第七篇 在非拉铁非的召会

The Church in Philadelphia



壹 就表号说,在非拉铁非的召会预表弟兄相爱的召会,就是从十九世纪初至主第二次显现,正当召会生活的恢复——启三7:

I. As a sign, the church in Philadelphia prefigures the church of brotherly love, the recovery of the proper church life, from the early part of the nineteenth century to the second appearing of the Lord—Rev. 3:7:

一 正如在撒狄的召会所预表改革的召会,是对在推雅推喇的召会所预表背道天主教的反应,照样,弟兄相爱的召会,也是对死的、改革的召会的反应——1节,二18。

A. Just as the reformed church, prefigured by the church in Sardis, was a reaction to the apostate Catholic Church, prefigured by the church in Thyatira, so the church of brotherly love is a reaction to the dead reformed church—v. 1; 2:18.

二 这反应要继续对背道的天主教和堕落的更正教作相反的见证,直到主回来——三11。

B. This reaction will continue as an anti-testimony to both apostate Catholicism and degraded Protestantism until the Lord comes back—3:11.

贰 “非拉铁非”原文意“弟兄相爱”——7节:

II. In Greek Philadelphia means "brotherly love"—v. 7:

一 非拉铁非,原文由“有情爱为着”和“弟兄”组成;所以是弟兄的情爱,一种以喜悦和快乐为特征的爱——彼后一7。

A. The components of the Greek word Philadelphia mean "to have affection for" and "a brother," hence, a brotherly affection, a love characterized by delight and pleasure—2 Pet. 1:7.

二 在敬虔,就是彰显神的事上,需要供应这爱,使我们能维持弟兄的关系(彼前二17,三8,加六10),能对世人作见证(约十三34~35),并能结果子(十五16~17)。——引用经文

B. In godliness, which is the expression of God, this love needs to be supplied for the brotherhood (1 Pet. 2:17; 3:8; Gal. 6:10), for our testimony to the world (John 13:34-35), and for the bearing of fruit (15:16-17).

三 在非拉铁非的召会预言性的描绘弟兄相爱的召会,就是正当的召会生活——启三7:

C. The church in Philadelphia prophetically depicts the church of brotherly love, that is, the proper church life—Rev. 3:7:

1 这弟兄相爱的召会,是对死的、改革的召会的反应。

1. The church of brotherly love was a reaction to the dead reformed church.

2 弟兄相爱的召会从十九世纪初弟兄们在英国兴起,在宗派与分裂的制度以外实行召会生活,直到主回来——11节。

2. The church of brotherly love started in the early part of the nineteenth century, when the brothers were raised up in England to practice the church life outside the system of sects and divisions, and it will continue until the Lord comes back—v. 11.

四 “我们因为爱弟兄,就晓得是已经出死入生了。不爱弟兄的,仍住在死中”——约壹三14:

D. "We know that we have passed out of death into life because we love the brothers. He who does not love abides in death"—1 John 3:14:

1 出死入生就是从死的源头、素质、元素和范围出来,进入生命的源头、素质、元素和范围;这是在我们重生时发生在我们身上的——约三3、5~6,五24。

1. To pass out of death into life is to pass out of the source, the essence, the element, and the sphere of death into the source, the essence, the element, and the sphere of life; this took place in us at our regeneration—John 3:3, 5-6; 5:24.

2 对弟兄的爱(神的爱)是我们已经出死入生有力的证明——约壹三14:

2. Love (the love of God) toward the brothers is strong evidence that we have passed out of death into life—1 John 3:14:

a 相信主是我们出死入生的路,爱弟兄是我们已经出死入生的证明。

a. Faith in the Lord is the way for us to pass out of death into life; love toward the brothers is the evidence that we have passed out of death into life.

b 信是接受永远的生命(约三15),爱是凭着我们所接受的永远生命而活——约壹五13,四7。

b. To have faith is to receive the eternal life (John 3:15); to love is to live by the eternal life that we have received—1 John 5:13; 4:7.

c 这种说不出来的爱唯从真正的信而有:

c. Such unspeakable love can issue only from genuine faith:

㈠ 这一个爱不是因为别的缘故而爱,只是因为他是弟兄而爱。

1. A person loves for no other reason than the fact that the other person is a brother.

㈡ 我们对彼此有一种说不出来的感觉和味道;这一种感觉和味道,就是我们出死入生的凭据。

2. There is an unspeakable feeling and taste toward each other; this feeling and taste are a proof that we have passed out of death into life.

