第六篇 因弟兄在一里同居而有耶和华所命定生命的福

Jehovah's Commanded Blessing of Life on Brothers Who Dwell Together in Oneness

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读经∶ 诗一三三~一三四

壹 那作神居所的圣殿是建造在耶路撒冷的锡安山上,耶路撒冷的独一立场预表神所选择的独一立场,就是一的立场—— 申十二5,代下六5~6,拉一2~3:

I. The unique ground of Jerusalem, the place where the temple as God's dwelling place was built on Mount Zion, typifies the unique ground of God's choice, the ground of oneness—Deut. 12:5; 2 Chron. 6:5-6; Ezra 1:2-3:

一 古时所有以色列人一年三次到耶路撒冷聚集;唯有借着耶路撒冷这独一敬拜神的地方,神子民的一才世世代代得蒙保守—— 申十二5,十六16。

A. In the ancient time all the Israelites came together three times a year at Jeru-salem; it was by this unique place of worship to God, Jerusalem, that the one-ness of His people was kept for generations—Deut. 12:5; 16:16.

二 新约中神所命定一的正确立场,乃是一地一会的独一立场—— 启一11:

B. In the New Testament the proper ground of oneness ordained by God is the unique ground of one church for one locality—Rev. 1:11:

1 召会是由宇宙的神所构成的,却存在于地上的许多地方;就性质说,召会在神里面是宇宙性的;但就实行说,召会在一个确定的地方是地方性的,就如“在哥林多神的召会”—— 林前一2:

1. The church is constituted of the universal God, but it exists on earth in many localities; in nature the church is universal in God, but in practice the church is local in a definite place, such as "the church of God which is in Corinth"—1 Cor. 1:2:

a “神的召会”,意思是召会不仅为神所有,也有神为其性质和素质,这是神圣的、一般的、宇宙的、永远的—— 2节。

a. "The church of God" means that the church is not only possessed by God but has God as its nature and essence, which are divine, general, univer-sal, and eternal—v. 2a.

b “在哥林多……的召会”,意指在一个城里的召会,留在确定的地方,为着事务上的行政,以这地方为其地位、立场和治理的界限,这是物质的、专特的、地方的、暂时的—— 2节。

b. The church "which is in Corinth" refers to a church in a city, remaining in a definite locality and taking it as its standing, ground, and jurisdiction for its administration in business affairs, which is physical, particular, local, and temporal in time—v. 2b.

2 缺了宇宙的一面,召会就没有内容;缺了地方的一面,召会就不可能有出现和实行;关于召会在各地的建立,整本新约的记载是一致的—— 徒八1,十三1,十四23,罗十六1,林前一2,林后八1,加一2,启一4、11。

2. Without the universal aspect, the church is void of content; without the local aspect, it is impossible for the church to have any expression and practice; the record concerning the establishment of the church in its locality is con-sistent throughout the New Testament—Acts 8:1; 13:1; 14:23; Rom. 16:1; 1 Cor. 1:2; 2 Cor. 8:1; Gal. 1:2; Rev. 1:4, 11.

贰 诗篇一百三十三篇是一位圣民上锡安时,因弟兄在一里同居,有耶和华所命定生命的福而有的赞美;每当弟兄们在膏油之下合而为一,就有神命定的福,就是“永远的生命”,一道丰满、畅通、无止息的生命流:—— 引用经文

II. Psalm 133 is the praise of a saint, in his going up to Zion, concerning Jehovah's commanded blessing of life on brothers who dwell together in oneness; the blessing that is commanded whenever brothers are united under the anointing is a "life forever," a full, free, unceasing stream of life:

一 弟兄在一里同居,其善无法估计,好比上好的油浇在亚伦的头上;其美无法计算,好比黑门的甘露降在锡安山—— 1~3节:

A. The brothers' dwelling together in oneness is likened to the inestimable good-ness of the precious ointment on the head of Aaron and to the incalculable pleasantness of the dew of Hermon on the mountains of Zion—vv. 1-3:

1 作为亚伦所预表的人,召会乃是一个新人,包括头与身体,就是团体的基督,团体的祭司体系—— 弗二15,彼前二5。

1. As a person typified by Aaron, the church as the one new man includes the Head with the Body as the corporate Christ, the corporate priesthood— Eph. 2:15; 1 Pet. 2:5.

