第九篇 召会的身分——基督的配偶

The Status of the Church—the Counterpart of Christ

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读经∶ 创二18~25,约十九34,弗五25~27、32

壹 整本圣经就是神圣的罗曼史,记载神如何追求祂所拣选的人,至终与他们成为婚配—— 创二21~24,歌一2~4,赛五四5,六二5,耶二2,三1、14,三一32,结十六8,二三5,何二7、19,太九15,约三29,林后十一2,弗五25~32,启十九7,二一2、9~10,二二17:

I. The entire Bible is a divine romance, a record of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them—Gen. 2:21-24; S. S. 1:2-4; Isa. 54:5; 62:5; Jer. 2:2; 3:1, 14; 31:32; Ezek. 16:8; 23:5; Hosea 2:7, 19; Matt. 9:15; John 3:29; 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:25-32; Rev. 19:7; 21:2, 9-10; 22:17:

一 当我们这些神的子民进入与神相爱的关系,我们就接受祂的生命,正如夏娃接受了亚当的生命一样—— 创二21~22。

A. When we as God's people enter into a love relationship with God, we receive His life, just as Eve received the life of Adam—Gen. 2:21-22.

二 乃是这个生命使我们与神成为一,祂也与我们成为一。

B. It is this life that enables us to become one with God and makes Him one with us.

三 神和祂的子民要成为一,二者之间就必须有相互的爱—— 约十四21、23,出二十6。

C. In order for God and His people to be one, there must be a mutual love between them—John 14:21, 23; Exo. 20:6.

四 圣经中所揭示神与祂子民之间的爱,主要的是像男女之间情深的爱—— 耶二2,三一3。

D. The love between God and His people unfolded in the Bible is primarily like the affectionate love between a man and a woman—Jer. 2:2; 31:3.

五 当神的子民爱神、花时间在祂的话上与祂交通时,神就将祂的神圣元素注入他们里面,使他们与祂成为一,作祂的配偶,在生命、性情和彰显上,与祂一样—— 诗一一九140、15~16,弗五25~27。

E. As God's people love God and spend time to fellowship with Him in His word, God infuses them with His divine element, making them one with Him as His spouse, the same as He is in life, nature, and expression—Psa. 119:140, 15-16; Eph. 5:25-27.

贰 在创世记二章,我们借着亚当与夏娃的预表,看见了基督与召会的照片:—— 引用经文

II. In Genesis 2 we see a picture of Christ and the church in the types of Adam and Eve:

一 亚当预表神在基督里是真正、宇宙的丈夫,正为祂自己寻找妻子—— 罗五14,参赛五四5,约三29,林后十一2,弗五31~32,启二一9。

A. Adam typifies God in Christ as the real, universal Husband, who is seeking a wife for Himself—Rom. 5:14; cf. Isa. 54:5; John 3:29; 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:31-32; Rev. 21:9.

二 “耶和华神说,那人独居不好,我要为他造一个帮助者作他的配偶”——创二18:

B. "Jehovah God said, It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper as his counterpart"—Gen. 2:18:

1 亚当需要妻子,预表并描绘神在祂的经纶里,需要得着妻子作祂的配偶,祂的补满(直译,与祂配对者)。

1. Adam's need for a wife typifies and portrays God's need, in His economy, to have a wife as His counterpart, His complement (lit., His parallel).

2 虽然神,基督,是绝对而永远的完全,但没有召会作祂的妻子,祂就不完整。

2. Although God, Christ, is absolutely and eternally perfect, He is not com-plete without the church as His wife.

3 神渴望要得着预表基督的亚当,和预表召会的夏娃;祂的目的是要“使他们管理”(一26);祂的目的是要得着一个得胜的基督,加上一个得胜的召会,一个胜过魔鬼工作的基督,加上一个推翻魔鬼工作的召会;神乃是要基督与召会掌权—— 罗五17,十六20,弗一22~23。

3. God desires to have both Adam, typifying Christ, and Eve, typifying the church; His purpose is to "let them have dominion" (1:26); His purpose is to have a victorious Christ plus a victorious church, a Christ who has over-come the work of the devil plus a church that has overthrown the work of the devil; God wants Christ and the church to have dominion—Rom. 5:17; 16:20; Eph. 1:22-23.

