
第六篇 作向主敞开的器皿,并在神圣三一的神圣分赐里过平常的日子

Being a Vessel Open to the Lord and Living Ordinary Days in the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity



壹 神达成祂目的的手续,第一步是创造人作器皿,以盛装祂自己作生命─创二7:

I. The first step of God's procedure in fulfilling His purpose was to create man as a vessel to contain Himself as life—Gen. 2:7:

一 神拣选我们,乃是要我们作被三一神充满的贵重器皿─罗九21~23,林后十三14:

A. God chose us so that we may be vessels of honor filled with the Triune God—Rom. 9:21-23; 2 Cor. 13:14:

1 神创造人作器皿以盛装祂;祂从许多器皿中拣选我们,盛装祂这尊贵的神,而成为贵重的器皿─四7。

1. God created man as a vessel to contain Him, and out of the many vessels, He chose us to contain Him, the God of honor, that we might be vessels of honor—4:7.

2 贵重的器皿是由神性(金),以及蒙救赎得重生的人性(银)所构成─提后二20~21。

2. Honorable vessels are constituted of both the divine nature (gold) and the redeemed and regenerated human nature (silver)—2 Tim. 2:20-21.

3 神将祂的荣耀彰显在我们这器皿上,使我们成为荣耀的器皿─罗九23,林后三18,四6~7:

3. God makes known His glory upon us, the vessels, that we may become vessels of glory—Rom. 9:23; 2 Cor. 3:18; 4:6-7:

a 这些都是出于祂的怜悯,也都是在于祂的怜悯,是我们的努力所望尘莫及的。

a. All of this is out of His mercy and according to His mercy; it cannot be obtained by our efforts.

b 为此我们当敬拜祂,感谢祂的怜悯─罗九15~16、18。

b. For this reason we must worship Him and thank Him for His mercy—Rom. 9:15-16, 18.

二 保罗的十四封书信可用一个辞来表达─“敞开的器皿”:

B. The summary of Paul's fourteen Epistles can be expressed in two words: open vessel:

1 新约给我们看见,神要信徒作爱祂并把自己向祂敞开的器皿─林后三16:

1. The New Testament shows us that God wants believers as vessels loving Him and keeping themselves open to Him—2 Cor. 3:16:

a 我们深处若不向主敞开,祂就无法将祂自己分赐到我们里面并安家在我们心里─弗三17。

a. If in the depths of our being we are not open to the Lord, He cannot dispense Himself into us and make His home in our heart—Eph. 3:17.

b 敞开的器皿就是不作什么,只是一直敞开,好被神圣三一的神圣分赐充满─林后十三14。

b. An open vessel is doing nothing but keeping itself open to be filled by the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity—2 Cor. 13:14.

2 真实的基督徒生活就是爱主、一直向主敞开,并停下自己的作为─可十二30,约壹四16~21:

2. A genuine Christian life is one that loves the Lord and keeps itself open to the Lord and stops its doing—Mark 12:30; 1 John 4:16-21:

a 然后主就来作成一切;这器皿只是盛装主,享受主的充满和作为。

a. Then the Lord comes in and does everything; the vessel simply contains the Lord and enjoys the Lord's filling and doing.

b 我们只需要爱主,把自己一直向祂敞开,给祂每一个机会来作祂所要作的事─弗三17。

b. We simply need to love the Lord and keep ourselves open to Him, giving Him every opportunity to do everything He wants to do—Eph. 3:17.

c 这就是正当而真实的基督徒生活─加二20。

c. This is the proper and genuine Christian life—Gal. 2:20.

3 我们该祷告:“主,因着你的恩典,我不愿意我的全人有哪一部分向你是关闭的,我拣选全人完完全全地向你敞开”:

3. We should pray, "Lord, by Your grace I would not have any part of my being closed to You; I choose to keep myself entirely and thoroughly open to You":

a 这正确的祷告、更深的祷告、真实的祷告,乃是爱主,并且向祂敞开─弗三17~19。

a. This proper prayer, deeper prayer, genuine prayer, is to love the Lord and be open to Him— Eph. 3:17-19.

b 我们若有这种祷告,就会是活的、敞开的器皿,主就有路以祂自己充满我们─14~18节。

b. If we have this kind of prayer, we will be living, open vessels, and the Lord will have the way to fill us with Himself—vv.14-18.

c 主充满我们时,祂就为我们作一切─19节。

c. When the Lord fills us, He does everything for us—v. 19.

