第六篇 回应基督在祂天上职事里的代求

Responding to Christ's Intercession in His Heavenly Ministry



壹 基督作为君尊和神圣的大祭司一直在为我们代求─来七25~26:

I. Christ as the kingly and divine High Priest is interceding for us—Heb. 7:25-26:

一 基督成为我们的大祭司,乃是照着不能毁坏之生命的大能(16),这生命是一切都不能消除的;这是无穷的生命,是永远、神圣、非受造的生命,也是经过死亡和阴间之试验的复活生命(徒二24,启一18)。─引用经文

A. Christ has been constituted our High Priest according to the power of an indestructible life (v. 16), which nothing can dissolve; this is an endless life, being the eternal, divine, uncreated life and the resurrection life that has passed through the test of death and of Hades (Acts 2:24; Rev. 1:18).

二 因为基督是长远活着,永不改变的,所以祂在程度上、时间上和空间上,都能拯救我们到底─来七24~25。

B. Because Christ lives forever without any change, He is able to save us to the uttermost in extent, time, and space—Heb. 7:24-25.

三 希伯来七章二十五节里“拯救到底”一辞,意即“拯救得全备,拯救得完整,拯救得完全,拯救到极点,拯救直到永远”;这指明基督作我们的大祭司,能拯救我们到最完满的程度,就是能在各种处境和光景中拯救我们。─引用经文

C. In Hebrews 7:25 the expression to the uttermost means "completely, entirely, perfectly, to the end, and for eternity"; this indicates that Christ as our High Priest is able to save us to the fullest extent, that is, to save in every kind of situation and condition.

四 基督能完全的拯救我们,是因为祂为我们代求;祂是我们永久、不变、永远的代求者─25~26节:

D. Christ is able to save us completely because He is interceding for us; He is our perpetual, constant, and eternal Intercessor—vv. 25-26:

1 神设立祂来看顾我们,现今祂正在借着祂的代求来看顾我们;祂现今正在为我们代求,并且要拯救我们到底。

1. God has appointed Him to take care of us, and He is now caring for us by interceding for us; He is interceding for us now, and He will save us to the uttermost.

2 祂为我们显在神前,为我们祷告,使我们可以完全蒙拯救,并全然被带进神永远的定旨─九24,弗三11,提后一9。

2. He appears before God on our behalf, praying that we may be wholly saved and brought fully into God's eternal purpose—9:24; Eph. 3:11; 2 Tim. 1:9.

3 基督不住地为我们代求,至终祂的代求要胜过、征服并拯救我们;借着祂的代求,我们每一个人都会完全蒙拯救;祂的拯救能达到极点。

3. Christ intercedes for us constantly, and eventually His intercession will overcome, subdue, and save us; we all will be completely saved by His intercession; His salvation reaches to the uttermost.

4 我们应当相信基督正在不住地为我们代求,并要借着祂来到神面前─来七25。

4. We should believe that Christ is always interceding for us and come forward to God through Him—Heb. 7:25.

5 基督能拯救我们到底,因为祂不仅活在诸天之上,也活在我们里面─西三1,一27,罗八34、10:

5. Christ can save us to the uttermost because He is living not only in the heavens but also in us—Col. 3:1; 1:27; Rom. 8:34, 10:

a 当祂活在诸天之上,祂也将自己传输到我们里面─弗一22~23。

a. While He is living in the heavens, He is transmitting Himself into us—Eph. 1:22-23.

b 祂活在诸天之上为我们代求,照料我们的案件,但这实际乃是借着祂的灵传输到我们灵里。

b. He is living in the heavens to intercede for us and take care of our case, but the reality of this is transmitted into our spirit by His Spirit.

c 我们必须学习观看这属天的异象,并且享受我们的大祭司;这样我们就会在施恩的宝座前受怜悯,得恩典,作应时的帮助─来四14~16。

c. We must learn to see this heavenly vision and enjoy our High Priest; then we will receive mercy and find grace at the throne of grace for timely help—Heb. 4:14-16.

贰 在罗马八章,基督在神的右边为我们代求,而那灵在我们灵里为我们代求─34、26~27节:

II. In Romans 8 Christ is interceding for us at the right hand of God, and the Spirit is interceding for us in our spirit—vv. 34, 26-27:

一 基督为我们死了,复活了,现今在诸天之上神的右边为我们代求─34节:

A. Christ died for us, He was resurrected, and now He is in the heavens at the right hand of God interceding for us—v. 34:

1 我们的基督今天在至高的天上,在神右边有至高的地位─来八1。

1. Our Christ today is in the highest heaven, holding the highest position at God's right hand—Heb. 8:1.

2 基督为我们代求,是要叫我们得荣耀;这与祂使我们能蒙拯救到底的代求相对应─七25~26。

2. Christ is interceding for our glorification; this corresponds to His interceding for us to be saved to the uttermost—7:25-26.

3 基督作为终极完成并升天的神人,并作为身体的头,为我们代求,使我们这许多的神人能胜过种种反对和各种环境,在祂无条件的爱里蒙保守与祂联结,好使我们模成祂这位神长子的形像,因而成为祂的复制品,以构成祂团体并生机的身体─罗八29、34~39,十二4~5。

3. As the consummated and ascended God-man and as the Head of the Body, Christ is interceding for us that we, the many God-men, could overcome opposition and all kinds of circumstances and be kept in union with Him in His unconditional love so that we may be conformed to His image as the firstborn Son of God and thus become His reproduction for the constitution of the corporate and organic Body of Christ—Rom. 8:29, 34-39; 12:4-5.

