
第三篇 以利沙预表基督在生命里尽恩典的职事,并且作为神人,行事如同神的代表,如同代理的神

Elisha Being a Type of Christ in His Ministry of Grace in Life and as a Man of God Behaving Himself as God's Representative, as the Acting God

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读经: 王下二19~22,四1~六7

壹 以利沙预表基督,在生命里行恩典的神迹─ 王下四9,路四27:

I. Elisha is a type of Christ in doing miracles of grace in life—2 Kings 4:9; Luke 4:27:

一 在旧约的预表和表号的应验里,基督是真以利沙;主耶稣作为真以利沙,乃是甜美、可爱的申言者,祝福的申言者─ 王下四9,路四27,七11~17。

A. In the fulfillment of the types and figures in the Old Testament, Christ is the real Elisha; as the real Elisha, the Lord Jesus is a sweet and pleasant prophet, a prophet of blessing—2 Kings 4:9; Luke 4:27; 7:11-17.

二 以利沙是旧约里的预表,他代表神在恩典里新约的经纶:

B. Elisha is a type in the Old Testament who represented God's New Testament economy in grace:

1 恩典是神借着将祂自己赐给我们,作我们的享受,而为我们作一切─ 约一1、14~17。

1. Grace is God doing everything for us by giving Himself to us as our enjoyment—John 1:1, 14-17.

2 这恩典的结果乃是神圣的生命;这生命丰富高超到一个地步,甚至使我们与基督一同作王─ 罗五17。

2. This grace issues in the divine life, which is rich and high, even unto making us co-kings with Christ—Rom. 5:17.

三 以利沙所行将耶利哥的水治好的神迹,与主耶稣所行变水为酒的神迹,意义是一样的,就是变死亡为生命─ 王下二4、19~22,约二3~11。

C. The significance of the miracle performed by Elisha in healing the water at Jericho and of the miracle performed by the Lord Jesus in changing water into wine is the same—the changing of death into life—2 Kings 2:4, 19-22; John 2:1-11.

四 以利沙称无为有,与主耶稣食饱群众所作的,在原则上是同样的事─ 王下四1~7、8~17、42~44,太十四14~21,十五32~39。

D. Elisha's calling things not being as being was the same thing in principle that the Lord Jesus did when He fed the multitudes—2 Kings 4:1-7, 8-17, 42-44; Matt. 14:14-21; 15:32-39.

五 以利沙叫死人从死里复活,赐生命给死人,与主耶稣在肉身一面和属灵一面所作的相同─ 王下四18~37,路七11~17,约十一41~44,五25。

E. Elisha's resurrecting the dead from death, giving life to the dead, is the same as what the Lord Jesus did, both physically and spiritually—2 Kings 4:18-37; Luke 7:11-17; John 11:41-44; 5:25.

六 以利沙用面去除野瓜的毒,与主耶稣用祂自己作细面,医治祂的门徒脱离法利赛人的酵,在原则上是一样的─ 王下四41,太十六12。

F. Elisha's nullifying the poison of the wild gourds with flour is the same in principle as the Lord Jesus' healing His disciples of the leaven of the Pharisees with Himself as the fine flour—2 Kings 4:41; Matt. 16:12.

七 以利沙用一根木头,使掉在水里的斧头浮上来;这表征基督在复活里,借祂的十字架恢复堕落在死水里之罪人所失去的能力─ 王下六6,弗二1~6。

G. Elisha's causing an axe head that had fallen into the water to float by means of a wooden stick signifies Christ's recovering through His cross in resurrection the lost power of sinners that had fallen into the death water—2 Kings 6:6; Eph. 2:1-6.

八 以利沙为别人行神奇医治的神迹,但照着神的旨意,他自己却没有借神迹得医治;这是保罗和他同工们的经历─ 王下十三14:

H. Elisha performed miracles of divine healing for others, but, in the will of God, he himself was not healed by a miracle; this was the experience of Paul and his fellow workers—2 Kings 13:14:

1 保罗把病了的特罗非摩留在米利都,而没有为他得医治祷告;他也没有运用他医病的恩赐,治好提摩太的胃病─ 提后四20,提前五23,徒十九11~12。

1. Paul left Trophimus at Miletus in sickness without exercising healing prayer for him and did not exercise his healing gift to cure Timothy of his stomach sickness—2 Tim. 4:20; 1 Tim. 5:23; Acts 19:11-12.

2 保罗及其同工们在这段受苦的时期,是在里面生命的管治之下,不是在外面恩赐的能力之下:

2. Paul and his co-workers were under the discipline of the inner life in that time of suffering rather than under the power of the outward gift:

a 前者属于生命里的恩典,后者属于神奇能力中的恩赐。

a. The former is a matter of grace in life; the latter is a matter of gift in power—miraculous power.

b 在召会败落中,当人在为召会受苦时,能力的恩赐不像生命里的恩典那样需要─ 提后四22。

b. In the decline of the church and in one's suffering for the church, the gift of power is not needed as much as the grace in life—2 Tim. 4:22.

