上得着人在祂的形像上彰显祂,并有祂的管治权代表祂─创一26~28,罗八28~29,林后三18,罗五17、21,启五9~10,二二5。

1. God rested on the seventh day because He had attained what He desired; the desire of God's heart is to have man on earth expressing Him in His image and representing Him with His dominion—Gen. 1:26-28; Rom. 8:28-29; 2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 5:17, 21; Rev. 5:9-10; 22:5.

2 在旧约里,美地是安息,因为圣殿能建造在那里;圣殿是以色列人进入美地终极的完成;神有了圣殿,就能为着祂的国度、管理和行政,得着祂的彰显和代表─王上八1~11。

2. In the Old Testament the good land was a rest because the temple could be built there; the temple was the ultimate consummation of the entering into the good land by the children of Israel; with the temple God could have His expression and His representation for His kingdom, government, and administration—1 Kings 8:1-11.

3 基督作众圣徒的安息,分为三个阶段:

3. Christ is rest to the saints in three stages:

a 在召会时代,属天的基督,就是那彰显、代表并满足了神的一位,歇了一切的工,坐在诸天之上神的右边,现今在我们灵里是我们的安息;祂作我们的安息,乃是我们完全的平安和完满的满足─太十一28~29。

a. In the church age the heavenly Christ, the One who has expressed, represented, and satisfied God and who rests from His work and sits at the right hand of God in the heavens, is the rest to us in our spirit; as our rest, He is our perfect peace and full satisfaction—Matt. 11:28-29.

b 在千年国里,撒但从地上除去之后(启二十1~3),神要因基督和得胜的圣徒,而得着彰显、代表并满足;然后基督连同国度,将是得胜圣徒更完满的安息,他们要与基督一同作王(4、6),有分于并享受祂的安息。─引用经文

b. In the millennial kingdom, after Satan has been removed from the earth (Rev. 20:1-3), God will be expressed, represented, and satisfied by Christ and the overcoming saints; then Christ with the kingdom will be the rest in a fuller way to the overcoming saints, who will be co-kings with Him (vv. 4, 6) and share and enjoy His rest.

c 在新天新地里,所有的仇敌,包括最后的仇敌,死,都被基督征服之后(林前十五24~27),祂这位全胜者,将是神所有赎民最完满的安息,直到永远。─引用经文

c. In the new heaven and new earth, after all the enemies, including death, the last enemy, have been made subject to Him (1 Cor. 15:24-27), Christ, as the all-conquering One, will be the rest in the fullest way to all of God's redeemed for eternity.

二 以利米勒离开美地,意思是他偏离了神经纶中的安息,使自己与神的经纶断绝;他从犹大(美地最好的部分─创四九8~10,出三8下,申八7~10)的伯利恒(要来之基督的出生地─弥五2,路二4~7),偏离到摩押这拜偶像之地(士十6)。─引用经文

B. For Elimelech to leave the good land meant that he was swerving from the rest in God's economy, thus cutting himself off from God's economy; he swerved from Bethlehem, the birthplace of the coming Christ (Micah 5:2; Luke 2:4-7), in Judah, the top part of the good land (Gen. 49:8-10; Exo. 3:8b; Deut. 8:7-10), to Moab, a country of idolatry (Judg. 10:6).

三 拿俄米回到圣地,就是从摩押这拜偶像之地回到犹大这以马内利之地(赛八8),到了伯利恒这基督出生之地(得一19上、22下);她带着她的儿媳路得回来;路得是神赐给她的,为着完成神关于基督的经纶(22上)。─引用经文

C. Naomi's returning to the Holy Land was her returning to the rest in God's economy from Moab, the country of idolatry, to Judah, the land of Immanuel (Isa. 8:8) to arrive at Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ (Ruth 1:19a, 22b); she returned with Ruth, her daughter-in-law given to her by God for the accomplishing of His economy concerning Christ (v. 22a).

四 路得所拣选的目标,乃是与神的选民一同有分于对基督的享受;她成为基督重要的先祖,有助于将基督生到人类里;这乃是她拣选神和神的国,使神关于基督的经纶得以完成─太一5~6。

D. Ruth chose the goal of participating with God's elect in the enjoyment of Christ, and she became an important ancestor of Christ, one who helped bring forth Christ into mankind; this was her choosing God and His kingdom for the carrying out of God's economy concerning Christ—Matt. 1:5-6.

