第十篇 生命的流带着生命的供应,出于并为着神宏伟的殿

The Flow of Life with the Ministry of Life out from and for the Magnificent House of God



壹 我们要有分于神终极的行动,就需要经历那出于神殿之生命的流─结四七1~12:

I. In order to participate in God’s ultimate move, we need to experience the flow of life out from the house of God—Ezek. 47:1-12:

一 神终极的行动乃是祂在人里面的行动,用祂生命、性情、元素和素质一切的所是将人浸透,借此使人成为神,而使神得着荣耀,得着彰显─林后三18,约壹三2。

A. God’s ultimate move is His move in man to deify man by saturating man with all that He is in His life, nature, element, and essence for the glory, the expression, of God—2 Cor. 3:18; 1 John 3:2.

二 水从门槛下流出─结四七1:

B. The water flows out from under the threshold—Ezek. 47:1:

1 要使水流出,必须有门槛,就是出口─参诗八一10。

1. In order for the water to flow, there must be a threshold, an opening—cf. Psa. 81:10.

2 我们若与主亲近并多接触祂,就有一个出口,让活水从召会流出来─诗歌六一四首。

2. If we draw closer to the Lord and have more contact with Him, there will be an opening that will allow the living water to flow out from the church—Hymns, #846.

三 河往东流─结四七1:

C. The flow is toward the east—Ezek. 47:1:

1 神的河是往神荣耀的方向流─参民二3,结四三2。

1. The river of God flows in the direction of God’s glory—cf. Num. 2:3; Ezek. 43:2.

2 倘若召会中的每一个人,都寻求并顾到神的荣耀,活水就会从召会流出来─约七18,林前十31。

2. If everyone in the church seeks and cares for God’s glory, the living water will flow out from the church—John 7:18; 1 Cor. 10:31.

四 水由殿的右边流出─结四七1:

D. The water flows out from the right side of the house—Ezek. 47:1:

1 在圣经里,右边是至高的地位、首位─参来一3。

1. In the Bible the right side is the highest position, the first place—cf. Heb. 1:3.

2 生命的流该在我们里面居首位,在我们的生活和工作中成为管治的因素─启二二1,西一18下。

2. The flow of life must have the preeminence within us, becoming the controlling factor in our living and work—Rev. 22:1; Col. 1:18b.

五 水流是在祭坛的旁边,说出我们需要十字架的对付与完全的奉献,以享受生命的流─结四七1。

E. The flowing is by the side of the altar, showing that we need the dealing of the cross and a full consecration to enjoy the flow of life—Ezek. 47:1.

六 为着生命之流的增加,我们需要为主这铜人所量度─四十3,四七2~5,启一15,参约七37~39:

F. For the increase of the flow of life, we need to be measured by the Lord as the man of bronze—40:3; 47:2-5; Rev. 1:15; cf. John 7:37-39:

1 量度就是察验、试验、审判并据有─赛六1~8,结四二20。

1. To measure is to examine, test, judge, and possess—Isa. 6:1-8; Ezek. 42:20.

2 量了四次一千肘(一千是完整的单位─参诗八四10),指明我们这些受造之物需要被主彻底地量度,使祂能占有并完全据有我们全人─结四七2~5。

2. The four measurings of a thousand cubits, which is a complete unit (cf. Psa. 84:10), indicate that as creatures we need to be thoroughly measured by the Lord so that He may take over and thoroughly possess our entire being—Ezek. 47:2-5.

3 我们越让主察验、试验并审判以据有我们,水流就越深;水流的深度在于我们被主量度有多少─参约壹一5、7。

3. The more we allow the Lord to examine, test, and judge us to possess us, the deeper the flow becomes; the depth of the flow depends on how much we have been measured by the Lord—cf. 1 John 1:5, 7.

4 我们越为主所量度,就越受生命之恩的涌流所约束并限制,至终消失在涌流的三一神这可洑的河里,被这河带往前;就一面说,我们失去一切的自由,但就另一面说,我们是真正地自由了─结四七4~6。

4. The more we are measured by the Lord, the more we are restricted and limited by the flowing of the grace of life until eventually we are lost in and carried along by the flowing Triune God as a river in which to swim; in one sense we lose all our freedom, but in another sense we are really free—Ezek. 47:4-6.

