
第三篇 活在神圣三一里(二)活在神圣三一里─借着享受基督作生命的供应,借着活基督以显大祂,并借着我们灵里主耶稣的恩典

Living in the Divine Trinity (2) Living in the Divine Trinity by Enjoying Christ as Our Life Supply, by Living Christ for His Magnification, and by the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ in Our Spirit



壹 我们借着享受基督作生命的供应,而活在神圣三一里:

I. We live in the Divine Trinity by enjoying Christ as our life supply:

一 主在复活那天将自己作为圣灵(圣气)吹入祂的门徒里面(约二十22);现今我们能不断接受是灵的基督作为神的气,使祂能借着我们呼求祂的名,对我们成为丰富的(哀三55~56,创四26,罗十12~13,诗歌二一〇首);我们也能吸入圣经,神的话,就是神的呼出(提后三16);因着祂所说的话是生命之灵的具体化,我们借着操练灵接受祂的话时,就得着是生命的那灵(约六57、63)。─引用经文

A. The Lord breathed Himself as the Holy Spirit (the Holy Breath) into His disciples on the day of His resurrection (John 20:22); now we can continually receive the pneumatic Christ as the breath of God so that He can become rich to us by our calling upon His name (Lam. 3:55-56; Gen. 4:26; Rom. 10:12-13; Hymns, #255); we can also inhale the Scripture, the word of God, as the breathing out of God (2 Tim. 3:16); because His spoken words are the embodiment of the Spirit of life, when we receive His words by exercising our spirit, we get the Spirit, who is life (John 6:57, 63).

二 神在祂经纶里的心意,是要作活水的泉源、源头,满足祂的选民,作他们的享受,目标是要产生召会,作神的扩增,神的扩大,好成为神的丰满,使祂得着彰显─耶二13,哀三22~24,林前一9:

B. God's intention in His economy is to be the fountain, the source, of living waters to satisfy His chosen people for their enjoyment, with the goal of producing the church as God's increase, God's enlargement, to be God's fullness for His expression—Jer. 2:13; Lam. 3:22-24; 1 Cor. 1:9:

1 我们饮于在复活里的一位灵,就使我们成为基督身体的肢体,将我们建造为基督的身体,并预备我们成为基督的新妇─十二13,启二二17,约四14下。

1. Our drinking of the one Spirit in resurrection makes us members of the Body, builds us up as the Body, and prepares us to be the bride of Christ—12:13; Rev. 22:17; John 4:14b.

2 我们向着主、借着主、为着主、在主里且同着主说话并歌唱,以高举主且不断地在主里喜乐,就从救恩的泉源欢然取水─诗四六4,赛十二3~6。

2. We can joyously draw water from the springs of salvation by speaking and singing to the Lord, by the Lord, for the Lord, in the Lord, and with the Lord to exalt the Lord and to rejoice in the Lord in a continuing way—Psa. 46:4; Isa. 12:3-6.

3 我们操练常与主说话,就能享受主作我们属灵的饮料,我们自然而然就会活基督─民二十8,腓四6~7、12。

3. We can enjoy the Lord as our spiritual drink by practicing to speak with Him constantly; then spontaneously, we will live Christ—Num. 20:8; Phil. 4:6-7, 12.

三 我们能吃基督作我们属灵的食物而因祂活着(约六57);吃基督乃是吃祂的话,借着运用我们的灵来祷读并默想主的话,使祂的话成为我们心中的欢喜快乐(耶十五16,诗一一九15~16,书一8~9);“因”基督活着(不仅是靠基督活着),意思是基督加力的元素成为供应的因素,使我们活基督。─引用经文

C. We can eat Christ as our spiritual food in order to live because of Him (John 6:57); to eat Christ is to eat His words by exercising our spirit to both pray-read and muse upon His words so that His words become the gladness and joy of our heart (Jer. 15:16; Psa. 119:15-16; Josh. 1:8-9); to live not only by but also "because of" Christ means that the energizing element of Christ becomes the supplying factor for us to live Christ.