叁 我们需要看见,神要为自己产生配偶,就作了些什么:

III. We need to see what God did in order to produce a counterpart for Him-self:

一 神用土造了野地各样的走兽,和空中各样的飞鸟,并将这一切带到亚当面前,“那人便给一切的牲畜、空中的飞鸟和野地各样的走兽都起了名,只是亚当没有找到一个帮助者作他的配偶”—— 创二19~20:

A. From the ground God formed every animal of the field and every bird of heaven and brought them to Adam, "and the man gave names to all cattle and to the birds of heaven and to every animal of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper as his counterpart"—Gen. 2:19-20:

1 妻子在生命、性情和彰显上,必须与丈夫一样一式。

1. The wife must be the same as the husband in life, nature, and expression.

2 在牲畜、飞鸟和走兽中,亚当找不着他自己的配偶,就是能与他相配的。

2. Among the cattle, the birds, and the animals, Adam did not find a counter-part for himself, one that could match him.

二 神要为自己产生一个配偶,就首先成为人,由神创造亚当所预表—— 约一14,罗五14。

B. In order to produce a counterpart for Himself, God first became a man, as typi-fied by God's creation of Adam—John 1:14; Rom. 5:14.

三 “耶和华神使那人沉睡,他就睡了,于是取了他的一条肋骨,又把肉在原处合起来”——创二21:

C. "Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs and closed up the f lesh in its place"—Gen. 2:21:

1 亚当沉睡,为着产生夏娃作他的妻子,预表基督在十字架上的死,为着产生召会作祂的配偶—— 弗五25~27。

1. Adam's deep sleep for the producing of Eve as his wife typifies Christ's death on the cross for the producing of the church as His counterpart—Eph. 5:25-27.

2 在圣经里,睡通常是指死—— 林前十五18,帖前四13~16,约十一11~14。

2. In the Bible sleep often refers to death—1 Cor. 15:18; 1 Thes. 4:13-16; John 11:11-14.

3 基督的死是释放生命、分赐生命、繁殖生命、繁增生命、繁衍生命的死,由一粒麦子落在地里死了,长起结出许多子粒(十二24),好作成饼所表征,这饼就是祂的身体——召会(林前十17)。—— 引用经文

3. Christ's death is the life-releasing, life-imparting, life-propagating, life-multiplying, life-reproducing death, which is signified by the grain of wheat falling into the ground to die and to grow up in order to produce many grains (12:24) for the making of the loaf, which is the Body, the church (1 Cor. 10:17).

4 借着基督的死,祂里面神圣的生命得以释放;借着祂的复活,祂释放的神圣生命得以分赐到祂的信徒里面,为着构成召会。

4. Through Christ's death the divine life within Him was released, and through His resurrection His released divine life was imparted into His believers for the constituting of the church.

5 借着这样的过程,神在基督里已经把祂自己连同祂的生命和性情,作到人里面,使人可以在生命和性情上与神一样,好作祂的配偶与祂相配。

5. Through such a process God in Christ has been wrought into man with His life and nature so that man can be the same as God in life and nature in order to match Him as His counterpart.

四 “耶和华神就用那人身上所取的肋骨,建造成一个女人,领她到那人跟前”——创二22:

D. "Jehovah God built the rib, which He had taken from the man, into a woman and brought her to the man"—Gen. 2:22:

1 从亚当裂开的肋旁所取出的肋骨,预表基督那不能折断、不能毁坏之永远的生命(来七16,约十九32~33、36,出十二46,诗三四20),从祂被扎的肋旁流出来(约十九34),好将生命分赐给祂的信徒,以产生并建造召会作祂的配偶:—— 引用经文

1. The rib taken from Adam's opened side typifies the unbreakable, indestruc-tible eternal life of Christ (Heb. 7:16; John 19:32-33, 36; Exo. 12:46; Psa. 34:20), which flowed out of His pierced side (John 19:34) to impart life to His believers for the producing and building up of the church as His coun-terpart:

a 从基督肋旁流出血和水,但从亚当肋旁出来的只有肋骨,没有血。

a. Out of Christ's side came blood and water, but all that came out of Adam's side was the rib without the blood.

b 在亚当的时候还没有罪,所以不需要借血而有的救赎。

b. At Adam's time there was no need of redemption through the blood, be-cause there was no sin.

c 然而当基督在十字架上“睡”了时,已经有了罪的问题;因此,从基督肋旁流出的血,乃是为着我们法理的救赎。

c. However, by the time that Christ was "sleeping" on the cross, there was the problem of sin; thus, the blood that came out of Christ's side was for our judicial redemption.

d 在血之后有水流出来,就是神涌流的生命,为着我们生机的拯救(出十七6,林前十4,民二十8);这神圣、涌流、非受造的生命,是由亚当肋旁取出的肋骨所预表的(罗五10)。—— 引用经文

d. Following the blood, the water came out, which is the f lowing life of God for our organic salvation (Exo. 17:6; 1 Cor. 10:4; Num. 20:8); this divine, flowing, uncreated life is typified by the rib taken out of Adam's side (Rom. 5:10).

