第三篇 信息传布神圣的真理,以及看见世界终极局势、神终极行动和主终极恢复的异象

Spreading the Divine Truths and Seeing a Vision of the World's Ultimate Situation, God's Ultimate Move, and the Lord's Ultimate Recovery



壹 主需要将祂恢复的真理传布到全地──太二八19,提前二4:

I. The Lord needs the truths of His recovery to spread to the whole earth— Matt. 28:19; 1 Tim. 2:4:

一 主恢复之神圣真理的传布,要预备主的回来,好带进以色列和整个创造的恢复和复兴──太二四14,可十六15。

A. The spreading of the divine truths of the Lord's recovery will be a preparation for the Lord's coming back to bring the recovery and restoration not only to Israel but also to the entire creation—Matt. 24:14; Mark 16:15.

二 为着主的恢复和复兴,需要传布翻译出来、阐释并解明的神圣真理;传布神圣的真理,会带进主的复兴──赛十一9。

B. There is the need of the spreading of the translated, interpreted, and understood divine truths for the Lord's recovery and restoration; the spreading of the divine truths will bring in the Lord's restoration—Isa. 11:9.

三 主的恢复满了神圣的真理,但在真理的应用上不够,在真理的传布上太慢。

C. The Lord's recovery is full of the divine truths but is inadequate in the application of the truths and slow in the spreading of the truths.

四 主对我们的吩咐是要去,教导万民,使这世代得以终结──太二八19~20,二四14。

D. The Lord's charge to us is to go and teach the nations so that the present age may be consummated—Matt. 28:19-20; 24:14.

贰 世界局势总是神在地上行动的指标,这是一个历史的事实──但四26、35,七2~14:

II. It is a historical fact that the world situation has always been the indicator of God's move on earth—Dan. 4:26, 35; 7:2-14:

一 召会历史也给我们看见,世界局势是神在地上行动的指标──启二~三。

A. The history of the church also shows us that the world situation is the indicator of God's move on earth—Rev. 2—3.

二 神今日的行动,需要有一个适当的方向,来配合世界局势最近的改变。

B. There is the need of an appropriate direction for God's move today to match the recent changes in the world situation.

三 我们看到世界局势的许多改变时,我们应当醒过来,并考量主要作什么,以及这些改变与我们有什么关系。

C. When we see many changes in the world situation, we must wake up and consider what the Lord wants to do and how these changes concern us.

叁 我们需要看见世界终极局势、神终极行动和主终极恢复的异象──箴二九18上:

III. We need to see a vision of the world's ultimate situation, God's ultimate move, and the Lord's ultimate recovery—Prov. 29:18a:

一 世界终极的局势包括美国的至高地位:

A. The world's ultimate situation involves the supremacy of the United States:

1 美国蒙保守,是为着传布保罗完成职事的中心异象──徒二六18,西二2,弗三4,五32。

1. The United States has been kept for the spreading of the central vision of Paul's completing ministry—Acts 26:18; Col. 2:2; Eph. 3:4; 5:32.

2 美国是神为着祂末后的行动,所要使用的最后一个强国。

2. The United States is the last power God will use for His final move.

二 神终极的行动是要完成祂关于基督是神的奥秘,以及召会是基督的奥秘这经纶──西二2,弗三4~6:

B. God's ultimate move is to carry out His economy concerning Christ as the mystery of God and the church as the mystery of Christ—Col. 2:2; Eph. 3:4-6:

1 神完成祂永远心意的终极行动,是要基督在我们里面作生命,在我们里面涌流,浸透并渗透我们,使我们适合建造成为祂的身体,作祂的彰显──西三4,弗三16,四16。

1. God's ultimate move to fulfill His eternal intention is to have Christ as life in us, flowing in us, saturating and permeating us, and making us fit to be built up into His Body for His expression—Col. 3:4; Eph. 3:16; 4:16.

2 有三个项目已经恢复──福音的传扬、圣经真理的教导以及合乎圣经的聚会之路;现今我们必须关心神终极行动这最后的一项──三8~11。

2. Three items have been recovered—the preaching of the gospel, the teaching of the Bible truths, and the scriptural way of meeting; now this final matter of God's ultimate move must be our concern—3:8-11.

3 传扬福音、教导圣经以及按照圣经聚会,并不是神终极的行动;神终极的行动乃是要得着一班有基督作生命并活祂的人──西三4,腓一21上:

3. Gospel preaching, teaching the Bible, and meeting according to the Bible are not God's ultimate move; God's ultimate move is to gain a people who have Christ as their life and live Him—Col. 3:4; Phil. 1:21a:

a 基督在我们里面是涌流的生命,这必须是我们真实的经历──约四14,七37~39。

a. It must be our real experience that Christ is the flowing life within us— John 4:14; 7:37-39.

b 基督浸透并渗透我们,就用祂一切的元素供应我们,并了结我们里面消极的事物──弗三16。

b. As Christ saturates and permeates us, He supplies us with all His elements and terminates the negative things within us—Eph. 3:16.

