
第二篇 学得在基督这位加力者里面作一切事的秘诀,使我们活基督、显大基督并赢得基督,好使祂在召会中得着荣耀

Learning the Secret of Doing All Things in Christ as the Empowering One for Us to Live Christ, Magnify Christ, and Gain Christ for His Glory in the Church



壹 保罗学得在基督这位加力者里面作一切事的秘诀─腓四11下~13:

I. Paul learned the secret of doing all things in Christ as the empowering One—Phil. 4:11b-13:

一 “学得秘诀”这话,指明保罗进到了一个新的情形、新的环境;每当我们被摆在新的环境里,我们就需要学习活在那个环境里的秘诀。

A. The phrase learned the secret indicates that Paul had come into a new situation, a new environment; whenever we are put in a new environment, we need to learn the secret of living in that environment.

二 “我都学得秘诀”,直译,“我都已经被引进”;这是个隐喻,说到人被引进秘密社团,受其基本原则的教导。

B. I have learned the secret literally means "I have been initiated"; the metaphor here refers to a person's being initiated into a secret society with instruction in its rudimentary principles.

三 保罗悔改信主之后,被引进基督与基督的身体,学得如何以基督为生命(西三4),如何活基督(腓一21上)、显大基督(20)、赢得基督(三8、12),以及如何过召会生活(一8、19,二1~4、19~20,四1~3)的秘诀。─引用经文

C. After Paul was converted to Christ, he was initiated into Christ and into the Body of Christ; he then learned the secret of how to take Christ as life (Col. 3:4), how to live Christ (Phil. 1:21a), how to magnify Christ (v. 20), how to gain Christ (3:8, 12), and how to have the church life (1:8, 19; 2:1-4, 19-20; 4:1-3).

贰 信徒是门徒,学习者,正在学习秘诀,就是借着让实际的灵引导他们进入四福音书所记载耶稣一生真实光景的一切实际,而照着那在耶稣身上是实际者学基督;耶稣在生活中总是在神里面,同着神并为着神行事;神是在祂的生活中,并且祂与神是一─约十六13,弗四20~21:

II. The believers are disciples, learners, who are learning the secret, which is to learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus by allowing the Spirit of reality to guide them into all the reality of the actual condition of the life of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels, a life in which Jesus did everything in God, with God, and for God; God was in His living, and He was one with God—John 16:13; Eph. 4:20-21:

一 跟从基督的人乃是借着基督在地上的人性生活作为神人的模型─在人性里否认己而活神(约五19、30)─而受训练作门徒;这彻底改变了他们对人的观念(腓三10,一21上)。─引用经文

A. The followers of Christ were discipled through Christ's human living on the earth as the model of a God-man—living God by denying Himself in His humanity (John 5:19, 30), revolutionizing their concept concerning man (Phil. 3:10; 1:21a).

二 因为基督在祂的人性里否认己而活神,所以祂“因所受的苦难学了顺从”(来五8);“顺从至死,且死在十字架上”(腓二8)。

B. Because Christ lived God by denying Himself in His humanity, He "learned obedience from the things which He suffered" (Heb. 5:8), "becoming obedient even unto death, and that the death of a cross" (Phil. 2:8).

三 我们照着基督的榜样跟祂学(太十一29),不是凭我们天然的生命,乃是凭着祂在复活里的生命;这生命是顺从的生命;门徒乃是一个在人性生活里活神圣生命的人。─引用经文

C. We learn Christ (Matt. 11:29) according to His example, not by our natural life but by His life in resurrection, which is a life of obedience; a disciple is one who lives the divine life in his human life.

四 “我在主的恢复中观察倪弟兄如何行事为人十八年之久。我在他身上所观察到的一切,都成了将我构成门徒的事物。”(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第五册,活力排,一〇二页)

D. "I was in the recovery observing how Brother Watchman Nee acted for eighteen years. All that I observed in him became things discipling me" (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. 5, "The Vital Groups," p. 76).

