第七篇 我们属灵经历的最高点─有清明的天,其上有宝座

The Highest Point in Our Spiritual Experience— Having a Clear Sky with a Throne above It



壹 “活物的头以上有穹苍的样式,看着像可畏的水晶,铺张在活物的头以上”─结一22:

I. "Over the heads of the living creature there was the likeness of an expanse, like the sight of awesome crystal, stretched forth over their heads above"—Ezek. 1:22:

一 在四活物的头以上有穹苍,也就是我们所称的天空。

A. Over the heads of the four living creatures, there is the firmament, the expanse, which we call the sky.

二 在活物以上的天空,好像一大片可畏的水晶,指明在他们以上有清明、开启和延展的天:

B. The sky above the living creatures is like a great expanse of awesome crystal, indicating that above them is a clear, open, and expanding heaven:

1 就垂直一面说,他们与主有彻底的交通,就水平一面说,在他们之间也有清明的交通;他们交通的范围是广阔且稳定的─约壹一3、6~7,林前一9。

1. They have a thorough fellowship with the Lord vertically and also a clear fellowship among themselves horizontally; they have a wide and stable span of fellowship—1 John 1:3, 6-7; 1 Cor. 1:9.

2 当我们有了清明、开启、稳定和延展的天,到这时我们与神之间就不再有阻隔,我们与别人之间也不再有阻隔。

2. When we reach the point of having a clear, open, stable, and expanding heaven, there will be nothing between us and God, and nothing between us and one another.

三 我们作为基督徒有哪一种的天,乃在于我们的良心;我们的良心是与我们的天相联的─罗九1,林后一12:

C. The kind of sky we have as Christians depends on our conscience; our conscience is connected to our sky—Rom. 9:1; 2 Cor. 1:12:

1 我们必须维持与主有清明的天,也就是说,与主有清明的交通─约壹一3、6。

1. We need to maintain a clear sky with the Lord, that is, have a clear fellowship with Him—1 John 1:3, 6.

2 我们要有清明的天,就必须对付我们良心里的任何亏欠和定罪─徒二四16。

2. If we would have a clear sky, we need to deal with any offense or condemnation in our conscience—Acts 24:16.

3 当我们与主之间一无间隔的时候,我们的天就明如水晶,我们就不仅有无亏的良心,也有清洁的良心─提前一5、19,三9,提后一3,参太五8,箴二二11,提后二22。

3. When there is nothing between us and the Lord, our sky will be crystal clear, and we will have not only a good conscience but also a pure conscience—1 Tim. 1:5, 19; 3:9; 2 Tim. 1:3; cf. Matt. 5:8; Prov. 22:11; 2 Tim. 2:22.

贰 “穹苍以下,活物的一对翅膀直张,彼此相对;每个活物另有一对翅膀在两边遮体”─结一23:

II. "And under the expanse one pair of their wings went straight out, one toward the other; each had another pair covering their bodies on this side and on that side"—Ezek. 1:23:

一 四活物的一对翅膀直张,为着配搭;这指明我们若在清明、开启、稳定和延展的天之下,就能有完全正直,没有弯曲的配搭。

A. The four living creatures stretch out two of their wings for coordination; this indicates that if we are under a clear, open, stable, and expanding sky, we can have a coordination that is altogether straight, with nothing crooked.

二 四活物用另外两个翅膀遮盖自己;这指明在配搭中,我们不该显扬自己,乃该隐藏在主的恩典下─林后三5~6,十二9,腓三3。

B. The four living creatures use the other two wings to cover themselves; this indicates that in the coordination we should not display ourselves but should hide ourselves under the Lord's grace—2 Cor. 3:5-6; 12:9; Phil. 3:3.

