
第五篇 认识同基督受苦的交通,以及模成祂的死

Knowing the Fellowship of Christ's Sufferings and Being Conformed to His Death



壹 保罗渴望认识同基督受苦的交通─腓三10:

I. Paul aspired to know the fellowship of Christ's sufferings—Phil. 3:10:

一 对于基督,受苦和死在先,复活在后;对于我们,祂复活的大能在先,然后才是有分于祂的受苦,模成祂的死─10节。

A. With Christ, the sufferings and death came first, followed by the resurrection; with us, the power of His resurrection comes first, followed by the participation in His sufferings and conformity to His death—v. 10.

二 我们首先接受祂复活的大能,然后借着这大能,就能有分于祂的受苦,过钉十字架的生活,模成祂的死。

B. We first receive the power of His resurrection; then by this power we are enabled to participate in His sufferings and live a crucified life in conformity to His death.

三 基督的受苦有两类:一类是为成功救赎,这已经由基督自己完成了;另一类是为产生并建造召会,这需要使徒和信徒将其补满─西一24:

C. Christ's sufferings are of two categories: those for accomplishing redemption, which were completed by Christ Himself, and those for producing and building the church, which need to be filled up by the apostles and the believers—Col. 1:24:

1 我们不能有分于基督救赎的苦难,但我们必须有分于基督产生并建造祂身体的苦难─参启一9,提后二10,林后一5~6,四12,六8~11。

1. We cannot participate in Christ's sufferings for redemption, but we must take part in the sufferings of Christ for the producing and building up of the Body—cf. Rev. 1:9; 2 Tim. 2:10; 2 Cor. 1:5-6; 4:12; 6:8-11.

2 基督是神的羔羊,为着救赎受苦(约一29);基督是一粒麦子,为着繁殖和建造受苦(十二24):─引用经文

2. Christ as the Lamb of God suffered for redemption (John 1:29); Christ as the grain of wheat suffered for reproducing and building (12:24):

a 主是一粒麦子落在地里,借着死丧失魂生命,使祂得以在复活里,将祂永远的生命释放给许多子粒─十11、15、17~18。

a. The Lord, as a grain of wheat that fell into the ground, lost His soul-life through death so that He might release His eternal life in resurrection to the many grains—10:11, 15, 17-18.

b 那一粒麦子还没有完成为建造身体所需的全部苦难;我们这许多子粒,必须像那一粒麦子那样的受苦─十二24~26:

b. The one grain did not complete all the sufferings that are needed for the building up of the Body; as the many grains, we must suffer in the same way the one grain suffered—12:24-26:

㈠ 我们这许多子粒,也必须借着死丧失魂生命,才能在复活里享受永远的生命─25节。

(1) As the many grains, we also must lose our soul-life through death that we may enjoy eternal life in resurrection—v. 25.

㈡ 这就是跟从主,使我们得以服事主,在这丧失魂生命而活在祂复活里的路上与祂同行─26节。

(2) This is to follow Him that we may serve Him and walk with Him on this way, the way of losing our soul-life and living in His resurrection—v. 26.

㈢ 召会产生并扩增的路,不是借着人的荣耀,乃是借着十字架的死─20~24节。

(3) The way for the church to come into being and to increase is not by human glory; it is by the death of the cross—vv. 20-24.

四 为着我们的变化而受苦,和为着基督的身体而受苦不同─林后三18,腓三10,西一24:

D. There is a difference between the sufferings that are for our transformation and the sufferings that are for the Body—2 Cor. 3:18; Phil. 3:10; Col. 1:24:

1 保罗在腓立比三章十节的话,不是指着为变化而受苦。─引用经文

1. Paul's word in Philippians 3:10 does not refer to sufferings for transformation.

2 我们若比较腓立比三章十节和歌罗西一章二十四节,就会看见保罗在腓立比三章十节说到的受苦,乃是补满基督为身体所受患难的缺欠。─引用经文

2. If we compare 3:10 with Colossians 1:24, we will see that the sufferings about which Paul was speaking in Philippians 3:10 are those that make up the lack of Christ's afflictions for the Body.

3 在歌罗西一章二十四节,保罗认为他自己所受的苦难,是补满基督为祂身体受苦的缺欠。─引用经文

3. In Colossians 1:24 Paul regarded his own sufferings as the filling up of what is lacking of Christ's sufferings for His Body.