五 我们作为主的门徒,祂的学习者,一直在祂这恩典之神的训练之下,祂也作为“我们救主神的恩慈,和祂对人的爱”向我们显现;这恩典“教导我们弃绝不敬虔和属世的情欲,好在今世过自守、公义、敬虔的生活,等候那有福的盼望,就是至大的神和我们的救主,耶稣基督之荣耀的显现”─多三4,二11~13。

E. As the Lord's disciples, His learners, we are continually under His training as the grace of God, who also appeared to us as "the kindness and the love to man of our Savior God"; this grace is "training us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly and righteously and godly in the present age, awaiting the blessed hope, even the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ"—Titus 3:4; 2:11-13.

六 因着姊妹们在召会生活中乃是主的门徒,老年姊妹们该与主是一,训练年轻的姊妹们“爱丈夫,爱儿女,清明自守,贞洁,料理家务,良善,服从自己的丈夫,免得神的话被毁谤”─二3~5。

F. Because the sisters in the church life are the Lord's disciples, the older sisters should be one with the Lord to train the young sisters "to love their husbands, to love their children, to be of a sober mind, pure, workers at home, good, subject to their own husbands, that the word of God would not be blasphemed"—2:3-5.

七 我们作为主的门徒,需要顺从主的话,“去研究……〔这〕是什么意思”;神愿意向可怜的罪人施怜悯,照样,祂也要我们凭爱向人施怜悯─太九12~13,弥六6~8,可十二33。

G. As the Lord's disciples, we need to obey the Lord's word to "go and learn what this means"; God desires to show mercy to pitiful sinners, so He wants us to show mercy in love to others—Matt. 9:12-13; Micah 6:6-8; Mark 12:33.

叁 腓立比四章里的秘诀,乃是在那位加我们能力的基督里面作一切事─13节,补充本诗歌四三二首:

III. The secret in Philippians 4 is to do all things in Christ as the One who empowers us—v. 13; Hymns, #564:

一 保罗是一个在基督里的人(林后十二2上),他盼望给人看出他是在基督里面;在腓立比四章十三节他宣告,他在那加他能力的基督里面,凡事都能作;这是保罗对基督的经历包罗并总结的话;主在约翰十五章五节说到我们与祂生机的联结,说,“离了我,你们就不能作什么”;保罗在这里是从正面说这事。─引用经文

A. Paul was a man in Christ (2 Cor. 12:2a), and he desired to be found in Christ by others; in Philippians 4:13 he declared that he was able to do all things in Him, the very Christ who empowered him; this is an all-inclusive and concluding word concerning his experience of Christ; it is the converse of the Lord's word in John 15:5 concerning our organic relationship with Him: "Apart from Me you can do nothing."

二 保罗从前完全是在犹太教里,律法之下,并且总是给人看出他是在律法里面;但他在悔改信主时,就从律法和先前的宗教迁到基督里,成了“在基督里的人”─林后十二2上。

B. Paul had been altogether in the Jewish religion under the law and had always been found by others in the law, but at his conversion he was transferred from the law and his former religion into Christ and became "a man in Christ"—2 Cor. 12:2a.

三 现今他期望所有观察他的,都看出他是在基督里面;这指明他渴望全人浸没在基督里面,给基督浸透,使所有观察他的,都看出他是完全在基督里面;唯有给人看出我们是在基督里面,基督才会从我们得着彰显并显大─腓三9上,一20。

C. Now he expected to be found in Christ by all who observed him; this indicates that he aspired to have his whole being immersed in and saturated with Christ so that all who observed him might find him fully in Christ; only when we are found in Christ will Christ be expressed and magnified—Phil. 3:9a; 1:20.

四 一面,借着基督的加力,我们能过知足的生活(四11~12);另一面,借着基督的加力,我们能成为真实的、庄重的、公义的、纯洁的、可爱的、有美名的(8)。─引用经文

D. On the one hand, by the empowering of Christ we can live a contented life (4:11-12); on the other hand, by the empowering of Christ we can be true, dignified, righteous, pure, lovely, and well spoken of (v. 8).

五 保罗说到基督是加力者的话,特别适用于基督加我们能力,使我们活祂作我们人性的美德,因而显大祂那无限的伟大;要过这一切美德的生活,比作基督教的工作难多了。

E. Paul's word about Christ as the empowering One specifically applies to Christ's empowering us to live Him as our human virtues and thereby to magnify Him in His unlimited greatness; to live a life of these virtues is much more difficult than doing a Christian work.

