Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:1093  Chin:-  Kor:-  Span:-  Tag:-  Fra:-  Por:- 

Music:Ludwig van Beethoven

Hymns using same tune:

#61, #100 (Tune 1), #102, #295, #462, #1298


Revelation 5


 1  Through countless ages, many men

    Have longed and sought and tried to see

    The secret of the universe,

    So vast, so great a mystery.


 2  Yet not through struggling could frail man

    The secret of this myst'ry find;

    Nor change, by stumbling, come upon

    Such hidden things — to these he's blind.


 3  Behold in heav'n a throne is set,

    And One upon the throne revealed;

    And held in His right hand a scroll —

    The mystery is tightly sealed.


 4  Through all the universe, a cry —

    'Can one be found of such great worth

    The scroll to take? ... yet no reply,

    From heav'n, below, or on the earth.


 5  Were it a matter now for man

    By chance, or some ability,

    Then surely one would now step forth

    To open God's economy.


 6  Yet sad and solemn was that sight.

    John wept as then he looked around;

    And we, too, still might weeping be

    If none at all were worthy found.


 7  But then the angel said, 'Weep not!

    Behold, the Lion has prevailed

    To take the scroll and loose its seals;

    He has the mystery now unveiled!'


 8  So, John looked up the Lion to see,

    But, lo, he then beheld a Lamb;

    Christ both o'ercame the enemy,

    And wrought redemption's work for man.


 9  The angels fall before His throne,

    Four living creatures offer praise,

    All glory to the Lion-Lamb;

    Let us with theirs our voices raise!