第七篇 铜洗濯盆

The Laver of Bronze



壹 我们认识铜洗濯盆的意义,是极重要的─出三十18:

I. It is crucial that we understand the significance of the laver of bronze—Exo. 30:18:

一 洗濯盆预表基督之死所产生赐生命之灵的洗涤能力─多三5:

A. The laver of bronze typifies the washing power of the life-giving Spirit issuing from the death of Christ—Titus 3:5:

1 铜洗濯盆放置在祭坛之后,表征洗濯盆洗涤的能力,出自在祭坛神的审判─出三十18。

1. The locating of the laver after the altar signifies that the washing power of the laver comes out of God's judgment at the altar—Exo. 30:18.

2 钉十字架的基督经过神在祭坛(十字架)完全的审判而进入复活以后,就成了洗涤我们的赐生命之灵─林前十五45,六11,多三5。

2. After passing through God's full judgment at the altar (the cross), the crucified Christ entered into resurrection and became the life-giving Spirit who washes us—1 Cor. 15:45; 6:11; Titus 3:5.

3 洗濯盆的尺寸没有记载,表征赐生命的灵是无法测度、无限无量的─约三34。

3. The dimensions of the laver are not given, signifying that the life-giving Spirit is immeasurable, unlimited—John 3:34.

二 铜表征神公义的审判─出二六37:

B. Bronze signifies God's righteous judgment—Exo. 26:37:

1 用以作洗濯盆的铜,来自会幕门前服事之妇人的铜镜,含示铜洗濯盆是一面能返照人、暴露人的镜子─三八8。

1. The bronze used to make the laver came from the mirrors of the serving women who served at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, implying that the laver of bronze was a mirror that could reflect and expose—38:8.

2 这指明基督在十字架上所受的审判,有能力暴露我们的不洁和洗涤的需要。

2. This indicates that the judgment suffered by Christ on the cross has the power to expose our uncleanness and our need to be washed.

三 洗濯盆放在祭坛和会幕之间,以接续祭坛的工作,好使人进入帐幕─三十18。

C. The laver was put between the altar and the Tent of Meeting to continue the work of the altar for the entrance into the tabernacle—30:18.

四 洗濯盆的位置是在祭坛之后,但洗濯盆的功用是在祭坛的功用之前─20~21节。

D. The location of the laver was after the altar, but the function of the laver was before that of the altar—vv. 20-21.

五 洗濯盆里所盛的水,表征赐生命之灵的洗涤─18节,弗五26。

E. The water put into the laver signifies the washing of the life-giving Spirit—v. 18; Eph. 5:26.

六 洗濯盆的洗涤,不是表征基督的血洗去我们的罪,乃是表征赐生命的灵洗去来自接触属地事物的污秽─约壹一7,约十三5。

F. The washing of the laver signifies not the washing away of sin by the blood of Christ but the washing away of the defilement that comes from contacting earthly things, by the life-giving Spirit—1 John 1:7; John 13:5.

七 祭司事奉之前必须在洗濯盆里洗涤,免得死亡;这指明我们若想要事奉神,却没有赐生命的灵洗去我们属地的污秽,就会遭受属灵的死亡─出三十20~21。

G. The priests were required to wash in the laver before serving, lest they die; this indicates that if we try to serve God without washing away our earthly defilement by the life-giving Spirit, we will suffer spiritual death—Exo. 30:20-21.

八 铜洗濯盆是为着神居所的运作,为着帐幕的运作─18~19节:

H. The laver of bronze was for the operation of God's dwelling place, for the operation of the tabernacle—vv. 18-19:

1 没有洗濯盆,帐幕或外院子里的一切都不能运作。

1. Without the laver, nothing in the tabernacle or in the outer court could operate.

2 祭司若不在洗濯盆里洗净,帐幕就无法运作─19节。

2. Unless the priests washed in the laver, there was no way for the tabernacle to operate—v. 19.

3 如果把洗濯盆从外院子挪去,帐幕和外院子里其他的一切仍是完整的;然而,那些东西却无法运作。

3. If the laver had been removed from the outer court, everything else in the tabernacle and the outer court would still have been complete, but there would not have been any way for these things to operate.

