第二篇 召会原初的情形、召会的堕落以及召会的恢复

The Original Condition of the Church, the Degradation of the Church, and the Recovery of the Church

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读经∶ 太十六18,启一11,徒十四23,多一5,西一18,二19

壹 我们在主恢复里的历史不是一种组织或运动,乃是一个恢复的历史—— 约一1,约壹一1:

I. Our history in the Lord's recovery is not that of an organization or of a movement; it is a history of recovery—John 1:1; 1 John 1:1:

一 在马太十九章八节,我们看见恢复的原则:“从起初并不是这样”:—— 引用经文

A. In Matthew 19:8 we see the principle of recovery: "From the beginning it has not been so":

1 恢复的意思是回到起初;我们需要回到起初,接受主的恩典回到神原初的心意,回到神起初的命定。

1. Recovery means to go back to the beginning; we need to go back to the be-ginning, receiving the Lord's grace to go back to God's original intention, to what God ordained in the beginning.

2 “恢复”一辞意指一样东西原初有,后来堕落、破坏、失去了,因此必须将它带回原初的情形和正常的光景—— 但一1~2,拉一5,六5。

2. The word recovery means that something was there originally and then was degraded, damaged, or lost; thus, there is a need to bring that thing back to its original state and to its normal condition—Dan. 1:1-2; Ezra 1:5; 6:5.

二 我们说到召会的恢复,意指召会原初即存在,后来堕落了,于是需要把召会带回原初的情形。

B. When we speak of the recovery of the church, we mean that the church was there originally, that it became degraded, and that there is the need to bring the church back to its original state.

三 主对召会的恢复带我们回到起初,为要完成神永远的定旨,以及祂对召会起初的心意—— 弗一4~5、22~23,三9~11。

C. The Lord's recovery of the church brings us back to the beginning for the ful-fillment of God's eternal purpose and original intention regarding the church— Eph. 1:4-5, 22-23; 3:9-11.

贰 我们需要就着神的心意和祂的成就,以及撒但破坏的工作,来明白召会的恢复—— 11节:

II. We need to understand the recovery of the church in relation to God's intention and accomplishment and Satan's work of destruction—v. 11:

一 新约启示,神对于召会有一个明确的心意、定旨和目标;首先神有一个定旨,然后祂进来完成祂的定旨—— 启四11,弗一4~5、9、11、22~23。

A. The New Testament reveals that regarding the church, God has a definite inten-tion,purpose,and goal;first,God purposed,and then He came in to accomplish His purpose—Rev. 4:11; Eph. 1:4-5, 9, 11, 22-23.

二 新约也清楚地记载,神的仇敌如何进来破坏神所成就的—— 太十六18,十三24~32:

B. The New Testament also gives us a clear record of how God's enemy came in to destroy what God had accomplished—Matt. 16:18; 13:24-32:

1 撒但用以破坏神所成就之事的方法,有内在和外在两面:

1. The satanic way to destroy God's accomplishment has an inward aspect and an outward aspect:

a 内在的一面,乃是损害并败坏神的子民—— 徒五3。

a. The inward aspect is to damage and corrupt God's people—Acts 5:3.

b 外在的一面,乃是破坏神所成就的—— 太十三32。

b. The outward aspect is to destroy God's accomplishment—Matt. 13:32.

2 撒但产生许多基督的代替品,分裂基督的身体,并且借着圣品阶级与平信徒制度扼杀身体上肢体的功用—— 西二8,启二6、14~15。

2. Satan produced many substitutes for Christ, divided the Body of Christ, and killed the function of the members of the Body by the clergy-laity system— Col. 2:8; Rev. 2:6, 14-15.

三 神乃是一位有永远定旨的神;祂满有定旨,祂一旦定意要作一件事,就没有什么能改变祂的心意或使祂停止;因此,在撒但的破坏后,神就进来重新作祂先前所作过的—— 拉一3~11,六3~5。

C. Because God is a purposeful God with an eternal purpose and because once He has determined to do something, nothing can change His mind or stop Him; after Satan's destruction God comes in to redo the things that He had done before—Ezra 1:3-11; 6:3-5.

四 神重新再作祂先前所完成的就是祂的恢复;这就是把一切被撒但破坏而失去的事物再带回来,并照着祂永远的定旨和原初的心意使召会得着恢复—— 太十九8,十六18。

D. God's redoing of what He has accomplished is His recovery; this is to bring back whatever has been lost and destroyed by Satan and to recover the church according to His eternal purpose and original intention—Matt. 19:8; 16:18.

