第一篇 实行召会生活的基本原则

Message One Basic Principles for the Practice of the Church Life



壹 我们必须看见并站住神的众地方召会独一的立场——早期召会生活的实行乃是一个城一个召会,一个城只有一个召会——徒八1,十三1,启一11:

I. We must see and stand on the unique ground of the local churches of God—the practice of the church life in the early days was the practice of having one church for one city, one city with only one church—Acts 8:1; 13:1; Rev. 1:11:

一 “写信给在哥林多神的召会,就是给在基督耶稣里被圣别,蒙召的圣徒,同着所有在各处呼求我们主耶稣基督之名的人;祂是他们的,也是我们的”——林前一2:

A. "To the church of God which is in Corinth, to those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, the called saints, with all those who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place, who is theirs and ours"—1 Cor. 1:2:

1 召会是“神的”,这是指召会在其素质上的内容。

1. The church being "of God" refers to the content of the church in its essence.

2 “在哥林多的”召会,这表明哥林多这个地方,是为着召会的存在、出现和实行;这样的地方,成了众召会个别的建造在其上的地方立场;因此,地方自然而然成了召会的立场。

2. The church "in Corinth" shows the locality of Corinth for the existence, expression, and practice of the church; such a locality becomes the local ground of the local churches on which they are built respectively; thus, the locality spontaneously becomes the church ground.

3 “在基督耶稣里被圣别,蒙召的圣徒”乃是召会的构成分子,作召会的架构。

3. "Those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, the called saints" are the constituents as the framework of the church.

4 “同着所有在各处呼求我们主耶稣基督之名的人”,指明本书信在历代以来曾被千万地方的人念诵,且要一直被各地的人念诵;甚至今天我们也是这卷书的受信者。

4. "With all those who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place" indicates that this Epistle has been and will be read by people in thousands of places throughout the generations; even today we are the recipients of this book.

5 基督是“他们的,也是我们的”,意即基督是在哥林多当地圣徒的分,也是在任何地方众圣徒的分,他们都有分于基督的交通(享受),这交通乃是众信徒蒙信实之神呼召所进入的——9节。

5. Christ being "theirs and ours" means that Christ is the portion of the local saints in Corinth and of all the saints in whatever place, who participate in the fellowship (enjoyment) of Christ, into which all the believers have been called by the faithful God—v. 9.

二 在圣徒中间的分裂被使徒——元首基督的代表权柄——所定罪——10~13节。

B. Divisions among the saints are condemned by the apostle as the deputy authority of Christ the Head—vv. 10-13.

三 基督不是分开的——基督是独一的,是不能分开的,也是不分开的——13节。

C. Christ is not divided—Christ is unique, not divisible nor divided—v. 13.

四 分裂是属肉体的,是照着人的样子——三3~4。

D. Division is of the flesh, according to the manner of man—3:3-4.

五 我们需要知道,在今日基督教分裂混乱的堕落之下,我们的实行是什么:

E. We need to see our practice under today’s divisive and confusing degradation of Christianity:

1 我们不有分于,也不该有分于天主教的异端、更正教的公会和任何一种基督徒的自由团体。

1. We do not and should not participate in the Catholic heresy, the Protestant denominations, and any kind of free groups of Christians.

2 但我们承认并接纳在基督里的个别信徒,只要他们相信主耶稣基督,蒙祂的血救赎,由圣灵重生,并且不是分门结党的(多三10),不是造成分立的(罗十六17),不是拜偶像的(约壹五21),也不是活在罪中的(林前五11),即使他们仍然与前面所列的任何一种分裂有关联。——引用经文

2. But we recognize and receive the individual believers in Christ who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who are redeemed by His blood and regenerated by the Holy Spirit, and who are not factious (Titus 3:10), not making divisions (Rom. 16:17), not worshipping idols (1 John 5:21), nor living in sin (1 Cor. 5:11), even if they are still related to any of the above-listed divisions.

