第二篇 认识神和祂的法则(道路)

Knowing God and His Ways



壹 “我喜悦……认识神,胜于燔祭”─何六6:

I. "I delight in…the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings"—Hosea 6:6:

一 神喜悦我们认识祂;因此,祂要我们“竭力追求认识祂[耶和华]”─6、3节。

A. God delights in our knowing Him; therefore, He wants us to "pursue knowing Jehovah"—vv. 6, 3.

二 我们对神的认识,比我们对神的事奉更紧要─6节:

B. Our knowledge of God is more important than our service to God—v. 6:

1 我们不能光事奉神,而不追求认识神─3节。

1. We should not merely serve God without pursuing knowledge of Him—v. 3.

2 我们对神的事奉,是根据我们对神的认识─四6。

2. Our service to God is based on our knowledge of Him—4:6.

贰 我们需要有对神的感觉,并对神有充分的认识─彼前二19,彼后一2、8,三18:

II. We need to have the consciousness of God and the full knowledge of God—1 Pet. 2:19; 2 Pet. 1:2, 8; 3:18:

一 对神的感觉,即与神关系的感觉,指明这人是活在与神亲密的交通中,向神存着并持守无亏、清洁的良心─彼前二19,三16,提前一5、19,三9,提后一3:

A. The consciousness of God is the consciousness of one's relation to God, indicating that one is living in an intimate fellowship with God, having and keeping a good and pure conscience toward God—1 Pet. 2:19; 3:16; 1 Tim. 1:5, 19; 3:9; 2 Tim. 1:3:

1 我们重生的灵对神有敏锐的感觉,就是有对神的知觉,好与神来往,并感觉到神的事─罗一9,九1。

1. Our regenerated spirit has a keen sense toward God, a God- consciousness to deal with God and sense the things of God—Rom. 1:9; 9:1.

2 有对神的感觉,就是在灵里照着神生活─彼前四6,罗八2,约壹二27。

2. To have the consciousness of God is to live in the spirit according to God—1 Pet. 4:6; Rom. 8:2; 1 John 2:27.

二 充分认识神,乃是在经历上认识神─彼后一2、8:

B. The full knowledge of God is an experiential knowledge of God—2 Pet. 1:2, 8:

1 充分认识三一神,叫我们有分于并享受祂神圣的生命和神圣的性情─3~4节。

1. The full knowledge of the Triune God is for our participation in and enjoyment of His divine life and divine nature—vv. 3-4.

2 在三章十八节,主的知识等于真理,就是祂一切所是的实际;因此,在主的知识上长大,就是因着认识基督的所是而长大,也就是借着认识真理而长大─约八32,十七17。

2. In 3:18 the knowledge of the Lord is equal to the truth, the reality of all that He is; hence, to grow in the knowledge of the Lord is to grow by the realization of what Christ is, the realization of the truth—John 8:32; 17:17.

叁 “如今……求你叫我知道你的法则”(出三三13上);“祂使摩西知道祂的法则”(诗一〇三7上)

III. "Please let me know now Your ways" (Exo. 33:13a); "He made His ways known to Moses" (Psa. 103:7a):

一 认识神的法则(道路),指认识祂作事的原则─创十八23~32,民十六46,撒上十五22,撒下二四24,赛五五10~11。

A. To know God's ways refers to knowing the principles by which He does things—Gen. 18:23-32; Num. 16:46; 1 Sam. 15:22; 2 Sam. 24:24; Isa. 55:10-11.

二 神的法则(道路)就是祂对付我们的方式;祂的道路高过我们的道路─9节。

B. God's ways are the ways in which He deals with us; His ways are higher than our ways—v. 9.

三 神的道路,就是神在我们身上所定规要作的事;祂的道路,就是祂在我们身上所拣选的道路─弗一5、9、11,林前一1,罗十五32。

C. The ways of God are what He wants to do concerning us; His ways are the choices that He makes concerning us—Eph. 1:5, 9, 11; 1 Cor. 1:1; Rom. 15:32.

四 我们要学习认识神的法则(道路),就是神对付我们的方法─出三三13:

D. We must learn to know the ways of God, the methods by which He deals with us—Exo. 33:13:

1 我们若学习在我们的路径上认定主,就必认定祂的道路─箴三5~6。

1. If we learn to acknowledge the Lord in all our paths, we will acknowledge His ways—Prov. 3:5-6.

2 今天在神的子民中有一个大难处,就是什么都是以自己为中心,并为自己谋利益─腓二21。

2. A great problem among God's people is their wanting everything to revolve around them and to serve their interests—Phil. 2:21.