叁 我们要认识召会恢复的需要,就需要知道召会原初的情形以及召会的堕落:

III. In order to recognize the need for the recovery of the church, we need to know the original condition of the church and the degradation of the church:

一 召会原初的情形有以下的特点:

A. The original condition of the church had the following characteristics:

1 在原初的召会中,信徒不分阶级—— 罗十二4~5:

1. In the original church there was no hierarchy among the believers—Rom. 12:4-5:

a 信徒都是弟兄,不分等级—— 太二三8。

a. The believers were all brothers without distinction in rank—Matt. 23:8.

b 信徒都是基督身体上的肢体,平等配搭,各尽功用—— 罗十二4~5。

b. As members of the Body, the believers coordinated with one another on an equal level, and each one fulfilled his particular function—Rom. 12:4-5.

c 信徒都是神的祭司,没有居间阶级,没有圣品与平俗之分—— 彼前二5、9。

c. The believers were all priests to God, without an intermediary class or the distinctions between clergy and laity—1 Pet. 2:5, 9.

2 早期的召会完全与世界分别,在世界而不属世界—— 罗十二2,约壹二15,林后六14~17。

2. The early church was completely separated from the world; it was in the world but not of the world—Rom. 12:2; 1 John 2:15; 2 Cor. 6:14-17.

3 原初的召会完全断绝偶像,并完全让神说话—— 约壹五21。

3. The original church forsook idols and fully allowed God to speak—1 John 5:21.

4 一地只有一个召会,一个基督身体的显出—— 林前十二27,一2,启一11。

4. There was only one church, one expression of the Body of Christ, in a local-ity—1 Cor.12:27;1:2;Rev.1:11.

5 各地召会交通虽是一个,行政却是各自独立的,没有总会,也没有联合会—— 林前十16。

5. The churches were one in fellowship, but each one was independent in ad-ministration, and there was no head church or federation—1 Cor. 10:16.

6 众召会尊崇基督为元首,让圣灵掌权—— 西一18,二19,徒十三1~2,十19~20,十一12。

6. The churches honored Christ as the Head and allowed the Holy Spirit to have authority—Col. 1:18; 2:19; Acts 13:1-2; 10:19-20; 11:12.

二 召会的堕落包括:有了阶级,与世界联合,有了偶像,有了分裂,不让神说话,有了统一的组织,篡夺了基督作头的地位,侵犯了圣灵的主权。

B. The degradation of the church involved hierarchy, union with the world, idols, divisions, not allowing God to speak, having organization for unification, and usurping the headship of Christ and encroaching on the authority of the Holy Spirit.

肆 召会的恢复是逐渐进步的:

IV. The recovery of the church has been gradual and progressive:

一 第一世纪还没有过去,主的恢复就开始了;一世纪接着一世纪,这恢复接续不断地往前—— 提后二19~26。

A. Before the end of the first century, the Lord's recovery began, and century by century the recovery has continued on—2 Tim. 2:19-26.

二 在十六世纪,路德马丁起来改教,将封锁的圣经解禁;他也根据圣经恢复因信称义,但正确的召会生活仍未恢复—— 罗一17:

B. In the sixteenth century Martin Luther rose up to begin the Reformation, and the sealed Bible was unlocked; based upon the Bible, he recovered justification by faith, but the proper church life was not recovered—Rom. 1:17:

1 更正教并没有与世界断绝,也没有去掉居间阶级。

1. The Protestant churches were not separated from the world, and they did not eliminate the intermediary class.

2 更正教里有了更多的分裂,各公会并未脱去统一的组织。

2. Among the Protestant churches there were more divisions, and the various denominations did not put away organization for unification.

3 各公会并未让基督有完全的地位,也未让圣灵有完全的主权。

3. The denominations did not allow Christ to have the absolute position and did not allow the Holy Spirit to have absolute authority.

三 在十八世纪,新生铎夫被主兴起,带领摩尔维亚弟兄们恢复召会生活;他们与世界断绝,去掉阶级之分,注重交通配搭,尽力保守合一,去掉形式上统一的组织,并且让基督为首,让圣灵在他们中间掌权。

C. In the eighteenth century Zinzendorf was raised up by the Lord to lead the Mora-vian brothers to a recovery of the church life; they were separated from the world, removed distinctions of rank, emphasized fellowship and coordination, endeavored to keep the oneness, removed formal organization for unification, and allowed Christ to be the Head and the Holy Spirit to rule among them.

四 在十九世纪,主在英国兴起一班弟兄们,进一步恢复召会生活—— 启三7~13:

D. In the nineteenth century the Lord raised up a group of brothers in England, who went further in the recovery of the church life—Rev. 3:7-13:

1 圣经在弟兄们手中,真是一本解开的书,一本发光的书,因为他们绝对听从主的话;许多重要的真理都借着他们释放出来—— 提前二4。

1. In the hands of the Brethren, the Bible was truly an opened book, a shining book, for they absolutely obeyed the Lord's word; many important truths were released through them—1 Tim. 2:4.

