第三篇 那地有小麦与大麦

A Land of Wheat and Barley



壹 申命记八章八节上半的小麦预表成为肉体、被钉死并埋葬的基督─约十二24:

I. The wheat in Deuteronomy 8:8a typifies the incarnated, crucified, and buried Christ— John 12:24:

一 基督在祂成肉体时期的丰满职事里,将无限的神带到有限的人里面─一1、14:

A. In His full ministry in the stage of His incarnation, Christ brought the infinite God into the finite man—1:1, 14:

1 基督作为在肉体里有限的人,受时间和空间的限制─七6、10:

1. As a finite man, Christ in the flesh was limited in time and space—7:6, 10:

a 主是永远无限、不受限制的神,却作了人在地上生活,在时间上受到限制─6节。

a. The Lord is the eternal, infinite, unlimited God, but He lived here on earth as a man, being limited in the matter of time—v. 6.

b 主虽然是全能的神,却作了受逼迫的人,在行动上受到限制─10节。

b. Although the Lord is the almighty God, as a man under persecution, He was limited in relation to His activity—v. 10.

2 基督作为在肉体里有限的人,在知识上受到限制─太二四36,路二40、52,参约七15,可六1~3。

2. As a finite man, Christ in the flesh was limited in knowledge—Matt. 24:36; Luke 2:40, 52; cf. John 7:15; Mark 6:1-3.

3 基督作为在肉体里有限的人,有天然、属人的生命,并过倚靠的生活─约十11、15、17,六57上,太十四19。

3. As a finite man, Christ in the flesh had a natural, human life and a dependent existence— John 10:11, 15, 17; 6:57a; Matt. 14:19.

二 基督借着成为肉体而有的人性,成了遮藏祂神性的外壳,因而遮藏了祂的荣耀─约一14,十二23~24,路十二50:

B. Christ's humanity through His incarnation became a shell that concealed His divinity and thereby concealed His glory— John 1:14; 12:23-24; Luke 12:50:

1 主耶稣因着祂神性的荣耀遮藏在祂人性的外壳里,祂受困迫和拘禁,渴望受死的浸,使祂神性的荣耀得以释放出来─50节。

1. Because the glory of His divinity was concealed by the shell of His humanity, the Lord Jesus was pressed and constrained, longing to be baptized with the baptism of His death for the release of the glory of His divinity—v. 50.

2 主需要经过肉身的死,使祂那不受限制且无限的神圣所是,连同祂神圣的生命,得以从祂的肉体里释放出来。

2. The Lord needed to undergo physical death that His unlimited and infinite divine being with His divine life might be released from His flesh.

3 主耶稣落在地里死了,这死将祂从人性的外壳里释放出来─约十二24:

3. The Lord Jesus fell into the ground and died, and that death released Him from His human shell— John 12:24:

a 祂落在地里死了,好使祂神圣的元素、神圣的生命,能从祂人性的外壳里释放出来。

a. He fell into the ground and died so that His divine element, His divine life, might be released from within the shell of His humanity.

b 主耶稣这一粒麦子落在地里,借着死丧失魂生命,好释放祂神圣的生命。

b. The Lord Jesus, as a grain of wheat falling into the ground, lost His soulish life through death in order to release His divine life.

三 我们在受限制、受压迫的处境中,可以经历基督作一粒麦子─24节:

C. In the midst of situations that limit us and press us, we may experience Christ as a grain of wheat—v. 24:

1 无论何时当主的主宰权柄把我们摆在一种处境中,使我们受限制,使我们受压迫,我们就能经历主作小麦─罗八28。

1. Whenever we are put into a situation by the Lord's sovereignty in which we are limited, in which we are pressed, we may experience the Lord as wheat— Rom. 8:28.

2 当我们在那些限制并约束我们的环境中接触主时,我们就领悟到祂是那无限的神,却成了有限的人,并且领悟到在祂里面有能力承受任何限制─腓四13。

2. When we contact the Lord in our limiting and restricting circumstances, we will realize that He is the infinite God who became a finite man and that there is power in Him to bear any kind of limitation—Phil. 4:13.

3 基督作我们的生命,在我们里面乃是一粒麦子,过那成为肉体者、受限制者的生活─西一27,三4。

3. Christ our life is within us as a grain of wheat to live the life of the incarnated One, the limited One—Col. 1:27; 3:4.

4 我们若接触主,就会经历祂是一粒麦子;在祂里面,我们对我们的景况就能知足─腓四11~12。

4. If we contact the Lord, we will experience Him as a grain of wheat, and in Him we will be content with our situation—Phil. 4:11-12.

5 基督作为小麦,乃是我们的生命,使我们愿意受限制,愿意受死,愿意被埋葬,愿意成为无有;这就是经历基督作小麦─约十二24~25。

5. As wheat, Christ is our life to make us willing to be limited, willing to die, willing to be buried, willing to be nothing; this is the experience of Christ as wheat—John 12:24-25.

