第四篇 四活物的配搭

The Coordination of the Four Living Creatures



壹 以西结一章的中心点,乃是启示神需要一班活物,能够配搭在一起,成为一个团体的实体,就是团体的基督,为着祂的彰显、行动和行政;配搭是领会以西结一章里之异象的关键─5、10、12、20、26节。

I. The central point in Ezekiel 1 is the revelation that God needs a group of living creatures who can coordinate together as one corporate entity, the corporate Christ, for His expression, move, and administration; coordination is the key to understanding the vision in Ezekiel 1—vv. 5, 10, 12, 20, 26.

贰 四活物的配搭不在自己里面,乃在神里面,借着神圣的能力、神圣的力量和神圣的恩典,因为鹰的翅膀是他们配搭并行动如一的凭借─9、11节,出十九4,赛四十31,林后十二9,林前十五10:

II. The coordination of the four living creatures is not in themselves but in God and by the divine power, the divine strength, and the divine grace, because the eagle's wings are the means by which they are coordinated and move as one—vv. 9, 11; Exo. 19:4; Isa. 40:31; 2 Cor. 12:9; 1 Cor. 15:10:

一 神自己是使神圣建筑的各部分能成为一的配搭因素─出二六29~30,参约壹四8,提后一6~7,林前十二31,十三5、7。

A. God Himself is the coordinating factor that enables all the parts of the divine building to be one—Exo. 26:29-30; cf. 1 John 4:8; 2 Tim. 1:6-7; 1 Cor. 12:31; 13:5, 7.

二 我们在自己里面所是、所有并所作的,其结果不是配搭,而是分裂、分开─参腓三3,罗八16。

B. Whatever we are in ourselves, have in ourselves, and do in ourselves results not in coordination but in division and separation—cf. Phil. 3:3; Rom. 8:16.

三 鹰的翅膀不但是为着行动,也是为着保护;凡我们所作的和我们所是的,都必须凭着主的恩典和主的能力─林前十五10,林后一12,四7。

C. The wings of an eagle are not only for moving but also for protection; whatever we do and whatever we are must be by the grace of the Lord and the power of the Lord—1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 1:12; 4:7.

四 同时,我们也是在主恩典和能力的覆庇、遮盖之下─诗十七8,五七1,六三7,九一4,林后十二9下。

D. At the same time, we are under the overshadowing, the covering, of the Lord's grace and the Lord's power—Psa. 17:8; 57:1; 63:7; 91:4; 2 Cor. 12:9b.

五 活物看起来像人(结一5),行动却像鹰:─引用经文

E. The living creatures look like a man (Ezek. 1:5), but they move like an eagle:

1 这指明我们必须一直表现自己如同正常的人。

1. This indicates that we must always express ourselves like a normal man.

2 但这些行动、覆庇的翅膀应当给别人一个印象,就是那神圣者的印象,给人看见我们有神与我们同在,作我们的能力和保护。

2. However, the moving and overshadowing wings should give others an impression of the Divine Being, an impression that we have God with us as our power and protection.

叁 以西结一章九节和十一节下半至十二节,陈明一幅我们在召会生活中所需要之配搭的美丽图画:─引用经文

III. Ezekiel 1:9 and 11b-12 present a beautiful picture of the coordination that we need in the church life:

一 每个活物面对一个方向(分别面对东、西、南、北),两个翅膀展开,触及毗连之活物的翅膀,形成一个四方形。

A. Each of the living creatures faces one direction (respectively facing north, south, east, and west), and two of their wings spread out and touch the adjacent creatures' wings, forming a square.

二 无论活物往哪个方向行动,任何一个都不需要转身;一个只要直往前行;一个倒退,往后行动;另外两个旁行─9节。

B. No matter in which direction the living creatures are moving, there is no need for any of them to turn; one simply goes straight forward; one returns, moving backward; and the other sides move sideways—v. 9.

三 这是召会作为基督身体之配搭美丽的图画;在这身体里每个肢体都有他特别的地位和功用或职事─罗十二4~8,林前十二14~30,弗四7~16,提后四5,西四17。

C. This is a beautiful picture of the coordination in the church as the Body of Christ, in which each member has his particular position and function, or ministry—Rom. 12:4-8; 1 Cor. 12:14-30; Eph. 4:7-16; 2 Tim. 4:5; Col. 4:17.