九 以利沙身体虽然死了,却仍在灵里尽职,使一个死人活过来─ 王下十三21:

I. Elisha was deceased in his body yet still ministered in the spirit to enliven one of the dead—2 Kings 13:21:

1 甚至死了的以利沙也能使人活过来。

1. Even the dead Elisha could enliven people.

2 这是基督在复活里的图画─ 约十一25,徒二24,腓三10:

2. This is a picture of Christ in resurrection—John 11:25; Acts 2:24; Phil. 3:10:

a 无论谁碰着祂,就活过来。

a. Whoever touches Him is enlivened.

b 重生就是灵里死了的人碰着死而复活的基督,就活过来─ 参约五25,弗二1~6上。

b. Regeneration involves a spiritually dead person touching the dead and resurrected Christ and being enlivened—cf. John 5:25; Eph. 2:1-6a.

贰 就如摩西、撒母耳和保罗,以利沙是神人(直译,属神的人),行事如同神在地上的代表,如同代理的神─ 王下四9:

II. Like Moses, Samuel, and Paul, Elisha, a man of God, behaved as God's representative, as the acting God, on the earth—2 Kings 4:9:

一 耶和华对摩西说,祂使摩西在法老面前作神─ 出七1上:

A. Jehovah told Moses that He had made him God to Pharaoh—Exo. 7:1a:

1 在摩西身上,神得着一个代表祂并执行祂旨意的人;摩西绝不凭自己对法老说话,他总是说神所吩咐他说的─ 三16~18,五1。

1. In Moses God had one to represent Him and to execute His will; Moses never spoke to Pharaoh on his own but always spoke what the Lord had told him to say—3:16-18; 5:1.

2 事实上法老不是听神的大使摩西说话,与摩西办交涉;他乃是听神说话,与神办交涉。

2. Actually, Pharaoh was not listening to Moses, God's ambassador, and dealing with him; he was listening to God and dealing with God.

二 撒母耳代表神在地上治理祂的百姓;这样,撒母耳乃是代理的神─ 撒上一11,二35,七3,八22:

B. Samuel was the representative of God to rule over His people on earth; as such, Samuel was the acting God—1 Sam. 1:11; 2:35; 7:3; 8:22:

1 撒母耳能作代理的神,因为他的所是和神的心乃是一─ 二35:

1. Samuel could be the acting God because his being and God's heart were one—2:35:

a 他是一个合乎神心的人;这就是说,他是神心的复制、翻版。

a. He was a man according to God's heart; that is, he was a copy, a duplicate, of God's heart.

b 撒母耳的生活和工作乃是为着完成一切在神心中的事。

b. Samuel's living and working were for the carrying out of whatever was in God's heart.

2 撒母耳是神的出口,也是神的行政;如此,他乃是代理的神。

2. Samuel was God's oracle and God's administration, and thus, he was the acting God.

三 保罗在他的职事里,是属神的人,就是代理的神,安慰信徒,凭着神的单纯行事为人,表达神的妒忌,并且作基督的大使,完成和好的职事─ 林后一3~4、12,十一2,五20:

C. In his ministry Paul, a man of God, was the acting God in comforting the believers, in conducting himself in the simplicity of God, in expressing the jealousy of God, and in being an ambassador of Christ to carry out the ministry of reconciliation—2 Cor. 1:3-4, 12; 11:2; 5:20:

1 在使徒保罗漫长、不幸且受监禁的航程中,主保守他在祂的超越里,使他能活出一种生活,远超忧虑的境域─ 徒二七13~二八9:

1. All during the apostle Paul's long and unfortunate imprisonment-voyage, the Lord kept him in His ascendancy and enabled him to live a life far beyond the realm of anxiety—Acts 27:13—28:9:

a 这种生活是全然尊贵,有人性美德的最高标准,彰显最高超的神圣属性,与多年前主耶稣在地上所过的生活相似。

a. This life was fully dignified, with the highest standard of human virtues expressing the most excellent divine attributes, a life that resembled the one that the Lord Jesus Himself had lived on the earth years before.

b 这是耶稣在祂被神性所丰富的人性里,再次活在地上。

b. This was Jesus living again on earth in His divinely enriched humanity.

c 这是从前活在福音书里那奇妙、超绝、奥秘的神人,借着祂许多肢体中的一个,在使徒行传里继续活着。

c. This was the wonderful, excellent, and mysterious Godman, who lived in the Gospels, continuing to live in the Acts through one of His many members.

2 新约的信徒能够像保罗一样,尽功用作代理的神─ 提前一16。

2. The New Testament believers can be the same as Paul in functioning as the acting God—1 Tim. 1:16.

叁 我们是神所拣选、救赎并重生的人,与神是一,被神构成,活神,彰显神,与神一同行动,代表神,就能尽功用作代理的神─ 弗一4~5:

III. As God's chosen, redeemed, and regenerated people who are one with God, who are constituted with God, who live God, who express God, who move with God, and who represent God, we may function as the acting God—Eph. 1:4-5:

一 我们是神所拣选、救赎并重生的人,应当与神是一─ 林前六17:

A. As God's chosen, redeemed, and regenerated people, we should be one with God—1 Cor. 6:17:

1 圣经的基本原则是,神在祂的经纶里,要使祂自己与人成为一,并使人与祂成为一─ 约十五4。

1. The basic principle of the Bible is that in His economy God is making Himself one with man and is making man one with Him—John 15:4.

