第六篇 在一个新人的感觉里实行召会生活

Practicing the Church Life in the Consciousness of the One New Man



壹 召会,基督的身体,乃是一个新人,以完成神永远的定旨——宇宙的团体神人——弗一9、11,三9,罗八29,提后一9,弗二15~16,四22~24:

I. The church, the Body of Christ, is the one new man to accomplish God’s eternal purpose—a universal, corporate God-man—Eph. 1:9, 11; 3:9; Rom. 8:29; 2 Tim. 1:9; Eph. 2:15-16; 4:22-24:

一 神创造人的目的是要得着一个团体的人,以彰显祂并代表祂;至终,召会这一个新人乃是在神心意中团体的人,这新人将成就双重的目的:彰显神以及对付神的仇敌——创一26。

A. God’s intention in His creation of man was to have a corporate man to express Him and to represent Him; eventually, the church as the one new man is the corporate man in God’s intention, and this new man will fulfill the twofold purpose of expressing God and dealing with God’s enemy—Gen. 1:26.

二 这一个新人等于基督的身体;基督和我们一同形成一个宇宙人——弗二15~16,西三10、15。

B. The one new man equals the Body of Christ; Christ and we together form a universal man—Eph. 2:15-16; Col. 3:10, 15.

三 基督在十字架上创造这一个新人是用两种材料:蒙救赎的受造之人,与神圣的元素;在十字架上,基督把这两种材料放在一起,以产生一个新人:

C. The one new man was created by Christ on the cross with two kinds of materials—the redeemed created man and the divine element; on the cross Christ put these materials together to produce a new man:

1 在新人的创造里,首先我们天然的人被基督钉死,然后借着除掉旧人,基督就将神的元素分赐到我们里面,使我们成为一个新的实体——罗六6,林后五17。

1. In the creating of the new man, first our natural man was crucified by Christ, and then through the crossing out of the old man, Christ imparted the divine element into us, causing us to become a new entity—Rom. 6:6; 2 Cor. 5:17.

2 在以弗所二章十五节里,“在祂自己里面”这句话指明基督不仅是一个新人的创造者,也是这一个新人得以创造的范围和素质。——引用经文

2. The phrase in Himself in Ephesians 2:15 indicates that Christ was not only the Creator of the one new man but also the sphere in which and the essence with which the one new man was created.

四 主恢复的目标乃是要产生一个新人——四24:

D. The goal of the Lord’s recovery is to bring forth the one new man—4:24:

1 主在祂的恢复里一直在作的,并祂现今正在作的,乃是产生以祂自己作生命和人位的一个新人,好作神的彰显——三17上,西三4、10~11。

1. What the Lord has been doing—and what He is now doing—in His recovery is bringing forth the one new man with Himself as the life and the person for God’s expression—3:17a; Col. 3:4, 10-11.

2 这一个新人要引进神的国,将君王基督带回到地上——启十一15。

2. The one new man will usher in the kingdom of God and will bring Christ, the King, back to the earth—Rev. 11:15.

五 在召会这一个新人里,基督是一切,又在一切之内——西三10~11:

E. In the church as the one new man, Christ is all and in all—Col. 3:10-11:

1 在一个新人里没有天然的人,并且任何天然的人都不可能存在,没有任何地位——11节:

1. There is no natural person in the one new man, and there is no possibility, no room, for any natural person—v. 11:

a 虽然一个新人是由各种不同的人所组成,但所有的人都是基督的一部分;不再有天然的人。

a. Although many different kinds of people make up the one new man, all are part of Christ; there are no longer the natural persons.

b 在一个新人里只有一个人位——包罗万有的基督——二17,三4、11。

b. In the one new man there is only one person—the all-inclusive Christ—2:17; 3:4, 11.

2 当我们借着生机的过程被基督浸透、充满、渗透,并由祂所顶替时,一个新人就产生了——林后三18:

2. The one new man comes into being as we are saturated, filled, and permeated with Christ and replaced by Him through an organic process—2 Cor. 3:18:

a 新人乃是在众圣徒里面的基督渗透我们并顶替我们,直到所有天然的区别都除去,每个人都由基督所构成——西三11。

a. The new man is Christ in all the saints, permeating us and replacing us until all natural distinctions have been removed and everyone is constituted of Christ—Col. 3:11.

b 包罗万有的基督必须生机地作到我们里面,直到祂以自己顶替我们天然的人——弗三17上,加四19。

b. The all-inclusive Christ must be wrought into us organically until He replaces our natural being with Himself—Eph. 3:17a; Gal. 4:19.

3 在一个新人里,基督是一切的肢体,又在一切的肢体之内——西三11:

3. In the one new man Christ is all the members and is in all the members—Col. 3:11:

a 住在我们里面的基督乃是一个新人的构成成分——一27,三11。

a. The Christ who dwells in us is the constituent of the one new man—1:27; 3:11.

b 因着基督是新人的一切肢体,在新人里任何种族、国籍、文化或社会身分,都没有地位——11节。

b. Because Christ is all the members of the new man, there is no room in the new man for any race, nationality, culture, or social status—v. 11.