贰 我们这些在基督里的信徒,需要学习满意于平常日子的生活,在神圣三一的神圣分赐里有规律且正常的经历─罗八2、6、10~11,弗三16~17上:

II. As believers in Christ, we need to learn to be satisfied with a life of ordinary days in the regular and normal experiences in the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity—Rom. 8:2, 6, 10-11; Eph. 3:16-17a:

一 我们需要日复一日、一点一点地接受神圣的分赐,就是细水长流地,一而再、再而三地接受这分赐─林后十三14,太六11,诗六八19:

A. We need to receive the divine dispensing little by little, day by day, receiving this dispensing again and again in a slow, steady way—2 Cor. 13:14; Matt. 6:11; Psa. 68:19:

1 很少属灵生命的事是一次而永远完成的;反之,属灵生命的事,差不多都是像肉身的生命一样,必须是一直接续的─约六57下,四14,林前十3~4。

1. Very few spiritual things are accomplished in us once for all; rather, as with our physical life, most spiritual things must be repeated again and again—John 6:57b; 4:14; 1 Cor. 10:3-4.

2 凡神给我们的,都不是一下给我们,叫我们受不了;反之,神圣的供应乃是一点一点地给我们。

2. Whatever God gives to us is not given all at once so that it becomes unbearable; instead, the divine supply is given bit by bit.

二 经过过程并终极完成的三一神在我们里面,不是奇特的,乃是平常的;所以我们需要过一个稳定的、正常的基督徒生活,越不特别、越平常越好─西一27,三4,弗三16~17上。

B. The processed and consummated Triune God is within us not in a spectacular way but in an ordinary way; for this reason we need to live a steady and normal Christian life; the less special and the more normal we are, the better—Col. 1:27; 3:4; Eph. 3:16-17a.

三 三一神借着神圣的分赐所赐给我们一切有关生命的事,都是平静的,我们信徒的生活也该是平静的;我们需要天天这样过生活,只简单过着接受神圣分赐的平常生活─罗八6,帖前五23,帖后三16。

C. All the things of life that the Triune God gives to us through the divine dispensing are quiet and calm, and our life as believers should also be quiet and calm; day by day we need to live in this way, simply living an ordinary life of receiving the divine dispensing—Rom. 8:6; 1 Thes. 5:23; 2 Thes. 3:16.

四 我们的定命就是在神圣三一的神圣分赐里过平常的生活,因为我们的父已命定,要我们在祂不断地分赐之下过平常的生活─太六11、32~34,二四40~41。

D. Our destiny is to live an ordinary life in the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, for our Father has destined that we live in an ordinary way under His continual dispensing—Matt. 6:11, 32-34; 24:40-41.

五 我们信徒乃是凭信心经历神圣三一的神圣分赐;神要我们作什么都倚靠祂,以祂为生命,并让祂把祂自己分赐到我们里面来─弗三17上,来十一1。

E. As believers, we experience the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity by faith; God wants us to do everything by depending on Him, by taking Him as life, and by allowing Him to dispense Himself into us—Eph. 3:17a; Heb. 11:1.

六 这样,我们在属灵上就很平常,我们的属灵就会是经常而平常,没有什么奇特─罗八4、6,加五22~23。

F. In this way we will become normal spiritually, and our spirituality will be regular and normal without anything spectacular—Rom. 8:4, 6; Gal. 5:22-23.

叁 在神圣的分赐里过平常日子的生活,乃是神圣经纶中神奇的平常事─提前一4,弗三9:

III. A life of ordinary days in the divine dispensing is according to the miraculous normality of the divine economy—1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 3:9:

一 对基督、那灵、三一神,并对神圣生命与神圣性情的经历,都是平常的─16~17节上。

A. The experiences of Christ, of the Spirit, of the Triune God, and of the divine life with the divine nature are altogether normal—vv. 16-17a.

二 神提供给我们经历并享受的一切属灵且神圣的事,都是平常的;然而,这些平常的事却是神奇的,因此可以说是神圣经纶中神奇的平常事─提前一4,弗三9。

B. All the spiritual and divine things provided by God for our experience and enjoyment are normal; nevertheless, these normal things are miraculous, and for this reason we may speak of the miraculous normality of the divine economy—1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 3:9.

三 重生虽是最大的神迹,却平常地发生了;因此,重生是神奇而平常的事,是我们基督徒生活中神奇的平常事─约三3、5~6、8,彼前一23。

C. Regeneration is the greatest miracle, yet it takes place in a normal way; thus, regeneration is a normality that is miraculous, a miraculous normality in our Christian life—John 3:3, 5-6, 8; 1 Pet. 1:23.

四 呼求主名乃是平常事,但是当我们呼求的时候,我们接受了经过过程并终极完成之三一神的总和,这又是神奇的─罗十12,耶三三3。

D. Calling on the name of the Lord is a normality, yet it is miraculous that when we call, we receive the totality of the processed and consummated Triune God—Rom. 10:12; Jer. 33:3.