叁 “活物行走的时候,我听见翅膀的响声,像大水的声音,像全能者的声音;是哄嚷的声音,像军队的声音”─结一24上:

III. "And I heard the sound of their wings, like the sound of great waters, like the voice of the Almighty, as they went; it was the sound of a tumult, like the sound of an army"— Ezek. 1:24a:

一 这声音不是个人的声音,乃是刚强的,像大水的声音:

A. The voice is not that of an individual but is strong, like the sound of great waters:

1 声音乃是从相接的翅膀发出的。

1. The voice comes out of the wings that are joined together.

2 任何一个地方召会见证的声音,不该是任何个别信徒的声音,乃必须是团体、配搭之身体的声音,就是出自正确配搭的声音─参徒二14。

2. The voice of the testimony of any local church should not be the voice of any individual believer; it must be the voice of a corporate, coordinated body, a voice that comes out of the proper coordination—cf. Acts 2:14.

二 团体身体的声音成了全能者的声音,就是神自己的声音。

B. The voice of a corporate body becomes the voice of the Almighty, the voice of God Himself.

三 这声音也是军队的声音,为着神的经纶争战─参提后四7。

C. The voice is also the voice of an army fighting the battle for God's economy—cf. 2 Tim. 4:7.

肆 “活物站住的时候,便将翅膀垂下。在他们头以上的穹苍之上有声音。他们站住的时候,便将翅膀垂下”─结一24下~25:

IV. "Whenever they stood still, they dropped their wings. And there was a voice from above the expanse that was over their heads. When they stood still, they dropped their wings"—Ezek. 1:24b-25:

一 当活物听见他们头以上从清明的天发出来的声音,他们便停下,并将翅膀垂下:

A. When the living creatures hear a voice out of the clear sky above their heads, they stop and let down their wings:

1 这指明他们不仅知道如何说话、发声,也知道如何听神的声音─王上十九11~12,参出二一5~6,赛五十4~5,路十38~42。

1. This indicates that they know not only how to speak and sound forth their voice but also how to listen to God's voice— 1 Kings 19:11-12; cf. Exo. 21:5-6; Isa. 50:4-5; Luke 10:38-42.

2 每当他们听神的声音时,他们就停止不动,就站住,将翅膀垂下。

2. Whenever they listen to God's voice, they stop moving, stand still, and lower their wings.

3 他们知道如何凭行动发声,也知道如何借着停住而听神的声音。

3. They know how to give the voice by moving, and they know how to listen to God's voice by stopping.

4 在属灵的事上,看见是在于听见;听见比看见更深入,比看见更为亲切─启二7上,一10、12,赛五十4~5,太十八15~17。

4. In spiritual things, seeing depends on hearing; hearing is deeper than seeing and more intimate than seeing—Rev. 2:7a; 1:10, 12; Isa. 50:4-5; Matt. 18:15-17.

二 清明并开启的天,为主说话,以及听主说话,全是关于交通的事─约壹一7:

B. A clear and open heaven, speaking for the Lord, and listening to the Lord are all matters of fellowship—1 John 1:7:

1 真实的交通与真实的配搭有关。

1. Genuine fellowship is related to genuine coordination.

2 当我们与神有交通,并彼此有交通时,我们中间就有真实的配搭;这样,我们就能为神说话,并且也能安静地听祂说话。

2. When we have fellowship with God and with one another, there will be genuine coordination among us; then we can speak for God and also listen quietly to His speaking.

伍 我们要看见神的宝座为着全宇宙中神圣行政的异象─启四2,五1,六16,七9,八3,二一5,但七9~10:

V. We need to see a vision of the throne of God for the divine administration throughout the universe—Rev. 4:2; 5:1; 6:16; 7:9; 8:3; 21:5; Dan. 7:9-10:

一 启示录揭示神宇宙的行政;这卷书启示,宇宙乃是照着神的行政运行的─四2、5。

A. The book of Revelation unveils God's universal administration; this book reveals that the universe operates according to God's administration— 4:2, 5.

