Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:656  Chin:479  Kor:479  Span:-  Tag:656  Fra:-  Por:- 

Lyrics:E. May Grimes
Music:Harold Green

Hymns using same tune:

#496, #923


 1  "Consider Him," let Christ thy pattern be,

    And know that He hath apprehended thee

    To share His very life, His pow'r divine,

    And in the likeness of thy Lord to shine.


 2  "Consider Him"; so shalt thou, day by day,

    Seek out the lowliest place, and therein stay,

    Content to pass away, a thing of nought,

    That glory to the Father's name be brought.


 3  Shrink not, O child of God, but fearless go

    Down into death with Jesus; thou shalt know

    The power of an endless life begin,

    With glorious liberty from self and sin.


 4  "Consider Him," and thus thy life shall be

    Filled with self-sacrifice and purity;

    God will work out in thee the pattern true,

    And Christ's example ever keep in view.


 5  "Consider Him," and as you run the race,

    Keep ever upward looking in His face;

    And thus transformed, illumined thou shalt be,

    And Christ's own image shall be seen in thee.