Eng:405  Chin:308  Kor:308  Span:178  Tag:405  Fra:-  Por:- 

Lyrics:Watchman Nee

Hymn using same tune:



 1  Having seen the world's fair beauty,

       Lord, I would be blind once more,

    Lest I lose the loving Presence

       And Delight I knew before.


Having seen the world's fair beauty,

Lord, I would be blind once more,

Lest I lose the loving Presence

And Delight I knew before.


 2  Dawn and sunset, star and moonlight,

       I can see in paradise,

    But while here on earth His mercy

       For my blindness will suffice.


Having seen the world's fair beauty,

Lord, I would be blind once more,

Lest I lose the loving Presence

And Delight I knew before.


 3  I no more would be delivered

       From my thorn, but look for grace,

    While within the veil His glory

       Shineth brightly on my face.


Having seen the world's fair beauty,

Lord, I would be blind once more,

Lest I lose the loving Presence

And Delight I knew before.


 4  In the deep dark night, His beauty

       I by faith, not sight, may trace;

    He was ridiculed and hated,

       Yet I see His glorious face.


Having seen the world's fair beauty,

Lord, I would be blind once more,

Lest I lose the loving Presence

And Delight I knew before.


 5  Sun and moonlight far surpassing,

       Clouds and Milky Way o'erspread,

    Is the glory all transcending

       Shining from His thorn-crowned head.


Having seen the world's fair beauty,

Lord, I would be blind once more,

Lest I lose the loving Presence

And Delight I knew before.