第四篇 基督把死废掉,将生命和不朽坏照耀出来,以及我们记念大卫的后裔耶稣基督从死人中得复活

Christ Nullifying Death and Bringing Life and Incorruption to Light, and Our Remembering Jesus Christ, the Seed of David, Raised from the Dead



壹 “我们救主基督耶稣……已经把死废掉,借着福音将生命和不朽坏照耀出来”─提后一10:

I. "Our Savior Christ Jesus, who nullified death and brought life and incorruption to light through the gospel"—2 Tim. 1:10:

一 在提后一章十节保罗告诉我们基督把死废掉:─引用经文

A. In 2 Timothy 1:10 Paul tells us that Christ nullified death:

1 这意思是基督借着祂废除魔鬼的死(来二14),并祂吞灭死的复活(林前十五52~54),使死失效。─引用经文

1. This means that Christ made death of none effect through His devil-destroying death (Heb. 2:14) and death-swallowing resurrection (1 Cor. 15:52-54).

2 基督不仅击败了死,更把死废掉─提后一10。

2. Christ not only defeated death—He nullified it—2 Tim. 1:10.

3 基督显明出来,为要把死废掉,并带进永远、不能毁坏的生命─来七16。

3. Christ was manifested to nullify death and to bring in eternal, indestructible life—Heb. 7:16.

4 借着祂的复活,死成为无效;死已失去它的权势,甚至失去它的味道─二9,徒二24.

4. Through His resurrection, death has become of none effect; death has lost its power, even its taste—2:9; Acts 2:24.

5 基督能把死废掉,因祂废除了魔鬼,就是那掌死权的─来二14:

5. Christ could nullify death because He destroyed the devil, the one who has the might of death—Heb. 2:14:

a 主耶稣借着胜过撒但,并且把死废掉,也击败了阴间和坟墓─启一18。

a. By overcoming Satan and nullifying death, the Lord Jesus also defeated Hades and the grave—Rev. 1:18.

b 因此基督的复活不仅是神的表白和主的成功,也是祂对死、撒但、阴间和坟墓的得胜─二十14。

b. Therefore, Christ's resurrection was not only God's vindication and the Lord's success but also His victory over death, Satan, Hades, and the grave— 20:14.

二 主耶稣既已借着祂的死把死废掉,就在复活里借着福音将生命和不朽坏照耀出来─提后一10:

B. Having nullified death through His death, the Lord Jesus brought life and incorruption to light through the gospel in His resurrection—2 Tim. 1:10:

1 提后一章十节末了说到这位借着福音将生命和不朽坏照耀出来的基督耶稣。─引用经文

1. The last part of 2 Timothy 1:10 speaks of Christ Jesus who brought life and incorruption to light through the gospel.

2 福音启示我们,基督已经把死废掉,将永远、不能毁坏的生命带给我们─10节。

2. In the gospel the revelation is brought to us that Christ has nullified death and has brought us eternal, indestructible life—v. 10.

3 提后一章十节的“生命”指神永远的生命;这生命是赐给所有在基督里的信徒(提前一16),也是所赐给我们神圣恩典的主要成分(罗五17、21):─引用经文

3. Life in 2 Timothy 1:10 refers to the eternal life of God, which is given to all believers in Christ (1 Tim. 1:16) and which is the main element of the divine grace given to us (Rom. 5:17, 21):

a 这生命已经征服死(徒二24),还要吞灭死(林后五4)。─引用经文

a. This life has conquered death (Acts 2:24) and will swallow up death (2 Cor. 5:4).

b 生命是神圣的元素,甚至就是神自己,分赐到我们的灵里;不朽坏是生命浸透我们的身体,借着祂住在我们里面的灵,赐生命给我们必死之身体的结果。

b. Life is the divine element, even God Himself, imparted into our spirit; incorruption is the consequence of life's saturating our body, giving life to our mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells us.

c 这生命和不朽坏能抵挡死与朽坏─提后一10。

c. This life and incorruption are able to counter death and corruption—2 Tim. 1:10.

贰 “你要记念那从死人中得复活的耶稣基督,祂是出于大卫的后裔,这正合乎我所传的福音”─二8:

II. "Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, of the seed of David, according to my gospel"—2:8:

一 主耶稣基督乃是从死人中得复活─8节:

A. The Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead—v. 8:

1 在提后二章八节,“复活”一辞指明基督借着祂神圣的生命,及其复活的大能,胜过了死。─引用经文

1. In 2 Timothy 2:8 the word raised indicates Christ's victory over death by His divine life with its resurrection power.

2 论到主耶稣是人,新约告诉我们,神叫祂从死人中复活─罗八11。

2. Regarding the Lord Jesus as a man, the New Testament tells us that God raised Him from the dead—Rom. 8:11.

3 论到主耶稣是神,新约告诉我们,祂自己从死人中复活─徒十41,帖前四14。

3. Regarding the Lord Jesus as God, the New Testament tells us that He Himself rose from the dead—Acts 10:41; 1 Thes. 4:14.