3 我们与全世界在主恢复中所有的信徒都是一,并且按非拉铁非的原则,我们拣选爱所有的弟兄——启三7。

3. We are one with all the believers who are in the Lord’s recovery throughout the world, and in the principle of Philadelphia, we choose to love all the brothers—Rev. 3:7.

4 我们没有任何信经;我们只有一本由圣经本身且按圣经本身正确翻译并解释的独一的圣经。

4. We do not have any creed; we have only the unique Bible properly translated and interpreted by and according to the Bible itself.

贰 我们必须看见并持守基督宇宙身体独一的一——弗四3~6:

II. We must see and keep the unique oneness of the universal Body of Christ—Eph. 4:3-6:

一 基督宇宙身体独一的一,乃是属那灵的,信徒不该破坏这一,乃该以和平的联索,竭力保守这个一——3节。

A. The unique oneness of the universal Body of Christ is of the Spirit, which oneness believers should not break but keep diligently in the uniting bond of peace—v. 3.

二 在整个宇宙中,只有一个独一的基督身体,有三一神为其内容——4~6节:

B. In the whole universe there is only one unique Body of Christ, with the Triune God as its contents—vv. 4-6:

1 一位灵为其内容的素质。

1. The one Spirit is the essence of its contents.

2 一位主为其内容的元素。

2. The one Lord is the element of its contents.

3 那三而一的超越众人,贯彻众人,也在众人之内的父神为其内容的源头。

3. God the Father is the source of its contents, as the One who is over all and through all and in all triunely.

三 我们必须看见并实行基督宇宙身体的调和:

C. We must see and practice the blending of the universal Body of Christ:

1 神已经将身体调和在一起(林前十二24);这是基督身体所有个别肢体的调和,在某些地区内众召会的调和,众同工的调和,以及众长老的调和。——引用经文

1. God has blended the Body together (1 Cor. 12:24); this is the blending of all the individual members of the Body of Christ, the blending of all the churches in certain districts, the blending of all the co-workers, and the blending of all the elders.

2 这样的调和不是交际,乃是个别肢体、区内的众召会、同工、长老所享受、经历并有分于之基督的调和。

2. Such a blending is not social but the blending of the very Christ whom the individual members, the district churches, the co-workers, and the elders enjoy, experience, and partake of.

3 调和是为着建造基督宇宙的身体(弗一23),好照着神的喜悦(三8~10,一9~10),完成那作神经纶最终目标的新耶路撒冷(启二一2)。——引用经文

3. This blending is for the building up of the universal Body of Christ (Eph. 1:23) to consummate the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2) as the final goal of God’s economy according to His good pleasure (Eph. 3:8-10; 1:9-10).

叁 我们必须借着服从主的作头并受身体的平衡而实行召会生活:

III. We must practice the church life by submitting to the headship of the Lord and by being balanced by the Body:

一 我们必须从使徒行传,并从十五章使徒和长老的经历有所学习,绝不要凭自己下断案;此外,我们也不该给别人建议或指示;我们没有一个人够资格这么作:——引用经文

A. We must learn from the book of Acts and from the experience of the apostles and elders in Acts 15 never to make decisions on our own; furthermore, we should not make suggestions to others or give instructions to them; none of us is qualified to do this:

1 我们不是主,不是主人,也不是庄稼的主(路十2,约四35);唯有主耶稣才是庄稼的主,祂是主人,是身体的头,我们必须尊重祂,而不凭自己下断案。——引用经文

1. We are not the Lord or the Master, and we are not the Lord of the harvest (Luke 10:2; John 4:35); only the Lord Jesus is the Lord of the harvest, the Master, and the Head of the Body, and we must honor Him by not making decisions in ourselves.

2 我们若吩咐别人去哪里,他们就不需要祷告,而只要照我们的话行动;这样作就篡夺了主的地位,把自己当作主,这对主是最大的侮辱。

2. If we tell others where to go, there would be no need for them to pray; instead, they would simply act on our word; to do this is to usurp the position of the Lord and to make ourselves the Lord; this is the greatest insult to the Lord.

