第十一篇 制作帐幕的人,以及安息日与建造工作的关系

The Workers of the Tabernacle and the Sabbath in Relation to the Building Work



壹 “……看哪,犹大支派中,户珥的孙子,乌利的儿子比撒列,我已经提名召他。我也已经以神的灵充满他,使他有智慧,有悟性,有知识,能作各样的工,能设计奇巧的工,用金、银、铜制造各物;又能刻宝石,可以镶嵌,能雕木头,能作各样的工。我已经亲自分派但支派中,亚希撒抹的儿子亚何利亚伯与他同工;凡心中有智慧的,我已赐他们心中有智慧,能作我所吩咐你的一切……”─出三一1~17:

I. "…See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom and with understanding and with knowledge and with all kinds of workmanship, to fashion skillful designs, to work in gold and in silver and in bronze, and in the cutting of stones for setting and in the carving of wood, to work in all kinds of workmanship. And now, I Myself have appointed with him Oholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and in the heart of all who are wise in heart I have put wisdom, that they may make all that I have commanded you…"—Exo. 31:1-17:

一 比撒列是工头,是在神建造上领头的人─参林前三10:

A. Bezalel was a master builder, a leader in God's building—cf. 1 Cor. 3:10:

1 他名字的意思是“受神的荫庇”,指明比撒列身为工头,是一个受神恩典荫庇的人─参诗九一1,林前三10上,林后十二9。

1. His name means "in the shadow of God," indicating that as a master builder, Bezalel was a man under the shadow of God's grace—cf. Psa. 91:1; 1 Cor. 3:10a; 2 Cor. 12:9.

2 比撒列的父亲名叫乌利,意思是“耶和华的光”;比撒列的祖父名叫户珥,意思是“自由、尊贵、洁白”(表征清洁、纯一);这三个名字指明建造神居所的人,该是怎样的人:

2. Uri, the name of Bezalel's father, means "light of Jehovah," and Hur, the name of Bezalel's grandfather, means "free, noble, white" (signifying clean and pure); these three names indicate what kind of persons the builders of God's dwelling place should be:

a 我们若不受神恩典的荫庇,许多事情就会搅扰我们;但全能神的荫庇会使这些事离开我们,并使我们留在平安的处境和光景中,作建造的工作─赛三十15上。

a. If we are not under the shadow of God's grace, many things may come to disturb us, but the shadow of God the Almighty will keep these things away from us and cause us to remain in a peaceful situation and condition to do the building work—Isa. 30:15a.

b 凡建造神居所的人,都当满了光,毫无黑暗─路十一33~36,弗五8~9,太五14。

b. All the builders of God's dwelling place should be full of light, not having any dark part—Luke 11:33-36; Eph. 5:8-9; Matt. 5:14.

c 凡建造神居所的人,都当是自由、尊贵、清洁而纯一的─加二4与注2,五1、13,太五8,约壹一9,提前五22下,约壹五18。

c. All the builders of God's dwelling place should be free, noble, and clean and pure—Gal. 2:4 and footnote 2; 5:1, 13; Matt. 5:8; 1 John 1:9; 1 Tim. 5:22b; 1 John 5:18.

3 建造神的居所,召会,乃是所有神子民应当从事的尊贵工作(林前三10,弗四12、16);然而,作这工作所需的智慧、悟性、知识和技巧,必须是对我们成了那灵的神自己(参西一28~29)。─引用经文

3. The building up of God's dwelling place, the church, is a noble work to be done by all God's people (1 Cor. 3:10; Eph. 4:12, 16); however, the wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and skill for this work must be God Himself as the Spirit to us (cf. Col. 1:28-29).