贰 我们需要在一个新人的感觉里实行召会生活——10~11节,弗四23~24,门1~2、10~19:

II. We need to practice the church life in the consciousness of the one new man—vv. 10-11; Eph. 4:23-24; Philem. 1-2, 10-19:

一 在歌罗西四章七至十七节,我们看见一个新人之启示与一个新人之感觉的实例:——引用经文

A. In Colossians 4:7-17 we have a practical illustration of the revelation of the one new man and of the consciousness of the one new man:

1 歌罗西的圣徒和保罗并同他在一起的人,实际上乃是一个新人的众肢体,并且都有一个新人的感觉。

1. Both the saints in Colossae and Paul and those with him were members of the one new man in actuality and had the consciousness of the one new man.

2 在老底嘉的召会和在歌罗西的召会没有分别,这由保罗关于念书信的话得到证明;他的话含示交通、合一、和谐与亲密的接触——16节。

2. Paul’s word regarding the reading of letters proves that there was no difference between the church in Laodicea and the church in Colossae; his word implies fellowship, oneness, harmony, and intimate contact—v. 16.

3 国籍、种族、阶级的区别虽然存在,在基督耶稣里所创造的一个新人却实际地在地上出现了;不仅有在各城里的地方召会,还有一个新人真实而实际地显出来了——弗二15。

3. In spite of all the differences among nationalities, races, and classes, there was on earth in a practical way the one new man created in Christ Jesus; there were not merely local churches in various cities—there was the one new man in a real and practical way—Eph. 2:15.

二 我们若有一个新人的感觉,就会看见在不同国家的众地方召会乃是一个新人——21~22节。

B. If we are conscious of the one new man, we will realize that all the local churches in the different countries are one new man—vv. 21-22.

三 腓利门书该看作歌罗西四章的延续,并且该视为在新人里信徒身分平等的例证——门1~2、10~19:

C. The Epistle to Philemon should be regarded as a continuation of Colossians 4 and considered as an illustration of the believers’ equal status in the new man—Philem. 1-2, 10-19:

1 欧尼西母和腓利门的事例,说明所有的信徒在新人里有平等的身分。

1. The case of Onesimus and Philemon illustrates that in the new man all the believers have an equal status.

2 信徒中间社会阶级和身分的区别已被废除,因为信徒已由作他们生命之包罗万有的基督所构成——西三4。

2. The distinction of social rank and status among the believers has been nullified because the believers have been constituted with the all-inclusive Christ, who is their life—Col. 3:4.

3 在神经纶的实行里,一切社会阶级和种族、国籍之间的不同都被吞灭,乃是要紧的——10~11节。

3. In the practice of the economy of God, it is crucial that all social ranks and differences among races and nations are swallowed up—vv. 10-11.

4 我们若看见信徒在新人里有平等的身分,我们中间就不会有关于社会阶级、国籍或种族的难处——林前十二13,加三28,西三10~11。

4. If we see that the believers have an equal status in the new man, there will be no problems among us concerning social rank, nationality, or race—1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:10-11.

5 信徒身分的平等,乃是一件爱的事,这爱是出自于信;在新人里,众信徒因信彼此相爱——14节,多三15。

5. The equal status of the believers is a matter of love, which comes out of faith; in the new man the believers love one another in faith—v. 14; Titus 3:15.

叁 我们要在一个新人的感觉里实行召会生活,就需要活在基督耶稣的心肠里,并以基督耶稣的心肠为自己的心肠——腓一8,西三10~12,弗三16~17,四22~24:

III. In order to practice the church life in the consciousness of the one new man, we need to live in the inward parts of Christ Jesus and take Christ’s inward parts as our own—Phil. 1:8; Col. 3:10-12; Eph. 3:16-17; 4:22-24:

一 心肠表征内在的情爱、慈心和怜恤——腓一8,二1,西三12。

A. The inward parts signify inward affection, tenderheartedness, and compassions—Phil. 1:8; 2:1; Col. 3:12.

二 基督成了人,就有人的心肠同其各种功用;基督在祂心肠里的经历,就是祂在祂心思、情感、意志、魂、心、灵里的经历,包括祂的爱好、愿望、感觉、思想、定意、存心、打算——路二49,约二17,太二六39,赛五三12,四二4,可二8。

B. As a man, Christ had the human inward parts with their various functions, and Christ’s experiences in His inward parts were His experiences in His mind, emotion, will, soul, heart, and spirit, including His love, desire, feeling, thought, decision, motive, and intention—Luke 2:49; John 2:17; Matt. 26:39; Isa. 53:12; 42:4; Mark 2:8.