c 我们需要变化、长大成熟并被建造,好叫基督得着祂的身体──罗十二2、5,弗四15~16。

c. We need to be transformed, grow into maturity, and be built up in order that Christ may have His Body—Rom. 12:2, 5; Eph. 4:15-16.

d 神所要的,乃是基督这位神的具体化身成为我们的生命,而我们这些神的儿子成为基督身体的肢体;这样,基督就要得着祂的身体;这身体要在我们的所在地彰显为金灯台;这就是新妇的预备──西二9,三4,罗八14,十二4~5,启二1,十九7。

d. God wants Christ as the embodiment of God to become our life, and He wants us, as sons of God, to be members of the Body of Christ so that Christ will have His Body; in our locality this Body will be expressed as a golden lampstand; this is the preparation of the bride—Col. 2:9; 3:4; Rom. 8:14; 12:4-5; Rev. 2:1; 19:7.

4 即使我们有充分的福音传扬、正确的圣经教导以及合乎圣经的聚会,我们仍然需要问自己:我们中间有没有神终极的行动?

4. Even if our gospel preaching is adequate, our Bible teaching is accurate, and our meetings are scriptural, we need to ask ourselves this question: Do we have the ultimate move of God among us?

5 神终极的行动是祂行动的第四步,要完成祂永远的定旨──弗三11,提后一9,罗八28:

5. God's ultimate move is the fourth step of His move to accomplish His eternal purpose—Eph. 3:11; 2 Tim. 1:9; Rom. 8:28:

a 头三步是传扬福音、教导圣经以及按照圣经聚会。

a. The first three steps are preaching the gospel, teaching the Bible, and meeting according to the Bible.

b 第四步是祂得着好些信徒,认识基督是何等的奇妙,有祂作生命并活祂,被祂充满、渗透并浸透,借着祂在他们里面涌流的生命,而在生命里长大并得着变化,并与同作信徒的人建造起来,在他们的所在地成为金灯台;这是主今天所寻求的──弗四12、15~16,启一11~12。

b. The fourth step is His gaining a good number of believers who know how wonderful Christ is, who have Him as their life and live Him, who are filled, permeated, and saturated with Him, who grow in life and are transformed by His flowing life within them, and who are built up with fellow believers to be the golden lampstand in their locality; this is what the Lord is after today—Eph. 4:12, 15-16; Rev. 1:11-12.

c 为着第一步,福音的开展,神预备了罗马帝国;为着第二步,归回圣经,神预备了德国;为着第三步,福音的恢复、圣经的教导以及正确的聚会,神使用了大英帝国;为着第四步,神终极的行动,神预备了美国。

c. For the first step, the spread of the gospel, God prepared the Roman Empire; for the second step, the return to the Bible, God prepared Germany; for the third step, the recovery of the gospel, the teaching of the Bible, and the proper meetings, God used Great Britain; and for the fourth step, God's ultimate move, God has prepared the United States.

d 这终极的行动往前时,需要一个强大的国家,美国,维持和平,并使道路畅通。

d. As this ultimate move goes forward, there is the need for a powerful country, the United States, to keep the peace and to keep the way open.

6 神终极行动的方向必定是朝向欧洲;在但以理二章的大人像被砸碎之前,主的恢复必须扩展到欧洲,并生根在那里。─引用经文

6. The direction of God's ultimate move must be toward Europe; before the crushing of the great human image in Daniel 2 takes place, the Lord's recovery must spread to Europe and be rooted there.

三 主终极的恢复和主终极的行动是一样的──西二2,弗三4~6、11,五32,启二1,十九7~9:

C. The Lord's ultimate recovery is the same as His ultimate move—Col. 2:2; Eph. 3:4-6, 11; 5:32; Rev. 2:1; 19:7-9:

1 神终极的行动,人已经看不见了;但现今主要恢复这行动,因而完成祂想要作的──太十六18,弗四16。

1. The ultimate move of God has been lost sight of, but now the Lord will recover it and thus complete what He desires to do—Matt. 16:18; Eph. 4:16.

2 主要恢复基督,神的奥秘,成为内住的灵,将三一神分赐到相信的人里面,因而使我们成为祂身体的肢体,作祂团体的彰显;这个身体彰显在地方上乃是灯台,成为祂的见证,就是耶稣的见证──西二2,林前十五45下,罗八11,十二4~5,启一11~12。

2. The Lord wants to recover Christ, the mystery of God, becoming the indwelling Spirit to dispense the Triune God into the believers, thus making us members of His Body for His corporate expression; this Body is expressed locally as the lampstand, which becomes His testimony, the testimony of Jesus—Col. 2:2; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 8:11; 12:4-5; Rev. 1:11-12.

3 这是主终极的恢复,祂也得着了美国来维持世界局势,使祂终极的恢复得以开展,好完成神终极的行动──太二八18~20,二四14。

3. This is the Lord's ultimate recovery, and He has the United States to maintain the world's situation so that His ultimate recovery may spread for the completion of God's ultimate move—Matt. 28:18-20; 24:14.
