Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

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Music:James W. Elliott

Hymns using same tune:

#508, #873, #1076


Psalm 110


 1  The Lord said unto my Lord,

    "Sit Thou at My right hand;

    Thy foes shall be Thy footstool,

    Upon them Thou shalt stand."

    The sceptre of Thy strength shall

    The Lord from Zion send

    To rule o'er all the nations

    Forever 'til the end.


 2  A voluntary offering,

    The young ones are to Thee;

    In consecration's splendor

    How beautiful to see!

    For as the dew of morning

    Refreshes all the land —

    The young ones given to Thee

    Are precious in Thy hand.


 3  The Lord hath sworn forever

    And never will turn back,

    "Thou art a priest forever,

    As was Melchizedek."

    Oh, Thou hast no beginning

    Of days; of life: no end!

    And on Thine intercession

    We ever do depend.


 4  The Lord is at Thy right hand

    And in His day of wrath

    He'll strike through rulers, judging

    The nations in His path.

    While riding on to triumph

    He'll drink of us, the stream,

    His head uplifted, strengthened,

    The whole earth to redeem.


 5  Oh Lord, Thou art ascended

    To God's right hand to sit;

    As Head o'er all things, to Thee

    God doth Thy foes commit.

    Our King — for us Thou reignest,

    Our Priest — we are supplied,

    Our all we give unto Thee,

    Thou Conqueror glorified.