第二篇 为着神的满足和彰显取用基督作燔祭

Taking Christ as the Burnt Offering for God’s Satisfaction and Expression



壹 那作神食物,完全为着神满足的燔祭(利一1~17,六8~13),表征基督是神的喜悦和满足,祂在地上的生活绝对为着神(一3,民二八2~3,约五30,六38,八29,来十5~10):─引用经文

I. The burnt offering (Lev. 1:1-17; 6:8-13), which was wholly for God’s satisfaction, as food for God, signifies Christ as God’s pleasure and satisfaction, as the One whose living on earth was absolutely for God (1:3; Num. 28:2-3; John 5:30; 6:38; 8:29; Heb. 10:5-10):

一 基督作为燔祭,被牵去宰杀─赛五三7,太二七31,腓二8。

A. As the burnt offering, Christ was brought to the slaughter—Isa. 53:7; Matt. 27:31; Phil. 2:8.

二 基督作为燔祭,被宰杀─利一5上,路二三21,徒二23。

B. As the burnt offering, Christ was slaughtered—Lev. 1:5a; Luke 23:21; Acts 2:23.

三 基督作为燔祭,被“剥皮”─脱去祂人性美德的外表─利一6上,太十一19,可三22,约八48,十20,太二六65,二七28、35,诗二二18。

C. As the burnt offering, Christ was skinned, stripped of the outward appearance of His human virtues—Lev. 1:6a; Matt. 11:19; Mark 3:22; John 8:48; 10:20; Matt. 26:65; 27:28, 35; Psa. 22:18.

四 基督作为燔祭,被切成块子─利一6下,可十五29~32,路二三35~39,诗二二16~17。

D. As the burnt offering, Christ was cut into pieces—Lev. 1:6b; Mark 15:29-32; Luke 23:35-39; Psa. 22:16-17.

五 基督在智慧上的经历由燔祭牲的头所表征─利一8,路二40、52,可九40,太十二30,二一23~27,二二15~22、34~40。

E. Christ’s experience in being wisdom is signified by the head of the burnt offering—Lev. 1:8; Luke 2:40, 52; Mark 9:40; Matt. 12:30; 21:23-27; 22:15-22, 34-40.

六 基督在祂为神所喜悦上的经历由燔祭牲的脂油所表征─利一8~9,太三17,十七5,赛四二1,太十二18,约六38,八29,七16~18。

F. Christ’s experience in being God’s delight is signified by the fat of the burnt offering—Lev. 1:8-9; Matt. 3:17; 17:5; Isa. 42:1; Matt. 12:18; John 6:38; 8:29; 7:16-18.

七 基督在祂内里的各部分(心肠)上的经历由燔祭牲的内脏所表征─利一9,路二49,约二17,太二六39,赛五三12,四二4,可二8。

G. Christ’s experience in the inward parts of His being is signified by the inward parts of the burnt offering—Lev. 1:9; Luke 2:49; John 2:17; Matt. 26:39; Isa. 53:12; 42:4; Mark 2:8.

八 基督在祂行事为人上的经历由燔祭牲的腿所表征─利一9,路二四19,约八46,十30,八29,十六32,路二三46,约十四30下。

H. Christ’s experience in His walk is signified by the legs of the burnt offering—Lev. 1:9; Luke 24:19; John 8:46; 10:30; 8:29; 16:32; Luke 23:46; John 14:30b.

九 基督在蒙圣灵保守免于玷污上的经历,由洗燔祭牲的腿和内脏所表征─利一9、13上,路四1,来七26。

I. Christ’s experience of being kept by the Holy Spirit from defilement is signified by the legs and the inward parts of the burnt offering being washed—Lev. 1:9, 13a; Luke 4:1; Heb. 7:26.

贰 我们越享受基督作我们的燔祭,就越看见我们是有罪的;然后,我们就比已往更深地以祂作我们的赎罪祭(利六25),这使我们更多地享受祂作燔祭(十六3、5)。─引用经文

II. The more we enjoy Christ as our burnt offering, the more we realize how sinful we are; then we can take Him as our sin offering more deeply than ever (Lev. 6:25), and this causes us to enjoy Him more as the burnt offering (16:3, 5).