2 作为锡安所预表的地方,召会乃是神的居所—— 申十二5~7、11、14、18、21、26,弗二21~22,启二一3、22。

2. As a place typified by Zion, the church is the dwelling place of God—Deut. 12:5-7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 26; Eph. 2:21-22; Rev. 21:3, 22.

二 真正的一是由流淌的膏油和降下的甘露所构成,使基督的身体在神圣三一的神圣分赐里,渐渐得以建造:

B. The genuine oneness is constituted of the spreading ointment and the descend-ing dew for the gradual building up of Christ's Body in the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity:

1 诗篇一百三十三篇相当于以弗所四章;当我们在身体里,竭力保守那灵的一时,我们就有那灵的膏抹(3~6);涂抹的膏油是复合的膏油,预表经过过程的三一神,包罗万有复合的灵(出三十23~25):—— 引用经文

1. Psalm 133 is equivalent to Ephesians 4; when we are in the Body and are diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit, we have the anointing of the Spirit (vv. 3-6); the anointing oil as the compound ointment is a type of the proc-essed Triune God, the all-inclusive compound Spirit (Exo. 30:23-25):

a 复合的灵乃是经过过程之三一神的终极完成,带有神圣的属性、人性的美德、基督的死和死的功效、以及基督的复活和复活的大能—— 腓一19。

a. The compound Spirit is the ultimate consummation of the processed Triune God with the divine attributes, the human virtues, Christ's death with its effectiveness, and Christ's resurrection with its power—Phil. 1:19.

b 我们是在一里面,这一就是经过过程的三一神膏抹或“油漆”到我们全人里面—— 林后一21~22,约壹二20、27。

b. We are in the oneness that is the processed Triune God anointed, or "painted," into our being—2 Cor. 1:21-22; 1 John 2:20, 27.

c 一天过一天,在召会生活中,神圣、奥秘之复合膏油的一切成分不断地作到我们里面;借着把这些成分应用到我们里面,我们自然就在一里—— 弗四3~4。

c. Day by day in the church life, all the ingredients of the divine and mysti-cal compound ointment are being wrought into us; through the applica-tion of these ingredients to our inward being, we are spontaneously in the oneness—Eph. 4:3-4.

d 一的立场就是经过过程的三一神应用到我们身上;这复合、包罗万有、赐生命之灵的涂抹乃是我们一的元素—— 4节,参约四24:

d. The ground of oneness is simply the processed Triune God applied to our being; the anointing of the compound, all-inclusive life-giving Spirit is the element of our oneness—v. 4; cf. John 4:24:

㈠ 我们若离开我们灵里的那灵行事,我们就是分裂的,并失去了一—— 弗四3,参林前一10,二14~15,三1。

1) If we actapart from theSpirit, whoisinour spirit, weare divisive and lose the oneness—Eph. 4:3; cf. 1 Cor. 1:10; 2:14-15; 3:1.

㈡ 我们若留在赐生命的灵里,就保守了那灵的一—— 参约四24,林前六17。

2) If we stay in the life-giving Spirit, we keep the oneness of the Spirit— cf. John 4:24; 1 Cor. 6:17.

e 复合的灵不是为着那些个人主义者,乃是在身体里,为着身体,并为着建造身体之祭司的事奉—— 诗一三三2,出三十26~31,腓一19,罗十五16,彼前二5、9。

e. The compound Spirit is not for those who are individualistic; He is in and for the Body and for the priestly service that builds up the Body— Psa. 133:2; Exo. 30:26-31; Phil. 1:19; Rom. 15:16; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9.

f 我们接受那灵的供应,就是身体的供应,乃是借着肢体的代求和交通:

f. We receive the supply of the Spirit, the supply of the Body, by the inter-cession and fellowship of the members:

㈠ 当我们觉得枯干、碰壁的时候,需要别的弟兄姊妹为我们代求,那种情形才可以过去—— 腓一19,帖前五25,伯四二8~10。

1) When we are dry and have no way to go on, we need other brothers and sisters to intercede for us before we can get through—Phil. 1:19; 1 Thes. 5:25; Job 42:8-10.

㈡ 我们不能没有身体的供应而活,因此,我们必须一直应用身体的交通—— 帖前三8,林前十16下,约壹一3。

2) We cannot live without the supply of the Body; therefore, we must constantly avail ourselves of the fellowship of the Body—1 Thes. 3:8; 1 Cor. 10:16b; 1 John 1:3.