七 河使百物得活─9节上:

G. The river causes everything to live—v. 9a:

1 河水所到之处,百物都必生活,且满了生命。

1. Where the river flows, everything shall live and be full of life.

2 河流产生树木、鱼和牲畜─7、9~10、12节。

2. The flow of the river produces trees, fish, and cattle—vv. 7, 9-10, 12.

八 河滋润旷野,并医治死海─8节:

H. The river waters the desert and heals the Dead Sea—v. 8:

1 河滋润干焦之地并医治死水。

1. The river waters the dry, parched land and heals the death waters.

2 这滋润和医治的目的是为着产生生命。

2. This watering and healing are for the purpose of producing life.

九 河无法医治泥泞之地与洼湿之处─11节:

I. The river is unable to heal the swamps and marshes—v. 11:

1 泥泞之地或洼湿之处是中立地带,半路凉亭,妥协和不冷不热之处─参启三15~16。

1. A swamp or marsh is a neutral place, a halfway place, a place of compromise and lukewarmness—cf. Rev. 3:15-16.

2 为着生命的流并为着召会生活,我们必须绝对。

2. For the flow of life and for the church life, we need to be absolute.

3 “你若在主的恢复中,就要绝对在主的恢复中,不要在半路凉亭。…主耶稣渴望并要求绝对。…因着绝对,我们就会在流中,这流不是涓涓细流,乃是可洑的河。这样,河水所到之处,百物都必生活。”(以西结书生命读经,三八二至三八三页)

3. “If you are in the Lord’s recovery, be in the recovery absolutely, not halfway…The Lord Jesus desires and requires absoluteness…By being absolute we will be in the flow, and the flow will not be a trickle but a river to swim in. Then everything shall live where the river comes” (Life- study of Ezekiel, pp. 311-312).

贰 我们享受基督作生命的流,赐生命的灵,乃是为使我们成为撒种者、栽种者、浇灌者、生育者、喂养者和建造者,有供应生命的职事,为着神奇妙的生机建造,就是神宏伟的殿:

II. Our enjoyment of Christ as the flow of life, the life-giving Spirit, is for us to be sowers, planters, waterers, begetters, feeders, and builders with the ministry of life for the marvelous organic building of God, the magnificent house of God:

一 新约够资格的执事乃是供应生命给人,为要帮助人在生命里长大─林后三6。

A. A sufficient minister of the new covenant is a person who ministers life to others in order to help them grow in life—2 Cor. 3:6.

二 生命的执事乃是撒属灵种子的撒种者:

B. A minister of life is a sower who sows spiritual seeds:

1 在林前九章十一节保罗对哥林多人说,“我们…把属灵之物撒给你们”;“属灵之物”指属灵的种子。─引用经文

1. In 1 Corinthians 9:11 Paul says to the Corinthians, “We have sown to you the spiritual things”; the spiritual things refers to spiritual seeds.

2 种子是生命的容器,撒属灵的种子就是在我们灵里,同着并出于我们的灵而分赐生命。

2. A seed is a container of life, and to sow a spiritual seed is to impart life in, with, and out of our spirit.

3 主耶稣来作撒种者,将祂自己作为生命的种子撒在人类里面─太十三3、37。

3. The Lord Jesus came as a Sower to sow Himself as the seed of life into the human race—Matt. 13:3, 37.

4 在主的恢复里,我们作为新约的执事,需要作撒种者分赐生命,好在人里面生长并产生基督。

4. In the Lord’s recovery we, as ministers of the new covenant, need to be sowers who impart life to grow and produce Christ in others.

三 生命的执事乃是栽种者,将基督栽种到神的子民里面─林前三6:

C. A minister of life is a planter who plants Christ into God’s people—1 Cor. 3:6:

1 在基督里得了重生,有神生命的信徒,乃是神新造里的耕地、农场─9节。

1. The believers, who have been regenerated in Christ with God’s life, are God’s cultivated land, God’s farm, in God’s new creation—v. 9.