三 保罗是一个不断经历基督之心肠的人——腓二5,林前二16下,罗八6:

C. Paul was a person who continually experienced Christ in His inward parts—Phil. 2:5; 1 Cor. 2:16b; Rom. 8:6:

1 保罗甚至在基督的心肠里,就是在基督的情感、柔细的怜悯和同情里,与祂是一。

1. Paul was one with Christ even in His inward parts—in His affection, tender mercy, and sympathy.

2 保罗没有持守自己的心肠,而是以基督的心肠为他的心肠——腓二5:

2. Paul did not keep his own inward parts but took Christ’s inward parts as his—Phil. 2:5:

a 保罗不仅接受了基督的心思,更接受祂整个内里的所是。

a. He took not only Christ’s mind but also His entire inward being.

b 保罗内里的所是改变、重组、重新塑造了。

b. Paul’s inner being was changed, rearranged, and remodeled.

c 保罗内里的所是被基督的心肠重构了。

c. Paul’s inward being was reconstituted with the inward parts of Christ.

3 那在基督里是真实的,就是诚实、信实、可靠的,也在使徒保罗里面——林后十一10。

3. What was in Christ as truth—as honesty, faithfulness, and trustworthiness—was also in Paul—2 Cor. 11:10.

4 保罗对圣徒的爱不是他的爱,乃是在基督里的爱,就是基督的爱;因此,保罗不是凭他天然的爱,乃是凭基督的爱,来爱圣徒——林前十六24。

4. Paul’s love for the saints was not his love but the love in Christ, which is Christ’s love; thus, Paul loved the saints not by his natural love but by the love of Christ—1 Cor. 16:24.

四 我们要活基督,就必须留在基督的心肠里——腓一21上、8:

D. To live Christ requires that we remain in the inward parts of Christ—Phil. 1:21a, 8:

1 保罗经历基督里的心肠;他在基督的心肠里与基督是一,切切地想念圣徒——8节。

1. Paul experienced the inward parts of Christ; he was one with Christ in His inward parts in longing after the saints—v. 8.

2 保罗所过的不是在他天然内里所是中的生活;他所过的乃是在基督的心肠里的生活。

2. Paul did not live a life in his natural inner being; he lived a life in the inward parts of Christ.

3 我们若要成为在基督里的人,就必须在基督的心肠里,就是在祂柔细、细致的感觉里——约十五4。

3. If we would be those who are in Christ, we must be in His inward parts, in His tender and delicate feelings—John 15:4.

4 活基督乃是住在祂的心肠里,在其中享受祂作恩典——腓一8,四23。

4. To live Christ is to abide in His inward parts and there to enjoy Him as grace—Phil. 1:8; 4:23.

五 保罗是以基督耶稣的心肠为他自己的心肠来顾到作基督身体与一个新人的召会——一8,西三10~11:

E. Paul took the inward parts of Christ Jesus as his own inward parts in caring for the church as the Body of Christ and the one new man—1:8; Col. 3:10-11:

1 保罗是以基督的感觉为自己的感觉来顾到召会;基督对召会的感觉成了保罗对召会的感觉——林后二4,四12,十一2,十二14~15,西一24。

1. Paul cared for the church by taking Christ’s feeling as his own feeling; Christ’s feeling for the church became Paul’s feeling for the church—2 Cor. 2:4; 4:12; 11:2; 12:14-15; Col. 1:24.

2 我们该像保罗一样,以基督的感觉为我们自己的感觉;这对我们在一个新人里团体地过生活,并在一个新人的感觉里实行召会生活,是最需要的——罗十二15。

2. Like Paul, we should take Christ’s feeling as our own feeling; this is most necessary for our living corporately in the one new man and practicing the church life in the consciousness of the one new man—Rom. 12:15.

六 在腓利门书有一幅图画,描绘召会这一个新人在基督耶稣的心肠里所过的生活——7、12、20节:

F. In the book of Philemon, we have a picture of the church life as the one new man lived in the inward parts of Christ Jesus—vv. 7, 12, 20:

1 保罗内在的情爱和怜恤,随同欧尼西母到腓利门那里去——12节。

1. Paul’s inward affection and compassions went with Onesimus to Philemon—v. 12.

2 我们若活在基督耶稣的心肠里,就会在一个新人的感觉里实行召会生活——腓一8,西三10~12。

2. If we live in the inward parts of Christ Jesus, we will practice the church life in the consciousness of the one new man—Phil. 1:8; Col. 3:10-12.

3 我们既是一个团体新人的一部分,就需要活在基督耶稣的心肠里而有新人的感觉,借此活在基督耶稣的心肠里而在新人的感觉里实行召会生活——10~12节,林前十二25~26,罗十二15,腓一8。

3. Since we are parts of the corporate one new man, we need to have the consciousness of the new man by living in the inward parts of Christ Jesus, thereby practicing a church life in the consciousness of the new man by living in the inward parts of Christ Jesus—vv. 10-12; 1 Cor. 12:25-26; Rom. 12:15; Phil. 1:8.