贰 小麦表征成为肉体、被钉死并埋葬的基督,而大麦表征复活的基督─申八8上:

II. Whereas wheat signifies the incarnated, crucified, and buried Christ, barley signifies the resurrected Christ—Deut. 8:8a:

一 在美地大麦比其他谷物先成熟;因此,大麦是初熟的果子─林前十五20:

A. In the good land, barley ripens earlier than any other grain; therefore, it is the first-fruits—1 Cor. 15:20:

1 因着大麦成熟得早,所以大麦是庄稼中的初熟果子─这预表复活、不受限制的基督─20节。

1. Because barley ripens early, it is the firstfruits of the harvest—a type of the resurrected and unlimited Christ—v. 20.

2 我们喜乐地学知基督是大麦,是在我们里面复活的基督,祂能应付每个处境。

2. We rejoice to learn that Christ is the barley, the resurrected Christ within us, and that He is able to meet every situation.

3 基督这复活的初熟果子,乃是从死人中的首生者,使祂成为身体的头(西一18,弗一20~23);祂这身体的头既已复活,我们作为身体也必复活。─引用经文

3. Christ as the firstfruits of resurrection is the Firstborn from the dead that He might be the Head of the Body (Col. 1:18; Eph. 1:20-23); since He, the Head of the Body, has been resurrected, we, the Body, will also be resurrected.

4 作为初熟的果子,基督已经成为生命的粮(饼);因此,大麦饼表征在复活里的基督是我们的食物─约六48:

4. As the firstfruits, Christ has become the bread of life; hence, barley loaves signify Christ in resurrection as food to us— John 6:48:

a 五这数字表征负责任;这指明复活的基督能承担责任。

a. The number five signifies responsibility; this indicates that the resurrected Christ is able to bear responsibility.

b 我们从基督这大麦饼得喂养时,我们就成为大麦饼,以我们所经历的基督喂养别人。

b. As we feed on Christ as the barley loaves, we become a loaf of barley to feed others with the Christ whom we have experienced.

5 主耶稣用五个大麦饼能使五千人吃饱,还剩下十二篮的零碎;这就是复活─太十四14~21,约六9、13。

5. With five barley loaves, the Lord Jesus could feed five thousand people with twelve baskets of broken pieces left over; this is resurrection—Matt. 14:14-21; John 6:9, 13.

二 正如大麦所预表的,复活的基督乃是无限的─腓四13:

B. As typified by barley, the resurrected Christ is unlimited—Phil. 4:13:

1 小麦指基督的成为肉体、受死与埋葬,随后,大麦指祂的复活,就是复活的基督─约十一25,弗一20。

1. Wheat points to Christ's incarnation, death, and burial, and following this, the barley points to His resurrection, the resurrected Christ— John 11:25; Eph. 1:20.

2 一面,我们可以经历小麦所表征有限的耶稣;另一面,我们可以经历大麦所表征无限的基督─约十二24,六9、13:

2. On the one hand, we may experience the limited Jesus as signified by wheat; on the other hand, we may experience the unlimited Christ as signified by barley— John 12:24; 6:9, 13:

a 耶稣在祂的成为肉体里,是非常受限制;但在祂的复活里,祂是不受限制的─路十二49~50,二四5~6、26、34、46。

a. In His incarnation Jesus was exceedingly limited, but in His resurrection He is unlimited—Luke 12:49-50; 24:5-6, 26, 34, 46.

b 小麦是死亡谷,但大麦是复活山。

b. Whereas wheat is the valley of death, barley is the mountain of resurrection.

3 为要经历小麦,就是受限制的耶稣,我们必须应用大麦,就是不受限制的基督;我们在复活基督的大能里,跟从受限制的耶稣─来十三12~13。

3. In order to experience the wheat, the limited Jesus, we need to apply the barley, the unlimited Christ; we follow the limited Jesus in the power of the resurrected Christ—Heb. 13:12-13.

4 我们在那加我们能力者的里面,凡事都能作,因为祂是复活且无限的基督─腓四13。

4. We can do all things in the One who empowers us because He is the resurrected and unlimited Christ—Phil. 4:13.

5 何时我们有基督作小麦的经历,就保证必有基督作大麦的经历随之而来─申八8上。

5. Whenever we experience Christ as the wheat, we are assured that an experience of Christ as the barley will follow—Deut. 8:8a.

6 事实上,为要经历基督作小麦,作受限制的耶稣,我们必须应用祂作大麦,作复活的基督─约十二24~25。

6. Actually, in order to experience Christ as the grain of wheat, the limited Jesus, we must apply Him as the barley, the resurrected Christ— John 12:24-25.

7 我们在自己里面无法应付我们的需要,但我们里面有大麦饼,有一分不受限制的复活基督,能应付每一需要,甚至会产生富余─十一25。

7. We cannot meet our needs in ourselves, but within us a barley loaf, a portion of the unlimited resurrected Christ, meets every need and may even produce a surplus—11:25.

8 复活的基督乃是大麦饼;没有什么能阻挡或限制祂。

8. The resurrected Christ is the loaf of barley; nothing can hinder or limit Him.

9 我们若记得基督是我们里面的大麦,当我们来到聚会中,就能借着祷告或见证,应用基督作大麦以喂养别人。

9. If we remember that Christ is barley in us, when we come to a meeting, we can apply Him as barley to feed others by our prayer or our testimony.