3 不爱弟兄就证明没有凭着神圣之爱的素质和元素而活,并没有留在其范围中——三14下。

3. Not loving the brothers is evidence that one is not living by the essence and element of the divine love and is not remaining in the sphere of that love—3:14b.

4 “主为我们舍命,在此我们就知道何为爱;我们也当为弟兄舍命”——16节:

4. "In this we know love, that He laid down His life on our behalf, and we ought to lay down our lives on behalf of the brothers"—v. 16:

a 爱弟兄的心,就是有一种丢掉自己去服事他们的心——加五13。

a. A love for the brothers is a willingness to lay ourselves aside to serve them—Gal. 5:13.

b 爱弟兄就是有一种舍弃自己去成全他们的心,甚至于能够为着弟兄舍去自己的性命。

b. To love the brothers is to be willing to deny oneself for the perfection of others and to have a heart that is willing to lay down one's own life for his brothers.

叁 “那圣别的、真实的,拿着大卫的钥匙,开了就没有人能关,关了就没有人能开的,这样说”——启三7:

III. "These things says the Holy One, the true One, the One who has the key of David, the One who opens and no one will shut, and shuts and no one opens"—Rev. 3:7:

一 对于弟兄相爱的召会,主是那圣别的、真实的,恢复的召会凭着祂并以祂作元素,就能成为圣别,从世界分别出来,并对神真实而忠信。

A. To the church of brotherly love, the Lord is the Holy One, the true One, by whom and with whom the recovered church can be holy, separated from the world, and true, faithful, to God.

二 对于弟兄相爱的召会,主也是那拿着大卫的钥匙,就是国度的钥匙,有权柄开关的——7节,赛二二22:

B. To the church of brotherly love, the Lord is also the One who has the key of David, the key of the kingdom, with authority to open and shut—v. 7; Isa. 22:22:

1 这是神家(由大卫家所预表)之宝库的钥匙,为着建造神的国——三九2,撒下七16:

1. This is the key of the treasury of the house of God, which is typified by the house of David, for the building up of the kingdom of God—39:2; 2 Sam. 7:16:

a 召会是神的家,也是神的国——提前三15,太十六18~19,罗十四17。

a. The church is both God's house and God's kingdom—1 Tim. 3:15; Matt. 16:18-19; Rom. 14:17.

b 大卫的钥匙是为着保存神家一切的宝藏,就是基督一切的丰富,作我们的享受——弗三8。

b. The key of David is for the keeping of all the treasures of the house of God, which are all the riches of Christ for our enjoyment—Eph. 3:8.

2 大卫的钥匙为神开启整个宇宙——赛二二22,启三7:

2. The key of David opens the whole universe for God—Isa. 22:22; Rev. 3:7:

a 基督比大卫更大,祂建造了神的家,就是实际的殿,并且也建立了神的国,祂在其中施行祂完全的权柄以代表神;因此,祂拿着大卫的钥匙——太一1,十二3~8,十六18~19。

a. As the greater David, Christ has built up the house of God, the real temple, and He has set up the kingdom of God, the dominion in which He exercises full authority to represent God; therefore, He holds the key of David—Matt. 1:1; 12:3-8; 16:18-19.

b 基督拿着大卫的钥匙,这事实表征祂是神经纶的中心;祂是彰显神并代表神的那一位,祂拿着钥匙,要开启神管治权下的一切事物——西一15~18。

b. The fact that Christ has the key of David signifies that He is the center of God's economy; He is the One who expresses God and represents Him, the One who holds the key to open everything in God's dominion—Col. 1:15-18.

