1.#50Father, Thy Son beloved leads our praise
2.#53Our God and Father, we respond anew
3.#54O God and Father, we our praises bring,
4.#55O God our Father, we would come to Thee
5.#120The Lord is ris'n; and death's dark judgment flood
6.#212Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
7.#219Lord Jesus Christ, we would remember Thee,
8.#225Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face;
9.#237Amazing words! — He 'gave Himself for me,'
10.#258"With one accord" within an upper room
11.#270Lord, in Thy Spirit, take and fill my heart;
12.#336Jesus has loved me, wonderful Savior!
13.#350My goal is God Himself, not joy, nor peace,
14.#351God the Almighty, Uncreated Life,
15.#354Come in, O come! The door stands open now;
16.#370Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide;
17.#431Thy mighty love, O God, constraineth me,
18.#454I lift my heart to Thee,
19.#476Oh, sacred union with the Perfect Mind,
20.#496Christ is the one reality of all,
21.#497Grace in its highest definition is
22.#549Enter the veil and go without the camp,
23.#556Thy name is sweet as ointment pourèd forth;
24.#563Abide in Thee! in that deep love of Thine,
25.#575I take Thy promise, Lord, in all its length,
26.#592The earth absorbs the soft, refreshing rain,
27.#639Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
28.#656"Consider Him," let Christ thy pattern be,
29.#671Deep down into the depths of this Thy Name,
30.#672Not what I am, O Lord, but what Thou art;
31.#709Jesus triumphant when the storm-clouds break,
32.#739In those regenerated by the Lord
33.#762Prayer is the incense of a holy heart
34.#764Lord, in Thy presence silent I would be,
35.#793My soul, be silent, wait upon the Lord!
36.#799All Scripture is the very breath of God,
37.#801O living Word of God, God's image true,
38.#826I saw great throngs — each was a brother dear,
39.#829The Church's seed is nought by Christ Himself
40.#845Release my spirit! This is what I need:
41.#863In daily walk and in our meetings too,
42.#868Ere from our gathering we're dismissed, dear Lord,
43.#869Ere we depart, we praise Thee, Lord, again
44.#923Go to collect materials for the House,
45.#950And it is so! I shall be like Thy Son?
46.#975It was a garden in the primal age,
47.#1195Life is mysterious, life is God Himself,
48.#1202God in His justifying has a plan,