3 信徒今天一大需要,就是要学习认识神的道路,喜欢神的道路─出三四8。

3. A great need among believers today is to learn the lesson of knowing God's ways and embracing them—Exo. 34:8.

五 惟有借着启示,人才认识神;惟有借着服从,人才认识神的道路─弗一17,四20~21,太十一25~29:

E. God Himself can be known only by revelation, and God's ways can be known only by submission—Eph. 1:17; 4:20-21; Matt. 11:25-29:

1 我们没有得着神的启示之先,不能接受神的道路─伯四二5~6。

1. Without an unveiling of God to us, we cannot accept God's ways—Job 42:5-6.

2 我们必须先接受启示,才能接受神的道路─弗一17。

2. We must first have a revelation before we can accept His ways—Eph. 1:17.

六 为了要认识并接受神的道路,我们不只要认识神作我们的父,也要认识祂作我们的神─约二十17,弗一3、17:

F. In order to know and accept His ways, we need to know God not only as our Father but also as our God—John 20:17; Eph. 1:3, 17:

1 认识神作父是一件事,而认识祂作神则是不同的事─罗十一33~36。

1. It is one thing to know God as the Father, and it is a different thing to know Him as God—Rom. 11:33-36.

2 看见过神的人,就认识祂是神;有一天,神要开我们的眼睛,叫我们看见祂是神,也认识祂是神─伯四二5~6。

2. Those who have seen God know that He is God; a day will come when God opens our eyes to see Him as God and know Him as God—Job 42:5-6.

3 我们要看见我们不只是神的儿女,也是祂的奴仆─约壹三1,雅一1,启一1,二二3。

3. We need to see that we are not only God's children but also His slaves—1 John 3:1; James 1:1; Rev. 1:1; 22:3.

4 我们若对神有启示,并遇见祂这位神,我们就会敬拜神,并接受祂的道路─出三三13,三四8。

4. If we have a revelation of God and meet Him as God, we will worship Him and accept His ways—Exo. 33:13; 34:8.

七 我们所有属灵的前途,都是看我们能不能敬拜神的道路:

G. Our entire spiritual future hinges on our ability to worship the ways of God:

1 所有真实的敬拜,都是从认识神并从祂得着启示来的─约九35~38,太二11,八2,九18,二八9、17~18。

1. All true worship comes from knowing God and receiving a revelation from God—John 9:35-38; Matt. 2:11; 8:2; 9:18; 28:9, 17-18.

2 接受神的道路,就是敬拜神的道路─创二四23~27。

2. To accept the ways of God is to worship the ways of God—Gen. 24:23-27.

3 我们要敬拜神,也要接受祂对付我们的方法─伯四二5~6。

3. We must worship God, and we must accept the ways in which He deals with us—Job 42:5-6.

4 我们的心要被神带到一个地步,我们伏在神的面前,说,“为着你所拣选的事,我敬拜你;为着你所定规临到我的事,我也敬拜你。”

4. Our heart must be brought by God to the point of bowing down before Him and saying, "I worship You for what You choose and for what You have ordained for me."

肆 “使我可以认识你”─出三三13:

IV. "That I may know You"—Exo. 33:13:

一 永远的生命就是神圣的生命;这生命具有认识神和基督的特殊功能─约十七3,参太十一27:

A. Eternal life is the divine life with a special function, that is, to know God and Christ—John 17:3; cf. Matt. 11:27:

1 要认识神圣的人位,需要神圣的生命─约十七3,十一25。

1. To know the divine person, we need the divine life—John 17:3; 11:25.

2 信徒既由神圣的生命所生,就认识神和基督─来八11,腓三10:

2. Since the believers are born of the divine life, they can know God and Christ—Heb. 8:11; Phil. 3:10:

a 对神的认识,一面是随着我们里面生命的长进,而逐渐增加的;神的生命在我们里面越长大,我们就越认识祂。

a. On the one hand, knowing God gradually increases with our inward growth of life; the more the divine life grows within us, the more we know God.

b 这个认识,另一面也是使我们里面的生命长进的─西一10。

b. On the other hand, this knowing causes the life within us to grow—Col. 1:10.

二 “他们各人绝不用教导自己同国之民,各人也绝不用教导自己的弟兄,说,你该认识主;因为他们从最小的到至大的,都必认识我”─来八11:

B. "They shall by no means each teach his fellow citizen and each his brother, saying, Know the Lord; for all will know Me from the little one to the great one among them"—Heb. 8:11:

1 在这节里,认识神自己就是认识神的性情;我们摸着神的性情,就是摸着并认识神的自己。

1. In this verse to know God Himself is to know the nature of God; when we touch the nature of God, we touch God Himself and know God Himself.