叁 路得记二章说到路得这位从异邦背景归向神的人,使用她的权利,好有分于神选民产业的丰富出产:

III. Chapter 2 of the book of Ruth speaks of Ruth, as one who had returned to God from her heathen background, exercising her right to partake of the rich produce of the inheritance of God's elect:

一 路得按着她那寄居者、穷人和寡妇的三重身份,使用她的权利,拾取收割时所遗落的;她拾取麦穂不是她的乞讨,乃是她的权利。

A. According to her threefold status as a sojourner, a poor one, and a widow, Ruth exercised her right to glean the harvest; her gleaning was not her begging but her right.

二 关于收割庄稼的事,神的条例乃是:以色列人若将田角和收割时所遗落的留给穷人、寄居的和孤儿寡妇,耶和华就要赐福与他们─利二三22,十九9~10,申二四19。

B. God's ordinance concerning the reaping of the harvest was that Jehovah would bless the children of Israel if they left the corners of their fields and the gleanings for the poor, the sojourners, the orphans, and the widows—Lev. 23:22; 19:9-10; Deut. 24:19.

三 波阿斯顺从这条例,由此见证他对耶和华大有信心;在神的主宰权柄之下,这条例似乎是为路得一人写的。

C. Boaz obeyed this ordinance, thereby testifying to his great faith in Jehovah; under God's sovereignty, this ordinance seems to have been written for one person—Ruth.

四 路得来到美地以后,就有权利享受那地的出产;照样,我们信入基督以后,也有权利享受祂作我们的美地;路得使用她的权利,得着并据有美地的出产,这表征我们信入基督,在我们与祂“联合”的灵里(罗八16,林前六17)与祂有生机的联结之后,就必须开始追求基督,以得着、据有、经历并享受祂(腓三7~16)。─引用经文

D. Just as Ruth had the right to enjoy the produce of the good land after coming into the land, so we have the right to enjoy Christ as our good land after believing into Him; Ruth's exercising of her right to gain and possess the produce of the good land signifies that, after believing into Christ and being organically joined to Him in our "joined" spirit (Rom. 8:16; 1 Cor. 6:17), we must begin to pursue Christ in order to gain, possess, experience, and enjoy Him (Phil. 3:7-16).

五 路得记描绘罪人有分于基督并享受基督的路、地位、资格和权利;照着神的定命,我们信入基督的人有资格和地位,可以支取我们享受基督的权利(西一12,启二7,二二14)。─引用经文

E. The book of Ruth portrays the way, the position, the qualification, and the right of sinners to participate in Christ and to enjoy Christ; according to God's ordination, we who have believed into Christ have been qualified and positioned to claim our right to enjoy Christ (Col. 1:12; Rev. 2:7; 22:14).

六 路得记这个故事是可爱、感人、折服人并征服人的;在二章这芬芳的故事里,含示四个预表:

F. As a narration, the book of Ruth is lovely, touching, convincing, and subduing; in the aromatic story in chapter 2, four types are implied:

1 波阿斯大有财富(1),预表基督富于神的恩典(林后十二7~9)。─引用经文

1. Boaz, rich in wealth (v. 1), typifies Christ, who is rich in the divine grace (2 Cor. 12:7-9).

2 神应许之美地的田(得二2~3),预表包罗万有的基督,祂是一切属灵神圣出产的源头,作神选民的生命供应(腓一19~21上)。─引用经文

2. The field of the God-promised good land (Ruth 2:2-3) typifies the all-inclusive Christ, who is the source of all the spiritual and divine products for the life supply of God's elect (Phil. 1:19-21a).

3 大麦和小麦(得二23)预表基督是作成神和祂子民食物的材料(利二,约六9、33、35)。─引用经文

3. Barley and wheat (Ruth 2:23) typify Christ as the material for making food for both God and His people (Lev. 2; John 6:9, 33, 35).

4 路得这摩押女子,是与神的应许隔绝的异邦罪人(申二三3,参弗二12),竟然得着权利有分于神选民收割时所遗落的,这预表外邦的“狗”得着特权,有分于神选民儿女的分落在桌子下的碎渣(太十五21~28与27注1)。─引用经文

4. Ruth, a Moabitess, a heathen sinner alienated from God's promises (Deut. 23:3; cf. Eph. 2:12), being given the right to partake of the gleanings of the harvest of God's elect typifies the Gentile "dogs" who are privileged to partake of Christ as the crumbs under the table of the portion of God's elect children (Matt. 15:21-28 and footnote 1 on v. 27).