叁 借着按手在作我们燔祭的基督身上,我们就与祂联结,祂与我们就成为一─一4.

III. By laying our hands on Christ as our burnt offering, we are joined to Him, and He and we become one—1:4:

一 在这样的联结,这样的联合里,我们一切的软弱、缺陷和过失,都由祂担负,祂一切的美德都成为我们的─林后五21,加二20。

A. In such a union, such an identification, all our weaknesses, defects, and faults are taken on by Him, and all His virtues become ours—2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 2:20.

二 借着这样的联结,基督与我们成为一并活在我们里面,在我们里面重复祂在地上所过的生活,就是燔祭的生活─加六17。

B. By such a union, Christ becomes one with us and lives in us, repeating in us the life that He lived on earth, the life of the burnt offering—6:17.

肆 我们需要天天取用基督作我们的燔祭(利一2~4,六12~13,民二八3~4,参提后二6),使我们可以在基督作燔祭的经历上经历祂,并不是在外面模仿祂,乃是在日常生活中活祂─林后五14~15,腓一19~21,徒二七22~25,二八3~9,林前一9:

IV. We need to take Christ as our burnt offering daily (Lev. 1:2-4; 6:12-13; Num. 28:3-4; cf. 2 Tim. 2:6) so that we may experience Christ in His experiences as the burnt offering, not imitating Christ outwardly but living Him in our daily life—2 Cor. 5:14-15; Phil. 1:19-21; Acts 27:22-25; 28:3-9; 1 Cor. 1:9:

一 我们需要在基督被牵去宰杀的事上经历祂─腓三10,加六17,林前十一1,徒二一30~36。

A. We need to experience Christ in His being brought to the slaughter—Phil. 3:10; Gal. 6:17; 1 Cor. 11:1; Acts 21:30-36.

二 我们需要在基督被宰杀的事上经历祂─林后四7~13、16~18。

B. We need to experience Christ in His being slaughtered—2 Cor. 4:7-13, 16-18.

三 我们需要在基督被剥皮的事上经历祂─徒二四5~6,林后六8,十二15~18,太五11。

C. We need to experience Christ in His being skinned—Acts 24:5-6; 2 Cor. 6:8; 12:15-18; Matt. 5:11.

四 我们需要在基督被切成块子的事上经历祂─林前四12~13。

D. We need to experience Christ in His being cut to pieces—1 Cor. 4:12-13.

五 我们需要在基督的智慧上经历祂─一24、30,二7,西一28,代下一10。

E. We need to experience Christ in His wisdom—1:24, 30; 2:7; Col. 1:28; 2 Chron. 1:10.

六 我们需要在基督为神所喜悦上经历祂─利一16下,诗二十3,林后五9,帖前二4~8,加一10,罗十四17~18。

F. We need to experience Christ in His being a delight to God—Lev. 1:16b; Psa. 20:3; 2 Cor. 5:9; 1 Thes. 2:4-8; Gal. 1:10; Rom. 14:17-18.

七 我们需要在基督内里的各部分(心肠)上经历祂─腓二5,林前二16下,罗八6,腓一8,林后十一10,林前十六24。

G. We need to experience Christ in the inward parts of His being—Phil. 2:5; 1 Cor. 2:16b; Rom. 8:6; Phil. 1:8; 2 Cor. 11:10; 1 Cor. 16:24.

八 我们需要在基督的行事为人上经历祂─太十一29,弗四20,林前十一1,彼前二21,罗八4。

H. We need to experience Christ in His walk—Matt. 11:29; Eph. 4:20; 1 Cor. 11:1; 1 Pet. 2:21; Rom. 8:4.

九 我们需要在基督蒙圣灵保守免于玷污的事上经历祂─林前六11,多三5,约七38~39,参但一8。

I. We need to experience Christ in His being kept by the Holy Spirit from defilement—1 Cor. 6:11; Titus 3:5; John 7:38-39; cf. Dan. 1:8.

伍 我们越取用基督作我们的燔祭,祂优美的外在彰显就越归给我们,使祂得着显大(利七8,诗九十17,出二八2,腓一20),我们也越享受基督作遮盖、保护并保守我们的覆罩能力(四13,林后十二9)。─引用经文

V. The more we take Christ as our burnt offering, the more the outward expression of His beauty is ascribed to us for His magnification (Lev. 7:8; Psa. 90:17; Exo. 28:2; Phil. 1:20), and the more we enjoy Christ as our enveloping power to cover, protect, and preserve us (4:13; 2 Cor. 12:9).

