第二篇 约翰福音所描绘基督的扩增

The Increase of Christ as Portrayed in the Gospel of John



壹 召会的扩增与开展就是基督的扩增与开展─约十二24,徒五14,九35,十一21、24:

I. The increase and spread of the church is the increase and spread of Christ—John 12:24; Acts 5:14; 9:35; 11:21, 24:

一 借着经过死,主耶稣进入了复活,把祂神圣的生命分赐给一切信入祂的人,使他们能成为祂的复制─彼前一3,约三15,二十17。

A. After passing through death, the Lord Jesus entered into resurrection to impart His divine life into those who believe into Him so that they could become His reproduction—1 Pet. 1:3; John 3:15; 20:17.

二 经过死与复活,基督一再地繁殖、扩增、开展─徒五14,十一24。

B. Through His death and resurrection, Christ has been propagated, increased, and spread—Acts 5:14; 11:24.

三 召会是基督的身体,也就是基督自己;因此,召会就是基督在地上的扩增与开展─弗一22~23,四4、16,林前十二12、27。

C. The church is the Body of Christ, even Christ Himself; hence, the church is Christ's increase and spread on earth—Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4, 16; 1 Cor. 12:12, 27.

四 召会不仅传扬基督,也扩增并开展基督─太二八19,徒一8。

D. The church does not merely announce Christ; the church increases and spreads Christ—Matt. 28:19; Acts 1:8.

贰 “娶新妇的,就是新郎;……祂必扩增”─约三29上、30上:

II. "He who has the bride is the bridegroom…He must increase"—John 3:29a, 30a:

一 三十节的扩增,就是二十九节的新妇,这新妇乃是所有重生之人活的组成─3~6节:

A. The increase in verse 30 is the bride in verse 29, and the bride is a living composition of all the regenerated people—vv. 3-6:

1 重生不仅将神的生命带进信徒里面,更使他们为着基督的扩增,成为团体的新妇─6、15节、29节上、30节上:

1. Regeneration not only brings the divine life into the believers, but it also makes them the corporate bride for Christ's increase—vv. 6, 15, 29a, 30a:

a 作为基督之扩增的新妇与我们这人属灵的部分有关─6节下。

a. The bride as the increase of Christ is related to the spiritual part of our being—v. 6b.

b 我们重生之人的灵乃是基督之扩增的一部分,而这扩增是基督的繁增与复制;借着重生,我们成为基督之扩增的一部分。

b. Our regenerated human spirit is part of the increase of Christ, and this increase is Christ's multiplication and reproduction; through regeneration we have become part of Christ's increase.

2 基督借着重生蒙救赎的罪人而得扩增,将他们作成祂的新妇,祂的妻子。

2. Christ increases by regenerating redeemed sinners, making them His bride, His wife.

3 基督要一直得着扩增,我们就需要接触人,帮助他们得重生,因而生出新的属灵儿女─林前四14~15,门10。

3. For Christ to increase continually, we need to contact people and help them to be regenerated, thereby producing new spiritual children—1 Cor. 4:14-15; Philem. 10.

二 这位扩增的基督是无法测度且没有限量之神的儿子─约三31~36:

B. The Christ who is increasing is the immeasurable and unlimited Son of God—John 3:31-36:

1 祂这如此无法测度、没有限量的一位,是从上头来,又是在万有之上,父已将万有都赐给祂,并且祂赐那灵是没有限量的─31节。

1. He is such an immeasurable and unlimited One, who comes from above, who is above all, to whom the Father has given all, and who dispenses the Spirit without measure—v. 31.

2 这样的一位需要一个宇宙的扩增,作祂的新妇与祂相配─29节上、30节上。

2. Such a One needs a universal increase to be His bride to match Him—vv. 29a, 30a.

3 子基督将那灵没有限量地赐给神的子民─34节:

3. Christ the Son gives the Spirit without measure to God's people—v. 34:

a 我们要成为这位无限之基督的扩增,唯一的路就是接受那灵,并被那灵充满;我们越有那灵,就越成为基督的扩增─34节。

a. The unique way for us to become the increase of the unlimited Christ is to receive the Spirit and be filled with the Spirit; the more we have the Spirit, the more we will be Christ's increase—v. 34.

b 这扩增开始于我们的重生,完成于我们被那无限量的灵所充满─3~6、34节。

b. This increase begins with our regeneration, and it consummates with our being filled with the immeasurable Spirit—vv. 3-6, 34.

叁 “一粒麦子不落在地里死了,仍旧是一粒;若是死了,就结出许多子粒来”─十二24:

III. "Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit"—12:24:

一 约翰福音启示,主耶稣来分赐神的生命给我们,使祂能为自己得着扩增─十10下,三15、29上、30上。

A. The Gospel of John reveals that the Lord Jesus came to impart the divine life to us so that He might have an increase for Himself—10:10b; 3:15, 29a, 30a.