四 一个肢体尽功用时,乃是“直往前行”尽他的功用;其他的肢体则迁就他,往同一个方向行动,有些要“退行”,有些要“旁行”,经过十字架并凭着那灵作每件事,为着基督身体的缘故,将基督分赐给人─结一9、11下~12,林前十二14~30。

D. When one member functions, he moves "straight forward" to fulfill his function, and the other members accommodate him by moving in the same direction, some moving "backward" and others moving "sideways," doing everything through the cross and by the Spirit to dispense Christ into others for the sake of His Body—Ezek. 1:9, 11b-12; 1 Cor. 12:14-30.

五 在召会的事奉中,我们每一个人不但要学习怎样往前行,也要学习怎样退行并旁行:

E. In the church service we all need to learn not only how to walk straight forward but also how to walk backward and sideways:

1 在配搭里没有自由或方便;配搭使我们不转身─参弗三18。

1. In coordination there is no freedom or convenience; coordination keeps us from making turns—cf. Eph. 3:18.

2 我们作任何事之前,需要停下来,与一同事奉的人交通并配搭。

2. Before doing anything, we need to stop to fellowship and coordinate with those who serve with us.

3 交通使我们相调、调和,调整、调节我们,使我们和谐,限制、保护、供应并祝福我们;基督的身体乃是在交通里─参四4,林后十三14。

3. Fellowship blends us, mingles us, adjusts us, tempers us, harmonizes us, limits us, protects us, supplies us, and blesses us; the Body is in the fellowship—cf. 4:4; 2 Cor. 13:14.

六 有不同功用的弟兄们若不知道怎样配搭,他们就会争竞,甚至彼此相争,结果就可能分裂─参腓一17,二2,加五25~26:

F. If brothers with different functions do not know to coordinate, they will compete and even strive against each other, which could result in division—cf. Phil. 1:17; 2:2; Gal. 5:25-26:

1 对福音有负担的弟兄尽功用直往前行的时候,对牧养有负担的弟兄就该学习退行,其他的圣徒该跟从这二人而旁行。

1. When a brother who is burdened for the gospel is functioning, moving straight forward, the brother who is burdened for shepherding should learn to walk backward; the other saints should follow these two, walking sideways.

2 退行和旁行就是对别人的职事、功用和负担说“阿们”─罗十二4,参林前十四29~31。

2. To walk backward and sideways is to say Amen to another's ministry, function, and burden—Rom. 12:4; cf. 1 Cor. 14:29-31.

3 我们若只顾自己专特的事奉,而没有这四种行走,至终我们就会成为召会里的难处─参约叁9。

3. If we care only for our particular service and do not have these four kinds of walk, eventually we will become a problem in the church—cf. 3 John 9.

4 直往前行的人有责任随从灵─结一12,参徒二14,十六6~10。

4. The one who is walking straight forward has the responsibility of following the Spirit—Ezek. 1:12; cf. Acts 2:14; 16:6-10.

七 我们应当将配搭这件事不仅应用在某个地方召会中,也应用在众召会中间;这就是说,我们该跟随众召会─帖前二14。

G. We should apply this matter of coordination not only in a particular local church but also among the churches; this means that we are followers of the churches—1 Thes. 2:14.

肆 活物配搭的结果是成为烧着的火炭和烧着的火把;我们越配搭在一起,就越彼此焚烧─结一13:

IV. The result of the coordination of the living creatures is that they become burning coals and burning torches; the more we coordinate together, the more we burn one another— Ezek. 1:13:

一 火炭的焚烧至少作三件事:

A. The burning of the coals does at least three things:

1 任何与神和神的性情不合的东西,都会被烧着的火炭这圣别、炼净的火烧尽,唯有出于神的才会存留。

1. Anything that does not correspond to God and to the nature of God will be burned out by the sanctifying and purifying fire of the burning coals, and only what is of God will remain.