㈢ 人要看见光就需要进入召会,就是圣所—— 诗七三16~17,太五14,启一20。

3) If a man wants to see light, he has to enter the church, the sanctuary— Psa. 73:16-17; Matt. 5:14; Rev. 1:20.

2 从黑门降在锡安山上的甘露,表征那降下、新鲜、滋润、浸透之生命的恩典(彼前三7),就是三一神作我们生命的供应,给我们享受(林后十三14):—— 引用经文

2. The dew of Hermon descending on the mountains of Zion signifies the de-scending, refreshing, watering, and saturating grace of life (1 Pet. 3:7), the Triune God as our life supply for our enjoyment (2 Cor. 13:14):

a 在预表上,黑门表征诸天,宇宙中的最高处—— 参弗一3,太十七1~2。

a. In typology Hermon signifies the heavens, the highest place in the uni-verse—cf.Eph.1:3;Matt. 17:1-2.

b 锡安众山预表众地方召会;锡安只有一个,就是作为一个身体的一个召会,但有许多山头,就是许多地方召会—— 启一11~12。

b. The mountains of Zion typify the local churches; there is one Zion, one church as one Body, but many mountains, many local churches—Rev. 1:11-12.

c 恩典乃是神在基督里作为那灵,被我们经历、接受、享受并得着—— 约一16~17,林前十五10,加二20,罗五2、17、21。

c. Grace is God in Christ as the Spirit experienced, received, enjoyed, and gained by us—John 1:16-17; 1 Cor. 15:10; Gal. 2:20; Rom. 5:2, 17, 21.

d 我们留在召会生活里,就蒙保守在主的恩典中—— 徒四33,十一23。

d. By remaining in the church life, we are preserved in the Lord's grace— Acts 4:33; 11:23.

e 借着在锡安山上所接受的恩典,我们就能过一种世人无法过的生活—— 二十32,林后十二7~9。

e. By the grace we receive on the mountains of Zion, we can live a life that is impossible for people in the world to live—20:32; 2 Cor. 12:7-9.

f 基督徒的生活必须是恩典的生活,就是恩典的经历—— 9节,提后四22:

f. The Christian living must be the living of grace, the experience of grace—v. 9; 2 Tim. 4:22:

㈠ 我们借着主格外增多的恩典,得有信和爱—— 提前一14。

1) We have faith and love through the Lord's superabounding grace— 1 Tim. 1:14.

㈡ 我们靠着恩典得着在基督的复活与升天里之生命的救恩—— 弗二5~8。

2) By grace we receive the salvation in life through Christ's resurrection and ascension—Eph. 2:5-8.

㈢ 我们得进入并站在神洋溢的恩典中—— 罗五2。

3) We have obtained access into and stand in God's abounding grace— Rom. 5:2.

㈣ 我们在这恩典中享受神永远的安慰和美好的盼望—— 帖后二16。

4) In this grace we can enjoy God's eternal comfort and good hope— 2 Thes. 2:16.

㈤ 我们能坦然无惧地来到施恩的宝座前,得恩典,作应时的帮助—— 来四16。

5) We can come forward with boldness to the throne of grace to find grace for timely help—Heb. 4:16.

㈥ 我们能从神得着各样恩典洋溢的加给—— 林后九8。

6) We can receive God's abounding supply of grace—2 Cor. 9:8.

㈦ 我们能时常享受神繁增的恩典—— 彼前一2下,彼后一2,启二二21。

7) We can constantly enjoy God's multiplying grace—1 Pet. 1:2b; 2 Pet. 1:2; Rev. 22:21.

㈧ 我们能借着谦卑,得享神更大的恩典—— 雅四6,彼前五5。

8) We can enjoy God's greater grace through humility—James 4:6; 1 Pet. 5:5.

㈨ 我们对神经纶中之恩典的经历,就是享受主在我们灵里的同在—— 提后四22,参路一28、30。

9) In our experience of the grace in God's economy, we enjoy the Lord's presence in our spirit—2 Tim. 4:22; cf. Luke 1:28, 30.

㈩ 我们需要凭神的恩典活出基督作神的义—— 加二20~21。

10) We need to live out Christ as God's righteousness by the grace of God—Gal. 2:20-21.