二 “那灵也照样帮同担负我们的软弱;我们本不晓得当怎样祷告,只是那灵亲自用说不出来的叹息,为我们代求”─八26:

B. "The Spirit also joins in to help us in our weakness, for we do not know for what we should pray as is fitting, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered"—8:26:

1 这里的软弱指我们不晓得当怎样祷告;我们并不知道神所愿望的祷告是什么,也不清楚如何祷告。

1. The weakness here is our ignorance of how we should pray; we do not know the kind of prayer God desires, and we are not clear how to pray.

2 在我们的叹息里,那灵也叹息,为我们代求;祂的代求,主要的是要我们能在生命里变化,好在生命里长大,达到儿子名分的成熟,完全模成神长子的形像─十二2,八29。

2. In our groaning the Spirit groans also, interceding for us; His interceding is mainly that we may experience the transformation in life for growth in life unto the maturity of sonship so that we may be fully conformed to the image of God's firstborn Son—12:2; 8:29.

三 “那鉴察人心的,晓得那灵的意思,因为祂是照着神为圣徒代求”─27节:

C. "He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to God"—v. 27:

1 这里那灵的意思不是那灵独立的心思,乃是那灵的心思与我们的心思调和,成为我们心的一部分─6节。

1. The mind of the Spirit here is not the mind of the Spirit that is independent of us; it is the mind of the Spirit that has been mingled with our mind and has become part of our heart—v. 6.

2 那灵不仅将祂自己与我们的灵调和(16),也将祂的心思与我们的心思调和。─引用经文

2. The Spirit has not only mingled Himself with our spirit (v. 16); He has also mingled His mind with our mind.

3 鉴察的灵照着神自己为我们祷告,使我们得以模成祂儿子的形像─29节。

3. The searching Spirit prays for us according to God Himself, that we may be conformed to the image of His Son—v. 29.

叁 我们需要回应基督在祂天上职事里的代求─来七25~26,罗八34,徒十二5,西一9~11,四12:

III. We need to respond to Christ's intercession in His heavenly ministry—Heb. 7:25-26; Rom. 8:34; Acts 12:5; Col. 1:9-11; 4:12:

一 基督的代求需要我们的回应;我们应当有分于基督代求的生活,并成为基督天上职事之代求在地上的反映,以代求之基督的祷告为祷告─罗八26~27、34,提前二1,西四3,帖前五25,帖后三1,来十三18。

A. Christ's intercession requires our response; we need to participate in Christ's interceding life and become on earth the reflection of Christ's intercession in His heavenly ministry, praying the prayers of the interceding Christ—Rom. 8:26-27, 34; 1 Tim. 2:1; Col. 4:3; 1 Thes. 5:25; 2 Thes. 3:1; Heb. 13:18.

二 借着我们的祷告,元首基督就得着一条路,借着祂的身体施行祂的行政─启五6,八3~5,弗一10、17~23。

B. Through our prayer Christ, the Head, is given a way to carry out His administration through His Body—Rev. 5:6; 8:3-5; Eph. 1:10, 17-23.

三 在行传十二章,有召会代求的祷告;在歌罗西一章九至十一节和四章十二节,有保罗和以巴弗代求的祷告:─引用经文

C. In Acts 12 we have the intercessory prayer of the church, and in Colossians 1:9-11 and 4:12, the intercessory prayers of Paul and Epaphras:

1 彼得在监里,“召会就为他切切地祷告神”─徒十二5:

1. When Peter was in prison, "prayer was being made fervently by the church to God concerning him"—Acts 12:5:

a 幕后有一场属灵势力的争战,就是神与祂仇敌撒但之间的争战─4~6节。

a. Behind the scene there was a battle of spiritual forces, a battle between God and His enemy, Satan—vv. 4-6.

b 召会靠祷告与神一同争战,对抗那恶者撒但─5~23节。

b. By prayer the church fought the battle with God against Satan, the evil one—vv. 5-23.

2 保罗祷告,愿圣徒“在一切属灵的智慧和悟性上,充分认识神的旨意”─西一9:

2. Paul prayed that the saints would "be filled with the full knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding"—Col. 1:9:

a 这里神的旨意,乃是关于包罗万有的基督作我们的分─12节。

a. Here the will of God concerns the all-inclusive Christ as our portion—v. 12.

b 神的旨意是深奥的,与我们认识、经历并活这位包罗万有的基督息息相关;神的旨意乃是要我们认识基督,经历基督,享受基督,活基督,并使基督成为我们的生命和人位─腓三7~10,一21上,西三4,弗三17上。

b. The will of God is profound in relation to our knowing, experiencing, and living the all-inclusive Christ; God's will for us is that we know Christ, experience Christ, enjoy Christ, live Christ, and have Christ become our life and our person—Phil. 3:7-10; 1:21a; Col. 3:4; Eph. 3:17a.

3 以巴弗在他的祷告中为圣徒竭力奋斗,要他们得以成熟,站立得住,在神一切的旨意上满有确信─西四12。

3. Epaphras struggled on behalf of the saints in his prayers that they would stand mature and be fully assured in all the will of God—Col. 4:12.

四 祷告的地位就是升天的地位,也就是属天的地位─弗一3,二6:

D. The position of prayer is ascension, that is, a heavenly position—Eph. 1:3; 2:6:

1 我们若离开属天的地位,就失去祷告的地位。

1. If we leave the heavenly position, we lose the position of prayer.

2 有祷告的地位,就有祷告的权柄;祷告的地位既是升天的地位,祷告的权柄也就是升天的权柄─太十七20,十八18~19。

2. With the position of prayer there is the authority of prayer; as the position of prayer is ascension, the authority of prayer is also ascension—Matt. 17:20; 18:18-19.

3 当我们有属天的地位和权柄,我们的祷告就成了神的行政,成了神旨意的执行─六10,弗二6,六18。

3. When we have the heavenly position and authority, our prayers become God's administration, the execution of God's will—6:10; Eph. 2:6; 6:18.