2 在配搭中的焚烧使我们火热,极其热切─启四5,罗十二11,提后一6~7,启三15~16。

2. The burning in the coordination makes us fervent, intensely hot—Rev. 4:5; Rom. 12:11; 2 Tim. 1:6-7; Rev. 3:15-16.

3 在配搭中的焚烧产生召会的能力和冲击力─徒一14。

3. The burning in the coordination produces the power and impact of the church—Acts 1:14.

二 火炭是为着焚烧,火把是为着照亮─结一13:

B. The coals are for burning, and the torches are for enlightening—Ezek. 1:13:

1 圣别的火成了圣别的光:

1. The sanctifying fire becomes the sanctifying light:

a 我们被圣别的火焚烧的范围,自然而然成为我们被照亮,且能照亮别人的范围─参赛六1、5~8。

a. The areas in which we have been burned by the sanctifying fire spontaneously become the areas in which we are enlightened and can enlighten others—cf. Isa. 6:1, 5-8.

b 在正确的召会生活中,弟兄姊妹中间应该没有黑暗的事;一切都应该彻底被照亮。

b. In the proper church life there should be nothing of darkness among the brothers and sisters; all should be thoroughly enlightened.

2 这火不是静止的,乃是一直行动的─来十二29:

2. The fire is not static but always moving—Heb. 12:29:

a 有火随着活物,因为他们在交通中,让神在他们中间自由行动。

a. There is fire with the living creatures, because in their fellowship they allow God to move freely among them.

b 活物的样子像烈火,指明活物有圣别之神的样子─结一26~27。

b. The appearance of the living creatures being like burning fire indicates that they have the appearance of the sanctifying God—Ezek. 1:26-27.

3 火有光辉,指明活物在配搭中彰显一种荣耀、威严的光景─13节。

3. The fire being bright indicates that in their coordination the living creatures manifest a glorious and majestic condition—v. 13.

4 光辉是经常的,而闪电是特别的,这指明在特别的时候,也许有特别的光,这光忽然一闪,叫别人惊奇─参太二四27。

4. Whereas the brightness is usual, the flashing of lightning is special, indicating that at special times there may be a special light that flashes suddenly and causes others to be astonished—cf. Matt. 24:27.

5 活物奔走,因为他们有能力和冲击力─结一14。

5. The living creatures run because they have the power and the impact—Ezek. 1:14.

伍 我们要与别人配搭,就必须否认己,经历十字架的对付,并且凭着鹰翅所表征神的恩典和能力而生活行事─9、11节,赛四十31:

V. In order to coordinate with others, we need to deny our self, experiencing the dealing of the cross, and live and act by God's grace and God's power, signified by the eagle's wings—vv. 9, 11; Isa. 40:31:

一 我们行动或作任何事都不可彰显己;反之,我们必须在父的生命同着父的性情里作事,以彰显父;这就是荣耀,在这荣耀里我们都是一─约十七22~24。

A. We must not act or do anything to express our self; rather, we must do things in the Father's life with the Father's nature to express the Father; this is glory, and it is in this glory that we all are one— John 17:22-24.

二 我们要与别人配搭,就必须接受赦免人的主作我们赦免的生命,好赦免别人,并寻求被人赦免,让基督的平安在我们心里作仲裁─西三12~15。

B. In order to coordinate with others, we need to take the forgiving Lord as our forgiving life to forgive others and seek to be forgiven, letting the peace of Christ arbitrate in our hearts— Col. 3:12-15.

三 我们要与别人配搭,就必须对付我们心中的偶像,因基督将万事看作亏损,并将万事看作粪土,为要赢得基督─结十四3~5,腓三7~8、12~14。

C. In order to coordinate with others, we need to deal with the idols in our heart, counting all things as loss on account of Christ and counting them as refuse that we may gain Christ— Ezek. 14:3-5; Phil. 3:7-8, 12-14.

四 我们若住在神里面,倚靠神,定居在神里面,并彰显神,我们就能在神里面配搭在一起─结一12,约十五5、7,八31,诗九十1,二六1,三一20,九一1、9、14,腓一20,林前十31。

D. If we abide in God, rely on God, dwell in God, and express God, we can coordinate together in God— John 15:5, 7; 8:31; Psa. 90:1; 26:1; 31:20; 91:1, 9, 14; Phil. 1:20; 1 Cor. 10:31.

