
第二篇 活在神圣三一里(一)住在基督这真葡萄树里

Living in the Divine Trinity (1) Abiding in Christ as the True Vine



壹 我们需要看见活在神圣三一里并与神圣三一同活的实际经历─约十四20、26,十五26,林后十三14,弗二18,三16~17:

I. We need to see the practical experience of living in and with the Divine Trinity—John 14:20, 26; 15:26; 2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 2:18; 3:16-17:

一 约翰福音是一卷说到活在神圣三一里并与神圣三一同活的书─十五1、4~5。

A. The Gospel of John is a book on living in and with the Divine Trinity—15:1, 4-5.

二 在书信里,特别是在保罗所写的书信里,有许多关于活在神圣三一里并与神圣三一同活之真理的解释。

B. The truth concerning living in and with the Divine Trinity is greatly expounded in the Epistles, especially in those written by Paul.

三 在书信里,我们能看见活在神圣三一里并与神圣三一同活的一切实行和细节。

C. In the Epistles we can see all the practicalities and details of living in and with the Divine Trinity.

四 我们需要被带到活在神圣三一里并与神圣三一同活的经历中。

D. We need to be brought into the experiences of living in the Divine Trinity and with the Divine Trinity.

贰 主耶稣在约翰十五章告诉我们,祂是葡萄树,我们是葡萄树的枝子─5节:

II. The Lord Jesus told us in John 15 that He is the vine and that we are the branches of the vine—v. 5:

一 我们既是葡萄树的枝子,就当住在祂里面;这样,祂就要住在我们里面─4~5节。

A. As the branches of the vine, we should abide in Him; then He will abide in us—vv. 4-5.

二 住在基督里,就是活在基督里,而活在基督里,就是活在神圣三一里─太二八19,林前一30。

B. To abide in Christ is to live in Christ, and to live in Christ is to live in the Divine Trinity—Matt. 28:19; 1 Cor. 1:30.

三 有基督住在我们里面,就是有三一神活在我们里面;这就是与神圣三一同活─约十五4~5,罗八11,林后十三14。

C. To have Christ abide in us is to have the Triune God living in us; this is to live with the Divine Trinity—John 15:4-5; Rom. 8:11; 2 Cor. 13:14.

四 我们住在祂里面时,就活在祂里面;我们有祂住在我们里面时,就与祂同活─约十五4~5、7。

D. When we abide in Him, we live in Him, and when we have Him abide in us, we live with Him—John 15:4-5, 7.

叁 我们借着住在基督这真葡萄树里而活在神圣三一里─1、5节:

III. We live in the Divine Trinity by abiding in Christ as the true vine—vv. 1, 5:

一 真葡萄树连同其枝子─子基督连同在子里的信徒─乃是神圣经纶中三一神的生机体,因神的丰富而长大,并彰显祂的生命─提前一4,弗三9,约十五1、5:

A. The true vine with its branches—Christ the Son with the believers in the Son—is the organism of the Triune God in the divine economy to grow with His riches and express His life—1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 3:9; John 15:1, 5:

1 作子表号之真葡萄树的功能,乃是使三一神得着在子里的生机体,使祂在神圣的生命里得着繁增、扩展和荣耀─8、16节。

1. The function of the true vine as a sign of the Son is for the Triune God to have an organism in the Son for His multiplication, spreading, and glorification in His divine life—vv. 8, 16.

2 父神作为栽培的人是源头和建立者;子神是中心、具体化身和显出;灵神是实际和实化;而枝子是身体,是团体的彰显─1、4~5、26节:

2. The Father as the husbandman is the source and the founder; God the Son is the center, the embodiment, and the manifestation; God the Spirit is the reality and realization; and the branches are the Body, the corporate expression—vv. 1, 4-5, 26:

a 父所是和所有的一切都具体化身在子基督里,然后实化在那灵里成为实际─十六13~15。

a. All that the Father is and has is embodied in Christ the Son and then realized in the Spirit as the reality—16:13-15.

b 那灵所有的一切都作到我们这些枝子里,并要借着我们得着彰显与见证;这样,经过过程的三一神就在召会中得着彰显、显出和荣耀─弗三16~21。

b. All that the Spirit has is wrought into us, the branches, to be expressed and testified through us; in this way the processed Triune God is expressed, manifested, and glorified in the church—Eph. 3:16-21.

二 作为葡萄树的枝子,我们需要住在葡萄树里─约十五4~5:

B. As branches of the vine, we need to abide in the vine—John 15:4-5:

1 当我们相信主耶稣的时候,祂就分枝到我们里面,我们也就成为在祂里面的枝子─三15。

1. When we believed in the Lord Jesus, He branched into us, and we became branches in Him—3:15.

2 在主里面是联合的事,住在主里面是交通的事─林前一9、30。

2. To be in the Lord is a matter of union; to abide in the Lord is a matter of fellowship—1 Cor. 1:9, 30.

3 我们住在基督这葡萄树里,在于我们看见清楚的异象:我们乃是葡萄树上的枝子;一旦我们看见自己是葡萄树上的枝子,就需要维持我们与主之间的交通─约十五2。

3. Our abiding in Christ as the vine depends on seeing a clear vision that we are branches in the vine; once we see that we are branches in the vine, we need to maintain the fellowship between us and the Lord—John 15:2.