贰 我们借着耶稣基督之灵全备的供应活基督以显大祂,而活在神圣三一里─腓一19~21上:

II. We live in the Divine Trinity by living Christ for His magnification by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ—Phil. 1:19-21a:

一 信徒借着耶稣基督之灵全备的供应活基督;耶稣基督之灵,就是基督作为那分赐生命的灵─19节,林前十五45下,林后三6:

A. The believers live Christ by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ; the Spirit of Jesus Christ is the Christ who is the life-dispensing Spirit—v. 19; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:6:

1 这全备的供应包含神性、人性、钉死、复活、升天、神圣属性和人性美德。

1. This bountiful supply includes divinity, humanity, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, the divine attributes, and the human virtues.

2 我们的所作所为并全部的生活,都该是凭着耶稣基督之灵全备的供应而有的─腓一19。

2. Everything we do and all our living should come about by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ—Phil. 1:19.

3 我们在神圣三一的神圣分赐之下,就自然而然地在里面得着基督的供应,而活出彰显基督的生活─20~21节上。

3. Under the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, we will spontaneously receive the supply of Christ within and will live a life that expresses Christ—vv. 20-21a.

二 保罗的一切生活和工作,都不是为着彰显他自己,表现他的学问、才干或其他的优点特长;他所是所为,都是为彰显基督,甚至使基督得着显大─20节,三3~10,林后四5。

B. All of Paul's life and work were not for expressing himself or for displaying his knowledge, his ability, or his other merits and strong points; what he was and what he did were for expressing Christ, even for magnifying Christ—v. 20; 3:3-10; 2 Cor. 4:5.

三 在使徒的身体受苦时,基督得着显大,也就是显示或宣扬为大(没有限量)、得着高举、得着称赞─腓一20:

C. In the apostle's suffering in his body, Christ was magnified; that is, He was shown or declared to be great (without limitation), exalted, and extolled—Phil. 1:20:

1 使徒的受苦给他机会,彰显基督无限的伟大─徒九16,林后六4,十一23,西一24。

1. The apostle's sufferings afforded him opportunity to express Christ in His unlimited greatness—Acts 9:16; 2 Cor. 6:4; 11:23; Col. 1:24.

2 在任何境遇下显大基督,就是经历基督而有最高的享受─腓一18,四23。

2. To magnify Christ under any circumstances is to experience Him with the topmost enjoyment—Phil. 1:18; 4:23.

3 当保罗被囚在罗马监狱的时候,他显大基督,使基督在囚禁他的人眼中显为大;不论环境如何,保罗总是满了喜乐,他一直在主里喜乐─一4、18、25,二2、17~18、28~29,三1,四1、4。

3. As Paul was held captive in a Roman prison, he magnified Christ, making Him to appear great in the eyes of his captors; regardless of the circumstances, Paul was full of joy and rejoicing in the Lord—1:4, 18, 25; 2:2, 17-18, 28-29; 3:1; 4:1, 4.

4 保罗在喜乐中一直让基督从他身上照耀出来,一直在彰显基督,这乃是宣告基督无限的伟大,并宣告基督是取用不竭的─弗三8、18,参赛九6。

4. Paul's shining forth and expressing Christ in his joy were a declaration of the unlimited greatness of Christ and a declaration that Christ is inexhaustible—Eph. 3:8, 18; cf. Isa. 9:6.

四 活基督以显大祂,乃是有分于基督在生命里的救恩;这使我们得救脱离不活基督的失败,并脱离不显大基督的失败─罗五10。

D. To live Christ for His magnification is to participate in Christ's salvation in life, in which we are saved from the failure of not living Christ and from the defeat of not magnifying Christ—Rom. 5:10.

五 作为信徒的榜样,保罗所过的生活是在基督的超越里,这生活全然尊贵,有人性美德的最高标准,彰显最高超的神圣属性,与多年前主在地上所过的生活相似─提前一16,徒二七21~26,二八3~6、8~10。

E. As the believers' pattern, Paul lived a life in Christ's ascendancy, a life that was fully dignified, with the highest standard of human virtues expressing the most excellent divine attributes, a life that resembled the one that the Lord Himself had lived on the earth years before—1 Tim. 1:16; Acts 27:21-26; 28:3-6, 8-10.

