第四篇 别迦摩的召会

The Church in Pergamos



壹 “别迦摩”原文意结婚,含联合,并坚固的高塔意——启二12:

I. In Greek Pergamos means "marriage," implying union, and "fortified tower"—Rev. 2:12:

一 就表号说,在别迦摩的召会预表与世界联婚而成为坚固高塔的召会;别迦摩这辞的两个意思,相当于马太十三章里的两个比喻——大树的比喻(31~32)和面酵的比喻(33):——引用经文

A. As a sign, the church in Pergamos prefigures the church that entered into a marriage union with the world and became a high fortified tower; these two meanings correspond to two of the parables in Matthew 13—the parable of the great tree (vv. 31-32) and the parable of the leaven (v. 33):

1 大树相当于高塔,带着面酵的妇人相当于与世界联婚的背道召会。

1. The great tree is the equivalent of the high tower, and the woman with the leaven is the equivalent of the apostate church, which has married the world.

2 在神眼中,背道的基督教国是邪恶的妇人,将属世的、属鬼的、属异教的和属魔鬼的东西,与出于基督的美好事物混合起来,产生出一种可憎的混杂——33节,启十七1~6。

2. In the eyes of God, degraded Christendom is an evil woman who has mixed worldly, demonic, pagan, and devilish things with the good things of Christ to produce an abominable mixture—v. 33; Rev. 17:1-6.

3 我们必须绝对地从这个邪恶的制度里出来,分别归给神,回归召会的正统,使召会可以成为纯金的灯台,与世俗、偶像以及撒但的渗透无分无关——一12。

3. We must absolutely come out of this evil system and be separated to God, returning to the orthodoxy of the church so that the church can be a golden lampstand, having nothing to do with worldliness, idolatry, or Satan's saturation—1:12.

4 当我们被人攻击或遭遇逼迫时,我们不应该灰心,因为那是有力的记号,表示我们走在正路上,没有偏离主的脚踪——参来六19,十三13。

4. When we are attacked and are undergoing persecution, we should not be discouraged, for that is a strong sign that we are on the right track and that we have not been distracted from following the Lord's steps—cf. Heb. 6:19; 13:13.

5 我们这些年来因着受逼迫而蒙了保守;我们从来没有得过美名,因为撒但不让我们得美名,除非我们与他联合。

5. Throughout the years we have been preserved by being persecuted; we have never received a good name, because Satan will not allow us to have a good name unless we enter into union with him.

6 “我们中间的历史一直是毫无妥协地完全离开基督教。我们中间有些所谓的同工,一直竭尽所能地去妥协,这是何等羞耻。他们说,在公会与地方召会中间有一道鸿沟,他们自认是衔接这道鸿沟的桥梁。这对倪弟兄是一种受苦,今天对我也是一种受苦。”(召会与地方召会的历史,一二九页)

6. "The history among us has been one of completely coming out of Christianity without compromise. It is a shame that some so-called co-workers among us have tried their best to compromise. They say that between the denominations and the local churches there is a gap, and they consider themselves as the bridge to bridge the gap. This was a suffering to Brother Nee, and today this is a suffering to me" (The History of the Church and the Local Churches, pp. 112-113).

二 主在启示录二章十三节论到在别迦摩的召会说,“我知道你的居所,就是有撒但座位之处”;撒但的座位是在撒但所住的世界里,就是他掌权的范围里;属世的召会既与世界联合,也就住在撒但所住之处。——引用经文

B. In Revelation 2:13a the Lord said of the church in Pergamos, "I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is"; Satan's throne is in the world, the place where he dwells and the sphere of his reign; since the worldly church entered into union with the world, she dwells where Satan dwells.

