Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

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Lyrics:Thomas Kelly
Music:Ludwig van Beethoven

Hymns using same tune:

#61, #100 (Tune 1), #295, #462, #1093, #1298


 1  We sing the praise of Him who died,

    Of Him who died upon the Cross;

    The sinner's hope let men deride,

    For this we count the world but loss.


 2  Inscribed upon the Cross we see

    In shining letters, God is love!

    He bears our sins upon the tree,

    He brings us mercy from above.


 3  The Cross: it takes our guilt away;

    It holds the fainting spirit up;

    It cheers with hope the gloomy day,

    And sweetens every bitter cup.


 4  The balm of life, the cure of woe,

    The measure and the pledge of love,

    The sinner's refuge here below,

    The angels' theme in heav'n above.