肆 在基督这加力者里面作一切事,实际的路见于腓立比四章六至七节:“应当一无挂虑,只要凡事借着祷告、祈求,带着感谢,将你们所要的告诉神;神那超越人所能理解的平安,必在基督耶稣里,保卫你们的心怀意念”:

IV. The practical way to do all things in Christ as the empowering One is seen in Philippians 4:6-7: "In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses every man's understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus":

一 基督自己就是神那超越人所能理解的平安─赛九6,约十四27,路七50,罗三17,五1,八6,十五13,十六20。

A. Christ Himself is the peace of God, which surpasses every man's understanding—Isa. 9:6; John 14:27; Luke 7:50; Rom. 3:17; 5:1; 8:6; 15:13; 16:20.

二 “告诉神”,直译,给神知道;“给”,表示向前的动作,有活的联合并交往之意,含示交通;因此,这里“告诉神”的意义,乃是“在与神的交通中”─腓四6。

B. To God denotes motion toward, in the sense of a living union and communion, implying fellowship; hence, the sense of to God here is "in the fellowship with God"—Phil. 4:6.

三 在祷告中与神交通的结果,乃是我们得享神的平安;神的平安实际上就是平安的神自己(9),借着我们祷告与祂交通,注入我们里面,抗拒苦恼,化解挂虑(约十六33)。─引用经文

C. The result of practicing fellowship with God in prayer is that we enjoy the peace of God; the peace of God is actually God as peace (v. 9) infused into us through our fellowship with Him by prayer, as the counterpoise to troubles and the antidote to anxiety (John 16:33).

四 平安的神在基督里,在我们的心怀意念前巡查,保守我们平静安宁(参赛三十15上);我们若要过一无挂虑的生活,就必须领悟,我们所有的遭遇,不论是好是坏,都是神派定的,目的是要使我们达到赢得基督、活基督并显大基督的定命(罗八28~30,太十29~31,林后四15~18)。─引用经文

D. The God of peace patrols before our hearts and thoughts in Christ, keeping us calm and tranquil (cf. Isa. 30:15a); if we would have a life free of anxiety, we need to realize that all our circumstances, good or bad, have been assigned to us by God in order to serve us in fulfilling our destiny to gain Christ, live Christ, and magnify Christ (Rom. 8:28-30; Matt. 10:29-31; 2 Cor. 4:15-18).

伍 学习在基督这位加力者里面作一切事的秘诀,乃是“祷告与主来往交通”,祂是我们的王、我们的主、我们的头和我们的丈夫(诗歌五六八首);和神接触的祷告,乃是说出心头的真话:─引用经文

V. To learn the secret of doing all things in Christ as the empowering One is to "pray to fellowship with Jesus," who is our King, our Lord, our Head, and our Husband (Hymns, #784); prayer that contacts God consists of words spoken genuinely from the heart:

一 我们可能在悲伤、受压、失望的光景中;我们应当把我们的难处带到主那里,告诉祂;祂是最好的倾听者;祂知道我们的情感,与我们的心表同情;祂能安慰并扶助我们。

A. We may be in a situation of sorrow, depression, and disappointment; we should bring our problems to the Lord and tell Him about them; He is the best listener; He knows our emotion, and He sympathizes with our heart; He can comfort us and help us.

二 我们应当知道,我们在主面前,有一次的诉说,有一次的倾心,就是与祂多一次的亲密,多一次的认识;当这时候,我们与祂亲近一次,要胜过平常的交通几百次;借着这样的接触,我们的生命才能进步─诗六二6~8,五六8,参撒上一15。

B. We should realize that when we have a thorough talk with the Lord and pour out our heart to Him, our intimacy with the Lord is one step further, and we know Him a little more; intimate contact with Him at these times is hundreds of times better than our ordinary fellowship with Him; it is by these contacts that we grow in life—Psa. 62:6-8; 56:8; cf. 1 Sam. 1:15.

三 一个人如果没有在主面前流过泪,没有将一切苦乐的事都带到主面前与祂分一分,没有将他秘密的事和主谈一谈,这样的人与主就没有亲密的交通,没有亲密的来往;一个人唯有凡事告诉主,才能与主更亲。

C. If a person has never shed tears before the Lord, never shared his joy or sorrow with the Lord, and never talked with the Lord about his private matters, he has never had any intimate fellowship with the Lord, and he has never had any deep acquaintance with the Lord; one can only be drawn closer to the Lord through telling Him everything.