三 我们不该住在撒但所住之处,而该住在我们的灵里,并住在基督里;在基督里面,世界的王撒但毫无所有(没有立场,没有机会,没有盼望,任何事都没有可能)——诗九一1,提后四22,约十四30。

C. Instead of dwelling where Satan dwells, we need to dwell in our spirit and in Christ, the One in whom Satan, the ruler of the world, has nothing (no ground, no chance, no hope, and no possibility in anything)—Psa. 91:1; 2 Tim. 4:22; John 14:30.

四 因着召会是基督的配偶,如同贞洁的新妇(林后十一2),她与世界的联合,在神看就是属灵的淫乱:——引用经文

D. Since the church is a spouse to Christ as a chaste bride (2 Cor. 11:2), her union with the world is considered spiritual fornication in the eyes of God:

1 撒但看见逼迫召会并不能成功,这狡猾者就改变战略,不再逼害召会,反而欢迎召会;罗马帝国这样欢迎召会,就毁坏了召会,因为这使召会变成属世的。

1. Satan realized that persecuting the church did not work very well; therefore, being the subtle one, he changed his strategy from persecuting the church to welcoming her; this welcoming of the church by the Roman Empire ruined her, because it caused the church to become worldly.

2 属世的事物与拜偶像有关,因为世俗总是与偶像关联的;我们心中的偶像就是我们里面所爱的任何事物,超过了对主的爱,并在我们的生活中顶替了主——结十四3,约壹五21。

2. Worldly things are related to idol worship, for worldliness is always associated with idolatry; an idol in our heart is anything within us that we love more than the Lord and that replaces the Lord in our life—Ezek. 14:3; 1 John 5:21.

3 玛门是和神对立的;许多的偶像都是因着玛门才能存在;“你们不能事奉神,又事奉玛门”——太六24。

3. Mammon also stands in opposition to God; many idols exist only because of mammon; "you cannot serve God and mammon"—Matt. 6:24.

4 召会必须是金灯台,是三一神纯正的彰显,必须与世界没有任何关联;但自从罗马帝国使召会成为属世的宗教以后,召会完全成了搀杂的、属世的、拜偶像的。

4. The church must be a golden lampstand, the pure expression of the Triune God, and must have no connections with the world, but after the Roman Empire had made the church a worldly religion, she became altogether impure, worldly, and idolatrous.

五 在主给别迦摩的书信中,祂提到“我忠信的见证人安提帕在你们中间,撒但所住之处被杀”——启二13下:

E. In His epistle to Pergamos the Lord referred to "Antipas, My witness, My faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells"—Rev. 2:13b:

1 这忠信的见证人,反对属世召会所带进并实行的一切,因此,他成了主的殉道者;要作反对属世召会的见证,我们需要有殉道的灵:

1. This faithful witness stood against all that the worldly church brought in and practiced; hence, he became a martyr of the Lord; to testify against the worldly church we need the spirit of martyrdom:

a 见证人就是殉道者,这班人在生命里为复活升天的基督作活的见证——徒一8。

a. Witnesses are martyrs, those who bear a living testimony of the resurrected and ascended Christ in life—Acts 1:8.

b 我们可能在肉身上,在心理上,或在属灵上为主作殉道者——提后四6,启十二11,太十36,参林前十六12。

b. We can be martyrs for the Lord physically, psychologically, or spiritually—2 Tim. 4:6; Rev. 12:11; Matt. 10:36; cf. 1 Cor. 16:12.

2 “殉道者”原文与“见证人”同字;安提帕作为忠信的见证人,作了相反的见证,反对一切偏离耶稣见证的事。

2. In Greek the word for martyr is the same as that for witness; Antipas, as a faithful witness, bore an anti-testimony, a testimony against anything that deviated from the testimony of Jesus.

3 在他那个时代,在别迦摩的召会必是借他所作相反的见证,仍然持守着主的名,没有否认正确的基督徒信仰——启二13。

3. It must have been through his anti-testimony that in his days the church in Pergamos still held fast the Lord's name and did not deny the proper Christian faith—Rev. 2:13.

