
第四篇 认识基督并祂复活的大能

Knowing Christ and the Power of His Resurrection



壹 保罗渴望认识基督─腓三10:

I. Paul aspired to know Christ—Phil. 3:10:

一 腓立比书中心的事,乃是对基督主观的认识和经历─二2、5,三7~10,四10、13。

A. In the book of Philippians, the central matter is the subjective knowledge and experience of Christ—2:2, 5; 3:7-10; 4:10, 13.

二 在腓立比三章八节,得着对基督之认识的至宝,是借着启示;但十节的认识基督,是借着经历。─引用经文

B. To have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ in Philippians 3:8 is by revelation, but to know Him in verse 10 is by experience.

三 以认识基督为至宝,就是基督的宝贵给我们实化了─8节。

C. The excellency of the knowledge of Christ is the excellency of Christ realized by us—v. 8.

四 保罗首先得着基督的启示,然后寻求对基督的经历,就是在经历上认识并享受祂。

D. Paul first received the revelation of Christ, then sought the experience of Christ—to know and enjoy Christ in an experiential way.

五 腓立比三章十节的“认识”等于“经历”:─引用经文

E. The word know in Philippians 3:10 is equal to experience:

1 认识基督意即经历祂,享受祂,有分于祂,并分享祂─9~10节。

1. To know Christ means to experience Him, to enjoy Him, to participate in Him, and to partake of Him—vv. 9-10.

2 因此,认识基督就是借经历祂而领略祂─8节。

2. To know Christ is thus to apprehend Him by experiencing Him—v. 8.

六 要认识基督,不仅要有关乎祂的知识,更要赢得祂那独特的人位─8节,林后二10,参西二9、16~17:

F. To know Christ is not merely to have the knowledge concerning Him but to gain His very person—v. 8; 2 Cor. 2:10; cf. Col. 2:9, 16-17:

1 赢得是需要出代价的─腓三7~8。

1. To gain something requires the paying of a price—Phil. 3:7-8.

2 赢得基督就是出代价以经历、享受并支取祂一切追测不尽的丰富─弗三8,参启三18。

2. To gain Christ is to experience, enjoy, and take possession of His unsearchable riches by paying a price—Eph. 3:8; cf. Rev. 3:18.

3 基督徒的生活乃是赢得包罗万有之基督的生活─弗三8:

3. The Christian life is a life of gaining Christ in His all-inclusiveness—Eph. 3:8:

a 即使保罗已经相当经历并赢得基督,但他不是以为自己已经完全经历了,已经彻底赢得了─腓三12。

a. Even though Paul had experienced and gained Christ tremendously, he did not consider that he had experienced Him in full or gained Him to the uttermost—Phil. 3:12.

b 保罗仍然向着标竿前进,要赢得基督到最完满的地步─12~14节。

b. Paul was still advancing toward the goal—the gaining of Christ to the fullest extent—vv. 12-14.

4 为着要赢得基督到最完满的地步,保罗不但抛弃他在犹太教里的经历,也不停留在他已往对基督的经历中─7~8、13节:

4. In order to gain Christ to the fullest extent, Paul not only forsook his experience in Judaism but also would not linger in his past experiences of Christ—vv. 7-8, 13:

a 不论已往的经历多真实,我们若停留其中,怀记不忘,就会受阻挠,不能进一步追求基督─13节,来六1上。

a. Not to forget but to linger in our past experiences, however genuine they were, frustrates our further pursuing of Christ—v. 13; Heb. 6:1a.

b 因着基督的丰富追测不尽,有广阔的范围让我们去取得,保罗乃是努力向前,要达到这范围的极限─弗三8,腓三13。

b. Because Christ is unsearchably rich, and there is a vast territory of His riches to be possessed, Paul was stretching out to reach the farthest extent of this territory—Eph. 3:8; Phil. 3:13.

七 认识基督乃是给人看出在基督里面的结果─9~10节:

G. To know Christ is a result of being found in Him—vv. 9-10:

1 “那借着信基督而有的义,就是那基于信、本于神的义”;这个义使保罗认识基督─9节。

1. The righteousness "which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is out of God and based on faith," caused Paul to know Christ—v. 9.

2 我们自己努力行出来的义,不能叫我们认识基督;我们越自己努力而行,就越不认识基督─9节上。

2. The righteousness that we work out by our own effort does not cause us to know Christ; the more we do by our own effort, the less we know Christ—v. 9a.

贰 保罗渴望认识并经历基督复活的大能─10节:

II. Paul aspired to know and experience the power of Christ's resurrection—v. 10:

一 基督复活的大能,就是使祂从死人中复活的复活生命─弗一19~20。

A. The power of Christ's resurrection is His resurrection life, which raised Him from the dead—Eph. 1:19-20.

二 基督自己就是复活─约十一25:

B. Christ Himself is resurrection—John 11:25:

1 “我是首先的,我是末后的,又是那活着的;我曾死过,看哪,现在又活了,直活到永永远远,并且拿着死亡和阴间的钥匙”─启一17下~18:

1. "I am the First and the Last and the living One; and I became dead, and behold, I am living forever and ever; and I have the keys of death and of Hades"—Rev. 1:17b-18:

a 因着人堕落,死就进来作工,将每一个人聚拢到阴间。

a. Because of the fall, death came in and is now working to gather everyone into Hades.

b 死亡和阴间的钥匙是拿在我们死而复活的救主手中─18节。

b. The keys of death and of Hades are in the hand of our Savior, who died and was resurrected—v. 18.