四 我们每一件难处,祂都表同情;我们的主肯担当我们一切的忧虑,肯耐心听我们的告诉;我们要享受祂作生命的活水,就需要对祂这灵磐石说话─民二十8,林前十4,出十七6,诗歌二〇二首。

D. He is sympathetic to every one of our problems; our Lord is willing to bear all our anxieties, and He is happy to listen to our speaking; in order to enjoy Him as the living water of life, we need to speak to Him as our spiritual rock—Num. 20:8; 1 Cor. 10:4; Exo. 17:6; Hymns, #248.

五 诗篇一百零二篇的标题说,“困苦人发昏的时候,在耶和华面前倾吐苦情的祷告”;我们也许向神抱怨,但我们的抱怨也许是向神最好的祷告,最讨神喜悦的祷告;当我们抱怨时,神就欢乐,因为祂使万有互相效力,叫我们得益处,使我们模成祂儿子的形像─罗八28~29。

E. The title of Psalm 102 says, "A Prayer of an afflicted one, when he is fainting and pours out his complaint before Jehovah"; we may complain to God, but our complaining may be the best prayer, the most pleasant prayer to God; while we are complaining, God is rejoicing because He is causing all things to work together for good that we may be conformed to the image of His Son—Rom. 8:28-29.

六 诗篇七十三篇是记载寻求之诗人真诚的祷告,他因自己的受苦以及恶人兴旺的光景,几乎绊跌;他认为他徒然洁净了自己的心,因为他没有享受物质的兴旺,反而终日遭灾难,每早晨受惩治─12~16节:

F. Psalm 73 is a record of the sincere prayer of the seeking psalmist who was nearly stumbled by his own suffering and by the prosperity of the wicked; he considered that he had purified his heart in vain because, instead of enjoying material prosperity, he was plagued all day long and chastened every morning—vv. 12-16:

1 诗人因恶人兴旺而困惑,其解答是在神的圣所里得着的(17);首先,神的圣所,祂的居所,是在我们灵里(弗二22),第二,神的圣所乃是召会(提前三15);进入神的圣所,就是转向我们的灵,并参加召会的聚会和职事的聚会;在我们的灵里并在召会中,我们得着神圣的启示,并得着一切问题的说明。─引用经文

1. The solution to the psalmist's perplexity concerning the prosperity of the wicked was obtained in God's sanctuary (v. 17); first, God's sanctuary, His habitation, is in our spirit (Eph. 2:22) and, second, it is the church (1 Tim. 3:15); to go into the sanctuary of God is to turn to our spirit and go to the meetings of the church and the meetings of the ministry; in our spirit and in the church we receive divine revelation and obtain the explanation to all our problems.

2 主的寻求者借着他真诚地与主谈话,并借着进入神的圣所,至终蒙主光照到一个地步,他能对主说,“除你以外,在天上我有谁呢?除你以外,在地上我也没有所爱慕的。我的肉体和我的心肠衰残,但神是我心里的磐石,又是我的业分,直到永远”─诗七三25~26。

2. Through his honest conversation with the Lord and his entering into God's sanctuary, the Lord's seeker was eventually enlightened by the Lord to the extent that he was able to say to Him, "Whom do I have in heaven but You? / And besides You there is nothing I desire on earth. / My flesh and my heart fail, / But God is the rock of my heart and my portion forever"—Psa. 73:25-26.

3 神对寻求祂者的目的,是要他们在基督里面得着一切,而不被打岔离开对基督绝对的享受;神在祂经纶里终极的愿望,是要我们活基督、显大基督并赢得基督,好使祂在召会中得着荣耀─腓一19~21上,三7~8,赛四三7,林前十31,六20,彼前四11,弗三16~21。

3. God's intention with His seekers is that they may find everything in Christ and not be distracted from the absolute enjoyment of Christ; God's ultimate desire in His economy is for us to live Christ, magnify Christ, and gain Christ for His glory in the church—Phil. 1:19-21a; 3:7-8; Isa. 43:7; 1 Cor. 10:31; 6:20; 1 Pet. 4:11; Eph. 3:16-21.