4 惟有神的灵才能借着我们建造祂自己的居所─亚四6,弗四4上、30。

4. Only the Spirit of God can build His own dwelling place through us—Zech. 4:6; Eph. 4:4a, 30.

5 要建造召会,所有信徒都必须知道如何使用神圣的性情作为金,基督的救赎作为银,以及神公义的审判作为铜(参林前三12),作神工作的材料。─引用经文

5. To build up the church all the believers must know how to use the divine nature as the gold, the redemption of Christ as the silver, and God's righteous judgment as the bronze (cf. 1 Cor. 3:12) as the materials for God's work.

6 刻宝石以便镶嵌,就是帮助圣徒变化成为宝石,并且受到调整适于神的建造。

6. To cut stones for setting is to help the saints to be transformed into stones and to be adjusted to fit into God's building.

7 雕木头乃是为着神建造的缘故,在圣徒的人性上作工。

7. To carve wood is to work on the humanity of the saints for the sake of God's building.

8 作各样的工就是以基督拔高的人性,在属人的品性上产生优雅的美德,这是建造召会作神的居所所需要的─弗四2与注。

8. To work in all kinds of workmanship is to produce finer virtues in human character with the uplifted humanity of Christ, which are needed for the building up of the church as God's dwelling place—Eph. 4:2 and footnote.

二 亚何利亚伯是与比撒列同作工头的;他名字的意思是“我父亲的帐棚或帐幕”;亚何利亚伯的父亲名叫亚希撒抹,意思是“有力或扶持的弟兄”;这两个名字表征,亚何利亚伯乃是有力扶持神帐幕的人─出三一6:

B. Oholiab was Bezalel's co-master builder; his name means "the tent or tabernacle of my father"; Ahisamach, the name of Oholiab's father, means "a brother of strength or support"; these two names signify that Oholiab was a man for God's tabernacle with strength and support—Exo. 31:6:

1 比撒列属犹大支派(2),就是君王的支派(创四九10),也就是主耶稣的支派(来七14);亚何利亚伯属但支派(出三一6),是低下的支派(创四九17)。─引用经文

1. Bezalel was of the tribe of Judah (v. 2), the kingly tribe (Gen. 49:10), the tribe of the Lord Jesus (Heb. 7:14), and Oholiab was of the tribe of Dan (Exo. 31:6), a lowly tribe (Gen. 49:17).

2 同样的原则见于所罗门和户兰亚比手下圣殿的建造;所罗门属犹大支派,而户兰亚比的母亲是但支派的妇人─代下二11~14。

2. The same principle is seen in the building of the temple under Solomon, who was of the tribe of Judah, and Huramabi, whose mother was a Danite woman—2 Chron. 2:11-14.

3 这指明神居所建造的工作,必须由神所有的子民,包括高阶层和那些似乎是低阶层的人来完成─弗四11~16。

3. This indicates that the work of God's dwelling place must be done by all God's people, including those of high estate and those of seemingly low estate—Eph. 4:11-16.

三 制作帐幕的人需要心中有智慧,从神得着智慧、悟性和恩典,并且心中受感,好从事建造召会的尊贵工作,就是建造神在地上的居所─出三六1~2,太十六18,林前三9~10,十五10、58,参代下一10,林前十四4下:

C. The workers of the tabernacle need to be wise in heart, receive wisdom, understanding, and grace from God, and be stirred up in their heart to do the noble work of building up the church, God's dwelling place on earth—Exo. 36:1-2; Matt. 16:18; 1 Cor. 3:9-10; 15:10, 58; cf. 2 Chron. 1:10; 1 Cor. 14:4b:

1 我们若要建造神的居所,就必须是被神的灵充满的人─出三一3。

1. If we would build God's dwelling place, we must be a people filled with the Spirit of God—Exo. 31:3.

2 我们要被神的灵充满,就需要乐意为神的建造作些事情,(6下,参玛三14注1)并且我们必须放弃天然的才干,还必须在祷告里倒空自己,向神完全敞开(太五3)。─引用经文

2. In order to be filled with the Spirit of God, we need the willingness to do something for God's building (v. 6b; cf. Mal. 3:14, footnote 1), we need to abandon our natural capacity, and we need to empty ourselves to have the absolute openness to God in prayer (Matt. 5:3).