4 基督为祂身体的受苦仍在进行,我们需要有分于这些苦难─腓三10,参徒九4~5。

4. The sufferings of Christ for His Body are still going on, and we need to share in them—Phil. 3:10; cf. Acts 9:4-5.

5 当我们为基督的身体受苦时,我们就经历基督复活的大能─西一24,腓三10。

5. It is when we suffer for the Body that we experience the power of Christ's resurrection—Col. 1:24; Phil. 3:10.

贰 在腓立比三章十节保罗说到“模成祂的死”,这辞指明保罗渴望以基督的死作他生活的模子:─引用经文

II. In Philippians 3:10 Paul spoke of "being conformed to His death"; this expression indicates that Paul desired to take Christ's death as the mold of his life:

一 认识基督为至宝、将万事看作亏损、赢得基督、给人看出是在祂里面、认识祂、认识祂复活的大能、以及认识同祂受苦的交通,结果都产生一件事─模成基督的死─7~10节。

A. The excellency of the knowledge of Christ, counting all things as loss, gaining Christ, being found in Him, knowing Him, knowing the power of His resurrection, and knowing the fellowship of His sufferings all issue in one thing—being conformed to Christ's death—vv. 7-10.

二 模成基督的死,指明祂的死是一个模子─10节:

B. Being conformed to Christ's death indicates that His death is a mold—v. 10:

1 腓立比三章的中心,乃在于模成基督之死模子的形状─7、9、12~16节。

1. The center of Philippians 3 is the matter of being conformed to the mold of Christ's death—vv. 7, 9, 12-16.

2 我们已经被摆在这死的模子里,现今我们需要模成这模子的形状─加二20,罗六3~5。

2. We have been placed into this mold of death, and now we need to be conformed to this mold—Gal. 2:20; Rom. 6:3-5.

3 基督复活生命的大能,在我们里面带着我们、托着我们、穿着我们,把我们摆在基督死的模子里─约十一25,弗一19~20。

3. The power of the resurrection life of Christ in us leads us, carries us, bears us, and places us into the mold of Christ's death—John 11:25; Eph. 1:19-20.

三 基督之死的模子,是指基督经历不断地将祂属人的生命治死,使祂得以凭神的生命活着─约六57上:

C. The mold of Christ's death refers to Christ's experience of continually putting to death His human life that He might live by the life of God—John 6:57a:

1 当主耶稣在地上时,祂过钉十字架的生活;借着过钉十字架的生活,祂就向神活着,并且活神─加二20,三1,五24。

1. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He lived a crucified life; by living a crucified life He was alive to God and lived Him—Gal. 2:20; 3:1; 5:24.

2 祂一直治死祂属人的生命,使祂里面神圣的生命能流露出来─约十10下~11、17。

2. He always put His human life to death so that the divine life within Him could flow out—John 10:10b-11, 17.

3 祂活着的时候,也是一直在死─向着旧造死,好使祂能活新造里的生命;这是腓立比三章十节里“祂的死”的意义。─引用经文

3. As He was living, He was also dying—dying to the old creation in order to live a life in the new creation; this is the meaning of "His death" in Philippians 3:10.

四 模成基督的死就是以基督的死作为我们生活的模子─10节:

D. To be conformed to Christ's death is to take Christ's death as the mold of our life—v. 10:

1 基督的死是一个模子,把我们模成这模子的形状,就像把面团放在蛋糕模子里,模成其形状一样。

1. Christ's death is a mold to which we are conformed in much the same way that dough is put into a cake mold and conformed to it.

2 神已经把我们摆进基督之死的模子里,一天过一天神用这模子把我们模成这死─罗六3~4。

2. God has put us into the mold of Christ's death, and day by day God is molding us to conform us to this death—Rom. 6:3-4.

3 我们的生活应当模成祂这模子的形状,就是向我们人的生命死,而活神的生命─加二20,林后四10~11。

3. Our life should be conformed to such a mold—dying to our human life in order to live the divine life—Gal. 2:20; 2 Cor. 4:10-11.

4 我们若治死我们天然的生命,就会感觉我们里面有另一个生命,就是神圣的生命;这生命会得着释放,这样,我们在经历中就会模成基督的死─约十10下,约壹五11~12。

4. If we put to death our natural life, we will have the consciousness that we have another life, the divine life, within us; this life will be released, and then in our experience we will be conformed to Christ's death—John 10:10b; 1 John 5:11-12.

5 在基督之死的模子里,天然的人消杀了,旧人钉死了,己废掉了─林后四16,罗六6,太十六24。

5. In the mold of Christ's death the natural man is killed, the old man is crucified, and the self is nullified—2 Cor. 4:16; Rom. 6:6; Matt. 16:24.

6 我们若允许环境将我们压到这模子里,我们日常的生活就会模成基督之死的形状─罗八28~29。

6. If we allow our circumstances to press us into this mold, our daily life will be molded into the form of Christ's death—Rom. 8:28-29.

五 荣耀神唯一的路,就是模成基督的死;我们越模成基督的死,就越荣耀父─约十二28,十三31。

E. The only way to glorify God is to be conformed to Christ's death; the more we are conformed to Christ's death, the more we glorify the Father—John 12:28; 13:31.