4 基督徒的生活乃是住在主里面的生活─约壹二24、27~28,四13:

4. The Christian life is a life of abiding in the Lord—1 John 2:24, 27-28; 4:13:

a 住在主里面就是与主成为一灵─林前六17。

a. To abide in the Lord is to be one spirit with Him—1 Cor. 6:17.

b 我们住在基督里面,是祂住在我们里面的条件─约十五4上、5上。

b. Our abiding in Christ is the condition of His abiding in us—John 15:4a, 5a.

三 我们需要住在主里面,住在子里面,住在父里面,住在神里面─约壹二6、24,三22~24:

C. We need to abide in the Lord, in the Son, in the Father, and in God—1 John 2:6, 24; 3:22-24:

1 住在基督里,就是住在主里面─二6:

1. To abide in Christ is to abide in the Lord—2:6:

a 主是拥有一切的那一位,祂管理一切,运用祂的主权主宰一切的人与事─启一5。

a. The Lord is the One who possesses all things, rules over all things, and exercises His sovereignty over all things and all people—Rev. 1:5.

b 我们是活在这位宇宙的主里─弗一20~23。

b. We are living in the One who is the Lord of the universe—Eph. 1:20-23.

2 住在子里面,关系到基督的儿子名分─太三17,十七5:

2. To abide in the Son concerns the sonship of Christ—Matt. 3:17; 17:5:

a 子是有父的生命同父的性情,以彰显父的那一位─约五26。

a. The Son is the One who possesses the Father's life with the Father's nature to express the Father—John 5:26.

b 当我们住在子里面时,我们就享受我们父的生命和性情,以及彰显祂并享受祂一切产业的权利─弗一14。

b. When we are abiding in the Son, we enjoy our Father's life and nature and the right to express Him and enjoy all His possessions—Eph. 1:14.

3 我们也住在父里面,祂在每一面、每一事上都顾到我们─约壹二24:

3. We are also abiding in the Father, who takes care of us in every way and in everything—1 John 2:24:

a 当我们住在子里面,我们就是住在父里面,因为子与父是一─23~24节。

a. When we abide in the Son, we abide in the Father because the Son and the Father are one—vv. 23-24.

b 当我们活在三一神里时,我们乃是作众子活着─来二10。

b. When we are living in the Triune God, we are living as sons—Heb. 2:10.

4 我们该是住在神里面的人─约壹三24:

4. We need to be those who are abiding in God—1 John 3:24:

a 住在神里面,就是有在神儿子里的信,并有神的爱以爱众弟兄─23节。

a. To abide in God is to have the faith in the Son of God and to have the love of God to love all the brothers—v. 23.

b 我们住在神里面,是由于神的灵;我们和神、父、子、主、基督之间的连结,乃是那灵─22~24节。

b. We abide in God by the Spirit of God; the link between us and God, the Father, the Son, the Lord, and Christ is the Spirit—vv. 22-24.

四 我们凭膏油涂抹所教导的,住在三一神里面─二27:

D. We abide in the Triune God by the teaching of the anointing—2:27:

1 膏油涂抹是内住复合之灵(也就是包罗万有、赐生命之灵)的运行和工作─20节,林前十五45,林后三6。

1. The anointing is the moving and the working of the indwelling compound Spirit, the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit—v. 20; 1 Cor. 15:45; 2 Cor. 3:6.

2 我们借着经历主血的洗净,并应用膏抹的灵到我们内里的所是里,就住在与基督神圣的交通里─约十五4~5,约壹一5、7,二20、27。

2. We abide in the divine fellowship with Christ by experiencing the cleansing of the Lord's blood and the application of the anointing Spirit to our inner being—John 15:4-5; 1 John 1:5, 7; 2:20, 27.

3 元首基督是受膏者也是施膏者,我们是祂的肢体,享受祂作内里的膏油涂抹─林后一21~22。

3. Christ as the Head is the anointed One and the anointing One, and we are His members enjoying Him as the inner anointing—2 Cor. 1:21-22.

4 膏油涂抹乃是在我们里面复合之灵的运行和工作,将神涂抹到我们里面,使我们被神浸透,据有神,并领会神的心思;膏油涂抹借着生命内里的感觉、内里的知觉,将基督这身体的头的心思,交通给祂的肢体─诗一三三,林前二16,罗八6、27。

4. The anointing, as the moving and working of the compound Spirit within us, anoints God into us so that we may be saturated with God, possess God, and understand the mind of God; the anointing communicates the mind of Christ as the Head of the Body to His members by the inner sense, the inner consciousness, of life—Psa. 133; 1 Cor. 2:16; Rom. 8:6, 27.

5 那灵膏油涂抹的教训,乃是生命内里的感觉─徒十六6~7,林后二13。

5. The teaching of the anointing of the Spirit is an inner sense of life—Acts 16:6-7; 2 Cor. 2:13.

6 如果我们天然的生命受十字架的对付,顺从基督的元首权柄,活出身体的生命来,我们就有那灵的膏抹,我们就能享受身体的交通─弗四3~6、15~16。

6. If our natural life is dealt with by the cross and if we submit to the headship of Christ and live the Body life, we will have the Spirit's anointing and enjoy the fellowship of the Body—Eph. 4:3-6, 15-16.