4 基督从死人中得复活以及祂自己从死人中复活,指明祂属人和神圣的双重身分:

4. Christ's being raised from the dead and His raising Himself from the dead indicate His dual status—human and divine:

a 主耶稣是神,也是复活(约一1,十一25),有不能毁坏的生命(来七16)。─引用经文

a. The Lord Jesus is God and also resurrection (John 1:1; 11:25), possessing the indestructible life (Heb. 7:16).

b 基督既是这样一位永活者,死就不能拘禁祂。

b. Because Christ is the ever-living One, death was notable to hold Him.

c 祂将自己交于死,死却无法扣住祂。

c. He delivered Himself to death, but death could not detain Him.

d 死反而被祂击败,祂就从死里复活了─徒二24。

d. Rather, death was defeated by Him, and He rose up from it—Acts 2:24.

5 在复活那天清晨,主耶稣升到天上去满足父;祂复活的新鲜必须先给父享受,正如在预表上,初熟的庄稼要先献给神─约二十17,参利二三10~11,出二三19上。

5. On the day of His resurrection, early in the morning, the Lord Jesus ascended to satisfy the Father; the freshness of His resurrection was first for the Father's enjoyment, as the firstfruits of the harvest were, in type, brought first to God— John 20:17; cf. Lev. 23:10-11; Exo. 23:19a.

6 基督在祂复活里工作的另一面,是在七日的第一日复活,使新造有新生的起头─林后五17:

6. Another aspect of Christ's work in His resurrection is His rising on the first day of the week to germinate the new creation—2 Cor. 5:17:

a 基督在七日的第一日复活,这事实指明整个宇宙在基督的复活里有新的起头─约二十1~9。

a. The fact that Christ arose on the first day of the week indicates that the entire universe has a new beginning in Christ's resurrection—John 20:1-9.

b 基督的复活引进新的时期,新的时代。

b. Christ's resurrection ushered in a new period, a new age.

c 在神看来,整个旧造都与基督同钉十字架,并与祂同埋葬;然后在七日的第一日有新的起头。

c. In the sight of God, the entire old creation was crucified with Christ and buried with Him; then on the first day of the week there was a new beginning.

d 主的死是旧造的了结,祂的复活是新造新生的起头─林后五17。

d. Whereas the Lord's death was the termination of the old creation, His resurrection was the germination of the new creation—2 Cor. 5:17.

二 “大卫的后裔”这发表指明基督尊贵的人性,与祂的神性一同被高举、得荣耀─罗一3~4:

B. The expression seed of David indicates Christ's dignified human nature, which was exalted and glorified along with His divine nature—Rom. 1:3-4:

1 撒下七章十二至十四节上的预言说到大卫的后裔要成为神的儿子,神要作祂的父。─引用经文

1. The prophecy in 2 Samuel 7:12-14a says that the seed of David would be the Son of God, and God would be His Father.

2 换句话说,人的后裔要成为神圣的子─14节上。

2. In other words, a human seed would become the divine Son—v. 14a.

3 十二节论到“你……的后裔”以及十四节论到“我的子”的话,含示大卫的后裔要成为神的儿子:─引用经文

3. The word concerning your seed in verse 12 and My son in verse 14 implies that the seed of David would become a divine Son:

a 这符合保罗在罗马一章三至四节的话,论到基督是大卫的后裔,在复活里,在祂的人性里被标出为神的儿子。─引用经文

a. This word corresponds to Paul's word in Romans 1:3-4 concerning Christ as the seed of David being designated the Son of God in His humanity in resurrection.

b 这也关联到主在马太二十二章四十一至四十五节所问的问题,论到基督如何既是大卫的子孙,又是神的儿子作大卫的主─一个奇妙的人,一个兼有神、人二性的神人。

b. It also relates to the Lord's question in Matthew 22:41-45 concerning how the Christ could be both the son of David and the Son of God as David's Lord—a wonderful person, a God-man with two natures, divinity and humanity.

c 这些经节清楚揭示,人的后裔,就是人的儿子,能成为神的儿子。

c. These verses clearly unveil that a seed of man—that is, a son of man— can become the Son of God.

d 神自己这位神圣者,成了人的后裔,一个人(大卫)的后裔。

d. God Himself, the divine One, became a human seed, the seed of a man, David.

e 这后裔就是神人耶稣,耶和华救主(一18~21,提后二8),凭着祂的神性,祂乃是神的儿子(路一35)。─引用经文

e. This seed was Jesus, the God-man, Jehovah the Savior (1:18-21; 2 Tim. 2:8), who was the Son of God by virtue of His divinity (Luke 1:35).

f 借着祂的复活,祂作为人的后裔,也在祂的人性里成了神的儿子─罗一3~4。

f. Through His resurrection He as the human seed became the Son of God in His humanity—Rom. 1:3-4.

g 在基督里,神构成到人里面,人也构成到神里面,神与人调和在一起成为一个实体,就是这位神人。

g. In Christ God was constituted into man, man was constituted into God, and God and man were mingled together to be one entity, the God-man.

h 这含示神在祂经纶里的目的,是要使祂自己成为人,为要使人在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成为神─约三6、16,罗一3~4,彼后一4。

h. This implies that God's intention in His economy is to make Himself man in order to make man God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead— John 3:6, 16; Rom. 1:3-4; 2 Pet. 1:4.