3 每一个人都必须祷告,直到清楚主的引导;每一个人都必须被带到主的面光中来接触祂。

3. Everyone must pray until he is clear about the Lord’s leading; everyone must be brought into the presence of the Lord to contact Him.

二 为着主的行动,我们也需要受基督身体的平衡:

B. For the Lord’s move we also need to be balanced by the Body:

1 假设领头的人经过许多祷告以后,对某件事情有真实的负担;那么他们所该作的,就是借着交通把负担传给众圣徒,并请求众圣徒祷告。

1. Suppose the leading ones, after much prayer, are truly burdened about a certain matter; what they should do then is through fellowship pass on their burden to the saints and ask the saints to pray.

2 最终,圣徒从主得着个人的引导,于是有所行动;这样,就没有一个人是个人主义的或背叛的。

2. Eventually, the saints will receive a personal leading from the Lord, and they may move accordingly; in this way no one will be individualistic or rebellious.

肆 我们必须实行召会属灵的宪章(属灵的规则和规律),就是十字架、基督作生命、圣灵、基督作头、身体、对同作信徒者持包容的态度以及神的话:

IV. We must practice the spiritual charter (spiritual rules and regulations) of the church, which is the cross, Christ as life, the Holy Spirit, the headship of Christ, the Body, a general attitude toward our fellow believers, and the Word of God:

一 圣殿的祭坛(结四十47)表征基督的十字架,不仅是内院的中心,也是殿整个范围的中心;这祭坛,预表十字架,事实上乃是宇宙的中心:——引用经文

A. The altar in the temple (Ezek. 40:47) signifies the cross of Christ, and it is the center not only of the inner court but also of the entire premises of the temple; this altar, typifying the cross, is actually the center of the universe:

1 十字架作为宇宙的中心,指向基督包罗万有的死,其中牵连了神、人和一切受造之物;在十字架上的死对神是释放(路十二49~50,约十二24),对人和一切消极的事物是了结(罗六6,来二14,九26~28,加六14,弗二14~15)。——引用经文

1. As the center of the universe, the cross points to the all-inclusive death of Christ, which involved God, man, and all the creatures; the death on the cross was the release of God (Luke 12:49-50; John 12:24) and the termination of man and all negative things (Rom. 6:6; Heb. 2:14; 9:26-28; Gal. 6:14; Eph. 2:14-15).

2 在基督的死里,神在人里经过死而得释放,人在神里受死而被了结;主的死乃是祂的释放;我们越经过十字架,基督这生命就越被释放到别人里面——林后四12。

2. In Christ’s death God passed through death in man to be released, and man died in God to be terminated; the death of the Lord was His release; the more we pass through the cross, the more Christ as life is released into others—2 Cor. 4:12.

3 十字架朝每个方向扩展到神建造的每个角落;因此,我们若要在神的殿里接触神,并享受祂的丰富,就必须经过十字架。

3. The cross spreads in every direction and to every corner of God’s building; thus, if we wish to contact God and enjoy His riches in His house, we must pass through the cross.

二 我们若没有基督作生命,就没有召会生活;召会生活就是基督作生命被我们团体地实化出来——约十10下,林前十五45下,罗八6。

B. If we do not have Christ as life, we do not have the church life; the church life is simply Christ as life realized by us in a corporate way—John 10:10b; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 8:6.

三 我们若用十字架核对自己,并且尊荣、显大、高举并尊重主耶稣基督,我们就在对的地位上,在我们灵里经历圣灵;那灵是我们的宪章;我们说话时,若没有里面那灵膏油的涂抹,就该停止——16节,约壹二20、27。

C. If we check ourselves with the cross, and we honor, magnify, exalt, and respect the Lord Jesus Christ, we are in the right position to experience the Holy Spirit in our spirit; the Spirit is our charter; if we do not have the inner anointing of the Spirit while we are speaking, we should stop—v. 16; 1 John 2:20, 27.