肆 路得记三章说到路得寻找她的安息:

IV. Chapter 3 of the book of Ruth speaks of Ruth's seeking for her rest:

一 “路得的婆婆拿俄米对她说,女儿啊,我不当为你找个安身之处,使你享福么?”─1节:

A. "Naomi, her [Ruth's] mother-in-law, said to her, My daughter, I must seek some resting place for you, that it may go well with you"—v. 1:

1 拿俄米知道,作路得丈夫合式的人,乃是波阿斯;因此,拿俄米充当“中间人”,以促成路得结婚。

1. Naomi realized that the proper person to be Ruth's husband was Boaz; hence, Naomi acted as a "middleman" in order to prod Ruth to get married.

2 真正的新约执事就像拿俄米,激动在基督里的信徒爱祂,以祂作新郎,好接受祂作丈夫─林后十一2,启十九7,二一9~10。

2. The genuine ministers of the New Testament are like Naomi in that they stir up the believers in Christ to love Him as their Bridegroom that they may take Him as their Husband—2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 19:7; 21:9-10.

3 我们得着安息唯一的路乃是接受基督作我们的丈夫;我们必须认识祂是我们的丈夫并接受祂作我们的丈夫,活在与祂最亲近、最密切的接触里─林前二9,参十六22。

3. The only way for us to have rest is to take Christ as our Husband; we must know Him as our Husband and take Him as our Husband, living in the closest and most intimate contact with Him—1 Cor. 2:9; cf. 16:22.

4 我们若嫁给基督,以祂为我们的丈夫,我们的生活就要改变;我们会领悟,我们必须有妻子的贞洁,并且会学习如何享受基督作我们的生命和人位,与祂在一里行事为人─林后二10。

4. If we marry Christ, taking Him as our Husband, our life will be changed; we will realize that we must have a wife's fidelity, and we will learn how to enjoy Christ as our life and our person, walking and behaving in oneness with Him—2 Cor. 2:10.

二 路得来到美地,使用她的权利享受美地丰富的出产后,还需要一个家使她得着安息;这样的安息只能借着婚姻而得:

B. After coming to the good land and exercising her right to enjoy its rich produce, Ruth still needed a home so that she could have rest; this kind of rest could come only through marriage:

1 虽然我们得救并爱主,但我们若要得着一个家作我们的安息,就必须嫁给主耶稣,以祂为我们的丈夫,以召会为我们的家,在其中与祂一同生活─罗七4,林后十一2,弗五25~27。

1. Although we may be saved and love the Lord, in order to have a home for our rest we must marry the Lord Jesus, taking Him as our Husband, and live together with Him in the church as our home—Rom. 7:4; 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:25-27.

2 基督作我们的丈夫,召会作我们的家,合起来乃是一个完整的单位,使我们得着正确、充分的安息(32)。─引用经文

2. Christ as our Husband and the church as our home are a complete unit for us to have a proper and adequate rest (v. 32).

三 从马太一章五至六节和十六节的观点看,路得寻找她的安息,实际上是为着家谱的延续,以带进基督。─引用经文

C. Considered in the light of Matthew 1:5-6 and 16, Ruth's seeking for her rest was actually for the continuation of the genealogy to bring in Christ.

四 波阿斯告诉路得:“我实在是你的亲人,只是还有一个亲人比我更近”─得三12:

D. Boaz told Ruth, "I am a kinsman, yet there is a kinsman closer than I"—Ruth 3:12:

1 在本节,路得丈夫的第一个亲人,就是路得最近的亲人,预表我们天然的人,不能也不愿把我们从旧人的债务(罪)里赎回(四1~6)。─引用经文

1. In this verse the first kinsman of Ruth's husband, Ruth's closest kinsman, typifies our natural man, who cannot and will not redeem us from the indebtedness (sin) of our old man (4:1-6).

2 波阿斯,路得丈夫的第二个亲人,预表基督,祂有分于血肉之体(来二14),成为我们的亲人,能救赎我们脱离罪,恢复我们在神创造里天然之人所失去的权利,在祂与我们神圣生机的联结里作我们的新丈夫,并娶我们作祂的配偶,使祂得着扩增(得四7~13)。─引用经文

2. Boaz, the second kinsman of Ruth's husband, typifies Christ, who partook of blood and flesh (Heb. 2:14) to be our Kinsman and who can redeem us from our sin, recover the lost right of our natural man in God's creation, be our new Husband in His divine organic union with us, and take us as His counterpart for His increase (Ruth 4:7-13).