3 我们天天、时时都需要借着祷告被三一神新鲜的充满;基督徒的生活乃是祷告的生活;我们若缺少祷告,就会缺少那灵─西四2。

3. Every day and all the time we need to be freshly filled with the Triune God through prayer; the Christian life is a life of prayer; if we are short of prayer, we will be short of the Spirit—Col. 4:2.

4 我们乐意、倒空、不住祷告的时候,就有智慧在神圣的性情里作工,将人所需要特别的基督服事给他们,为着他们在生命里的长大以及神的建造。

4. It is when we are willing and empty and continuously praying that we have the wisdom to work in the divine nature and to minister to the needy ones the particular Christ that they need for their growth in life and God's building.

贰 论到安息日的话,是在帐幕建造的嘱咐之后─出三一12~17:

II. The Sabbath follows the charge for the building of the tabernacle—Exo. 31:12-17:

一 出埃及三十一章十三、十六至十七节说,“你们务要守我的安息日;因为这是我与你们之间世世代代的记号,使你们知道我是把你们分别为圣的耶和华。……故此,以色列人要谨守安息日,要世世代代守这安息日为永远的约。这是我与以色列人之间永远的记号;因为六日之内耶和华造天地,第七日便安息舒畅”:

A. Exodus 31:13 and 16 through 17 say, "You shall surely keep My Sabbaths; for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am Jehovah who sanctifies you…Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed":

1 第七日神便“安息舒畅”;祂看着人说“甚好”,就歇了祂创造的工─创一31。

1. On the seventh day God "rested and was refreshed"; He looked at man and said, "Very good," resting from His work of creation—Gen. 1:31.

2 人就是神的舒畅─神按着自己的形像造人有灵,使人能与祂有交通,并作祂的同伴和配偶─26节,二7、22。

2. Man was God's refreshment—God created man in His own image with a spirit so that man could fellowship with God and be God's companion and counterpart—v. 26; 2:7, 22.

3 人的第一日乃是安息与享受的日子─一31~二2:

3. Man's first day was a day of rest and enjoyment—1:31—2:2:

a 神安息了,因为祂完成了祂的工,并且满足了;神的荣耀得着彰显,因为人有了祂的形像;祂的权柄也即将施行,以征服祂的仇敌撒但;只要人彰显神并对付神的仇敌,神就得着满足而能安息。

a. God rested because He had finished His work and was satisfied; God's glory was manifested because man had His image, and His authority was about to be exercised for the subduing of His enemy, Satan; as long as man expresses God and deals with God's enemy, God is satisfied and can rest.

b 后来第七日蒙记念为安息日(出二十8~11);神的第七日乃是人的第一日;人被造后,并不是加入神的工作,乃是进入神的安息。─引用经文

b. Later, the seventh day was commemorated as the Sabbath (Exo. 20:8-11); God's seventh day was man's first day; after man was created, he did not join in God's work, but he entered into God's rest.

c 人受造不是为了作工,乃是以神为满足,并与神一同安息(参太十一28~30);安息日是为人设立的,人不是为安息日创造的(可二27)。─引用经文

c. Man was created not to work but to be satisfied with God and rest with God (cf. Matt. 11:28-30); the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27).

d 创世记二章二节里的安息是一粒种子,在整本圣经里发展,收成于启示录;这种子的发展包括旧约里安息日的安息(出二十8~11)和美地的安息(申十二9,来四8)、新约里主日的安息(启一10,徒二十7,林前十六2)和千年国的安息(来四1、3、9、11)。─引用经文

d. The rest in Genesis 2:2 is a seed that develops through the Bible and is harvested in Revelation; the development of this seed includes the rest of the Sabbath day (Exo. 20:8-11) and the rest of the good land (Deut. 12:9; Heb. 4:8) in the Old Testament, the rest of the Lord's Day in the New Testament (Rev. 1:10; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2), and the rest of the millennial kingdom (Heb. 4:1, 3, 9, 11).

e 安息的终极完成乃是新天新地同新耶路撒冷的安息,在那里所有得赎的圣徒都要彰显神的荣耀(启二一10~11、23),并要凭神的权柄作王(二二5下),直到永远。─引用经文

e. The consummation of rest is the rest of the new heaven and new earth with the New Jerusalem, in which all the redeemed saints will express God's glory (Rev. 21:10-11, 23) and reign with God's authority (22:5b) for eternity.

