First Line & Chorus
#100.The Maker of the universe
#101.When we survey the wondrous cross
#102.We sing the praise of Him who died,
#103.Behold! Behold the Lamb of God,
#104.Alas! And did my Savior bleed?
#105.Himself He could not save,
#106.No blood, no altar now,
#107.Not all the blood of beasts,
#108."Man of Sorrows," what a name
#109.The veil is rent! Lo! Jesus stands
#110.O solemn hour! O hour alone,
#111.Jesus, the sinner's Friend,
#112.How sweet is the story of Christ's boundless love,
Chorus:Sound His praise! Sound His praise!
#113.How pleasant is the sound of praise!
#114.Hail, Thou once despisèd Jesus!
#115.Glory be to Jesus,
#116.How wonderful redemption is,
Chorus:How wondrous redemption is,
#117.Christ the Lord is ris'n indeed,
#118.Christ is risen! Hallelujah!
Chorus:Christ is risen: Hallelujah!
#119.Hallelujah, "He is risen!"
#120.The Lord is ris'n; and death's dark judgment flood
#121.Thine be the glory, risen, conqu'ring Son,
Chorus:Thine be the glory, risen, conqu'ring Son,
#122.Thou, Lord, to death's domain
#123.Low in the grave He lay —
Chorus:Up from the grave He arose,
#124.Praise Him! Praise Him! Christ is Victor!
#125.Hallelujah! Sing to Jesus,
#126.To Thee, dear Lord, O Christ of God,
#127.Hark! Ten thousand voices crying,
#128.Far above all is our Savior enthroned;
Chorus:Far above all! Far above all!
#129.Behold the Lamb with glory crowned,
#130.See the Conqu'ror mount in triumph,
#131.O Jesus, Lord, 'tis joy to know
#132.Lo! In heaven Jesus sitting,
#133.Lord Jesus, Thou art Lord of all,
#134.Glory, everlasting glory
#135.O my Savior, glorified!
#136.Gazing on the Lord in glory,
#137.All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!
#138.All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!
Chorus:And crown Him, crown Him,
#139.All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!
Chorus:And crown Him, crown Him,
#140.Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious;
#141.Jesus, Thy head, once crown'd with thorns,
#142.Crown Him with many crowns,
#143.On His Father's throne is seated
#144.Lord of glory, we adore Thee!
#145.Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
#146.Rejoice, the Lord is King,
Chorus:Lift up your heart, lift up your voice;
#147.Lord, Thou art God's anointed,
#148.Lord, the King of kings art Thou,
#149.Hark! Ten thousand heav'nly voices
Chorus:Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
#150.Praise, praise ye the name of our Savior and God;
Chorus:For His love floweth on, free and full as a river;
#151.Sing we the King who is coming to reign,
Chorus:Come let us sing: Praise to our King,
#152.O how deep and how far-reaching
#153.O blessèd Savior, is Thy love
#154.It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine,
#155.Christ delivered me when bound,
#156.I have a Friend, whose faithful love
#157.Lord Jesus, are we one with Thee?
#158.Lord, Thy love has sought and found us
#159.Give me a sight, O Savior,
Chorus:Oh, make me understand it,
#160.King of my life, I crown Thee now,
Chorus:Lest I forget Gethsemane;
#161.Praise the Savior, ye who know Him!
#162.With praise and thanksgiving there stands a great throng
Chorus:Unto Him Who hath loved us and
#163.O for a thousand tongues to sing
#164.Let me sing, for the glory of heaven
#165.My song shall be of Jesus;
#166.Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
#167.How good is the Lord we adore,
#168.Now in a song of grateful praise,
Chorus:And above the rest this note shall swell,
#169.Thou, Lord, to God art precious,
Chorus:We treasure with affection
#170.Lord, Thou art the lovely Bridegroom,
#171.Lord Jesus Christ, our heart feels sweet
Chorus:Lord, like the pretty henna*-flower,
#172.I cannot breathe enough of Thee,
#173.Thou art fairer than the morning,
Chorus:Thou art fairer than the morning,
#174.O Morning Star, how fair and bright,
#175.Fairest Lord Jesus!
#176.Jesus, wondrous Savior!
#177.Majestic sweetness sits enthroned
#178.Our hearts are full of Christ and long
#179.Glory to Christ on high!
#180.Jesus, our Lord, with what joy we adore Thee,
Chorus:Lord, Thou art worthy: Lord, Thou art worthy;
#181.'Tis the Church triumphant singing,
#182.Jesus, Thou alone art worthy
#183.Come, let us join our cheerful songs,
#184.Come, let us sing the song of songs,
#185.Blessed Lord, our hallelujahs
Chorus:Praise the Lamb, for He is worthy!
#186.Glory be to Him who loved us,
#187.O Lord, how rich Thou art to us,
#188.Dear Lord, Thou art the Son of God,
#189.Thou art the Son beloved,
#190.O Lord, as we consider Thee,
Chorus:What Thou art meets our every need!
#191.Lord, Thou art the "Seed of woman,"
#192.We come, O Christ, to Thee,
#193.Dear Lord, Thou art so much to us
#194.Thou art God's testimony, Lord,
#195.Lord, Thou art all the offerings
#196.Lord, the ancient types and symbols
#197.How all-inclusive, Lord, Thou art;
#198.Dear Lord, Thou art the Tree of Life,
#199.Thou art the Rock everlasting,
Chorus:Lord, how we treasure Thy value,