Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

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Lyrics:T. Monod
Music:James Mountain
Meter:Peculiar Meter

This hymn has a unique tune


 1  I have found, I have found the way

       Which leads to heav'nly rest;

    I have found, I have found the peace

       Which filled my Savior's breast.

    O friends in the desert past,

       Come, join in prayer and praise;

    E'en now He waits our cry,

       The Savior who saves always.


 2  He hath taken our sins away,

       When on Calv'ry's cross He bled;

    The disease of our soul He heals

       By His Spirit freely shed;

    Though Satan hath pierced us deep,

       And great the grace each prays;

    The more we prove His might,

       The Savior who saves always.


 3  Long, alas! in the gloom I fought,

       'Mid strife of wind and waves;

    Jesus seemed only this to me:

       A Savior who sometimes saves.

    But sweet are the light and calm

       That fill my happy days,

    Since now I fully trust

       The Savior who saves always.


 4  O my Sun and my Shield art Thou!

       Lead on where Thou hast trod;

    My Salvation, my Joy, my Song,

       My Brother, and yet my God.

    Whate'er then my life betide,

       I now can trust and praise;

    Each moment Thou wilt save,

       O Savior, who sav'st always.