二 在启示录四、五章里的宝座,乃是神圣权柄的宝座:─引用经文

B. The throne in Revelation 4 and 5 is the throne of divine authority:

1 神的宝座与祂的行政有关,而祂的行政乃是关于祂经纶的事─弗一10,三9。

1. God's throne is related to His administration, which is a matter of His economy—Eph. 1:10; 3:9.

2 宝座上的神在幕后管理每一个人和每一件事─赛六1,王上二二19。

2. God on the throne is behind the scene, ruling over everyone and everything—Isa. 6:1; 1 Kings 22:19.

3 世界局势中的每一件事,都是在宝座上决定的;在神宝座的管理之外,没有什么事能发生─伯一6~12,二1~6,路二二31~32。

3. Everything in the world situation is decided on the throne; nothing can happen outside the rule of God's throne— Job 1:6-12; 2:1-6; Luke 22:31-32.

陆 我们属灵经历的最高点,就是有清明的天,其上有宝座─结一26~28:

VI. The highest point in our spiritual experience is having a clear sky with the throne above it—Ezek. 1:26-28:

一 这宝座是宇宙的中心,就是神所在之处─启四2:

A. The throne is the center of the universe, and it is where God is—Rev. 4:2:

1 主的同在总是随着宝座的,祂的同在绝不能与祂的宝座分开。

1. The Lord's presence is always with the throne and can never be separated from the throne.

2 主的宝座不仅在第三层天,也在我们的灵里;因此,主的宝座一直与我们在一起─来四12、16与注1。

2. The Lord's throne is not only in the third heaven but also in our spirit; therefore, the Lord's throne is always with us—Heb. 4:12, 16 and footnote 1.

二 我们若有清明的天,就必定有宝座,我们也就自然而然地在宝座的管治和掌权之下。

B. If we have a clear sky, the throne will be present, and we will spontaneously be under the ruling and reigning of the throne.

三 神在我们里面有宝座,意思就是神在我们里面有地位掌权。

C. For God to have the throne in us means that He has the position to reign in us.

四 在清明的天以上有宝座,就是让神在我们基督徒生活中有最高、最显著的地位。

D. To have the throne above a clear sky is to allow God to have the highest and most prominent position in our Christian life.

五 在我们属灵的经历中达到这一点,在清明的天以上有宝座,意思就是在凡事上完全服从神的权柄和行政。

E. In our spiritual experience, to reach the point of having the throne above a clear sky means that in everything we are completely submissive to God's authority and administration.

六 我们的天越清明,我们就越在宝座之下;我们越与主有清明的交通,我们就越在祂的权柄之下─参启二二1。

F. The clearer our sky is, the more we are under the throne; the more we have clear fellowship with the Lord, the more we will be under His authority—cf. Rev. 22:1.

七 我们若有清明的天以上的宝座,就是蒙了大祝福,我们该为这祝福敬拜神。

G. If we have the throne above the clear sky, we are greatly blessed, and we should worship God for this blessing.

八 今天完全活在神管治之下的信徒不多:

H. Today there are not many believers who are living completely under the ruling of God:

1 对付良心的目标,乃是要将我们从人的管治,经过自己的管治,一直恢复到神的管治,使我们直接在神的支配之下。

1. The goal of dealing with the conscience is to recover us from human rule through self-rule to God's rule so that we may be directly under His control.

2 在神完整的救恩里,祂渴望将我们恢复到神圣的管治,使我们能单纯地活在神面前,且在祂直接的权柄之下。

2. In His complete salvation God desires to recover us to divine rule so that we may live before God in simplicity and under His direct authority.

