第一篇 信息借着认识这世代并认识现有的真理,而与神合作,执行祂经纶中的行动

Cooperating with God to Carry Out His Move in His Economy by Knowing This Age and by Knowing the Present Truth



壹 在以西结书,神的经纶与神在祂经纶中的行动,乃是由高而可畏的轮子所表征──一15~21:

I. In the book of Ezekiel God's economy and God's move in His economy are signified by a high and awesome wheel—1:15-21:

一 这个大轮的轮轴表征基督作神经纶的中心;轮辋表征基督的配偶,就是召会,终极完成于新耶路撒冷;由轮轴伸展到轮辋的轮辐表征作基督肢体的许多信徒。

A. The hub of this great wheel signifies Christ as the center of God's economy, and the rim signifies Christ's counterpart, the church, which consummates in the New Jerusalem; the spokes of the wheel spreading from the hub to the rim signify the many believers as the members of Christ.

二 在活物旁边,有轮在地上出现,指明神在地上的行动,是随着四活物的配搭。

B. The appearing of the wheels on the earth beside the living creatures indicates that God's move on earth follows the coordination of the four living creatures.

三 神的行动乃是祂在人身上经纶的行动,要使人成为神,以产生一个新人,好使神在基督里得着祂团体的彰显和行政──10、13、15、26~27节,弗二15,四22~24,西三10~11。

C. God's move is the move of His economy in man to deify man to bring forth the one new man so that God in Christ may have His corporate expression and administration—vv. 10, 13, 15, 26-27; Eph. 2:15; 4:22-24; Col. 3:10-11.

四 每一个地方召会和每一位个别的信徒,都该有高而可畏的轮子随同──参徒十三1~2。

D. Every local church and every individual believer should have a high and awesome wheel with them—cf. Acts 13:1-2.

五 轮随着活物,指明神工作的行动在于我们的行动;也指明我们若在信心里行动,主就要随着我们行动──结一19,林后五7,四13、18,参传十一4。

E. The wheels following the living creatures indicates that the move of God's work depends upon our moving; it also indicates that if we move in faith, the Lord will follow our move—Ezek. 1:19; 2 Cor. 5:7; 4:13, 18; cf. Eccl. 11:4.

六 轮随着活物(结一19、21),活物随着灵,但灵在轮中:─引用经文

F. The wheels follow the living creatures (Ezek. 1:19, 21), and the creatures follow the Spirit, but the Spirit is in the wheels:

1 这指明主在我们行动中的行动,乃是照着成为肉体的原则──20节,参林前七10、12。

1. This indicates that the move of the Lord in our move is in the principle of incarnation—v. 20; cf. 1 Cor. 7:10, 12.

2 这就是主今天在地上的行动,这也就是主的恢复。

2. This is the Lord's move on earth today, and this is the Lord's recovery.

贰 我们若要与主合作,执行祂经纶中的行动,就必须认识这世代;认识这世代是特别认识今天基督教的世代,尤其是相较于圣经的启示,神圣的真理,以及真正、正确的神学:

II. If we are going to cooperate with the Lord to carry out His move in His economy, we must know this age; to know this age is to know the age of today's Christianity in a particular way, especially in relation to the revelation of the Scriptures, the divine truths, and the genuine and proper theology:

一 今日的神学,包括奈西亚信经在内,没有一个充分强调神永远经纶行动中,以下有关神的灵五个紧要的点:

A. Not one of today's theologies, including the Nicene Creed, stresses adequately the following five critical points concerning the Spirit of God in the move of God's eternal economy:

1 在基督得着荣耀(复活)之前,还没有那赐生命的灵──约七37~39。

1. The Spirit that gives life was not yet before the glorification (resurrection) of Christ—John 7:37-39.

2 末后的亚当(在肉体里的基督)成了赐生命的灵(应验约翰七章三十九节的话)──林前十五45下;因此,林后三章十七节说,“主就是那灵”,而下一节用“主灵”作复合的神圣名称。─引用经文

2. The last Adam (Christ in the flesh) became a life-giving Spirit (fulfilling John 7:39)—1 Cor. 15:45b; hence, 2 Corinthians 3:17 says that "the Lord is the Spirit," and the following verse uses the Lord Spirit as a compound divine title.

3 复合的灵由出埃及三十章二十三至二十五节涂抹的膏油(一欣橄榄油与四种香料及其功效构成的复合品)所预表。─引用经文

3. The compound Spirit is typified by the anointing ointment (a compound of one hin of olive oil with four kinds of spices and their effectiveness) in Exodus 30:23-25.

4 在罗马八章二节、九至十一节,生命的灵、神的灵、基督的灵、基督自己以及内住的灵,都是指赐生命的复合之灵。─引用经文

4. The Spirit of life, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, Christ Himself, and the indwelling Spirit in Romans 8:2, 9-11, all refer to the compound Spirit that gives life.

5 在神永远经纶之行动中,神的灵乃是神的七灵(七倍加强的灵,参考七倍的日光──赛三十26)──启一4,三1,四5,五6。─引用经文

5. The Spirit of God in the move of God's eternal economy is the seven Spirits (the sevenfold intensified Spirit, cf. the sevenfold sunlight—Isa. 30:26) of God—Rev. 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6.

二 天主教、更正教各宗派、弟兄会、灵恩派和所有的自由团体,都因着他们不完全且不合乎圣经的神学而受阻,看不见神中心的启示,并且由于他们对以上关于神的灵五个紧要之点的疏漏、忽略和反对,而达不到神完整的永远经纶。

B. The Catholic Church, the Protestant denominations, the Brethren assemblies, the Pentecostal churches, and all the free groups are held back by their imperfect and unscriptural theology from the central revelation of God and come short of the completion of God's eternal economy because of their missing, negligence of, and opposition to the above five critical points concerning the Spirit of God.

