第一篇 枯干骸骨被点活,成为极大的军队,以及两根木杖接连,为着建造神的家

The Dry Bones Being Enlivened to Become an Exceedingly Great Army and the Two Pieces of Wood Being Joined Together for the Building of the House of God



壹 以西结书分为四大段:

I. The book of Ezekiel has four main sections:

一 第一大段是第一章,说到神荣耀的异象,启示这位圣别的神在祂的荣耀里。

A. The first section, consisting of chapter 1, speaks of the glorious vision of God and reveals the holy God in His glory.

二 第二大段是第二至三十二章,说到神的审判,对付一切与神的公义、圣别和荣耀不合的事物。

B. The second section, composed of chapters 2 through 32, speaks of God’s judgment to deal with all things and matters that do not match His righteousness, holiness, and glory.

三 第三大段是第三十三至三十九章,说到神余民的恢复;这指明这一段的主要观念乃是主的恢复。

C. The third section, which includes chapters 33 through 39, concerns God’s recovery of a remnant of His people; this indicates that the main idea in this section is the Lord’s recovery.

四 第四大段是第四十至四十八章,说到神来建造蒙爱得着恢复的人,叫他们成为祂的居所;这一段专讲神的建造。

D. The fourth section, consisting of chapters 40 through 48, speaks about God coming to build His beloved recovered people into His dwelling place; this section is devoted to the matter of God’s building.

贰 以西结书有三章可视为圣经里的大章,就是一章、三十七章和四十七章:

II. In the book of Ezekiel there are three chapters which may be considered great chapters in the Bible—chapter 1, chapter 37, and chapter 47:

一 这几章各可用一个字代表:第一章是“火”,三十七章是“气”,四十七章是“水”。

A. Each of these chapters may be represented by a single word: chapter 1—fire; chapter 37—breath; and chapter 47—water.

二 三十七章启示主来复兴祂那死沉、分散的子民,使他们成为一;因着他们成了死沉枯干的骸骨,所以他们需要被点活并联结起来。

B. Chapter 37 reveals that the Lord comes to revive His dead and scattered people and to make them one; because they had become dead, dry bones, they needed to be enlivened and joined together.

叁 以西结三十七章启示神的灵如何进到我们里面,点活我们,使我们成为团体的身体,形成军队,并建造成为神的居所─1~28节:

III. Ezekiel 37 reveals how God’s Spirit comes into us in order to enliven us so that we may become a corporate Body formed into an army and also built up as God’s dwelling place—vv. 1-28:

一 枯干骸骨的异象表明,在神进来更新并重生我们以前,我们不仅是罪恶并污秽的(三六25),也是死的,埋在各种罪恶、世俗、宗教事物的“坟墓”里(三七12~13)。─引用经文

A. The vision of the dry bones shows that before God came in to renew and regenerate us, we were not only sinful and filthy (36:25) but also dead and buried in “graves” of various sinful, worldly, and religious things (37:12-13).

二 我们象死沉枯干的骸骨,脱节离散,没有合一:

B. We were like dead and dry bones, disjointed and scattered, having no oneness:

1 无论我们是未得救的罪人或退后的信徒,我们的光景就是这样;不仅不信的罪人需要从坟墓里释放出来,甚至许多弟兄姊妹也需要得复兴,得释放脱离他们的死沉和坟墓。

1. Whether we were an unsaved sinner or a backslidden believer, this was our situation; not only unbelieving sinners need to be delivered from their graves, but even many brothers and sisters need to be revived and delivered from death and from their graves.

2 今天许多基督徒被埋在公会、宗派、分裂、独立团体和各种运动的坟墓里。

2. Today many Christians are buried in the graves of denominations, sects, divisions, independent groups, and different movements.