贰 属世且堕落的召会,不但持守巴兰的教训,还持守尼哥拉党的教训——14~15节:

II. The worldly and degraded church holds not only the teaching of Balaam but also the teaching of the Nicolaitans—vv. 14-15:

一 巴兰是个外邦申言者,为着工价引诱神的子民行淫乱、拜偶像;在属世的召会里,有人开始教导同样的事(民二五1~3,三一16);拜偶像总是带进淫乱(徒十五29);当属世的召会轻忽主的名,就是主的人位时,她就转去拜偶像,以致行淫乱。——引用经文

A. Balaam was a Gentile prophet who for wages enticed God's people into fornication and idolatry; in the worldly church some began to teach such things (Num. 25:1-3; 31:16); idolatry always brings in fornication (Acts 15:29); when the worldly church disregarded the name, the person, of the Lord, she turned to idolatry, which issues in fornication.

二 巴兰的错谬,指虽然明知与真理相背,且与神的子民敌对,仍然为着工价教导人错误的道理,并滥用某些恩赐的影响力,将神的子民从对主纯洁的敬拜,迷引到对偶像邪恶的敬拜;贪爱工价会叫贪爱者闯奔巴兰的错谬——民二二7、21,三一16.启二14,参王下五20~27。

B. The error of Balaam is the error of teaching wrong doctrine for reward, while knowing it to be contrary to the truth and against the people of God, and abusively using the influence of certain gifts to lead the people of God astray from the pure worship of the Lord to idolatrous worship; coveting for reward will cause the coveting ones to rush headlong into the error of Balaam—Num. 22:7, 21; 31:16; Rev. 2:14; cf. 2 Kings 5:20-27.

三 巴兰的教训使信徒受打岔,离开基督的人位,转去拜偶像,并且从享受基督,转去犯属灵的淫乱;尼哥拉党的教训,破坏信徒作基督身体之肢体的功用;前一种教训忽视了头,后一种教训破坏了身体;这是仇敌在一切宗教教训里的诡计。

C. The teaching of Balaam distracts believers from the person of Christ to idolatry and from the enjoyment of Christ to spiritual fornication, whereas the teaching of the Nicolaitans destroys the function of the believers as members of the Body of Christ; the former teaching disregards the Head, and the latter destroys the Body; this is the subtle intention of the enemy in all religious teachings.

四 起先尼哥拉党在初期的召会里实行宗教阶级制度,然后他们在堕落的召会里教导宗教阶级制度;今天在天主教和更正教里,这种尼哥拉党的阶级制度,不但普遍地实行,也普遍地教导。

D. First, the Nicolaitans practiced the hierarchy in the initial church; then they taught it in the degraded church; today, in both Catholicism and Protestantism, this Nicolaitan hierarchy prevails in both practice and teaching.

叁 “得胜的,我必将那隐藏的吗哪赐给他,并赐他一块白石,上面写着新名,除了那领受的以外,没有人认识”——启二17:

III. "To him who overcomes, to him I will give of the hidden manna, and to him I will give a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knows except him who receives it"—Rev. 2:17:

一 我们需要吃隐藏的吗哪,好合并到作神帐幕的新耶路撒冷里——出十六33~34.约十四20,启二一2~3:

A. We need to eat the hidden manna in order to be incorporated into the New Jerusalem as the tabernacle of God—Exo. 16:33-34; John 14:20; Rev. 21:2-3:

1 正如保存在金罐里的吗哪是旧约里作神居所之帐幕的中心,照样,我们所吃、所消化并吸收的基督,也是我们全人的中心,我们乃是作神今日居所之召会的一部分——来九3~4,提后四22,弗二22。

1. The manna preserved in the golden pot was the center of the tabernacle, God's dwelling place in the Old Testament; likewise, the Christ whom we have eaten, digested, and assimilated is the center of our being as a part of the church, God's dwelling place today—Heb. 9:3-4; 2 Tim. 4:22; Eph. 2:22.