2 我们要将基督栽种到别人里面,就需要在我们灵里真实地经历基督作生命。

2. In order for us to plant Christ into others, we need the genuine experience of Christ as life in our spirit.

四 生命的执事乃是用基督浇灌人的浇灌者─6节:

D. A minister of life is a waterer who waters people with Christ—v. 6:

1 一旦我们将基督栽种到别人里面,我们就需要用生命水浇灌他们─启二二17。

1. Once we plant Christ into others, we need to water them with the water of life—Rev. 22:17.

2 我们可将神农场上的浇灌者比喻为有贮水槽的灌溉系统,用水供应农场;我们该是神圣的“灌溉系统”,有活水贮存在我们里面,可以浇灌作神农场的召会。

2. We may liken a waterer in God’s farm to an irrigation system with a reservoir that supplies a farm with water; we should be a divine “irrigation system” with a reservoir of living water stored within us to water the church as God’s farm.

3 我们需要对基督作生命水有真实的经历,并与祂有活的接触,如此我们就能作活水的管道,就是神圣的灌溉系统,能用生命水供应别人─约四14,七37~39。

3. We need to have the genuine experience of Christ as the water of life and a living contact with Him so that we can be a channel of living water, a divine irrigation system, that can supply others with the water of life—John 4:14; 7:37-39.

五 生命的执事乃是生育者,就是将生命分赐到自己所生之儿女里面的父亲─林前四15:

E. A minister of life is a begetter, a father, who imparts life to his children, whom he begets—1 Cor. 4:15:

1 生育就是产生属灵的儿女,借着生命的分赐将他们生出来。

1. To beget is to generate spiritual children, to bring them forth, through the impartation of life.

2 我们需要有神圣的“生命胚芽”,为要将神圣的生命分赐到别人里面,将他们生为神的儿女。

2. We need to have the divine “life germ” in order to impart the divine life into others so that they may be begotten as children of God.

六 生命的执事乃是喂养者;喂养是生命的事,不同于教导,教导是知识的事:

F. A minister of life is a feeder; feeding is a matter of life; it differs from teaching, which is a matter of knowledge:

1 给人奶喝或食物吃,就是喂养人─三2。

1. To give milk to drink or food to eat is to feed others—3:2.

2 使徒供应给哥林多信徒的,似乎是知识,其实是奶(还不是干粮),这必定滋养了他们。

2. What the apostle ministered to the Corinthian believers seemed to be knowledge; actually, it was milk (not yet solid food), and it should have nourished them.

3 使徒健全的教训,将健康的教训当作生命的供应供给人,滋养他们,或医治他们─提前一10下,六3,提后一13,多一9。

3. The sound teaching of the apostles ministers the healthy teaching as the supply of life to people, either nourishing them or healing them—1 Tim. 1:10b; 6:3; 2 Tim. 1:13; Titus 1:9.

七 生命的执事乃是建造者,用金、银、宝石建造─林前三12:

G. A minister of life is a builder who builds with gold, silver, and precious stones—1 Cor. 3:12:

1 金表征父神圣的性情,银表征基督救赎的工作,宝石表征那灵变化的工作;这与表征人性情的木、表征肉体里之人的草、与表征无生命之光景的禾秸相对。

1. Gold symbolizes God the Father in His divine nature, silver symbolizes Christ in His redemptive work, and precious stones signify the Spirit in His transforming work (this is versus wood, which signifies the human nature; grass, which signifies man in the flesh; and stubble, which signifies lifelessness).

2 雅歌描绘在正确的召会生活中,得成全的圣徒与变化的灵配搭,成全爱基督的寻求者,将三一神供应给他们,使他们因三一神的属性作到他们里面成为他们的美德而得变化─一10~11。

2. Song of Songs portrays that in the proper church life the perfected believers coordinate with the transforming Spirit to perfect Christ’s loving seekers by ministering the Triune God to them for their transformation by the Triune God’s attributes being wrought into them to become their virtues—1:10-11.

3 这是为着建造召会作基督生机的身体,终极完成新耶路撒冷,以完成神永远的经纶─林前三12,启二一18~21。

3. This is for the building up of the church as the organic Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem for the accomplishing of God’s eternal economy—1 Cor. 3:12; Rev. 21:18-21.