陆 我们需要以基督作燔祭敬拜父,使神得满足─利一3、9下,民二八2~3,约四23~24:

VI. We need to worship the Father with Christ as the burnt offering for God’s satisfaction—Lev. 1:3, 9b; Num. 28:2-3; John 4:23-24:

一 神要我们以基督作祭物的实际来敬拜祂;祭物乃是为讨神喜悦并使祂快乐─23~24节,参来十5~10。

A. God wants us to worship Him with Christ as the reality of the offerings; the offerings are for pleasing God and making Him happy—vv. 23-24; cf. Heb. 10:5-10.

二 神饿了,祂需要食物;祭物乃是神的食物─民二八2~3:

B. God is hungry and needs food; the offerings are God’s food—Num. 28:2-3:

1 祭物主要的目的之一是作神的食物。

1. One of the main purposes of the offerings is that they are food for God.

2 燔祭乃是神的食物,使神可以享受并得着满足;只有神可吃这祭─利一9下。

2. The burnt offering is God’s food so that He may enjoy it and be satisfied, and only He is allowed to eat it—Lev. 1:9b.

三 燔祭是为着神的满足,成就祂的愿望─民二八2:

C. The burnt offering is for God’s satisfaction to fulfill His desire—Num. 28:2:

1 燔祭乃指基督是绝对为着神的满足─约六38。

1. The burnt offering denotes Christ’s being absolute for God’s satisfaction—John 6:38.

2 正确的敬拜是以基督为燔祭而满足神─彼前二5,约四34,五30,八29。

2. Proper worship is a matter of satisfying God with Christ as the burnt offering—1 Pet. 2:5; John 4:34; 5:30; 8:29.

3 “燔祭”这辞原文是指上升之物;这个上升是指基督─利一3、10、14:

3. The Hebrew word translated “burnt offering” denotes something that is ascending; this ascending refers to Christ—Lev. 1:3, 10, 14:

a 唯一能从地上升到神那里的,乃是基督所过的生活,因为祂是唯一绝对为着神而活的人─约六38。

a. The only thing that can ascend to God from earth is the life lived by Christ, for He is the unique person to live a life that is absolutely for God—John 6:38.

b 基督作燔祭,乃是过一种完全且绝对为着神并满足神的生活─八29:

b. As the burnt offering, Christ is absolutely for living a life that can satisfy God in full—8:29:

㈠ 借着按手在作我们燔祭的基督身上,我们就与祂联结─利一4,林前六17。

1) By laying our hands on Christ as our burnt offering, we are joined to Him—Lev. 1:4; 1 Cor. 6:17.

㈡ 当基督活在我们里面,就在我们里面重复祂在地上所过的生活,就是燔祭的生活─加二20。

2) As Christ lives in us, He repeats in us the life He lived on earth, the life of the burnt offering—Gal. 2:20.

4 “怡爽香气”原文意,安息或满足的香味,亦即一种使神满足的香味─利一9:

4. The Hebrew words translated “satisfying fragrance” literally mean “savor of rest or satisfaction,” that is, a savor giving satisfaction to God—Lev. 1:9:

a 怡爽的香气,就是一种带来满足、平安与安息的香气;这样一种怡爽的香气对神乃是享受。

a. A satisfying fragrance is a savor that brings satisfaction, peace, and rest; such a satisfying fragrance is an enjoyment to God.

b 当我们以基督作燔祭的实际敬拜父,一种使神悦纳的香气就上升到神那里,使祂满足─约四23~24。

b. When we worship the Father with Christ as the reality of the burnt offering, a fragrance well pleasing to God will ascend to Him for His satisfaction—John 4:23-24.

c 神既得着满足,就将祂甜美的悦纳赐给我们;这就是燔祭的意义。

c. Since God is satisfied, He will render His sweet acceptance to us; this is the significance of the burnt offering.

