第三篇 事奉神

Serving God



壹 “让我的百姓去,他们好在旷野事奉我”─出七16,五1,四23,八1、20,九1、13,十3:

I. "Let My people go that they may serve Me in the wilderness"—Exo. 7:16; 5:1; 4:23; 8:1, 20; 9:1, 13; 10:3:

一 以色列人已被法老霸占,作奴仆服事,执行埃及人的意图─十四12。

A. The children of Israel had been usurped by Pharaoh to serve as slaves to carry out the purpose of the Egyptians—14:12.

二 法老不仅表征撒但,也表征己和天然的人;我们天然的心思、意志或情感,也可能是背叛神或狡猾的与神讲价的法老。

B. Pharaoh signifies not only Satan but also the self and the natural man; our natural mind, will, or emotion may be a Pharaoh who rebels against God or who bargains subtly with Him.

三 在积极方面,旷野表征分别的领域;在对付法老时,神要求给祂的百姓这样的分别─七16。

C. Positively, the wilderness signifies a realm of separation; in His dealing with Pharaoh, God demanded such a separation for His people—7:16.

贰 “让我的百姓去,他们好在旷野向我守节”;“让我们去献祭给耶和华”─五1、17:

II. "Let My people go that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness"; "let us go and sacrifice to Jehovah"—5:1, 17:

一 神的目标不是分别;祂的目标是要以色列人向祂守节并献祭给祂─1、3、8、17节:

A. God's goal was not separation; His goal was that the children of Israel would hold a feast to Him and sacrifice to Him—vv. 1, 3, 8, 17:

1 神对法老的要求,乃是让祂的百姓走三天的路程,到旷野里去,让他们向祂守节并献祭给祂;这是对神救恩的享受─1、3节。

1. God's demand of Pharaoh was to let the people go a three days' journey into the wilderness so that they could hold a feast to Him and sacrifice to Him; this is the enjoyment of God's salvation—vv. 1, 3.

2 因着主的完全救恩,我们许多人已从埃及的奴役蒙拯救,好事奉神,现今在旷野享受节期,并献祭给神─八20、26~27、29。

2. Because of the Lord's full salvation, we have been delivered from bondage in Egypt in order to serve God, and we are now in the wilderness enjoying the feast and offering sacrifice to God—8:20, 26-27, 29.

二 向神守节就是与神一同享受神并敬拜神─五1:

B. To hold a feast to God is to enjoy God with God and to worship God—5:1:

1 五章一节的“向我”这辞表示神的百姓过节时,祂是喜乐的;他们是向神守节。─引用经文

1. The words to Me in 5:1 indicate that when God's people are feasting, He is happy; their feasting is to Him.

2 人与神所能有的最好和最高的关系,就是向神并与神一同守节─二三14~17。

2. The best and highest relationship man can have with God is to feast to God and with God—23:14-17.

3 守神的节期,意思就是我们为祂并与祂一同守节;我们越过节,祂就越享受,祂也越欢乐。

3. To have a feast to God means that we feast for Him and with Him; the more we feast, the more enjoyment He has and the happier He is.

4 这样向耶和华守节乃是在分赐下的敬拜;也就是说,照着分赐到我们里面的来敬拜神─约四14、23~24。

4. This feasting to the Lord is dispensational worship; that is, worshipping God according to what has been dispensed into us—John 4:14, 23-24.

三 以色列人要献祭给主─出三18,五3、8、17:

C. The children of Israel were to sacrifice to the Lord—Exo. 3:18; 5:3, 8, 17:

1 “献祭”是与“过节”平行的辞─1、3节:

1. Sacrifice is a word parallel to hold a feast—vv. 1, 3:

a 对以色列人来说,节期就是筵席,但对神来说,节期乃是献祭。

a. To the children of Israel, the feast was a feast, but to God it was a sacrifice.

b 没有献祭,过节就没有东西可吃;以色列人过节所吃的就是他们献给神的祭物。

b. Without the sacrifice, there is nothing to feast on; what the children of Israel were to feast on was the very sacrifice they were to offer to God.

2 献祭给神就是把东西献给祂,而向神守节就是与神一同享受所献给祂的─1、3节。

2. To sacrifice to God is to offer something to Him, and to hold a feast to God is to enjoy with God what is offered to Him—vv. 1, 3.

叁 神呼召的目的是要带领祂的选民到山上,他们要在那里事奉祂并献祭给祂─三1、12、18,十九1~2、11,二四16~18:

III. The purpose of God's calling is to bring His chosen people to the mountain, where they may serve Him and sacrifice to Him—3:1, 12, 18; 19:1-2, 11; 24:16-18:

一 在出埃及三章十二节神说,祂的百姓要在神的山上事奉祂─参1节。

A. In Exodus 3:12 God says that His people would serve Him on the mountain of God—cf. v. 1.

二 神的山是我们领受有关神定旨之启示的地方─12节,十九2,二四9~13、18:

B. The mountain of God is where we receive the revelation regarding God's purpose—v. 12; 19:2; 24:9-13, 18:

1 以色列人在山上领受了关于神的所是,以及神在地上要得着居所的启示─十九3~6,二十2,二五8~9。

1. At the mountain the children of Israel received the revelation concerning what God is and concerning God's desire to have a dwelling place on earth—19:3-6; 20:2; 25:8-9.