三 神必须得着一班神人作祂的得胜者,使祂可以完成祂永远的经纶,就是要得着召会,产生基督的身体,并终极完成新耶路撒冷。

C. God must have a people who are the God-men to be His overcomers for Him to accomplish His eternal economy concerning the church issuing in the Body of Christ and consummating the New Jerusalem.

叁 彼后一章十二节提到“现有的真理”:─引用经文

III. Second Peter 1:12 mentions the words the present truth:

一 所有的真理都在圣经里,却因着人的愚昧、人的不忠心、人的失职、人的不顺服,以致许多真理都失落了,向人隐藏起来;这些重新显现的真理,并不是神的新创造,乃是人的新发现。

A. All the truths are in the Bible, but through man's foolishness, unfaithfulness, negligence, and disobedience, many truths were lost and were hidden from man; freshly revealed truths are not God's new inventions; rather, they are man's new discoveries.

二 每一个主的工人都应该在神面前求问,什么是今日的真理;我们需要问神说,“神啊,什么是现有的真理?”

B. Every worker of the Lord should inquire before God as to what the present truth is; we need to ask God, "God, what is the present truth?"

三 我们知道神的真理是积蓄的,而不是推翻已往的。

C. We know that God's truths are cumulative; later truths do not negate former ones.

四 所有已往神的真理,都是今天的根基,我们今天所看见的,都是神累积的启示。

D. All the past truths of God form the foundation of the truths today; what we see today are the cumulative revelations of God.

五 当神开我们的眼睛,叫我们看见这个事实时,我们才发觉,我们今天乃是活在神旨意的潮流中,这个潮流乃是接着神在已过不同年日的工作往前的。

E. When God opens our eyes to see this fact, we begin to realize that we are living in the tide of God's will; this tide is a continuation of all the past works of God in the previous ages.

六 但愿神恩待我们,叫我们不作这“现有真理”的落伍者;但愿我们儆醒,不让肉体渗入,不让自己有地位;愿神的旨意在我们身上得着成全。

F. May God be gracious to us so that we do not become the castaways of "the present truth"; may we be watchful, and may we not allow the flesh to come in or the self to gain any ground; may God's will be accomplished in us.

肆 现有的真理是神的中心启示,也是主当前的恢复:

IV. The present truth is both the central revelation of God and the Lord's present recovery:

一 人若请我们解释今天恢复是什么,我们应该能够用一句简单的话回答:主的恢复乃是神成了肉体,肉体成了赐生命的灵,赐生命的灵成了七倍加强的灵,为要建造召会,成为基督的身体,终极完成新耶路撒冷。

A. If we are asked to explain what the recovery is today, we should be able to answer in one simple sentence: The Lord's recovery is God becoming the flesh, the flesh becoming the life-giving Spirit, and the life-giving Spirit becoming the sevenfold intensified Spirit to build up the church that becomes the Body of Christ and that consummates the New Jerusalem.

二 这是基督在祂三个时期(成肉体、总括、加强)中丰满的职事;这也是神的中心启示与现有的真理:

B. This is the full ministry of Christ in three stages (incarnation, inclusion, and intensification), and this is the central revelation of God and the present truth:

1 在第一个时期,就是祂成肉体的时期,从祂的出生到祂的死,祂将无限的神带到有限的人里面,将三一神与三部分人联结并调和一起,借着祂芬芳的美德,在祂的人性里彰显全备之神丰富的属性,并完成祂包罗万有之法理的救赎──约一1、14,太一18、20,约五19,四34,十七4,十四10、24,五30,七18,一29,弗一7,彼前一18~19。

1. In the first stage, the stage of His incarnation, from His human birth to His death, He brought the infinite God into the finite man, He united and mingled the Triune God with the tripartite man, He expressed in His humanity the bountiful God in His rich attributes through His aromatic virtues, and He accomplished His all-inclusive judicial redemption—John 1:1, 14; Matt. 1:18, 20; John 5:19; 4:34; 17:4; 14:10, 24; 5:30; 7:18; 1:29; Eph. 1:7; 1 Pet. 1:18-19.

2 在第二个时期,就是祂总括的时期,从祂的复活到召会的堕落,祂生为神的长子,成为赐生命的灵,并为着祂的身体重生信徒──徒十三33,林前十五45下,彼前一3。

2. In the second stage, the stage of His inclusion, from His resurrection to the degradation of the church, He was begotten by God to be God's firstborn Son, He became the life-giving Spirit, and He regenerated the believers for His Body—Acts 13:33; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 1 Pet. 1:3.

3 在第三个时期,就是祂加强的时期,从召会的堕落到新耶路撒冷的终极完成,祂加强祂生机的救恩,产生得胜者,并终极完成新耶路撒冷──启一4,三1,四5,五6,二1~7,十九7~9,二一2。

3. In the third stage, the stage of His intensification, from the degradation of the church to the consummation of the New Jerusalem, He intensifies His organic salvation, He produces the overcomers, and He consummates the New Jerusalem—Rev. 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6; 2:1-7; 19:7-9; 21:2.

4 我们需要作三段落的工作:成肉体时期的工作,以产生蒙救赎的人;总括时期的工作,以产生众召会;加强时期的工作,以产生得胜者,建造基督的身体,终极完成于新耶路撒冷,作神经纶独一的目标。

4. We need to do a work of three sections: a work in the stage of incarnation to produce redeemed people, a work in the stage of inclusion to produce the churches, and a work in the stage of intensification to produce the overcomers to build up the Body, which consummates in the New Jerusalem as the unique goal of God's economy.
