1.#5God, our Father, we adore Thee!
2.#20God our Father, we adore Thee,
3.#43"Abba, Father," we approach Thee
4.#45Abba, Father! We adore Thee,
5.#68Lord, Thy Name is callèd Jesus,
6.#114Hail, Thou once despisèd Jesus!
7.#125Hallelujah! Sing to Jesus,
8.#130See the Conqu'ror mount in triumph,
9.#134Glory, everlasting glory
10.#152O how deep and how far-reaching
11.#191Lord, Thou art the "Seed of woman,"
12.#196Lord, the ancient types and symbols
13.#203In the bosom of the Father,
14.#215Jesus, Lord, we know Thee present
15.#236Lamb of God! our souls adore Thee,
16.#268How I praise Thee, precious Savior,
17.#271Of the Spirit born in spirit,
18.#272Christ indeed was born of Spirit
19.#314Sov'reign grace o'er sin abounding,
20.#318Precious Savior, Thou hast saved me;
21.#319Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
22.#325All my life long I had panted
23.#337I will sing the wondrous story
24.#358Love Divine, all love excelling,
25.#378Savior, lead me up the mountain,
26.#403Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,
27.#405Having seen the world's fair beauty,
28.#437Hast thou heard Him, seen Him, known Him?
29.#444All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
30.#460Jesus, I my cross have taken,
31.#475One with Thee, Thou Son eternal,
32.#511Jesus only is our message,
33.#538It is God's intent and pleasure
34.#540What release the Savior gave me!
35.#542O the riches of my Savior,
36.#552Marvel not that Christ in glory
37.#559Savior, I by faith am touching
38.#568'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
39.#570All my doubts I give to Jesus;
40.#589God in heaven hath a treasure,
41.#628Via Bethlehem we journey,
42.#635Let us contemplate the grape vine,
43.#641Art thou hung'ring for the fulness
44.#676All thy griefs by Him are ordered,
45.#703Precious promise God doth give thee,
46.#741God ordained us unto sonship,
47.#750God's intention is to have us
48.#779Pray with one accord in spirit,
49.#780Praying always in the spirit,
50.#784Pray to fellowship with Jesus,
51.#788When thou wakest in the morning
52.#789What a Friend we have in Jesus,
53.#816God's own Word must not be taken
54.#823God before the world's foundation
55.#825Church of God, beloved and chosen,
56.#834The chief Cornerstone Thou art, Lord,
57.#840Freed from self and Adam's nature,
58.#848What a blessing, what a priv'lege!
59.#880To the foe my word is always, "No,"
60.#885Fight the battle in the Body,
61.#889By the blood of Christ the Victor
62.#908Not of letters, but of spirit,
63.#911O how blessed is the priest's life,
64.#913Serve and work within the Body,
65.#914For the Church should be our service,
66.#922To the lost world minister Christ,
67.#925Outreach of the glorious gospel
68.#930"Must I go, and empty-handed,"
69.#946Lo, the glory! Lo, the splendor!
70.#954There's a light upon the mountains,
71.#963Face to face with Christ, my Savior,
72.#977Glorious things of thee are spoken,
73.#1025Give up the world, Christ to obtain,
74.#1094Lo, the nations all assemble
75.#1105Lo, the table spread before us
76.#1123Of the Spirit, born of Spirit —
77.#1136Oh, Lord, grant us revelation,
78.#1138Lord, Thou art our consecration,
79.#1155How I love Thee, precious Jesus,
80.#1160Jesus is our lovely Bridegroom,
81.#1183On the Lord's day, John, in spirit,
82.#1185In the multitude he lay there
83.#1201From the north where God is dwelling
84.#1203God is righteous in His doings,
85.#1217Lord, we've heard the call, "Come forward,"
86.#1225Lord, to know Thee as the Body,
87.#1245When the brothers are in order,
88.#1247If our hearts would be established;
89.#1253Lord, Thy word of old to David
90.#1258Oh, how lovable, how precious
91.#1263There's a church in New York City*,
92.#1275Glorious things of thee are spoken,
93.#1281All the meetings Christ appointed
94.#1299Man's Creator has a purpose
95.#1324Our God is a God of purpose,
96.#1325God eternal has a purpose,
97.#1332Do you know that you were chosen