伍 路得记四章说到路得得着赏赐,来为着神的经纶:

V. Chapter 4 of the book of Ruth speaks of Ruth's receiving a reward for God's economy:

一 路得得着赏赐为着神的经纶,其中一部分是赢得一位赎她的丈夫;这丈夫预表基督是救赎信徒的丈夫;如今我们这些在基督里的信徒有一位丈夫,祂是我们永远、现在和每日的救赎主,搭救我们,拯救我们,救拔我们,脱离一切的难处。

A. As part of her reward for God's economy, Ruth gained a redeeming husband, who typifies Christ as the redeeming Husband of the believers; now as believers in Christ, we have a Husband who is our eternal, present, and daily Redeemer, rescuing us, saving us, delivering us, from all our troubles.

二 除了赢得赎她的丈夫以外,路得也清偿已死丈夫所负的债(1~9);这预表信徒蒙救赎,脱离他们旧人的罪:─引用经文

B. In addition to gaining a redeeming husband, Ruth was redeemed from the indebtedness of her dead husband (vv. 1-9); this typifies the believers being redeemed from the sin of their old man:

1 照着罗马六章六节与七章二至四节,这已死的丈夫,就是我们的旧丈夫,乃是我们的旧人;神造我们作祂的妻子,但我们背叛了祂;我们丢弃祂,并且擅自取了作丈夫的地位。─引用经文

1. According to Romans 6:6 and 7:2-4, the dead husband, our old husband, is our old man; God created us to be His wife, but we rebelled against Him; we gave Him up and assumed the position of a husband for ourselves.

2 我们罪恶的丈夫用许多债务缠累我们;但在我们嫁给基督那天,我们得着了一位丈夫,祂是我们全能、无所不能的救赎主;我们都需要基督作我们这样的丈夫,并且该习惯地来到祂面前,简单地说,“主耶稣,我需要你。”

2. Our sinful husband encumbered us with many debts, but on the day we married Christ, we received a Husband who is our almighty, omnipotent Redeemer; we all need Christ to be such a Husband to us, and we should habitually come to Him and simply say, "Lord Jesus, I need You."

三 路得所得着赏赐的另一方面,是她成为基督家谱中重要的先祖,带进大卫的王室,为着产生基督(得四13下~22,太一5~16);这指明她所赢得的,是包罗万有、延展无限的,使她有地位、有资格将基督带到人类中;因此,在将基督带到地的每一角落这条联线上,她是重要的环节。─引用经文

C. Another aspect of Ruth's reward is that she became a crucial ancestor in the genealogy to bring in the royal house of David for the producing of Christ (Ruth 4:13b-22; Matt. 1:5-16); this indicates that she had an all-inclusive and all-extensive gain with the position and capacity to bring Christ into the human race; she is thus a great link in the chain that is bringing Christ to every corner of the earth.

四 路得不仅成为家谱中重要的先祖,为着产生基督,她也延续神所创造的人类这条线,使基督能成为肉体;基督的成为肉体,乃是将祂从永远里带到时间里,并将祂的神性带到人性里:

D. Ruth not only became a crucial ancestor in the genealogy for the producing of Christ, but she also continued the line of the God-created humanity for the incarnation of Christ; the incarnation of Christ was a matter of His being brought out of eternity into time and with His divinity into humanity:

1 我们基督徒生活的每一天,都该是基督成为肉体的延续,有基督生出来,好借着我们将基督作为那灵供应给人,使祂生到他们里面─林后三6。

1. Every day of our Christian life should be a continuation of Christ's incarnation, with Christ being brought forth in order to be born into others through our ministering Christ as the Spirit into them—2 Cor. 3:6.

2 若要这事发生,我们都需要为基督说话,说出基督,并且将基督说到人里面;这样供应基督,必然会以新陈代谢的方式改变我们和我们所照顾的人,使我们变化成为祂的形像─18节,四1。

2. In order for this to happen, we all need to speak for Christ, to speak forth Christ, and to speak Christ into others; ministering Christ in this way will surely change us, and the ones for whom we care, in a metabolic way for our transformation into His image—v. 18; 4:1.