2 他们绝对去掉阶级,同作弟兄,互为肢体,特别注重相爱交通。

2. They absolutely eliminated hierarchy and were brothers together and mem-bers one of another with an emphasis on mutual love and fellowship.

3 他们绝对消除宗派,维持合一的见证。

3. They eliminated sectarianism and maintained the testimony of oneness.

4 不过,他们在某些方面是失败的,所以那时主在整个西方世界都无法继续往前。

4. However, in certain aspects they were a failure, and because of this the Lord could not go on at that time anywhere in the Western world.

五 我们需要看见在远东召会之恢复的要点:

E. We need to see the crucial points of the recovery of the church in the Far East:

1 在一九三三、三四年间,我们清楚看见一件很重大的事,就是召会以地方为界限的原则—— 徒十四23,多一5,启一11:

1. In 1933 and 1934 we clearly saw a crucial matter—the principle of the church taking a locality as its boundary—Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5; Rev. 1:11:

a 这一面能避免分裂和紊乱,另一面又能避免超地方的联合。

a. On the one hand, this prevents division and confusion; on the other hand, it also prevents "extra-local" unions.

b 按圣经的教训看,每一个地方的召会都该直接活在主面前,向元首基督负责—— 西一18,二19,徒十三1~2。

b. According to the teaching of the Bible, the church in each locality should live directly before the Lord and be responsible to the Head, Christ— Col. 1:18; 2:19; Acts 13:1-2.

2 我们持守一个原则:召会的行政是地方的,召会的交通是宇宙的—— 十四23,二42,林前十16~17:

2. We kept the principle of the administration of the church being local and the fellowship of the church being universal—14:23; 2:42; 1 Cor. 10:16-17:

a 各地召会有各自的行政,召会的行政是不能超过地方的。

a. The church in each locality has its own administration, and the admin-istration of the church cannot go beyond the local boundary.

b 召会的交通不能仅是地方的,而必须是宇宙的,因为召会的交通乃是基督身体的交通。

b. The fellowship of the church should not only be local; rather, it should be universal because it is the fellowship of the Body of Christ.

3 我们清楚看见各地召会不能有统一的组织,因为各地召会都该直接受元首基督的管治,也该直接服圣灵的权柄—— 西一18,徒十三1~2。

3. We clearly saw that churches in different localities should not have an or-ganization for unification, for all churches should be directly under the rul-ing of Christ, the Head, and should directly obey the authority of the Holy Spirit—Col. 1:18; Acts 13:1-2.

4 我们注重普遍的祭司职分,也就是注重每个得救的人都是祭司—— 彼前二5、9。

4. We emphasized the universal priesthood; that is, we stressed the fact that every believer is a priest—1 Pet. 2:5, 9.

5 我们也注重身体的配搭事奉,劝勉众圣徒都以身体为原则,一同配搭事奉—— 罗十二4~5,林前十二12~27。

5. We also emphasized the Body's coordination in service, exhorting all the saints to keep the principle of the Body by serving together in coordina-tion—Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 12:12-27.

6 我们注重召会事奉的实行—— 罗十二5~11。

6. We emphasized the practical service in the church—Rom. 12:5-11.

伍 主的恢复与今天的基督教全然不同;这恢复与基督教之间是不可能妥协的—— 太十三31~33、44~46,启十八4,十九1~3、7~9:

V. The Lord's recovery is different from today's Christianity; it is impossible for there to be reconciliation between the recovery and Christianity— Matt. 13:31-33, 44-46; Rev. 18:4; 19:1-3, 7-9:

一 召会的恢复就是要带我们脱离不合乎圣经的圣品阶级与平信徒制度,并归回起初照着神圣启示而有之召会生活的纯正实行—— 二6、15,太十六18,启二20~22。[加经节者注:英文版无启二20~22,是弗二20~22,]

A. The recovery of the church is for bringing us out of the unscriptural system of clergy-laity back to the beginning for the pure practice of the church life accord-ing to the divine revelation—2:6, 15; Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:20-22.

二 我们中间的历史一直是毫无妥协地完全离开基督教—— 拉一3~11,六3~5,启十八4。

B. The history among us has been one of coming completely out of Christianity without compromise—Ezra 1:3-11; 6:3-5; Rev. 18:4.

三 地方召会与基督教之间不该有桥梁;我们应该就是我们所是的,没有妥协或假冒,维持我们与基督教之间的鸿沟—— 一11,加一4。

C. There should be no bridge between the local churches and Christianity; we should be what we are without compromise or pretense, maintaining the gap between us and Christianity—1:11; Gal. 1:4.

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