第十一篇 神借着祂的牧养而有生命的恢复

God's Recovery by Life through His Shepherding



壹 牧养就是周全柔细地照顾群羊─约二一15~17,徒二十28:

I. To shepherd is to take all-inclusive, tender care of the flock— John 21:15-17; Acts 20:28:

一 牧养是指顾到羊一切的需要─诗二三。

A. Shepherding refers to caring for all the needs of the sheep— Psa. 23.

二 所有的羊都需要得着充分的供备和妥善的照料。

B. All the sheep need to be well provided for and well tended to.

贰 在以西结三十四章,主亲自来作牧人,寻找祂的羊,将他们寻见─11~31节,路十五3~7,太九36,约十11,二一15~17,来十三20,彼前五3~4:

II. In Ezekiel 34 the Lord Himself comes as the Shepherd to search for His sheep and seek them out—vv. 11-31; Luke 15:3-7; Matt. 9:36; John 10:11; 21:15-17; Heb. 13:20; 1 Pet. 5:3-4:

一 主从不信者中间将我们领出来归给祂自己─结三四12~13上,参弗二12~13。

A. The Lord brings us out from among the unbelievers to Himself—Ezek. 34:12-13a; cf. Eph. 2:12-13.

二 祂领我们归回故土,这故土表征作为迦南美地的基督─结三四13下,参西一12。

B. He brings us to our own land, signifying Christ as the good land of Canaan—Ezek. 34:13b; cf. Col. 1:12.

三 祂带我们回到高山,高山表征复活、升天的基督─结三四13~14。

C. He brings us back to the high mountains, signifying the resurrected and ascended Christ—Ezek. 34:13-14.

四 祂带我们回到溪水旁边,溪水表征赐生命之灵的活水─13节,启二二1,林前十二13,诗三六8。

D. He brings us back to the streams, signifying the living water of the life-giving Spirit—v. 13; Rev. 22:1; 1 Cor. 12:13; Psa. 36:8.

五 祂在溪水旁牧养群羊,表征祂用祂的丰富喂养我们─结三四13,启二二1~2上。

E. He feeds His flock by the streams, signifying His feeding us with His riches—Ezek. 34:13; Rev. 22:1-2a.

六 祂带我们回到丰美的草场,草场表征基督作我们生命的供应─结三四14,诗二三2,约十9,参提前一4。

F. He brings us back to the good and rich pasture, signifying Christ as our life supply—Ezek. 34:14; Psa. 23:2; John 10:9; cf. 1 Tim. 1:4.

七 祂使我们躺卧,给我们内里的安息─结三四15,歌一7,太十一28~30。

G. He causes us to lie down, giving us inward rest—Ezek. 34:15; S. S. 1:7; Matt. 11:28-30.

八 祂缠裹受伤的,加强软弱的,表征祂缠裹并医治伤心的和有病的─结三四16上,赛六一1~2,路四18~19,太九9~13。

H. He binds up the broken one and strengthens the sick one, signifying His binding up and healing the brokenhearted and sick ones—Ezek. 34:16a; Isa. 61:1-2; Luke 4:18-19; Matt. 9:9-13.

九 主在我们中间施行公义的判断,将一切不义的东西完全洁除─结三四17~22,西三15。

I. The Lord exercises righteous judgments among us, clearing away all the unjust things—Ezek. 34:17-22; Col. 3:15.

十 基督是真大卫,真牧者,被立为独一的牧人,要喂养我们,使我们得饱足并满足─结三四23:

J. Christ is the real David, the real Shepherd, set up as the one Shepherd to feed us and cause us to be filled and satisfied— Ezek. 34:23:

1 祂照料我们,包括顾到我们一切的难处,担负我们一切的责任,照料我们生活的每一面─诗二三。

1. He takes care of us, including all our problems and responsibilities and every aspect of our living—Psa. 23.

2 主作牧人照料我们,结果使我们顺从祂为我们的王,服在祂的君王职分之下─启七17。

2. The issue of the Lord's caring for us as our Shepherd is that we obey Him as our King and come under His kingship— Rev. 7:17.

3 当我们经历主的牧养,并留在祂的君王职分之下,我们就享受祂平安的约,并且不再受属灵的为难和搅扰─结三七26上。

3. As we experience the Lord's shepherding and remain under His kingship, we enjoy His covenant of peace and are no longer subject to spiritual troubles and disturbances—Ezek. 37:25a.

4 在祂的牧养之下,一切的恶兽(恶人)都要从主所恢复的子民中间驱除─三四25下,参徒二十28~29,腓三2~3。

4. Under His shepherding, all the evil beasts, evil persons, are kept away from the Lord's recovered people—34:25b; cf. Acts 20:28-29; Phil. 3:2-3.