2 基督作为隐藏的吗哪乃是帐幕的中心;隐藏的吗哪是在金罐里;金罐是在皂荚木包金所作的约柜里;这约柜是在至圣所里。

2. Christ as the hidden manna is the center of the tabernacle; the hidden manna is in the golden pot; the golden pot is in the Ark, made of acacia wood overlaid with gold; and this Ark is in the Holy of Holies.

3 子基督作为隐藏的吗哪是在作为金罐的父神里;父神是在作为约柜的子基督(带着祂的两种性情——神性和人性)里;这基督作为内住的灵活在我们重生的灵里,作至圣所的实际。

3. Christ the Son as the hidden manna is in God the Father as the golden pot; God the Father is in Christ the Son as the Ark with His two natures, divinity and humanity; and Christ as the indwelling Spirit lives in our regenerated spirit as the reality of the Holy of Holies.

4 子在父里面,我们在子里面,子在我们里面,我们又由实际的灵所内住;这就是经过过程的神与重生信徒的合并——约十四16~20。

4. The Son is in the Father, we are in the Son, the Son is in us, and we are indwelt by the Spirit of reality; this is the incorporation of the processed God with the regenerated believers—John 14:16-20.

5 合并到帐幕里的路,就是吃隐藏的吗哪;我们越吃基督,就越合并到作神终极帐幕的新耶路撒冷这宇宙的合并里——六57,太四4。

5. The way to be incorporated into the tabernacle is to eat the hidden manna; the more we eat Christ, the more we are incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the ultimate tabernacle of God, as a universal incorporation—6:57; Matt. 4:4.

6 我们不该与世界联合,乃要借着吃基督这隐藏的吗哪,合并到新耶路撒冷里。

6. We should not be joined to the world; we should be incorporated into the New Jerusalem by eating Christ as the hidden manna.

二 享受基督作隐藏的吗哪就产生变化:

B. Enjoying Christ as the hidden manna produces transformation:

1 主应许给得胜者吃隐藏的吗哪,并赐他一块白石;这指明我们若吃隐藏的吗哪,就必变化成为白石,好为着神的建造。

1. The Lord promises the overcomer to eat of the hidden manna and to give him a white stone; this indicates that if we eat the hidden manna, we will be transformed into white stones for God's building.

2 这些石头要蒙主称义并称许,这是白色所指明的;但属世的召会要被主定罪并弃绝。

2. These stones will be justified and approved by the Lord, as indicated by the color white, but the worldly church will be condemned and rejected by Him.

3 神的建造,就是建造召会,乃是在于我们的变化;我们的变化,又是从享受基督作生命的供应所产生的。

3. God's building, the building of the church, depends upon our transformation, and our transformation issues from the enjoyment of Christ as our life supply.

三 每个变化过的信徒都是一块白石,上面写着新名,除了那领受的以外,没有人认识:

C. Every transformed believer as a white stone bears a new name, which no one knows except him who receives it:

1 这样的新名,说明被变化之人的经历;因此,唯有他自己认识那名的意义。

1. Such a new name is the interpretation of the experience of the one being transformed; hence, only he himself knows the meaning of that name.

2 启示录二章十七节是主对我们所说的话;我们不该客观地接受,乃要以此为我们的传记:——引用经文

2. Revelation 2:17 is a word spoken by the Lord to us; we should not take it objectively but as our biography:

a 我们可以祷告:“主,我接受你的应许。从现在起,我要隐密地吃你,好使我变化成为石头,为着你的建造。”

a. We can pray, "Lord, I agree with Your promise. From now on, I shall eat You in a hidden way and be transformed to become a stone for Your building."

b 主这个应许太美妙了;不错,召会可以变得属世,但是主已经应许我们,能变化成为白石,为着神的建造。

b. What a wonderful promise this is from the Lord; yes, the church may become worldly, but the Lord has promised that we may become a white stone for God's building.
