第八篇 召会的身分——新人

The Status of the Church—the New Man

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读经∶ 弗二15~16,四22~24,西三10~11

壹 召会——基督的身体——乃是一个新人,为着完成神永远的定旨—— 弗一9、11,三11,二15~16,四22~24,罗八28,提后一9:

I. The church, the Body of Christ, is the one new man to accomplish God's eternal purpose—Eph. 1:9, 11; 3:11; 2:15-16; 4:22-24; Rom. 8:28; 2 Tim. 1:9:

一 神创造人的心意是要得着一个团体的人,以彰显祂并代表祂—— 创一26。

A. God's intention in His creation of man was to have a corporate man to express Him and to represent Him—Gen. 1:26.

二 创世记一章神创造人,是一幅在神新造中之新人的图画;这意思是,旧造是新造的表号、预表—— 弗二15,四24,林后五17。

B. God's creation of man in Genesis 1 is a picture of the new man in God's new creation; this means that the old creation is a figure, a type, of the new crea-tion—Eph. 2:15; 4:24; 2 Cor. 5:17.

三 至终,召会作为一个新人,就是神心意中团体的人;这一个新人完成双重的定旨,就是彰显神并对付神的仇敌—— 创一26。

C. Eventually, the church as the one new man is the corporate man in God's inten-tion; the one new man fulfills the twofold purpose of expressing God and dealing with God's enemy—Gen. 1:26.

贰 一个新人是借着基督十字架上的死所创造的—— 弗二15~16:

II. The one new man was created through Christ's death on the cross—Eph. 2:15-16:

一 一个新人是基督用两种材料创造的——蒙救赎的受造之人,以及神圣的元素;基督在十字架上把这两种材料放在一起,产生一个新人。

A. The one new man was created by Christ with two kinds of material—the re-deemed created man and the divine element; on the cross Christ put these two materials together to produce a new man.

二 在新人的创造里,首先我们天然的人被基督钉死,然后借着除去旧人,基督将神圣的元素分赐到我们里面,使我们成为一个新的实体—— 罗六6,林后五17。

B. In the creating of the new man, first our natural man was crucified by Christ, and then through the crossing out of the old man, Christ imparted the divine element into us, causing us to become a new entity—Rom. 6:6; 2 Cor. 5:17.

三 除了在基督里之外,我们绝对无法被创造成一个新人,因为在我们自己里面,没有神圣的素质,就是新人的元素—— 弗二15:

C. Apart from being in Christ, we could not have been created into one new man, because in ourselves we do not have the divine essence, which is the element of the new man—Eph. 2:15:

1 唯有在神圣的素质里并用神圣的素质,我们才被创造成一个新人;唯有在基督里,才可能有这素质。

1. Only in thedivineessenceand with thedivineessencewerewecreated into the one new man; it is possible to have this essence only in Christ.

2 基督自己是新人的素质;因此,祂把两下——犹太人和外邦人——在祂自己里面,创造成一个新人。

2. Christ Himself is the essence of the new man; hence, in Himself He created the two, the Jews and the Gentiles, into one new man.

3 在一个新人里基督是一切,因为祂是新人用以创造的素质;所以,一个新人就是基督—— 西三11。

3. In the one new man Christ is all because He is the essence with which the new man was created; therefore, the one new man is Christ—Col. 3:11.

叁 召会是一个新人,在这新人里基督是一切,又在一切之内;我们没有地位—— 10~11节:

III. The church is the one new man, and in this new man Christ is all and in all; we have no place—vv. 10-11:

一 神在祂经纶中的目的,是要基督作一切;因此,极重要的是,我们要看见神不要别的,只要基督,在神的眼中,除了基督以外,没有一样算得数—— 太十七5,西一18,二2、17,三4、10~11:

A. God's intention in His economy is that Christ be everything; therefore, it is crucial for us to see that God wants nothing but Christ and that in the eyes of God nothing counts except Christ—Matt. 17:5; Col. 1:18; 2:2, 17; 3:4, 10-11:

1 神的目的是要使祂的儿子基督作祂经纶的中心,并使祂作信徒的一切—— 一18,二17。

1. God's intention is to make Christ His Son the center of His economy and also to make Him everything to the believers—1:18; 2:17.

