Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

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Music:Cuthbert Howard

Hymns using same tune:

#696 (Tune 2), #745, #852, #1310


 1  Dear Lord, how precious is Thy blood,

       Of the New Testament!

    By it God's blessings we receive,

       And we with Him are blent.


 2  'Tis by Thy blood we've been redeemed,

       And by it sanctified.

    Now is our conscience free from sin,

       From dead works purified.


 3  Better than Abel's, now Thy blood

       Speaks unto God for us.

    Perfect redemption it provides,

       Meeting God's righteousness.


 4  Through the eternal Spirit, Thou

       Offeredst Thyself to God.

    This sacrifice can ne'er grow old;

       Timeless is Thy dear blood.


 5  'Tis by Thy blood we boldly come

       Unto the throne of grace,

    Unto our God, the cov'nant new,

       And to the Holiest Place.


 6  Lord, by Thy blood, God is obliged

       His very Self to give;

    He must receive us to Himself,

       And He in us must live.


 7  Dear Lord, how precious is Thy blood

       Of the New Testament!

    By it God's blessings we receive,

       And we with Him are blent.