Eng:158  Chin:131  Kor:131  Span:-  Tag:-  Fra:-  Por:- 

Lyrics:J. J. Hopkins

This hymn has a unique tune


 1  Lord, Thy love has sought and found us

       Wand'ring in this desert wide;

    Thou hast thrown Thine arms around us,

       For us suffered, bled, and died.

    Sing, my soul! He lovèd thee,

    Jesus gave Himself for me.


 2  Hark! What sounds of bitter weeping

       From yon lonesome garden sweep;

    'Tis the Lord His vigil keeping,

       While His followers sink in sleep.

    Ah, my soul, He lovèd thee,

    Yes, He gave Himself for me.


 3  He is speaking to His Father,

       Tasting deep that bitter cup,

    Yet He takes it, willing rather

       For our sakes to drink it up.

    Oh, what love! He lovèd me!

    Gave Himself, my soul, for thee.


 4  Then that closing scene of anguish:

       All God's waves and billows roll

    Over Him, there left to languish

       On the cross, to save my soul.

    Matchless love! How vast, how free,

    Jesus gave Himself for me.


 5  Hark again! His cries are waking

       Echoes on dark Calvary's hill;

    God, my God, art Thou forsaking

       Him who always did Thy will?

    Ah, my soul! It was for thee,

    Yes! He gave Himself for me.


 6  Lord, we joy, Thy toils are ended,

       Glad Thy suff'ring time is o'er;

    To Thy Father's throne ascended,

       There Thou liv'st, to die no more.

    Yes, my soul, He lives for thee,

    He who gave Himself for me.


 7  Lord, we worship and adore Thee

       For Thy rich, Thy matchless grace;

    Perfect soon in joy before Thee,

       We shall see Thee face to face.

    Yet e'en now our song shall be,

    Jesus gave Himself for me.