2 在山上,天是清明的,我们能看见神经纶的异象;我们在此认识,在神心上的是什么,也看见神今天在地上所要得着的是什么─二四10,二五8。

2. Here on the mountain, where the sky is clear, we see the vision of God's economy; here we come to know what is on God's heart, and we see what God desires to have on earth today—24:10; 25:8.

3 我们知道神要得着一班人,遵行祂的律例,并且为祂建造帐幕,使祂可以住在他们中间。

3. We realize that God desires to have a people who walk according to His statutes and who build Him a tabernacle so that He may dwell among them.

肆 我们事奉神必须按照神的异象,以及山上所指示之样式的异象─二四10~11,二五9:

IV. We must serve God according to the vision of God and of the pattern shown on the mountain—24:10-11; 25:9:

一 我们必须在透亮清明的天里,看见神的异象;惟有在这样清明的气氛里,我们才能领受建造神居所的属天异象─二四10~11,二五9。

A. We need to see a vision of God in a transparent and clear heaven; only when we are in such an atmosphere can we receive the heavenly vision of the building of God's dwelling place—24:10-11; 25:8.

二 “制造帐幕和其中的一切物件,都要照我所指示你的样式”─9节:

B. "According to all that I show you, the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings, even so shall you make it"—v. 9:

1 建造帐幕之前,神将帐幕及其一切物件的样式,都指示摩西─二四9~二五9、40,三九32~43。

1. Before the tabernacle was built, God showed Moses the pattern of the tabernacle and its furnishings—24:9—25:9, 40; 39:32-43.

2 我们要事奉神,就必须看见山上所指示的样式─来八5。

2. In order to serve God, we must see the pattern shown on the mountain—Heb. 8:5.

3 山上所指示的样式乃是神的计划;我们若不明白神的计划,就不可能作神的工─弗三4。

3. The pattern shown on the mountain is God's plan; if we do not understand God's plan, it will be impossible for us to do God's work—Eph. 3:4.

4 召会作为基督的奥秘已经向使徒和申言者启示出来,所以他们所得的启示被视为召会建造在其上的根基─4~5节,二20。

4. Because the church as the mystery of Christ was revealed to the apostles and prophets, the revelation they received is considered the foundation on which the church is built—vv. 4-5; 2:20.

伍 立约的血使信徒能事奉活神─出二四8,来九14:

V. The blood of the covenant enables the believers to serve the living God—Exo. 24:8; Heb. 9:14:

一 立约的血使神的子民,就是蒙了救赎、赦罪和洁净的堕落罪人,得以进到神面前,并留在那里,被祂注入─出二四9~18,三四28~29,利十六11~16,参来十19~20,弗一7,约壹一7。

A. The blood of the covenant has made it possible for God's people, as fallen and sinful persons who have been redeemed, forgiven, and cleansed, to enter into God's presence and remain there to be infused with Him—Exo. 24:9-18; 34:28-29; Lev. 16:11-16; cf. Heb. 10:19-20; Eph. 1:7; 1 John 1:7.

二 基督的血使我们能事奉活神;我们借着基督救赎的血有了生命,已被带进神的面光中事奉祂─来九14,弗一7。

B. The blood of Christ makes it possible for us to serve the living God; through the redeeming blood of Christ, we have life and have been brought into the presence of God to serve Him—Heb. 9:14; Eph. 1:7.

陆 我们事奉的根据,乃是神这从天上来的火─利九24,六13:

VI. The basis of our service is God as fire from heaven—Lev. 9:24; 6:13:

一 在荆棘中焚烧的火焰乃是三一神,就是复活的神─出三2、4、6,太二二31~32:

A. The fire burning out of the midst of the thornbush was the Triune God, the God of resurrection—Exo. 3:2, 4, 6; Matt. 22:31-32.

二 每一个被神得着、被神所用的人,照着我们天然的人来说,都是荆棘;但有火在我们身上,火里有神临到我们:

B. As those who have been gained and are being used by God, we are a thornbush according to our natural man; however, there is a fire in us; God has come to us in the fire:

1 神的火烧在荆棘上,是祂自己在燃烧─出三3~4。

1. When the fire of God was burning in the thornbush, it was God who was burning—Exo. 3:3-4.

2 所有的火力、火光,都是从火本身出来的,在我们身上不过是寄托而已;我们的用处最多乃是彰显那火。

2. The strength and brightness of the fire come from the fire itself; the fire is merely resting on us; our purpose is to express the fire.