2 神将祂神圣的生命分赐到我们里面,就把这最高的律,生命的律,放在我们灵里,这律又从我们灵里扩展到我们内里的各部分,就如心思、情感和意志,而成为几个律─10节:

2. By imparting His divine life into us, God puts the highest law, the law of life, into our spirit, whence it spreads into our inward parts, such as our mind, emotion, and will, and becomes several laws—v. 10:

a 借着生命之律的功能,我们能凭里面的生命认识神─11节。

a. By the function of the law of life, we know God in the inward way of life—v. 11.

b 我们认识神,不仅是照着外面客观的知识,更是照着里面主观的生命知觉─罗八6。

b. We know God not merely according to outward, objective knowledge but in the inward, subjective consciousness by the sense of life—Rom. 8:6.

3 我们里面对神的认识,乃是借两个凭借:

3. Our inward knowledge of God comes by two means:

a 一个是出于神生命的生命之律,一个是出于神圣灵的膏油涂抹的教导─来八10~11,约壹二20、27。

a. One is by the law of life, which comes from the life of God, and the other is by the teaching of the anointing, which comes from the Holy Spirit of God—Heb. 8:10-11; 1 John 2:20, 27.

b 生命的律,是重在叫我们认识神的性情,因为神的性情就是神生命的特性;膏油涂抹的教导,是重在使我们认识神的自己。

b. The law of life primarily causes us to know the nature of God, which is the characteristic of His life; the teaching of the anointing primarily causes us to know God Himself.

三 神的儿子已经来到,且将悟性赐给我们,使我们可以认识那位真实者,就是真正且实际的神─五20:

C. The Son of God has come and has given us an understanding so that we might know the true One, the genuine and real God—5:20:

1 这悟性是指我们心思的机能,借实际的灵得着光照与加力,好在我们重生的灵里领略神圣的实际─弗四23,约十六12~15。

1. This understanding is the faculty of our mind enlightened and empowered by the Spirit of reality to apprehend the divine reality in our regenerated spirit—Eph. 4:23; John 16:12-15.

2 约壹五章二十节的“认识”是神圣生命的能力,在我们重生的灵里,借着我们蒙实际的灵所光照之更新的心思,认识真神─约十七3,弗一17。

2. Know in 1 John 5:20 is the ability of the divine life to know the true God in our regenerated spirit through our renewed mind, enlightened by the Spirit of reality—John 17:3; Eph. 1:17.

3 约壹五章二十节的“那位真实的”─或“那真实者”─是指神对我们成了主观的,客观的神在我们的生活和经历中成了那真实者:

3. In 1 John 5:20 Him who is true—or the true One—refers to God becoming subjective to us, to the God who is objective becoming the true One in our life and experience:

a 那真实者就是神圣的实际;认识那真实者,意即借着经历、享受并拥有这实际,而认识这神圣的实际。

a. The true One is the divine reality; to know the true One means to know the divine reality by experiencing, enjoying, and possessing this reality.

b 这指明神圣的实际─神自己─对我们曾经是客观的,已经在经历中成为我们主观的实际─6节。

b. This indicates that the divine reality—God Himself, who was once objective to us—has become a subjective reality in our experience—v. 6.

4 二十节的“这”是指那已成肉体而来,并赐我们能力,以认识祂是真神,并在祂儿子耶稣基督里与祂在生机上成为一的神。─引用经文

4. The word this in verse 20 refers to the God who has come through incarnation and has given us the ability to know Him as the genuine God and be one with Him organically in His Son Jesus Christ.

5 “这”是指真神和耶稣基督,我们乃是在祂里面;这包括了我们在这一位,就是在那位真实者里面,以及我们认识那位真实者。

5. This refers to the true God and Jesus Christ in whom we are; it includes the fact that we are in this One, the true One, and that we know the true One.

伍 “惟独认识神的子民,必刚强行事”─但十一32:

V. "The people who know their God will show strength and take action"—Dan. 11:32:

一 认识神,能叫我们刚强;我们认识神多少,就能刚强多少─弗一17,三16。

A. Knowing God strengthens us; our strength depends on the degree of our knowledge of God—Eph. 1:17; 3:16.

二 惟有认识神的人,必刚强行事─但十一32:

B. Only those who know God will show strength and take action—Dan. 11:32:

1 认识神的人必刚强行事,好开疆拓土,为神开辟天下。

1. Those who know God will be strong to take action in order to expand their horizons, extend their boundaries, and break new ground for God.

2 今天在地上,神就是需要这样认识祂的人。

2. On earth today God needs those who know Him in this way.