2 “那首先的、末后的、死过又活的,这样说”─二8:

2. "These things says the First and the Last, who became dead and lived again"—2:8:

a “又活的”意即复活。

a. Lived again refers to resurrection.

b 主受过死的苦,但祂又活了;祂曾进入死亡,但死亡不能拘禁祂,因为祂是复活─徒二24,约十一25。

b. The Lord suffered death and lived again; He entered into death, but death could not hold Him because He is the resurrection—Acts 2:24; John 11:25.

c 基督进到阴间,经过死亡,胜过死亡,并从死亡里奏凯而出;这就是复活─参彼前三18~22。

c. Christ went into Hades, passed through death, overcame death, and came out of death triumphantly; this is resurrection—cf. 1 Pet. 3:18-22.

3 复活就是有一个人─我们的主耶稣─冲过了限制,连最大的限制─死─也冲过了─徒二24,弗一19~20:

3. Resurrection means that a man—our Lord Jesus—has broken through the barriers, even the greatest barrier of all—death—Acts 2:24; Eph. 1:19-20:

a 主的复活冲破了一切天然范围的限制;因此,耶稣不再受任何事物(包括空间和时间)捆绑─参约七6~8。

a. The Lord's resurrection broke all the barriers of the natural realm; thus, Jesus is no longer bound by anything, including space and time—cf. John 7:6-8.

b 我们最大的限制就是空间和时间,但这二者不能限制复活的基督。

b. Our biggest limitations are space and time, but these two things cannot limit the resurrected Christ.

c 死是最大的限制,但复活已经胜过死;所以复活乃是最大的能力─腓三10,弗一19~20。

c. Death is the greatest limitation, but resurrection has conquered death; therefore, resurrection is the greatest power of all—Phil. 3:10; Eph. 1:19-20.

三 复活乃是胜过死亡而且不被死亡毁坏、损伤的生命─约十一25,启一17下~18,二8:

C. Resurrection is life that overcomes death without being damaged or injured by death—John 11:25; Rev. 1:17b-18; 2:8:

1 死亡不能对复活的生命作什么─徒二24。

1. Death is powerless to do anything with resurrection life—Acts 2:24.

2 死亡能把各样的损害加在别种生命上;唯有一种生命是死亡损伤不了的,就是复活的生命─约十一25,腓三10:

2. Death can inflict all kinds of damage on other forms of life; only one kind of life cannot be hurt by death, and this is resurrection life—John 11:25; Phil. 3:10:

a 复活乃是经过死亡,而死亡拘禁不了的生命。

a. Resurrection is life that passes through death and cannot be held by it.

b 按照圣经完满的启示,神自己就是复活的生命─罗四17。

b. According to the full revelation of the Scriptures, God Himself is the resurrection life—Rom. 4:17.

四 那灵是基督复活及其大能的实际─八9~11,林前十五45下,约壹五6:

D. The Spirit is the reality of Christ's resurrection and its power—8:9-11; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 1 John 5:6:

1 我们要经历基督复活的生命,就需要看见,基督在复活里成了赐生命的灵─林前十五45下。

1. In order to experience the resurrection life of Christ, we need to see that in resurrection Christ became the life-giving Spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b.

2 复活最高的定义乃是:复活是末后的亚当基督成为赐生命之灵的过程。

2. The highest definition of resurrection is that it is the process by which Christ, the last Adam, became the life-giving Spirit.

3 基督的复活乃是祂的变化形像,使祂成为赐生命的灵,为要进到信徒里面─45节下,约二十22。

3. Christ's resurrection was His transfiguration into the life-giving Spirit in order to enter into His believers—v. 45b; John 20:22.

五 复活的原则就是天然的生命被杀死,神圣的生命代之而起─林后一8~9:

E. The principle of resurrection is that the natural life is killed and that the divine life rises up in its place—2 Cor. 1:8-9:

1 经过死而能存在的,才是复活─启二8。

1. That which passes through death and still remains is resurrection—Rev. 2:8.

2 复活乃是从死里出来,而且越过天然范围的东西─徒二24。

2. Resurrection is something that has come out of death and that is beyond the natural realm—Acts 2:24.

3 复活就是:没有任何事故或任何境遇能把我们这有基督复活生命的人压下去─林后一8~9。

3. Resurrection means that no event or circumstance can cause us, who have the resurrection life of Christ, to be held down—2 Cor. 1:8-9.

4 在复活里,意思就是我们天然的生命被钉死,然后我们这人里面神所造的部分在复活里被拔高,在复活里与基督成为一─罗六4~6。

4. To be in resurrection means that our natural life is crucified and that the God-created part of our being is uplifted in resurrection to be one with Christ in resurrection—Rom. 6:4-6.

5 当我们不凭天然的生命,乃凭我们里面神圣的生命而活时,我们就在复活里─约六57,罗八11。

5. When we do not live by our natural life but live by the divine life within us, we are in resurrection—John 6:57; Rom. 8:11.