3 从前我们都在这样的坟墓里,是枯死、离散、脱节的,没有联于任何人,但主乃是死人的救主;神在这里的话是要使死人成为活人─约五25,弗二1~8。

3. Formerly, we were in such graves, dead, dry, scattered, disjointed, and not connected to anyone, but the Lord is the Savior of the dead; God’s word here is to cause a dead person to become a living person—John 5:25; Eph. 2:1-8.

三 以西结在以西结三十七章的申言不是预言,乃是为主说出、宣告一些事─4~5节:

C. Ezekiel’s prophesying in Ezekiel 37 was not a matter of predicting but a matter of speaking forth, declaring, something for the Lord—vv. 4-5:

1 当以西结说话时,神就将那灵赐给人─10、14节。

1. When Ezekiel spoke forth, God gave people the Spirit—vv. 10, 14.

2 在圣经里,申言的主要意义不是预言,乃是说出主,将主供应给人:

2. The main meaning of prophesying in the Bible is not to predict but to speak forth the Lord, to minister the Lord to people:

a “那申言的,乃是建造召会”─林前十四4下。

a.  “He who prophesies builds up the church”—1 Cor. 14:4b.

b “你们都能一个一个地申言,为要使众人有学习,使众人得勉励”─31节。

b.  “You can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged”—v. 31.

c 申言为神说话并说出神,以神为内容,把神供应给听见的人,并带他们归向神;召会的聚会应当充满神,会中一切的活动都该把神传达并传输给人,使他们为神所灌注─24~25节。

c. Prophesying, speaking for God and speaking forth God with God as the content, ministers God to the hearers and brings them to God; the church meeting should be filled with God, and all its activities should convey and transmit God to people so that they may be infused with God—vv. 24-25.

d 我们要申言,就必须是有神的气之属神的人─提后三16~17:

d. In order to prophesy, we must be a man of God with the breath of God—2 Tim. 3:16-17:

㈠ 我们读圣经该是一种吸入,我们教导圣经该是一种呼出。

1) Our reading of the Bible should be a kind of inhaling, and our teaching of the Bible should be a kind of exhaling.

㈡ 当我们在为主说话时,我们该觉得我们在呼出神,听者在吸入神。

2) When we are speaking for the Lord, we should have the sense that we are exhaling God and that the recipients are inhaling God.

e 申言会使你成为得胜者;申言乃是得胜者的功用─林前十四3、4下,参太十六18。

e. Prophesying makes us an overcomer; prophesying is the function of the overcomers—1 Cor. 14:3, 4b; cf. Matt. 16:18.

3 当以西结申言时,神就差来风、气息和灵,吹在枯干的骸骨上─结三七4~10、14:

3. As Ezekiel was prophesying, God was blowing upon the dry bones, sending the wind, the breath, and the Spirit—Ezek. 37:4-10, 14:

a 希伯来文,ruach,如阿克,在五至十节和十四节翻成不同的字:风、气息、灵。─引用经文

a. The Hebrew word ruach is variously translated “wind,” “breath,” “spirit” in verses 5 through 10 and 14.

b 在属灵的经历上,当神吹在我们身上时,祂的气息就是风;当我们呼吸这风时,那就是气息;当气息进到我们里面时,那就是灵。

b. In spiritual experience, when God blows on us, His breath is the wind; when we breathe the wind, it is the breath; and when the breath is within us, it is the Spirit.

c 当以西结申言时,神就吹风,百姓接受气息,这气息就成为灵,就是赐生命的灵─林前十五45下,林后三6。

c. When Ezekiel prophesied, God blew the wind, the people received the breath, and the breath became the Spirit, the life-giving Spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:6.

4 当以西结初次申言时(结三七7),就有响声和震动,使枯骨联络在一起;当我们在聚会中来在一起,借呼求主并赞美祂而发出欢呼的声音(诗九五1,参哀三55~56,约二十22,诗歌二一○首),我们就真实地是一。─引用经文

4. When Ezekiel prophesied the first time (Ezek. 37:7), there was a noise and a rattling, and all the bones came together; when we come together in the meetings and make a joyful noise by calling on the Lord and praising Him (Psa. 95:1; cf. Lam. 3:55-56; John 20:22; Hymns, #255), we are truly one.