叁 我们借着我们灵里主耶稣的恩典,而活在神圣三一里─加六18:

III. We live in the Divine Trinity by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ in our spirit—Gal. 6:18:

一 奇妙的神圣传输应当天天都在发生:神丰富地供应恩典的灵,我们该不断地接受恩典的灵,使祂能成为我们的构成成分,我们能成为祂的彰显─来十29上,约一16,加三2~5,林后一12,十二9:

A. Day by day a marvelous divine transmission should be taking place: God is supplying the Spirit of grace bountifully, and we should be receiving the Spirit of grace continually so that He can become our constituent, and we can become His expression—Heb. 10:29b; John 1:16; Gal. 3:2-5; 2 Cor. 1:12; 12:9:

1 接受并享受恩典的路,乃是转向灵、运用灵、让主登宝座:

1. The way to receive and enjoy grace is to turn to our spirit, exercise our spirit, and enthrone the Lord:

a 每当我们转到灵里,来到施恩的宝座前,我们就应当让主登宝座,让祂在我们里面作元首,作君王并作主─来四16,罗五17、21,西一18下,启二4。

a. Whenever we come to the throne of grace by turning to our spirit, we should enthrone the Lord, giving Him the headship, the kingship, and the lordship within us—Heb. 4:16; Rom. 5:17, 21; Col. 1:18b; Rev. 2:4.

b 神的宝座是涌流恩典的源头;每当我们不让主登宝座、使主下宝座,恩典的流就停止─二二1。

b. God's throne is the source of the flowing grace; whenever we fail to enthrone the Lord, dethroning Him, the flow of grace stops—22:1.

c 我们若让主耶稣在我们里面登宝座,那灵这生命水的河就会从施恩的宝座上流出来供应我们;这样,我们就会接受恩典并享受恩典─1节,诗歌五五七首。

c. If we enthrone the Lord Jesus within us, the Spirit as the river of water of life will flow out from the throne of grace to supply us; in this way we will receive grace and enjoy grace—v. 1; Hymns, #770.

2 我们带着耶稣的烙印,就享受基督的恩典─加六17~18:

2. As we bear the brands of Jesus, we enjoy the grace of Christ—Gal. 6:17-18:

a 在属灵方面,耶稣的烙印是表征保罗所过生活的特征,与主耶稣在地上所过的一样;这样的生活,乃是不断地被钉死(约十二24),行神的意思(六38),不寻求自己的荣耀,只寻求神的荣耀(七18),服从并顺从神,以至死在十字架上(腓二8)。─引用经文

a. Spiritually, the brands of Jesus signify the characteristics of the life that Paul lived, a life like the one the Lord Jesus lived on this earth; such a life is continually crucified (John 12:24), does the will of God (6:38), does not seek its own glory but the glory of God (7:18), and is submissive and obedient to God, even unto the death of the cross (Phil. 2:8).

b 我们若带着耶稣的烙印,过钉十字架的生活,我们就要在灵里享受基督的恩,作为赐生命之灵的供应,使我们将基督作为神的恩服事给神的家人─三10,林后四10~11,弗三2。

b. If we bear the brands of Jesus and live a crucified life, we will enjoy the grace of Christ as the supply of the life-giving Spirit in our spirit for us to minister Christ as God's grace to God's household—3:10; 2 Cor. 4:10-11; Eph. 3:2.

二 主耶稣的恩历经新约时代分赐到祂的信徒里面,总结于新耶路撒冷,作为神将祂自己与人联结、调和并合并之喜悦的终极完成,使祂得着荣耀的扩大和彰显─启二二21,弗二10。

B. The grace of the Lord Jesus dispensed into His believers throughout the New Testament age consummates in the New Jerusalem as the consummation of God's good pleasure in uniting, mingling, and incorporating Himself with man for His glorious enlargement and expression—Rev. 22:21; Eph. 2:10.