4 祭司在外院子和帐幕里的服事,有赖于他们在洗濯盆里的洗涤─19节。

4. The service of the priests in the outer court and in the tabernacle depended on their washing in the laver—v. 19.

贰 我们必须经历洗濯盆,就是赐生命之灵的洗涤─约十三1~17,多三5,弗五26~27:

II. We need to experience the laver, the washing of the life-giving Spirit—John 13:1-17; Titus 3:5; Eph. 5:26-27:

一 洗濯盆是我们洗去属地的玷污,而得着洁净的地方─出三十18:

A. The laver is the place where we wash away our earthly defilement and are made clean—Exo. 30:18:

1 我们虽有了神圣的生命,却仍在地上活在堕落的肉体中;由于和地的接触,我们常是污秽的;地的接触是无法避免的。

1. Although we have the divine life, we are still living in the fallen flesh on the earth, and through the earthly touch we are often dirtied; we cannot avoid the earthly touch.

2 我们若要作真祭司,并执行祭司的任务,一切从属地接触而来的玷污就必须洗去─19节:

2. If we would be real priests and practice the priesthood, all defilement from the earthly touch must be washed away—v. 19:

a 我们信徒作新约的祭司,要凭基督和祂的十字架事奉神,就必须先洗去我们接触地上事物而受的玷污。

a. Before we believers, as the New Testament priests, can serve God by Christ and His cross, we must wash away the defilement that comes from the contact with earthly things and matters.

b 我们若留在那来自接触地而有的污秽中,就无法事奉神,无法祷告,也无法在聚会中尽功用。

b. If we remain in the defilement that comes from the earthly touch, we cannot serve God, we cannot pray, and we cannot function in the meetings.

c 我们每日都需要来到洗濯盆前,使属地的接触都被圣灵洗净。

c. Every day we need to come to the laver to be washed by the Holy Spirit from the earthly touch.

d 这个洗涤不是借着血,乃是借着属灵的水,就是圣灵─多三5,弗五26。

d. This washing is not by the blood but by the spiritual water, which is the Holy Spirit—Titus 3:5; Eph. 5:26.

二 在约翰十三章一至十七节,主洗门徒的脚,描绘我们对洗濯盆的经历:─引用经文

B. In John 13:1-17 we have an experience of the laver portrayed by the Lord's washing of the disciples' feet:

1 重生的人在他们灵里,是在神里面,也是在诸天界里;但在他们身体里,他们仍然活在肉体中,行走在地上:

1. In their spirit the regenerated ones are in God and in the heavenlies, but in their body they are still living in the flesh and walking on the earth:

a 因着接触属地的事物,他们常被玷污。

a. Through their contact with earthly things they often become dirty.

b 由于属地接触而有的污秽阻挠了交通,他们需要借着洗濯盆里的水来洗涤。

b. Because the dirt from the earthly touch frustrates fellowship, they need to be washed by the water in the laver.

2 五节的水象征圣灵(多三5)、话(弗五26,约十五3)和生命(约十九34)。─引用经文

2. The water in verse 5 signifies the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5), the word (Eph. 5:26; John 15:3), and life (John 19:34).

3 在约翰十三章的洗脚,是具有属灵意义的表号;洗脚的属灵意义,乃是为了维持与主并与彼此之间愉快的交通─约壹一3、7。

3. The foot-washing in John 13 is a sign having spiritual significance; the significance of spiritual foot-washing is that it is for maintaining pleasant fellowship with the Lord and with one another—1 John 1:3, 7.