2 创世记二章二十二节不说夏娃是创造的,乃说她是建造的;用亚当肋旁取出的肋骨建造成夏娃,预表召会是用复活的生命建造的,这复活的生命乃是基督借着在十字架上的死所释放出来,并在祂的复活里分赐到祂信徒里面的—— 约十二24,彼前一3。

2. Genesis 2:22 does not say that Eve was created but that she was built; the building of Eve with the rib taken from Adam's side typifies the building of the church with the resurrection life released from Christ through His death on the cross and imparted into His believers in His resurrection—John 12:24; 1Pet. 1:3.

3 召会作为真夏娃,乃是基督在祂所有信徒里的总和;召会是基督的复制;在召会里,除了基督的元素以外,不该有别的元素—— 创五2。

3. The church as the real Eve is the totality of Christ in all His believers; the church is the reproduction of Christ; other than Christ's element, there should be no other element in the church—Gen. 5:2.

4 唯有那出于基督同祂复活生命的,才能作祂的补满和配偶,就是基督的身体—— 林前十二12,弗五28~30:

4. Only that which comes out of Christ with His resurrection life can be His complement and counterpart, the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 12:12; Eph. 5:28-30:

a 我们必须脱去一切天然的生命,直到活的基督从我们灵里彰显出来;然后我们才有召会的实际—— 西三10~11。

a. We need to put off all the natural life until the living Christ can be ex-pressed from within our spirit; then we will be the church in reality— Col. 3:10-11.

b 凡所活出的,若不是基督,就不是召会;“现在活着的,不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着”(加二20);“在我,活着就是基督”(腓一21)——这才是召会!

b. To live out anything other than Christ is not the church; "it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me" (Gal. 2:20); "to me, to live is Christ" (Phil. 1:21)—this is the church!

c 只有出于基督的才能得到基督认可,只有出于基督的才能归给祂,与祂相配。

c. Only that which comes out of Christ can be recognized by Christ; only that which comes out of Christ can return to Christ and match Him.

5 在圣经末了有一座城,新耶路撒冷,就是终极并永远的女人,团体的新妇,羔羊的妻子(启二一9,二二17),用三样宝贵的材料所建造(二一18~21),应验创世记二章所显示的预表,直到永远;因此,在预表上,二章十一至十二节所提一切宝贵的材料,都是为着建造这女人。—— 引用经文

5. At the end of the Bible is a city, New Jerusalem, the ultimate and eternal woman, the corporate bride, the wife of the Lamb (Rev. 21:9; 22:17) built with three precious materials (21:18-21), fulfilling for eternity the type shown in Genesis 2; thus, in type all the precious materials mentioned in Genesis 2:11-12 are for the building of the woman.

6 夏娃自亚当取出,又被带回亚当,与他成为一体(24);照样,从基督所产生的召会,也要归回基督(弗五27,启十九7),与祂成为一灵(林前六17);基督与召会是一灵,如同丈夫与妻子成为一体所预表的,这是极大的奥秘(弗五28~32)。—— 引用经文

6. As Eve was taken out of Adam and brought back to Adam to be one f lesh with him (v. 24), so the church produced out of Christ will go back to Christ (Eph. 5:27; Rev. 19:7) to be one spirit with Him (1 Cor. 6:17); Christ and the church as one spirit, typified by a husband and wife as one flesh, are the great mystery (Eph. 5:28-32).