二 人的第一日乃是安息的日子,这立定了一个神圣的原则─神首先以享受来供应我们,然后我们与祂同工;我们必须在神的工作上与祂是一(林前三9,林后六1);这需要我们享受祂。─引用经文

B. Man's first day being a day of rest established a divine principle—God first supplies us with enjoyment, and then we work together with Him; we need to be one with God in His work (1 Cor. 3:9; 2 Cor. 6:1); this requires that we enjoy Him.

三 在五旬节那天,门徒们于上午九时充满了对主的享受(徒二13、15);然后彼得同着十一位使徒们站起来与主同工。─引用经文

C. At Pentecost the disciples were filled with the enjoyment of the Lord at 9 A.M. (Acts 2:13, 15); then Peter and the eleven stood to work together with the Lord.

四 对神而言,是作工而安息;对人而言,是安息而作工;然后,我们与主是一而与祂同工。

D. With God it is a matter of working and resting; with man it is a matter of resting and working; then we work with the Lord by being one with Him.

五 当我们接受祂并享受祂作我们真安息日的安息,祂就会成为我们作工的力量和劳苦的能力─林前十五10、58。

E. When we take Him and enjoy Him as our real Sabbath rest, He will be our strength to work and our energy to labor—1 Cor. 15:10, 58.

六 我们作为神的子民,必须带着一个记号,指明我们需要祂作我们的力量、能力和一切,使我们能与祂同工,为着建造召会作基督的身体;这就尊崇并荣耀祂。

F. As God's people, we should bear a sign that we need God to be our strength, energy, and everything so that we may be able to work together with Him for the building up of the church as Christ's Body; this honors and glorifies Him.

七 我们为神作工,却不享受祂,不与祂是一,结果乃是属灵的死亡,并且失去在基督身体里的交通─出三一14。

G. When we work for God without enjoying Him and without being one with Him, the result is spiritual death and the loss of the fellowship in the Body—Exo. 31:14.

八 我们带着的记号乃是我们与神一同安息,享受神,因神得着舒畅,并且先被神充满(17);然后与充满我们的那一位是一而与祂同工。─引用经文

H. The sign that we bear is that we rest with God, enjoy God, are refreshed with God, and are filled up with God first (v. 17); then we work together with the very One who fills us in oneness with Him.

九 为着供应神的话,祂是我们的安息、舒畅、能力、力量和一切─彼前四10~11,林后二17,十三3。

I. He is our rest, our refreshment, our energy, our strength, and our everything for ministering the word of God—1 Pet. 4:10-11; 2 Cor. 2:17; 13:3.

十 这是我们与神之间永远的约,永远的合同─出三一16:

J. This is an eternal covenant, an eternal contract with God—Exo. 31:16:

1 守安息日乃是一个永远的约,向神保证我们与祂是一,是借着先享受祂,然后才与祂同工、为祂作工、并且与祂是一而作工。

1. Keeping the Sabbath is an eternal covenant assuring God that we will be one with Him by first enjoying Him and then working with Him, for Him, and in oneness with Him.

2 这里提到安息日,指明凡与帐幕及其器物有关的事,都把我们引到神的安息日,及其安息与舒畅,以享受神所定意并作成的。

2. The mentioning of the Sabbath here indicates that everything related to the tabernacle and its furniture leads us to God's Sabbath, with its rest and refreshment in the enjoyment of what God has purposed and done.