5 当以西结再次申言时(结三七10),气息就进到“极其枯干”(2;参11)并死沉的骸骨里面,“骸骨便活了,并且站起来,成为极大的军队”(10),为神争战。─引用经文

5. When Ezekiel prophesied the second time (Ezek. 37:10), the breath came into the “very dry” (v. 2, cf. v. 11) and dead bones, “and they lived and stood up upon their feet, an exceedingly great army” (v. 10), to fight the battle for God.

肆 两根无生命的木杖象征以色列国分裂的两部分─南方的犹大国和北方的以色列国─16节:

IV. The two lifeless pieces of wood symbolize the two parts of the divided nation of Israel, the southern kingdom of Judah and the northern kingdom of Israel—v. 16:

一 这两国不能合一,并且在主眼中,他们完全死了、枯干了。

A. These two kingdoms could not be one, and in the eyes of the Lord they were thoroughly dead and dried up.

二 他们被点活并在生命中长大以后,就能联结为一─17节。

B. After being enlivened and by the growth in life, they can be joined together and become one—v. 17.

三 这很象接枝,就是把两根枝子接在一起,至终枝子就长在一起─罗六5,十一17、24:

C. This is very similar to grafting, in which two branches are joined and eventually grow together—Rom. 6:5; 11:17, 24:

1 长在一起是指生机的联结,在这联结里有生长发生,就是使一方有分于另一方的生命与特征;在这与基督生机的联结里,凡基督所经过的,都成了我们的历史。

1. Growing together denotes an organic union in which growth takes place, so that one partakes of the life and characteristics of the other; in the organic union with Christ, whatever Christ passed through has become our history.

2 祂的死与复活现今是我们的,因为我们在祂里面,已经在生机上与祂联结;这就是接枝─24节。

2. His death and resurrection are now ours because we are in Him and are organically joined to Him; this is grafting—v. 24.

3 这接枝能:㈠排除我们一切消极的元素;㈡使我们身上神所造的功能得以复活;㈢拔高我们的功能;㈣充实我们的功能;㈤浸透我们全人,以变化我们。

3. Such a grafting (1) discharges all our negative elements, (2) resurrects our God-created faculties, (3) uplifts our faculties, (4) enriches our faculties, and (5) saturates our entire being to transform us.

四 以西结三十七章一至十四节的枯骨是为着形成军队,为神争战;十六至二十二节的木杖是为着建造神的家,作神的居所。─引用经文

D. Whereas the dry bones in Ezekiel 37:1-14 are for forming an army to fight the battle for God, the pieces of wood in verses 16 through 22 are for the building of the house of God as His dwelling place.

伍 本章的启示表明,身体、召会和神的家要有真正的一,唯一的路乃是生命的路:

V. The revelation in this chapter shows that the unique way to have the Body, the church, and the house of God in the genuine oneness is the way of life:

一 气息进到死人里面,成为他们的生命,死人便活了,并且站起来,成为极大的军队。

A. When the breath entered into the dead ones, it became life to them, and they lived and stood up in oneness to become an exceedingly great army.

二 一至十四节的枯骨以及十六至十七节的两根枯枝能成为一,不是借着恩赐或教训,乃是借着生命。─引用经文

B. The dry bones in verses 1 through 14 and the two dead branches in verses 16 and 17 became one not by gifts or by teaching but by life.

三 枯骨和枯枝被点活并成为一,这一乃是生命分赐与生命长大的结果─参约十七2、11、17、21~23,弗四11~16。

C. The dead bones and the dead branches were enlivened and became one as the issue of the dispensing of life and the growth in life—cf. John 17:2, 11, 17, 21-23; Eph. 4:11-16.