7 在将来,基督是圣别的新郎,要把我们献给祂自己,作祂的配偶,为着祂的婚娶,如同神把夏娃摆给亚当,作亚当的配偶,为着他的婚娶—— 27、31~32节,创二22~24,启十九7~9:

7. In the future, Christ as the holy Bridegroom will present us to Himself as His counterpart for His marriage just as God presented Eve to Adam as his counterpart for his marriage—vv. 27, 31-32; Gen. 2:22-24; Rev. 19:7-9:

a 以弗所五章二十七节启示新妇的美丽,说到基督要把召会“献给自己,作荣耀的召会,没有斑点、皱纹或任何这类的病,好使她成为圣别、没有瑕疵”。

a. Ephesians 5:27 reveals the beauty of the bride, saying that Christ will "present the church to Himself glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things, but that she would be holy and without blemish."

b 新妇的美丽来自这位作到召会里,然后从召会彰显出来的基督—— 26节,诗四五9~14。

b. The beauty of the bride comes from the very Christ who is wrought into the church and who is then expressed through the church—v. 26; Psa. 45:9-14.

c 主的恢复就是为着预备基督的新妇,由所有的得胜者组成—— 启十九7~9,创二22,太十六18。

c. The Lord's recovery is for the preparation of the bride of Christ, who is composed of all the overcomers—Rev. 19:7-9; Gen. 2:22; Matt. 16:18.

五 “那人说,这一次这是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉,可以称这为女人,因为这是从男人身上取出来的。因此,人要离开父母,与妻子联合,二人成为一体”——创二23~24:

E. "The man said, This time this is bone of my bones / And flesh of my flesh; / This one shall be called Woman / Because out of Man this one was taken. Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one f lesh"—Gen. 2:23-24:

1 在希伯来文里,“男人”是Ish,伊施;“女人”是Ishshah,伊施沙;召会是出于基督的纯产物;召会是“基督的”,“复活的”,属天的。

1. In Hebrew Man is Ish, and Woman is Ishshah; the church is a pure product out of Christ; the church is "Christly," "resurrectionly," and heavenly.

2 只有那由基督重生,凭基督活着的召会,才能与基督相配,并作祂的补满。

2. Only those who are regenerated of Christ and who live by Christ as the church can match Christ and complement Him.

3 当基督看到这个,祂必定会说,“这一次这是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉”—— 参23节,弗五30。

3. When Christ sees this, He surely says, "This time this is bone of My bones and flesh of My flesh"—cf. v. 23; Eph. 5:30.

4 正如夏娃是亚当的扩增,召会作为新妇,乃是作为新郎之基督的扩增—— 约三29~30。

4. Just as Evewas theincreaseofAdam, thechurch as thebride is thein-crease of Christ as the Bridegroom—John 3:29-30.

5 亚当和夏娃成为一体,一个完整的单位,乃是神与人联结为一的表号;要来的新耶路撒冷,将是神与人永远的联结,是宇宙对偶,作神性和人性所组成的完整单位—— 参创五2。

5. Adam and Eve becoming one flesh, a complete unit, is a figure of God and man being joined as one; the coming New Jerusalem will be the eternal union of God and man, a universal couple as a complete unit composed of divinity and humanity—cf. Gen. 5:2.

六 亚当和夏娃成为一,过着夫妻在一起的婚姻生活(二24~25);这描绘在新耶路撒冷里,经过过程并终极完成之救赎的三一神,乃是宇宙丈夫,要与祂所救赎、重生、变化并荣化作妻子的人,过婚姻生活,直到永远(启二二17上):—— 引用经文

F. Adam and Eve, being one, lived a married life together as husband and wife (2:24-25); this portrays that in the New Jerusalem the processed and consum-mated redeeming Triune God as the universal Husband will live a married life with the redeemed, regenerated, transformed, and glorified humanity as the wife, forever (Rev. 22:17a):

1 圣经整体的启示,乃是给我们看见一对宇宙夫妇爱的故事。

1. The entire revelation of the Bible shows us the love story of a universal couple.

2 那创造宇宙和万有的主宰,就是经过成为肉体、历尽人生、钉死十架、从死复活、升上高天种种过程的父、子、灵三一神,终极成为那赐生命之灵者,与经过创造、救赎、重生、变化、得荣的灵、魂、体三部分人,终极构成彰显神之召会者,成为婚配。

2. The sovereign Lord, who created the universe and all things, that is, the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—who went through the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascen-sion, and who ultimately became the life-giving Spirit, is joined in marriage to the created, redeemed, regenerated, transformed, and glorified tripartite man—composed of spirit, soul, and body—who ultimately constitutes the church, the expression of God.

3 他们要在那无尽的永世里,以那神圣、永远、荣耀无比的生命,过那神人调为一灵,卓越绝顶、福乐盈溢的生活。

3. In the eternity that is without end, by the divine, eternal, and surpassingly glorious life, they will live a life that is the mingling of God and man as one spirit, a life that is superexcellent and that overflows with blessings and joy.

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