肆 “我在你面前给你一个敞开的门,是无人能关的;因为你稍微有一点能力,也曾遵守我的话,没有否认我的名”——启三8:

IV. "I have put before you an opened door which no one can shut, because you have a little power and have kept My word and have not denied My name"—Rev. 3:8:

一 主是那拿着大卫的钥匙,开了就没有人能关的,祂给恢复的召会“一个敞开的门,是无人能关的”:

A. As the One who has the key of David and who opens and no one can shut, the Lord has given the recovered church "an opened door which no one can shut":

1 多年来,主的恢复一直经历主是这样的一位。

1. Through the years the Lord's recovery has experienced the Lord as such a One.

2 从十九世纪初期,正当召会生活的恢复开始,直到如今,主的恢复始终有敞开的门。

2. Since the recovery of the proper church life began in the early part of the nineteenth century, a door has always been opened wide to the Lord's recovery.

3 虽然许多反对者起来敌挡主的恢复,竭尽所能要关闭这门,但基督是有大卫钥匙的那一位,祂所开的无人能关。

3. Although many opposers have risen up against the Lord's recovery and have tried to shut the door, Christ is the One who has the key of David, and what He opens, no one can shut.

二 在非拉铁非的召会有一个显著的特征,就是她遵守主的话——8节:

B. One outstanding feature of the church in Philadelphia is that she keeps the Lord's word—v. 8:

1 按照历史,没有别的基督徒像在非拉铁非的召会,那样严谨的遵守主的话。

1. According to history, no other Christians have kept the Lord's word as strictly as the church in Philadelphia.

2 在非拉铁非的召会,就是恢复的召会,不在意传统,只在意神的话——参太十五6下。

2. The church in Philadelphia, the recovered church, does not care for tradition; she cares for the word of God—cf. Matt. 15:6b.

三 在非拉铁非的召会,用她稍微有的一点能力,遵守主的话——启三8:

C. The church in Philadelphia keeps the Lord's word with the little power that she has—Rev. 3:8:

1 我们不该认为在非拉铁非的召会是刚强、有能、并得胜的;主说她只是“稍微有一点能力”。

1. We should not regard the church in Philadelphia as being strong, powerful, and prevailing; the Lord said that she had "a little power."

2 讨主喜悦的,不是我们刚强,乃是我们用自己的一点能力,尽我们所能的作。

2. What pleases the Lord is not that we are strong but that we use our little power to do the best we can.

3 虽然我们所领受的恩典度量也许有限,但只要我们取用恩典,尽所能地遵守主的话,祂就必喜悦——罗十二6,弗四7,彼前四10。

3. Although the amount of grace we have received may be limited in its capacity, as long as we use it, spending it to do as much as we can to keep the Lord's word, He will be pleased—Rom. 12:6; Eph. 4:7; 1 Pet. 4:10.

四 在启示录三章八节,主说在非拉铁非的召会没有否认祂的名:——引用经文

D. In Revelation 3:8 the Lord says that the church in Philadelphia has not denied His name:

1 主的话是主的彰显,而主的名是主自己。

1. The Lord's word is His expression, and the Lord's name is the Lord Himself.

2 恢复的召会不仅完全回到主的话,也弃绝一切在主耶稣基督之外的名。

2. The recovered church not only has returned in a full way to the Lord's word but also has abandoned all names other than that of the Lord Jesus Christ.

3 恢复的召会绝对属于主,与任何公会(任何名称)无关。

3. The recovered church belongs to the Lord absolutely, having nothing to do with any denominations (any names).

五 从主的话偏离到各种异端,并在基督的名以外高举许多的名,是堕落的基督教最显著的记号——二14~15、20。

E. The deviation from the word to heresies and the exaltation of so many names other than that of Christ are the most striking signs of degraded Christianity—2:14-15, 20.

六 从一切的异端、传统回到纯正的话,并弃绝一切别的名,高举主的名,是恢复的召会中最感人的见证——三8。

F. The return to the pure word from all heresies and traditions and the exaltation of the Lord's name by abandoning every other name are the most inspiring testimony in the recovered church—3:8.
