First LineSame Tune(s)
#500.Oh, what a might! Oh, what a strength!#296, #499, #1349
#501.O glorious Christ, Savior mine,#554
#502.Once I was dead in sin,#436
#503.I serve a risen Savior;Unique
#504.Jesus, I live to Thee,#111, #253 (Tune 1), #285, #356, #543 (Tune 1), #812
#505.There's a Man in the glory#85, #339 (Tune 1)
#506.Jesus lives! thy terrors nowUnique
#507.Once far from God and dead in sin,Unique
#508.Made free! Made free! O captive!#873, #1076, #1102
#509.A flowing river and a tree,Unique
#510.I've found the One of peerless worth,#200 (Tune 2)
#511.Jesus only is our message,Unique
#512.Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou,Unique
#513.Once it was the blessing,Unique
#514.There is One amid all changesUnique
#515.All is in Christ;Unique
#516.Lord of all being, throned afar,#145, #184, #211, #492, #494, #835, #1184
#517.Jesus, my Savior, is all things to me;Unique
#518.Whom have I, Lord, in heav'n but Thee?Unique
#519.My heart is fixed, eternal God,#103
#520.None other Lamb, none other Name,Unique
#521.I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast shown,Unique
#522.O Christ, in Thee my soul hath found,#887, #983, #1097, #1186, #1250
#523.I have come to the Fountain of Life,Unique
#524.I have found, I have found the wayUnique
#525.Jesus, Fountain of my days,#269
#526.Lord, Thou hast made Thyself to me#423, #535, #830
#527.The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want;#198, #480
#528.The King of love my Shepherd is,#187, #188
#529.How tedious and tasteless the hours#292, #904, #1292, #1303
#530.Jesus is all the world to me:#1164
#531.Fade, fade each earthly joy;Unique
#532.Thou hidden source of calm repose,Unique
#533.For every sin however deep,#926 (Tune 2)
#534.The Savior can lift every burden,Unique
#535.All things are possible to him#423, #526 (Tune 1), #830
#536.Objective and subjective Christ is to us,#278, #1082, #1114, #1133
#537.Christ to me is so subjective,#482
#538.It is God's intent and pleasure#911
#539.O Lord, Thou art in me as life#16, #760, #1072
#540.What release the Savior gave me!#378, #676, #885
#541.Not the law of letters,#751
#542.O the riches of my Savior,#848, #1160
#543.I give my heart to Thee,#111, #253 (Tune 1), #285, #356, #504, #812
#544.Lord Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine;Unique
#545.When this passing world is done,Tune 2: #637
#546.I love my Lord, but with no love of mine,#627
#547.Something every heart is loving:#265, #743
#548.Earthen vessel I was made,#972, #1124
#549.Enter the veil and go without the camp,#454, #575, #762, #975, #1195
#550.Through Thy precious body broken —Unique
#551.I've believed the true report,#1251
#552.Marvel not that Christ in glory#1225
#553.In the secret of His presenceUnique
#554.I come to His presence afresh#501
#555.Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh,#249, #654
#556.Thy name is sweet as ointment pourèd forth;#863
#557.Jesus Himself drew near,Unique
#558.What a fellowship, what a joy divine,#276, #1144, #1252
#559.Savior, I by faith am touching#1217
#560.Come, O Thou Traveler unknown,Unique
#561.Thou hast said Thou art the Vine, Lord,Unique
#562.Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet,Unique
#563.Abide in Thee! in that deep love of Thine,Unique
#564.I have learned the wondrous secretUnique
#565.Under His wings I am safely abiding;Unique
#566.Oh, safe to the Rock that is higher than I,Unique
#567.O Lamb of God, still keep meUnique
#568.'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,#437
#569.Simply trusting every day;#223, #1111
#570.All my doubts I give to Jesus;Unique
#571.Thou whose name is callèd Jesus,Unique
#572.Jesus hath died and hath risen again,Unique
#573.Once I thought I walked with Jesus,Unique
#574.Lord Jesus, Thou dost keep Thy child#131, #427
#575.I take Thy promise, Lord, in all its length,#454, #549, #762, #975, #1195
#576.I clasp the hand of Love divine,Unique
#577.When I fear my faith will fail,Unique
#578.My will is weak, my strength is frail,#205 (Tune 1), #638 (Tune 2), #810 (Tune 1), #905
#579.Jesus! I am resting, restingUnique
#580.Resting on the faithfulness of Christ our Lord,#340
#581.On Thee my heart is resting,Unique
#582.When we walk with the LordUnique
#583.Go to Him "without the camp,"Tune 2: #796
#584.Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go,Unique
#585.He leadeth me! O blessed thought,#755
#586.I can hear my Savior calling,Unique
#587.'Tis so sweet to walk with Jesus,Unique
#588.O blessed life — the heart at rest#361, #491, #815
#589.God in heaven hath a treasure,#1136, #1325
#590.Lo, from vessels, earthen only,Unique
#591.Not I, but Christ be honored, loved, exalted,Unique
#592.The earth absorbs the soft, refreshing rain,Unique
#593.All I have in Adam is but sin and death,Unique
#594.Christ my very peace is#663, #1063
#595.There is always something over,#478, #701
#596.Mine is the earth, the worlds in all their fulness;#420
#597.I know that my Redeemer livesUnique
#598.All fair within those children of the light,Unique
#599.Lord, I was blind; I could not seeTune 2: #464, #747, #813, #944