5 祂折断我们所负一切的轭,包括罪和世界的轭,救我们脱离各样的奴役─结三四27下。

5. He breaks the bars of all our yokes, including the yokes of sin and the world, and delivers us from all kinds of slavery—Ezek. 34:27b.

6 祂应许我们不再作仇敌的掠物,却要安然居住─28节上、25节下。

6. He promises that we will not be prey to the enemy and that we will dwell in peace and safety—vv. 28a, 25b.

十一 祂使我们成为别人的福源,使别人也得着祂的供应;祂是如甘霖的祝福,也是有名的植物(栽种之处)─26~27节上、29节,亚十1,结三六35。

K. He causes us to become a source of blessing to others so that they may be supplied with Him as the showers of blessing and as the planting place of renown—vv. 26-27a, 29; Zech. 10:1; Ezek. 36:35.

十二 我们经历神的牧养,就有祂的同在;我们与祂在一里有交通,我们属祂,祂也属我们,使神与人相调和─三四30~31。

L. Through the experience of His shepherding, we have God's presence; we are His and He is ours in our fellowship with Him in oneness for the mingling of God and man—34:30-31.

叁 基督是好牧人、大牧人、牧长以及我们魂的牧人─约十9~17,来十三20~21,彼前五4,二25:

III. Christ is the good Shepherd, the great Shepherd, the Chief Shepherd, and the Shepherd of our souls— John 10:9-17; Heb. 13:20-21; 1 Pet. 5:4; 2:25:

一 主耶稣作好牧人,来使我们得生命,并且得的更丰盛─约十10~11:

A. As the good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly— John 10:10-11:

1 祂舍了祂的魂生命,就是人的生命,为祂的羊成功救赎,使他们能有分于祂的奏厄生命,就是祂神圣的生命─11、15、17节。

1. He laid down His soul-life, His human life, to accomplish redemption for His sheep that they may share His zoe life, His divine life—vv. 11, 15, 17.

2 祂领祂的羊出羊圈,进入祂自己这草场,就是得喂养的地方,使他们可以自由地吃祂,得着祂的喂养─9节。

2. He leads His sheep out of the fold into Himself as the pasture, the feeding place, where they may eat freely of Him and be nourished by Him—v. 9.

3 主使犹太和外邦信徒在祂的牧养下合为一群(召会,基督的身体)─16节。

3. The Lord has formed the Jewish and Gentile believers into one flock (the church, the Body of Christ) under His shepherding—v. 16.

二 神“凭永约之血”,使“群羊的大牧人我们的主耶稣”从死人中复活─来十三20:

B. God raised up from the dead "our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, in the blood of an eternal covenant"—Heb. 13:20:

1 永约是要借着牧养,终极完成新耶路撒冷。

1. The eternal covenant is to consummate the New Jerusalem by shepherding.

2 永约就是新遗命的约,为要得着群羊,就是召会,结果带进基督的身体,并终极完成于新耶路撒冷。

2. The eternal covenant is the covenant of the new testament to gain a flock, which is the church issuing in the Body of Christ and consummating in the New Jerusalem.

3 主作为大牧人正使新约的内容对我们成为真实的─八8~13。

3. As the great Shepherd, the Lord is making real to us the contents of the new covenant—8:8-13.

三 基督作牧长,借着众召会的长老牧养祂的羊群─彼前五4:

C. As the Chief Shepherd, Christ shepherds His flock through the elders of the churches—1 Pet. 5:4:

1 若没有长老的牧养,召会就无法得建造。

1. Without the elders' shepherding, the church cannot be built up.

2 长老的牧养该是基督借着他们的牧养。

2. The elders' shepherding should be Christ's shepherding through them.

四 是灵的基督作我们魂的牧人,监督我们里面的光景,顾到我们内里所是的情形─二25:

D. As the Shepherd of our souls, the pneumatic Christ oversees our inward condition, caring for the situation of our inner being—2:25:

1 祂是借着顾到我们魂的益处,并借着监督我们内里所是的光景,而牧养我们。

1. He shepherds us by caring for the welfare of our soul and by exercising His oversight over the condition of our inner being.

2 因为我们的魂很复杂,所以我们需要那在我们灵里是赐生命之灵的基督,在我们的魂里牧养我们,为要照顾我们的心思、情感和意志,并顾到我们的难处、需要和创伤。

2. Because our soul is very complicated, we need Christ, who is the life-giving Spirit in our spirit, to shepherd us in our soul in order to take care of our mind, emotion, and will and our problems, needs, and wounds.