四 在升天里,基督正式就职,得着全宇宙中完满的元首权柄(弗一20~22,徒二36);神使基督在三层天上向着召会作万有的头,基督也是各人的头(林前十一3上):——引用经文

D. In His ascension Christ was inaugurated into the full headship of the entire universe (Eph. 1:20-22; Acts 2:36); in the third heaven Christ was given to be Head over all things to the church, and He is also the head of every man (1 Cor. 11:3a):

1 基督的元首权柄不允许有任何其他的“头”或“小头”;任何其他的头对基督都是侮辱——西二19,太二三8~12。

1. The headship of Christ does not allow for there to be any other heads or subheads; any other head is an insult to Christ—Col. 2:19; Matt. 23:8-12.

2 我们要知道在神的家中当怎样行(提前三15),首先必须留意,在所作的一切事上都不要侮辱基督的元首权柄。——引用经文

2. In order to know how to conduct ourselves in the house of God (1 Tim. 3:15), we first must be careful not to insult the headship of Christ in anything that we do.

3 许多弟兄常常不经意地侮辱了基督的元首权柄,告诉圣徒该作什么,而没有鼓励他学习如何接触主。

3. Many brothers often unconsciously insult the headship of Christ by telling a saint what to do instead of encouraging him to learn how to contact the Lord.

五 我们必须受基督身体的规律、约束和限制;一面,我们必须留在我们作为基督身体肢体而有的度量之内(弗四16);另一面,我们必须“尽〔我们〕的职事”,就是在身体里并为着身体充盈我们职事的完满度量(提后四5);凡我们所说并所作的,都必须在身体里,借着身体,并为着身体。——引用经文

E. We must be regulated, restricted, and limited by the Body of Christ; on the one hand, we must stay within our measure as members of the Body (Eph. 4:16); on the other hand, we must "fully accomplish," fill up the full measure, of our ministry in and to the Body (2 Tim. 4:5); all that we say and do must be in the Body, through the Body, and for the Body.

六 基督徒是分裂的,因为他们缺了包容的灵;他们也许谈论罗马十二章的身体,但如果我们没有十四章,就绝不会有身体生活:——引用经文

F. Christians are divided because they lack a spirit of generality; they may talk about the Body in Romans 12, but without Romans 14 we can never have the Body life:

1 要实行十二章所启示的身体生活,我们必须学习十四章所启示接纳信徒的实际功课,使召会生活成为包罗万有的,能容纳各种的真基督徒。——引用经文

1. In order to practice the Body life revealed in Romans 12, we must learn the practical lessons of receiving the believers, as revealed in Romans 14, so that the church life may be all-inclusive, able to include all kinds of genuine Christians.

2 这样的接纳,需要十二章二节所提的变化;我们若仍是天然的,就不能接纳那些在道理或实行上和我们持不同看法的人。——引用经文

2. Such receiving requires the transformation mentioned in Romans 12:2; if we remain natural, we will be unable to receive those whose views are different from ours in doctrine or in practice.

3 只要人是真基督徒,有新约的基本信仰,我们就不该见外,即使他在道理上的看法与我们不同;反之,我们该在同一的主里接纳他——十四1。

3. As long as one is a genuine Christian and has the fundamental faith of the New Testament, we should not exclude him, even though he may differ from us with respect to doctrine; rather, we should receive him in the same one Lord—14:1.

七 “你的话极其精炼,为你的仆人所爱”——诗一一九140:

G. "Your word is very pure, And Your servant loves it"—Psa. 119:140:

1 圣经,神的话,乃是神的呼出;神的说话就是神的呼出;因此,祂的话就是灵或气;所以,圣经乃是这位是灵之神的具体化——提后三16,约六63。

1. The Scripture, the word of God, is the very breathing out of God; God’s speaking is God’s breathing out; hence, His word is spirit, or breath; thus, the Scripture is the embodiment of God as the Spirit—2 Tim. 3:16; John 6:63.

2 因此那灵乃是圣经的素质、本质,犹如磷是火柴的基本本质;我们必须用我们的灵,划擦圣经的灵,以点着神圣的火。

2. The Spirit is therefore the very essence, the substance, of the Scripture, just as phosphorus is the essential substance in matches; we must strike the Spirit of the Scripture with our spirit to catch the divine fire.