2 神渴望神圣的生命与属人的生命联结一起,成为一个生命,同过一个生活─ 林前六17。

2. God desires that the divine life and the human life be joined together to become one life that has one living—1 Cor. 6:17.

二 我们需要被神构成─ 弗三17上,西三10~11:

B. We need to be constituted with God—Eph. 3:17a; Col. 3:10-11:

1 神的经纶是要将祂自己分赐到我们里面,使我们的所是由祂的所是构成,以致与祂的所是成为一个构成─ 弗三17上,四4~6。

1. God's economy is to dispense Himself into our being so that our being may be constituted with His being to be one constitution with His being—Eph. 3:17a; 4:4-6.

2 在神圣的生命里,并凭着神圣生命之律的工作,神要作到我们里面,我们也要在祂的生命和性情上被祂构成─ 罗八2、6、10~11、29。

2. In the divine life and by the working of the law of the divine life, God will be wrought into us, and we will be constituted with Him in His life and nature—Rom. 8:2, 6, 10-11, 29.

三 我们作为与神是一并被神构成的人,应当活神─ 腓一21上:

C. As those who are one with God and constituted with God, we should live God—Phil. 1:21a:

1 照着神的经纶,祂的心意是要将祂的元素、祂的本质和祂性情的成分,分赐到我们的所是里,使我们活祂─ 罗八2、6、10~11。

1. According to His economy, God's intention is to impart His element, His substance, and the ingredients of His nature into our being so that we may live Him—Rom. 8:2, 6, 10-11.

2 我们的日常生活实际上应当是神自己,因而是一种一直活神的生活─ 帖前二12,林前十31。

2. Our daily life should actually be God Himself and thus be a life of constantly living God—1 Thes. 2:12; 1 Cor. 10:31.

四 我们应当彰显神─ 创一26,林后三18,罗八29,西三10:

D. We should express God—Gen. 1:26; 2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 8:29; Col. 3:10:

1 神永远的定旨是要把祂自己作到我们里面,作我们的生命,使我们能彰显祂─ 弗一11,三11,提后一9。

1. God's eternal purpose is to work Himself into us as our life so that we may express Him—Eph. 1:11; 3:11; 2 Tim. 1:9.

2 神在祂经纶里的目的,乃是要我们与祂是一并活祂,作祂团体的彰显─ 林前六17,腓一21上,弗一22~23。

2. God's aim in His economy is that we would be one with Him and live Him for His corporate expression—1 Cor. 6:17; Phil. 1:21a; Eph. 1:22-23.

五 我们作为彰显神的人,应当与神一同行动─ 书一1~9,六1~16:

E. As those who express God, we should move with God—Josh. 1:1-9; 6:1-16:

1 神需要以色列人在祂经纶的大轮行动里与祂合作─一1~9,六1~16。

1. God needed the children of Israel to cooperate with Him in His move in His economy as the great wheel—1:1-9; 6:1-16.

2 我们需要在神的心头愿望里,并在祂地上的行动里,与祂成为一─ 弗一5、9,启十四1~4。

2. We need to be one with God in His heart's desire and in His move on earth—Eph. 1:5, 9; Rev. 14:1-4.

六 我们与神一同行动时,应当代表神─ 创一26~28:

F. As we move with God, we should represent God—Gen. 1:26-28: 1 In order to represent God with authority, we must express God in life; because Aaron had the resurrection life to express God, he had the authority to represent God—v. 26; 2:9; Num. 17:1-8.

1 我们若要用权柄代表神,就需要在生命里彰显神;亚伦有复活的生命彰显神,因此,他有权柄代表神─ 26节,二9,民十七1~8。

2. The proper way to work for God is to represent God—Exo. 7:1-2.

2 为神作工正确的路,乃是代表祂─ 出七1~2。

G. If we are one with God, constituted with God, live God, express God, move with God, and represent God, we can function as the acting God:

七 我们若与神是一,被神构成,活神,彰显神,与神一同行动,并代表神,就能尽功用作代理的神:

1. God is able to make us the same as He is in life, nature, expression, and function to carry out His economy—Col. 3:4; 2 Pet. 1:4; Eph. 3:9.

1 神能使我们在生命、性情、彰显和功用上与祂一样,以完成祂的经纶─ 西三4,彼后一4,弗三9。

2. In his ministry Elisha the prophet, as a man of God, behaved himself as God's representative, as the acting God; today we, the believers in Christ, can be the same, functioning in His economy as the acting God—2 Kings 4:9; 1 Tim. 6:11; 2 Tim. 3:17.

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