2 神的经纶乃是要将包罗万有的基督作到我们里面—— 加四19,弗三17上,西三11。

2. God's economy is to work the all-inclusive Christ into us—Gal. 4:19; Eph. 3:17a; Col. 3:11.

二 在一个新人里没有天然的人,不可能有天然的人,也没有地位给天然的人—— 10~11节:

B. There is no natural person in the one new man, and there is no possibility, no room, for any natural person—vv. 10-11:

1 在新人里只有一个人位——包罗万有的基督—— 二17,三4、11。

1. In the one new man there is only one person—the all-inclusive Christ—2:17; 3:4, 11.

2 一个新人就是基督——是基督在扩展,基督得扩大。

2. The one new man is just Christ—Christ spreading and Christ enlarged.

三 新人是独一无二的——在基督里是一,并且与基督是一;我们是凭着基督并借着基督而成为一—— 弗二15,西三11:

C. The new man is uniquely one—one in Christ and one with Christ; we are one by Christ and through Christ—Eph. 2:15; Col. 3:11:

1 我们若不在基督里,就无分于新人;反而,我们对于新人就了了。

1. If we arenot in Christ, wehavenoshare, nopart, in thenew man; rather, we are through with the new man.

2 若是我们在基督里却不活基督,我们就与新人有难处。

2. If we are in Christ but do not live Christ, we have a problem related to the new man.

四 当我们借着生机的过程被基督浸透、充满、渗透,并由祂所顶替时,一个新人就得以出现—— 林后三18:

D. The one new man comes into being as we are saturated, filled, and permeated with Christ and replaced by Him through an organic process—2 Cor. 3:18:

1 新人乃是基督在众圣徒里面,渗透我们并顶替我们,直到所有天然的区别都除去,每个人都由基督所构成—— 西三11。

1. The new man is Christ in all the saints permeating us and replacing us until all natural distinctions have been removed and everyone is constituted of Christ—Col. 3:11.

2 包罗万有的基督必须生机的作到我们里面,直到祂以祂自己顶替我们天然的人—— 弗三17上,加四19。

2. The all-inclusive Christ must be wrought into us organically until He re-places our natural being with Himself—Eph. 3:17a; Gal. 4:19.

五 在一个新人里,基督是一切的肢体,又在一切的肢体之内—— 西三11:

E. In the one new man, Christ is all the members and is in all the members—Col. 3:11:

1 住在我们里面的基督乃是一个新人的构成成分—— 一27,三11。

1. The Christ who dwells in us is the constituent of the one new man—1:27; 3:11.

2 因着基督是新人一切的肢体,在新人里任何种族、国籍、文化或社会身分都没有地位—— 10~11节。

2. Because Christ is all the members of the new man, there is no room in the new man for any race, nationality, culture, or social status—vv. 10-11.

3 我们若要经历基督是新人一切肢体的实际,就必须接受基督作我们的生命和人位,并且活基督,不活我们自己—— 加二20,腓一20~21上。

3. In order for us to experience the reality of Christ being all the members of the new man, we need to take Christ as our life and person and live Him, not ourselves—Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:20-21a.

4 保罗说基督是一切,又说祂在一切之内,这是非常有意义的—— 西三11:

4. It is very significant that Paul said both that Christ is all and that He is in all—Col. 3:11:

a 我们不该以为,既然基督是一个新人的一切肢体,我们就什么都不是,新人也不需要我们。

a. We should not think that because Christ is all the members of the one new man, we are nothing and are not needed.

b 基督在新人的众肢体里面,这事实指明众肢体仍然存在—— 11节。

b. The fact that Christ is in all the members of the new man indicates that the members continue to exist—v. 11.