(十一) 我们需要经历主够用的恩典,就是基督覆庇的能力,在我们的软弱上显得完全—— 林后十二9。

11) We need to experience the perfecting of the Lord's sufficient grace, Christ's overshadowing power, in our weakness—2 Cor. 12:9.

(十二) 我们凭恩典能胜过短暂无定之财富的霸占,慷慨地供给缺乏的圣徒—— 八1~2。

12) By grace we can overcome the usurpation of temporal and uncertain riches and become generous in ministering to the needy saints—8:1-2.

(十三) 我们经过受苦,蒙全般恩典的神来成全我们,坚固我们,加强我们,并给我们立定根基—— 彼前五10。

13) The God of all grace perfects, establishes, strengthens, and grounds us through our sufferings—1 Pet. 5:10.

(十四) 我们需要作神诸般恩典的好管家—— 四10,弗三2。

14) We need to be good stewards of the varied grace of God—4:10; Eph. 3:2.

(十五) 我们的话应当将基督作为恩典分给人—— 四29~30。

15) Our word should convey Christ as grace to others—4:29-30.

(十六) 我们需要经历基督作恩典,作超凡的人,并为主格外劳苦—— 林前十五10。

16) We need to experience Christ as grace to be a surpassing one and to labor abundantly for the Lord—1 Cor. 15:10.

(十七) 我们需要受洋溢之恩,并洋溢之义的恩赐,在生命中作王—— 罗五17、21。

17) We need to receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of right-eousness to reign in life—Rom. 5:17, 21.

g 在召会堕落之黑暗时期中那赐给众地方召会的恩典,乃是为着那些寻求答应主呼召,要作主得胜者的信徒—— 启一4。

g. Thegrace giventothe localchurches in thedarkage of thechurch's deg-radation is for the believers who seek to answer the Lord's calling to be His overcomers—Rev. 1:4.

h 主耶稣基督那分赐给祂整个新约时代之信徒的恩典,终极完成于新耶路撒冷,作神之喜悦的终极完成,就是神使祂自己与人联结调和,作祂的扩大和永远的彰显—— 二二21。

h. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ dispensed to His believers through-out the New Testament age consummates in the New Jerusalem as the consummation of God's good pleasure in joining and mingling Himself with man for His enlargement and eternal expression—22:21.

3 在召会生活中,我们天天被涂抹,蒙恩典;那灵的膏抹和恩典的供应,使我们能在一里生活—— 弗一13、6。

3. In the church life we are daily anointed and graced; the anointing of the Spirit and the supply of grace make it possible for us to live in oneness— Eph. 1:13, 6.

4 我们越经历基督这赐生命的灵,我们天然的构成和个性就越减少;由于我们经历三一神和祂神圣的属性,使这些构成和个性减少,我们就被成全成为一—— 约十七23,弗四1~3。

4. The more we experience Christ as the life-giving Spirit, the more our natu-ral constitution and disposition are reduced; as they are reduced through our experience of the Triune God with His divine attributes, we are per-fected into one—John 17:23; Eph. 4:1-3.

叁 诗篇一百三十四篇作为一百三十三篇的总结,是末了一首上行之歌,乃是圣民上锡安时,因以色列人对神殿中事奉之祭司的嘱咐和祝福而有的赞美:—— 引用经文

III. As the conclusion to Psalm 133 and as the last of the Songs of Ascents, Psalm 134 is the praise of a saint, in his going up to Zion, concerning the charge and the blessing of the children of Israel to the serving priests in the house of God:

一 一百三十四篇指明最高的子民,就是那些在锡安的人,能祝福每个人,并教导每个人—— 1~2节,参创四七10,四八20,四九28。

A. This psalm indicates that the highest people, those who are in Zion, can bless everyone and teach everyone—vv. 1-2; cf. Gen. 47:10; 48:20; 49:28.

二 祝福来自锡安,来自最高峰,来自达到了顶点、达到了得胜者地位的人;在每个时代和世纪,神的祝福都因着得胜者临到了召会—— 诗一三四3,参启二7。

B. The blessing comes from Zion, from the highest peak, from the ones who have attained to the top, to the position of the overcomers; in every age and century God's blessing has come to the church because of the overcomers—Psa. 134:3; cf.Rev.2:7.

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