陆 活物随从灵,指明我们要在基督的身体里与人配搭,就需要凭着灵而行,并照着灵而行─加五16、25,罗八4:

VI. The living creatures follow the Spirit, indicating that in order to coordinate with others in the Body of Christ, we need to walk by the Spirit and according to the spirit— Ezek. 1:12; Gal. 5:16, 25; Rom. 8:4:

一 我们的灵像宇宙一样广大;神住在我们灵里,我们的灵乃是今日的耶路撒冷─弗二22,民十六22,来十二9:

A. Our spirit is universally spacious; God dwells in our spirit, and our spirit is today's Jerusalem—Eph. 2:22; Num. 16:22; Heb. 12:9:

1 圣经每说到“你们的灵”时,乃是包括所有圣徒的灵─加六18,腓四23,提后四22,林前六17。

1. When the Bible speaks of "your spirit," it includes the spirits of all the saints—Gal. 6:18; Phil. 4:23; 2 Tim. 4:22; 1 Cor. 6:17.

2 “[罗马八章十六节]‘我们的灵’一辞包括保罗的灵、路德马丁的灵、卫斯理约翰的灵、倪弟兄的灵、你的灵和我的灵”─以弗所书生命读经,二五九页。

2. "The words 'our spirit' [in Romans 8:16] include Paul's spirit, Martin Luther's spirit, John Wesley's spirit, Brother Nee's spirit, your spirit, and my spirit"—Life-study of Ephesians, p. 213.

二 以弗所书启示,我们必须在调和的灵里,而在为着基督身体实际的调和里─一17,二22,三5、16,四23,五18,六18,参利二4,林前十二24。

B. The book of Ephesians reveals that we need to be in the mingled spirit to be in the blending for the reality of the Body of Christ—1:17; 2:22; 3:5, 16; 4:23; 5:18; 6:18; cf. Lev. 2:4; 1 Cor. 12:24.

柒 我们要与别人配搭,就需要与配搭的三一神是一:

VII. In order to coordinate with others, we need to be one with the coordinating Triune God:

一 在马太十二章二十八节,神圣三一凭神圣的配搭而行动,乃是给我们跟随的绝佳和美丽榜样;这是元首基督为我们作为祂身体肢体的配搭,所设立的美好榜样:─引用经文

A. The move of the Divine Trinity with the divine coordination in Matthew 12:28 is an excellent and beautiful example for us to follow; this is a good pattern that our Head has set up for our coordination as members of His Body:

1 主靠另一位,并为另一位赶鬼,这种方式给我们看见祂行动不是单独的,乃是谦卑且无己的。

1. The way the Lord cast out demons, by another One and for another One, shows that He did not act individualistically but with humility and selflessness.

2 作为神圣三一中心的子,完全不靠自己、为自己或归给自己;凡祂所作的,都是靠着神的灵,并为着父神的国。

2. The Son as the center of the Divine Trinity was altogether not by Himself, for Himself, or to Himself; whatever He did was by the Spirit of God and for the kingdom of God the Father.

3 这给我们看见在神圣三一里的和谐、美丽和优越。

3. This shows us the harmony, beauty, and excellency in the Divine Trinity.

4 今天在召会生活里,由于缺少正确的配搭,基督的身体还没有充分地建造起来。

4. Today in the church life the Body of Christ has not been built up adequately because of the shortage of the proper coordination.

5 我们可能照着神的旨意作一件事,但我们所作的不该靠自己,乃该靠一些其他的人;不仅如此,我们所作的也不该为我们自己,乃该为神在地上的权益、权利。

5. We may do something according to the will of God, but what we do should not be by ourselves but by some others; furthermore, what we do should not be for ourselves but for the interest, the right, of God on this earth.

二 每一天,我们必须从自己出来,进到互相内在并配搭的三一神里─帖后三5,犹19~21,约十七17。

B. Every day we need to move out of ourselves and into the coinhering and coordinating Triune God—2 Thes. 3:5; Jude 19-21; John 17:17.