二 主耶稣落在地里死了,就叫祂神圣的元素,神圣的生命,能从祂人性的体壳释放出来,在复活里产生许多信徒(彼前一3);正如一粒麦子落在地里,把生命的元素释放出来,又从地里长出,结出许多果实,就是产生许多子粒。─引用经文

B. The Lord Jesus fell into the ground and died to release His divine element, His divine life, from within the shell of His humanity to produce many believers in resurrection (1 Pet. 1:3), just as a grain of wheat has its life element released by falling into the ground and growing up out of the ground to bear much fruit, that is, to bring forth many grains.

三 这许多子粒乃是祂许多的肢体,构成祂奥秘的身体─祂永远无限的扩增─林前十二12、27,约三30。

C. These many grains are His many members that constitute His mystical Body—His eternal, boundless increase—1 Cor. 12:12, 27; John 3:30.

四 我们不该一直作完整的子粒;反之,我们必须被破碎,并被磨碾成细面,使我们能与别人调和成为一饼;这饼就是基督的身体,要终极完成于新耶路撒冷─林前十17,启二一2。

D. We should not remain as whole grains; rather, we need to be broken and ground into fine flour so that we may be blended with others for making a loaf; this loaf is the Body of Christ, which consummates in the New Jerusalem—1 Cor. 10:17; Rev. 21:2.

五 伯大尼的筵宴之家所描绘的召会生活很美妙─约十二1~11:

E. The church life portrayed by the house of feasting in Bethany was marvelous—John 12:1-11:

1 品质虽然绝佳,数量却极为有限。

1. It was excellent in quality, but it was much too small in quantity.

2 因此,主耶稣必须完成释放生命的死,好使这样的召会生活得以在复活里繁增─24节。

2. It was necessary, therefore, for the Lord Jesus to die a life-releasing death so that this kind of church life could be multiplied in resurrection—v. 24.

肆 “你往我弟兄那里去,告诉他们说,我要升到我的父,也是你们的父那里,到我的神,也是你们的神那里”─二十17:

IV. "Go to My brothers and say to them, I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God"—20:17:

一 借着基督的复活,门徒就因神的生命得了重生(彼前一3),这生命是借着基督作为一粒麦子受死而释放出来的。─引用经文

A. Through Christ's resurrection His disciples were regenerated (1 Pet. 1:3) with the divine life, which had been released by His dying as a grain of wheat.

二 祂原是父的独生子,是父个别的彰显;现今借着祂的死与复活,父的独生子成了许多弟兄中的长子─约一18,三16,罗八29:

B. He was the Father's only Son, the Father's individual expression; through His death and resurrection the Father's only Begotten became the Firstborn among many brothers—John 1:18; 3:16; Rom. 8:29:

1 祂的许多弟兄就是神的许多儿子,也是召会,就是父神在子里团体的彰显;这是神终极的心意─来二10~12。

1. His many brothers are the many sons of God and the church, a corporate expression of God the Father in the Son; this is God's ultimate intention—Heb. 2:10-12.

2 那许多弟兄是父生命的繁殖,也是子在神圣生命里的繁增;因此,在主的复活里,神那要得着许多儿子作祂永远团体彰显的永远定旨就得以完成─弗一4~5,三9~11。

2. The many brothers are the propagation of the Father's life and the multiplication of the Son in the divine life; hence, in the Lord's resurrection God's eternal purpose to have many sons for His eternal, corporate expression is fulfilled—Eph. 1:4-5; 3:9-11.

伍 “使他们都成为一;正如你父在我里面,我在你里面,使他们也在我们里面,……你所赐给我的荣耀,我已赐给他们,使他们成为一,正如我们是一一样。我在他们里面,你在我里面,使他们被成全成为一”─约十七21~23上:

V. "That they all may be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us…And the glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, even as We are one; I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected into one"—John 17:21-23a:

一 我们需要看见基督之扩增的一,在其中所有蒙重生的人,所有的子粒,所有的弟兄乃是一─三6,十二24,二十17。

A. We need to see the oneness of the increase of Christ, a oneness in which all the regenerated ones, the grains, and the brothers are one—3:6; 12:24; 20:17.

二 三一神是三,但这三者在独一的一里─这是互相内在的一,乃是基督身体一的模型─弗四4。

B. The Triune God is three, but the three are in a unique oneness—a oneness of co-inherence, which is a model of the oneness of the Body of Christ—Eph. 4:4.

三 基督身体的一,基督扩增的一,就是神圣三一扩大的一─约十七21~23,十四20,林前十二12。

C. The oneness of the Body of Christ, the oneness of the increase of Christ, is the enlarged oneness of the Divine Trinity—John 17:21-23; 14:20; 1 Cor. 12:12.