三 我们对神的事奉,必须根据于燔祭坛上的火─利九24,十六12~13,六13,十1~2:

C. Our service to God must be based on the fire from the altar of burnt offering—Lev. 9:24; 16:12-13; 6:13; 10:1-2:

1 燔祭坛上焚烧的火是从天上降下来的─九24:

1. The fire that burned on the altar of the burnt offering came down from the heavens—9:24:

a 这火从天上降下来之后,就在坛上一直烧着─六13。

a. After coming down from the heavens, that fire burned continually upon the altar—6:13.

b 神圣的火,就是焚烧的三一神,使我们能事奉;我们的事奉必须是神的火烧出来的─罗十二11,出三2、4、6。

b. The divine fire, the burning Triune God, enables us to serve; our service must come out of the burning of God's fire—Rom. 12:11; Exo. 3:2, 4, 6.

2 祭坛的火乃是事奉真实的动力─利六13,罗十二11。

2. The fire from the altar is the genuine motivating power of service—Lev. 6:13; Rom. 12:11.

柒 主带领以色列人出埃及,为要使他们成为祭司的国度;在这个国度里,人人都是不断事奉神的祭司─出十九6:

VII. The Lord brought the children of Israel out of Egypt in order to make them a kingdom of priests, a kingdom in which everyone would be a priest, one who serves God continually—Exo. 19:6:

一 出埃及二十九章启示,我们已经得救,使我们能被圣别作祭司事奉神:─引用经文

A. Exodus 29 reveals that we were saved so that we may be sanctified to serve God as priests:

1 神救恩的目标是要使所有相信基督的人都成为神的祭司─启一5~6,五10,七15。

1. The goal of God's salvation is to make all those who believe in Christ priests of God—Rev. 1:5-6; 5:10; 7:15.

2 主耶稣这祭司借着救赎把我们带进祭司的职分里;我们既是祭司,就无论在作什么,都该事奉神─一5~6,罗一9。

2. The Lord Jesus, the Priest, brought us into the priesthood through His redemption; since we are priests, we should be serving God in whatever we are doing—1:5-6; Rom. 1:9.

二 祭司是一个借着在基督里享受神,并借着基督作祭物的实际来事奉神的人─9节,加五22,彼前二5。

B. A priest is a person who serves God by enjoying God in Christ and through Christ as the reality of the offerings—v. 9; Gal. 5:22; 1 Pet. 2:5.

三 作祭司事奉神,就是供应基督给神作食物,使神得满足;按预表,神的食物乃是献给祂的燔祭,作祂的满足─出二九37~44。

C. To serve God as priests is to minister Christ to Him as food for His satisfaction; in typology, God's food was the burnt offering presented to Him for His satisfaction—Exo. 29:37-44.

四 出埃及二十九章里所描绘祭司生活的结果,乃是神来与我们相会,与我们同吃,对我们说话,并且住在我们中间─42节下、45~46节。

D. The result of the priestly life depicted in Exodus 29 is that God comes to meet with us, eat with us, speak with us, and dwell among us—vv. 42b, 45-46.

捌 神的建造是神心头的愿望,也是神救恩的目标─二五8~9,四十1~38:

VIII. God's building is the desire of God's heart and the goal of His salvation—25:8-9; 40:1-38:

一 出埃及记中的图画揭示了神对祂选民心头的愿望:

A. The pictures in Exodus unveil the desire of God's heart with respect to His chosen people:

1 神要得着帐幕作祂的居所,这是祂心头的愿望─二五8。

1. God wanted the tabernacle to be His dwelling place; this was the desire of His heart—25:8.

2 出埃及四十章里立起之物质的帐幕,乃是表征团体的百姓,就是以色列人作神的家─来三6。

2. The physical tabernacle erected in Exodus 40 was a symbol of a corporate people, the children of Israel as the house of God—Heb. 3:6.

二 神的建造与祭司职分有关,也系于祭司职分;祭司建造神的居所,并成为神居所,神家的一部分─出十九6,二五8~9,亚六12~13,弗二21~22,彼前二5。

B. The building of God's house is related to the priesthood and depends on the priesthood; priests build up the dwelling place of God and become part of God's dwelling, God's house—Exo. 19:6; 25:8-9; Zech. 6:12-13; Eph. 2:21-22; 1 Pet. 2:5.

三 基督是神子民的救赎、拯救和供应,也是他们敬拜并事奉神的凭借,使他们在祂里面与神建造在一起,而得与神相会,彼此交通,互为居所;这是出埃及记的中心思想─十二3,十六4,十七6,二九45~46,二五8~9。

C. Christ is the redemption, salvation, and supply of God's people and the means for them to worship and serve God so that in Him they may be built up with God together for them and God to meet, communicate, and dwell mutually; this is the central thought of the book of Exodus—12:3; 16:4; 17:6; 29:45-46; 25:8-9.