4 主洗门徒的脚,就是爱到底的爱;所以,彼此洗脚就是弟兄相爱─约十三1, 4~5、14~15、34~35。

4. The Lord's washing of the disciples' feet was a matter of love to the uttermost; to wash one another's feet, therefore, is a matter of brotherly love—John 13:1, 4-5, 14-15, 34-35.

三 提多三章五节说到重生的洗涤,和圣灵的更新:─引用经文

C. Titus 3:5 speaks of the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit:

1 “洗涤”,直译,“洗濯盆”,是为着洗去污秽。

1. The Greek word translated "washing" literally means "laver," which is for the washing away of uncleanness.

2 五节的“重生”,原文指事物从一种光景转变成另一种光景;重生乃是这种转变的开始。─引用经文

2. In verse 5 the Greek word for regeneration refers to a change from one state to another; being born again is the commencing of this change.

3 重生的洗涤,开始于我们得重生,继续于圣灵的更新;这是神新造的过程,使我们成为新人─弗四23~24:

3. The washing of regeneration begins with our being born again and continues with the renewing of the Holy Spirit as the process of God's new creation, a process that makes us a new man—Eph. 4:23-24:

a 这洗涤是一种用神圣生命进行的重修、再制或改造。

a. This washing is a kind of reconditioning, remaking, or remodeling, with the divine life.

b 重生的洗涤洁除我们旧人一切旧性情的东西,而圣灵的更新将新的东西,新人神圣的素质,分赐到我们里面。

b. The washing of regeneration purges away all the things of the old nature of our old man, and the renewing of the Holy Spirit imparts something new—the divine essence of the new man—into our being.

c 在这过程中,我们从已往所在的老旧光景转入全新的光景,从旧造进入新造的情形─林后五17,加六15。

c. In this process there is a passing from our old state into a wholly new one, from the old creation into the new creation—2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15.

d 在我们的一生中,重生的洗涤和圣灵的更新,乃是不断地在我们里面作工,直到新造得以完成─多三5。

d. Both the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit are working in us continually throughout our life until the completion of the new creation—Titus 3:5.

四 升天的基督在祂天上的职事里,正“借着话中之水的洗涤”洁净召会─弗五26:

D. In His heavenly ministry the ascended Christ is cleansing the church "by the washing of the water in the word"—Eph. 5:26:

1 二十六节里的“洗涤”,直译,“洗濯盆”:─引用经文

1. The Greek word for washing in verse 26 is literally "laver":

a 原文在此字之前有指定冠词,指那洗濯盆,就是犹太人所周知的洗濯盆。

a. In Greek the definite article is used before this word, causing it to refer to the laver, the laver that was known to all the Jews.

b 旧约那洗濯盆洗去祭司属地的污秽(出三十18~21);现今这洗濯盆,就是洗涤的水,也洗去我们的污秽。─引用经文

b. In the Old Testament the priests used the laver to wash away their earthly defilement (Exo. 30:18-21); now the laver, the washing of the water, washes us from defilement.

2 以弗所五章二十六节的水是指神涌流的生命,由涌流的水所象征─出十七6,林前十4,约七38~39,启二一6,二二1、17。

2. The water in Ephesians 5:26 refers to the flowing life of God, which is typified by the flowing water—Exo. 17:6; 1 Cor. 10:4; John 7:38-39; Rev. 21:6; 22:1, 17.

3 救赎的血,洗去我们的罪(约壹一7,启七14);而生命的水,乃洗去我们旧人天然生命的瑕疵,就如斑点、皱纹。─引用经文

3. The redeeming blood washes away our sins (1 John 1:7; Rev. 7:14), whereas the water of life washes away the blemishes of the natural life of our old man, such as spots or wrinkles.

4 我们现今正在这洗涤的过程中,使基督“好献给自己,作荣耀的召会,没有斑点、皱纹、或任何这类的病,好使她成为圣别、没有瑕疵”─弗五27。

4. We are now in such a washing process so that Christ may "present the church to Himself glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things, but that she would be holy and without blemish"—Eph. 5:27.