柒 我们正在被消减成灰,好成为新耶路撒冷,作神的彰显─利一16,六10~11,诗二十3,林前三12上,启三12,二一2、10~11、18~21:

VII. We are being reduced to ashes to become the New Jerusalem for God’s expression—Lev. 1:16; 6:10-11; Psa. 20:3; 1 Cor. 3:12a; Rev. 3:12; 21:2, 10-11, 18-21:

一 燔祭指明我们有心在今世绝对为神而活─罗十二1~2。

A. The burnt offering indicates that we have a heart that is absolute for God in this age—Rom. 12:1-2.

二 灰表征基督被消减到无有─可九12,赛五三3:

B. The ashes signify Christ reduced to nothing—Mark 9:12; Isa. 53:3:

1 主的愿望是要所有在基督里的信徒,都被消减成灰。

1. The Lord’s desire is that all the believers in Christ be reduced to ashes.

2 我们既与被消减成灰的基督是一,我们也被消减成灰,就是被消减成为无有,成为零─林前一28,林后十二11。

2. Since we are one with the Christ who has been reduced to ashes, we also are reduced to ashes, that is, reduced to nothing, to zero—1 Cor. 1:28; 2 Cor. 12:11.

3 我们越与基督在祂的死里联合,我们就越认识自己已经成了一堆灰。

3. The more we are identified with Christ in His death, the more we will realize that we have become a heap of ashes.

4 当我们成了灰,我们就不再是天然的人,而是被钉死、了结、焚烧的人─加二20上。

4. When we become ashes, we are no longer a natural person; instead, we are a person who has been crucified, terminated, burned—Gal. 2:20a.

三 灰乃是神悦纳燔祭的标记─诗二十3:

C. The ashes are a sign of God’s acceptance of the burnt offering—Psa. 20:3:

1 神悦纳燔祭,使其成为灰。

1. For God to accept the burnt offering is for Him to turn it to ashes.

2 神悦纳燔祭,意思也是祂悦纳这供物如同脂油;对祂来说,脂油乃是甜美、可喜悦的。

2. For God to accept the burnt offering also means that He accepts it as fat, something that is sweet and pleasing to Him.

四 把灰倒在祭坛的东面,就是日出的方向,含示复活─利一16,约十一25,腓三10~11,林后一9:

D. Putting the ashes at the east side of the altar, the side of the sunrise, is an allusion to resurrection—Lev. 1:16; John 11:25; Phil. 3:10-11; 2 Cor. 1:9:

1 就着基督作燔祭而言,灰不是结束,乃是开始─可九31。

1. With Christ as the burnt offering, the ashes are not the end—they are the beginning—Mark 9:31.

2 灰的意思是基督已经被治死,但东面表征复活。

2. The ashes mean that Christ has been put to death, but the east signifies resurrection.

3 我们在基督里越被消减成灰,就越被摆在东边,而有把握太阳会升起,我们要经历复活的日出─腓三10~11。

3. The more we are reduced to ashes in Christ, the more we will be put to the east, and on the east we will have the assurance that the sun will rise and that we will experience the sunrise of resurrection—Phil. 3:10-11.

五 这些灰至终要成为新耶路撒冷─启三12,二一2、10:

E. Eventually, the ashes will become the New Jerusalem—Rev. 3:12; 21:2, 10:

1 基督的死把我们带到尽头,把我们消减成灰。

1. Christ’s death brings us to an end; that is, it reduces us to ashes.

2 基督的死带进复活,而在复活里,这些灰要成为宝贵的材料,为着神的建造─林前三9下、12上。

2. Christ’s death brings in resurrection, and in resurrection the ashes become precious materials for God’s building—1 Cor. 3:9b, 12a.

3 我们被消减成灰,就把我们带进三一神的变化里─罗十二1~2,林后三18。

3. When we are reduced to ashes, we are brought into the transformation of the Triune God—Rom. 12:1-2; 2 Cor. 3:18.

4 建造新耶路撒冷的宝贵材料来自灰的变化─启二一18~21。

4. The precious materials for the building of the New Jerusalem come from the transformation of the ashes—Rev. 21:18-21.

六 我们作燔祭的结果,将完成神的经纶─提前一4,弗三9,一10。

F. The result of our being a burnt offering will be something that carries out God’s economy—1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 3:9; 1:10.