肆 我们需要看见,在不同国家的众地方召会乃是一个新人—— 10~11节,四15~16:

IV. We need to see that all the local churches in the different countries are one new man—vv. 10-11; 4:15-16:

一 众地方召会不是仅仅个别的地方召会,乃是一个新人—— 弗二15~16:

A. All the churches are not merely individual local churches but are the one new man—Eph. 2:15-16:

1 我们不能说每一个地方召会是一个新人;而是说,地上的众地方召会乃是一个新人—— 四24。

1. We cannot say that each local church is a new man; rather, all the local churches on earth are the one new man—4:24.

2 一个新人不光是一地一地、一个召会一个召会的事,乃是地上各召会集体的事。

2. The one new man is a matter not merely of individual localities and indi-vidual churches but of all the churches on earth corporately.

二 在主恢复的众召会中间,不应该有“列国”—— 太十六18,帖前一1,罗十六16下,约叁9~10:

B. Among the churches in the Lord's recovery, there should be no "nations"—Matt. 16:18; 1 Thes. 1:1; Rom. 16:16b; 3 John 9-10:

1 我们无意得着一个小“国”,一个让我们可以在其中作小王的王国;反之,我们在意的是要在一个新人里—— 太二十25~26上。

1. We do notcaretohavealittle"nation," an empire, inwhich we canbeaking; rather, we care to be in the one new man—Matt. 20:25-26a.

2 召会的建造乃在于一个新人的存在—— 十六18,弗二21~22。

2. The building of the church depends on the existence of the one new man— 16:18; Eph. 2:21-22.

三 今天就是得着一个新人的日子,这新人是由众地方召会所构成,包括所有在基督里是一的圣徒,而基督是一切,又在一切之内;这将是终极的召会生活——一个活出基督的宇宙新人—— 西三10~11,弗四24,腓一20~21上。

C. Today is the day to have a new man constituted of all the local churches, including all the saints as one in Christ, who is all in all; this will be the ulti-mate church life—a universal new man living out Christ—Col. 3:10-11; Eph. 4:24; Phil. 1:20-21a.

伍 主恢复的目标是要产生一个新人—— 弗二15,四22~24,西三10~11:

V. The goal of the Lord's recovery is to bring forth the one new man—Eph. 2:15; 4:22-24; Col. 3:10-11:

一 在旧人里分裂并分散的,在新人里得着恢复;脱去旧人就是脱去分裂并分散的人;穿上新人就是穿上聚集并是一的新人—— 创十一5~9,徒二5~12,弗四22、24,西三10~11。

A. What was divided and scattered in the old man is recovered in the new man; to put off the old man is to put off the divided and scattered man; to put on the new man is to put on the gathered and one new man—Gen. 11:5-9; Acts 2:5-12; Eph. 4:22, 24; Col. 3:10-11.

二 主在祂恢复中一直在作,并祂现今正在作的,是产生一个新人,以祂自己为生命和人位,为着神的彰显—— 弗三17~19,西三4、10~11。

B. What the Lord has been doing and is now doing in His recovery is bringing forth the one new man with Himself as the life and the person for God's expression— Eph. 3:17-19; Col. 3:4, 10-11.

三 大家只能是一个人,这个要求是极高的;为使一个新人得以实际地出现,我们都需要起来接受基督作我们的人位—— 加二20,弗二15,三17上。

C. The requirement that everyone be only one man is exceedingly high; for the practical existence of the one new man, we need to rise up together to take Christ as our person—Gal. 2:20; Eph. 2:15; 3:17a.

四 这一个新人要结束这时代,引进神的国,并要将君王基督带回这地上—— 启十一15。

D. The one new man will conclude this age, usher in the kingdom of God, and bring Christ, the King, back to this earth—Rev. 11:15.

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