3 受神的管治,意思是我们凭灵的直觉而活。

3. To be under God's rule means that we live by the intuition of the spirit.

4 我们越受神管治,就显得越有分量、越高贵。

4. The more we are ruled by God, the more weighty and noble we become.

柒 宝座不仅为着神在我们身上掌权,更为着神达成祂永远的定旨─四11,罗八28,弗一9、11,三11:

VII. The throne is not only for God to reign over us but also for Him to accomplish His eternal purpose—4:11; Rom. 8:28; Eph. 1:9, 11; 3:11:

一 神是一位有定旨的神,有照着祂喜悦的旨意─一5、9。

A. God is a God of purpose, having a will according to His good pleasure—1:5, 9.

二 神在祂的经纶里管理宇宙,为要成就祂的定旨─启四11。

B. In His economy God administrates the universe to fulfill His purpose—Rev. 4:11.

三 在我们的属灵生活中若是有宝座,神就不仅能在我们身上掌权,祂也能在我们里面、同着我们并借着我们,完成祂的定旨─提后一9。

C. If we have a throne in our spiritual life, God will not only rule over us but will also fulfill His purpose in us, with us, and through us—2 Tim. 1:9.

四 我们若要神的定旨和计划在我们里面并同着我们得以完成,我们就必须服从宝座。

D. If we want God's purpose and plan to be carried out in us and with us, we must submit to the throne.

捌 召会中唯一的权柄乃是在清明的天以上的宝座─太二八18~19,二十20~28:

VIII. The only authority in the church is the throne above the clear sky—Matt. 28:18-19; 20:20-28:

一 在召会中没有属人的权柄─二三11,二十25~27。

A. In the church there is no human authority—23:11; 20:25-27.

二 我们不该想要管辖别人,只该降卑自己,留在清明的天以上的宝座下。

B. Instead of trying to rule over others, we should humble ourselves and remain under the throne above the clear sky.

三 我们若在清明的天底下,其上有宝座,我们身上就有真正的权柄─林后十8,十三10。

C. If we are under a clear sky with the throne above it, genuine authority will be with us—2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10.

四 我们在神面前的分量,在于我们服神权柄的程度;我们越服从宝座,我们就越有分量。

D. Our weight before God depends on the degree of our subjection to God's authority; the more we submit to the throne, the weightier we will be.

玖 在以西结一章二十六节之“宝座的样式”,乃是“像蓝宝石的样子”:─引用经文

IX. In Ezekiel 1:26 "the likeness of a throne" is "like the appearance of a sapphire stone":

一 蓝宝石是蓝色的,而蓝是指天的颜色,指明神同在的光景和情形─出二四10。

A. A sapphire stone is blue in color, and blue is a heavenly color indicating the situation and condition of God's presence— Exo. 24:10.

二 宝座的样式像蓝宝石,表明在属天的光景中神的同在。

B. The throne being in the likeness of a sapphire stone indicates the presence of God in a heavenly situation.

三 我们若有清明的天以上神的宝座,我们就会是在属天的光景里,有蓝宝石的样子,有主同在的属天情形、气氛和光景。

C. If we have God's throne above the clear sky, we will be in a heavenly situation, having the appearance of a sapphire stone with the heavenly situation, atmosphere, and condition of the Lord's presence.

四 我们只该在意主的同在,不在意任何别的事;换句话说,我们只在意清明的天同其上的宝座。

D. We should care only for the presence of the Lord, not for anything else; in other words, we care only for the clear sky with the throne above it.

拾 天上的宝座借着并同着活物传输到地上─结一5、26:

X. The throne in the heavens is transmitted to the earth through and with the living creatures—Ezek. 1:5, 26:

一 他们在哪里,宝座就在哪里;无论他们往哪里去,宝座都随着他们。

A. Wherever they are, the throne is there, and wherever they go, the throne follows them.

二 这样,天上的宝座就与地成为一,因为宝座传输到了地上─太六10,十六19,十八18。

B. In this way the throne in the heavens becomes one with the earth, for the throne is transmitted to the earth—Matt. 6:10; 16:19; 18:18.

三 这必须是今天众地方召会中间的光景,是得胜者中间的光景,也是我们日常基督徒生活的光景和情形。

C. This needs to be the situation among the local churches today, the situation among the overcomers, and the situation and condition of our daily Christian life.