3 主作我们魂的牧人,使我们的魂苏醒,并使我们的魂得安息─诗二三3上,太十一28~30。

3. As the Shepherd of our souls, the Lord restores our soul and gives rest to our soul—Psa. 23:3a; Matt. 11:28-30.

肆 约翰二十一章说到牧养,是约翰福音的完成和总结;牧养乃是开启约翰福音的钥匙:

IV. John 21, a chapter on shepherding, is the completion and consummation of the Gospel of John; shepherding is the key to the Gospel of John:

一 约翰福音这卷书论到基督借着顾惜并喂养我们,来作我们的生命;顾惜人是使人快乐、愉快、舒适(太九10,路七34),喂养人是以包罗万有的基督供应人(太二四45~47)。─引用经文

A. The Gospel of John is a book on Christ coming to be our life by cherishing and nourishing us; to cherish people is to make them happy, pleasant, and comfortable (Matt. 9:10; Luke 7:34), and to nourish people is to feed them with the all-inclusive Christ (Matt. 24:45-47).

二 主复活后牧养彼得,又托付彼得喂养祂的小羊并牧养祂的羊;这是把使徒的职事与基督天上的职事合并,以照顾神的羊群,就是召会,结果带进基督的身体─约二一15~17:

B. After His resurrection, the Lord shepherded Peter and commissioned him to feed His lambs and shepherd His sheep; this is to incorporate the apostolic ministry with Christ's heavenly ministry to take care of God's flock, the church, which issues in the Body of Christ— John 21:15-17:

1 使徒受升天基督的托付,与祂合作,以完成神新约的经纶─提前一4,弗一10。

1. The apostles were commissioned by the ascended Christ to cooperate with Him to carry out God's New Testament economy—1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 1:10.

2 关于牧养,使徒的职事与基督天上的职事合作,在地上作祂在诸天之上所作的。

2. Regarding shepherding, the apostolic ministry cooperates with Christ's heavenly ministry, doing on earth what He is doing in the heavens.

伍 彼前五章二节说到按着神牧养神的羊:─引用经文

V. First Peter 5:2 speaks of shepherding the flock of God according to God:

一 “按着神”意思是我们必须活神。

A. According to God means that we live God.

二 当我们与神是一,我们就成了神,在我们牧养别人时,我们就是神。

B. When we are one with God, we become God and we are God in our shepherding of others.

三 按着神牧养,就是按着神的性情、心意、作法和荣耀,而不是按着我们的偏好、兴趣、目的和个性牧养。

C. To shepherd according to God is to shepherd according to God's nature, desire, way, and glory, not according to our preference, interest, purpose, and disposition.

四 按着神牧养,就是按着神在祂属性上的所是牧养─约壹一5,四8、16。

D. To shepherd according to God is to shepherd according to what God is in His attributes—1 John 1:5; 4:8, 16.

五 我们要按着神牧养,就必须在生命、性情、彰显和功用上成为神:

E. In order to shepherd according to God, we need to become God in life, nature, expression, and function:

1 我们必须被神圣的生命所满溢,享受三一神作源、泉、川,而成为神圣生命的总和,甚至成为神圣生命的本身─约四14,西三4。

1. We need to be filled to the brim with the divine life, enjoying the Triune God as the fountain, the spring, and the river to become a totality of the divine life, even to become the divine life itself— John 4:14; Col. 3:4.

2 我们必须在神那爱、光、义、圣的属性上成为神─约壹三2,彼后一4。

2. We need to become God in His attributes of love, light, righteousness, and holiness—1 John 3:2; 2 Pet. 1:4.

3 我们必须成为基督的复制,就是神的彰显,使我们在牧养上彰显神,而不是彰显我们的己,连同个性与乖僻─约十二24。

3. We need to be the reproduction of Christ, the expression of God, so that in our shepherding we express God, not the self with its disposition and peculiarities— John 12:24.

4 我们必须在神的功用上成为神,照着祂的所是并照着祂经纶中的目标,牧养神的群羊─诗二三6下,弗四12、16,启二一2、10~11。

4. We need to become God in His function of shepherding the flock of God according to what He is and according to His goal in His economy—Psa. 23:6b; Eph. 4:12, 16; Rev. 21:2, 10-11.

陆 我们要经历并享受基督作我们永远的牧人,直到永远─启七16~17:

VI. For eternity we will have the experience and enjoyment of Christ as our eternal Shepherd—7:16-17:

一 基督是我们永远的牧人,要领我们进入祂自己这生命水的泉,使我们得享三一神永远的分赐─17节上。

A. As our eternal Shepherd, Christ will lead us into Himself as the springs of waters of life so that we may enjoy the eternal dispensing of the Triune God—v. 17a.

二 基督要供应我们生命水,并要擦去我们的泪水─17节下。

B. The waters of life will be supplied, and the water of tears will be wiped away—v. 17b.

三 在永世里,在基督的牧养下,必没有眼泪、饥饿或干渴─只有享受─16~17节。

C. Under Christ's shepherding in eternity, there will be no tears, no hunger, and no thirst—only enjoyment—vv. 16-17.
